package com.planet_ink.fakedb;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.RowId;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.planet_ink.fakedb.Backend.*;

   Copyright 2001 Thomas Neumann
   Copyright 2004-2019 Bo Zimmerman

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
public class ResultSet implements java.sql.ResultSet
	private final Statement							statement;
	private final Backend.FakeTable					fakeTable;
	private java.util.Iterator<Backend.RecordInfo>	iter;
	private int										currentRow	= 0;
	private final List<FakeCondition>				conditions;
	private final ComparableValue[]					values;
	private final int[]								showCols;
	private final int[]								orderByKeyDexCols;
	private final String[]							orderByConditions;
	private final Map<String, Integer>				showColMap	= new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
	private boolean									wasNullFlag	= false;
	private Object									countValue	= null;
	private boolean									closeStatementOnClose;
	private static final List<RecordInfo>			fakeList	= new Vector<RecordInfo>(1);
		final RecordInfo info = new RecordInfo(0, 0);
		info.indexedData = new ComparableValue[0];

	ResultSet(final Statement stmt, final Backend.FakeTable table, final int[] showCols, final List<FakeCondition> conditions, final int[] orderByKeyDexCols, final String[] orderByConditions)
		this.statement = stmt;
		this.fakeTable = table;
		this.conditions = conditions;
		currentRow = 0;
		this.values = new ComparableValue[table.numColumns()];
		this.showCols = showCols;
		this.orderByKeyDexCols = orderByKeyDexCols;
		this.orderByConditions = orderByConditions;
		this.iter = table.indexIterator(this.orderByKeyDexCols, this.orderByConditions);
			this.closeStatementOnClose = stmt.isCloseOnCompletion();
		catch (final SQLException e)
			this.closeStatementOnClose = false;
		for (int s = 0; s < showCols.length; s++)
			if (showCols[s] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
				showColMap.put("COUNT", Integer.valueOf(FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT));
				int ct = 0;
				while (iter.hasNext())
				countValue = Integer.valueOf(ct);
				iter = fakeList.iterator();
				showColMap.put(table.getColumnName(showCols[s]), Integer.valueOf(s));

	public java.sql.Statement getStatement() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return statement;

	public boolean next() throws java.sql.SQLException
		while (true)
			if (!iter.hasNext())
				return false;
			final Backend.RecordInfo rowInfo = iter.next();
			if (countValue != null)
				return true;
			if (conditions.size() > 0)
				final boolean[] dataLoaded = new boolean[1];
				dataLoaded[0] = false;
				if (!fakeTable.recordCompare(rowInfo, conditions, dataLoaded, values))
				if (!dataLoaded[0])
					dataLoaded[0] = fakeTable.getRecord(values, rowInfo);
				if (!dataLoaded[0])
					return false;
				return true;
			return fakeTable.getRecord(values, rowInfo);

	public void close() throws java.sql.SQLException
		if ((this.statement != null) && (closeStatementOnClose))

	public boolean wasNull() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return wasNullFlag;

	private Object getProperValue(int columnIndex)
		wasNullFlag = false;
		if ((columnIndex < 1) || (columnIndex > showCols.length))
			wasNullFlag = true;
			return null;
		columnIndex = showCols[columnIndex - 1];
		if (columnIndex == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
			return this.countValue;
		final Object v = values[columnIndex].getValue();
		if (v == null)
			wasNullFlag = true;
			return null;
		return v;

	public String getString(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		return o.toString();

	public java.sql.Array getArray(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public java.sql.Blob getBlob(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public java.sql.Clob getClob(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public java.sql.Ref getRef(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public boolean getBoolean(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final String s = getString(columnIndex);
		if ((s != null) && (s.length() > 0))
			switch (Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)))
			case 'T':
			case 'Y':
			case '1':
				return true;
		return false;

	public byte getByte(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return 0;
		if (o instanceof Integer)
			return ((Integer) o).byteValue();
		if (o instanceof Long)
			return ((Long) o).byteValue();
			return Byte.parseByte(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public short getShort(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return (short) getLong(columnIndex);

	public int getInt(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return (int) getLong(columnIndex);

	public long getLong(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return 0;
		if (o instanceof Integer)
			return ((Integer) o).longValue();
		if (o instanceof Long)
			return ((Long) o).longValue();
			return Long.parseLong(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public float getFloat(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return 0;
		if (o instanceof Integer)
			return ((Integer) o).floatValue();
		if (o instanceof Long)
			return ((Long) o).floatValue();
			return Float.parseFloat(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public double getDouble(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return 0;
		if (o instanceof Integer)
			return ((Integer) o).doubleValue();
		if (o instanceof Long)
			return ((Long) o).doubleValue();
			return Double.parseDouble(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return new java.math.BigDecimal(0);
			return new java.math.BigDecimal(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	 * @deprecated
	public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(final int columnIndex, final int scale) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final java.math.BigDecimal decimal = getBigDecimal(columnIndex);
		return decimal;

	public byte[] getBytes(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
			return o.toString().getBytes();
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public java.sql.Date getDate(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		if (o instanceof Integer)
			return new java.sql.Date(((Integer) o).longValue());
		if (o instanceof Long)
			return new java.sql.Date(((Long) o).longValue());
			return java.sql.Date.valueOf(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public java.sql.Time getTime(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		if (o instanceof Integer)
			return new java.sql.Time(((Integer) o).longValue());
		if (o instanceof Long)
			return new java.sql.Time(((Long) o).longValue());
			return java.sql.Time.valueOf(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		if (o == null)
			return null;
		if (o instanceof Integer)
			return new java.sql.Timestamp(((Integer) o).longValue());
		if (o instanceof Long)
			return new java.sql.Timestamp(((Long) o).longValue());
			return java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(o.toString());
		catch (final NumberFormatException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBinaryStream(columnIndex);

	 * @deprecated
	public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBinaryStream(columnIndex);

	public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final byte b[] = getBytes(columnIndex);
		if (b == null)
			return null;
		return new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(b);

	public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final String s = getString(columnIndex);
		if (s == null)
			return null;
		return new java.io.CharArrayReader(s.toCharArray());

	public Object getObject(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final Object o = getProperValue(columnIndex);
		return o;

	public java.net.URL getURL(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		final String s = getString(columnIndex);
		if (s == null)
			return null;
			return new java.net.URL(s);
		catch (final java.net.MalformedURLException e)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException(e.getMessage());

	public int findColumn(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		if (!showColMap.containsKey(columnName))
			return -1;
		return showColMap.get(columnName).intValue() + 1;

	public String getString(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getString(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Array getArray(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getArray(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Blob getBlob(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBlob(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Clob getClob(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getClob(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Ref getRef(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getRef(findColumn(columnName));

	public boolean getBoolean(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBoolean(findColumn(columnName));

	public byte getByte(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getByte(findColumn(columnName));

	public short getShort(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getShort(findColumn(columnName));

	public int getInt(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getInt(findColumn(columnName));

	public long getLong(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getLong(findColumn(columnName));

	public float getFloat(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getFloat(findColumn(columnName));

	public double getDouble(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getDouble(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBigDecimal(findColumn(columnName));

	 * @deprecated
	public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(final String columnName, final int scale) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBigDecimal(findColumn(columnName), scale);

	public byte[] getBytes(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBytes(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Date getDate(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getDate(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Date getDate(final int columnName, final java.util.Calendar c) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getDate(columnName);

	public java.sql.Date getDate(final String columnName, final java.util.Calendar c) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getDate(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Time getTime(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getTime(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Time getTime(final int columnName, final java.util.Calendar c) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getTime(columnName);

	public java.sql.Time getTime(final String columnName, final java.util.Calendar c) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getTime(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getTimestamp(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(final int columnName, final java.util.Calendar c) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getTimestamp(columnName);

	public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(final String columnName, final java.util.Calendar c) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getTimestamp(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getCharacterStream(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getAsciiStream(findColumn(columnName));

	 * @deprecated
	public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getUnicodeStream(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getBinaryStream(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.net.URL getURL(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getURL(findColumn(columnName));

	public Object getObject(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		return getObject(findColumn(columnName));

	public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return null;

	public void clearWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException

	public String getCursorName() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException("Positioned Update not supported.", "S1C00");

	public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return new java.sql.ResultSetMetaData()
			public <T> T unwrap(final Class<T> iface) throws SQLException
				return null;

			public boolean isWrapperFor(final Class<?> iface) throws SQLException
				return false;

			public int getColumnCount() throws SQLException
				return showCols.length;

			public boolean isAutoIncrement(final int column) throws SQLException
				return false;

			public boolean isCaseSensitive(final int column) throws SQLException
				return true;

			public boolean isSearchable(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return false;
				return true;

			public boolean isCurrency(final int column) throws SQLException
				return false;

			public int isNullable(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return columnNoNulls;
				return fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).canNull ? columnNullable : columnNoNulls;

			public boolean isSigned(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return false;
				switch (fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).type)
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_INTEGER:
					return true;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_LONG:
					return true;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_STRING:
					return false;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
					return false;
				return false;

			public int getColumnDisplaySize(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return 6;
				switch (fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).type)
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_INTEGER:
					return 9;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_LONG:
					return 19;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_STRING:
					return 40;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
					return 10;
				return 10;

			public String getColumnLabel(final int column) throws SQLException
				return getColumnName(column);

			public String getColumnName(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return "COUNT";
				return fakeTable.getColumnName(showCols[column - 1]);

			public String getSchemaName(final int column) throws SQLException
				return statement.getFakeConnection().getSchema();

			public int getPrecision(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return 9;
				switch (fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).type)
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_INTEGER:
					return 9;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_LONG:
					return 19;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_STRING:
					return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
					return 0;
				return 0;

			public int getScale(final int column) throws SQLException
				return 0;

			public String getTableName(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return "FAKEDB";
				return fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).tableName;

			public String getCatalogName(final int column) throws SQLException
				return statement.getConnection().getCatalog();

			public int getColumnType(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return java.sql.Types.INTEGER;
				switch (fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).type)
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_INTEGER:
					return java.sql.Types.INTEGER;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_LONG:
					return java.sql.Types.BIGINT;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_STRING:
					return java.sql.Types.VARCHAR;
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
					return java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT;
				return java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT;

			public String getColumnTypeName(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return "integer";
				switch (fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).type)
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_INTEGER:
					return "integer";
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_LONG:
					return "long";
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_STRING:
					return "string";
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
					return "unknown";
				return "unknown";

			public boolean isReadOnly(final int column) throws SQLException
				return false;

			public boolean isWritable(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return false;
				return true;

			public boolean isDefinitelyWritable(final int column) throws SQLException
				return isWritable(column);

			public String getColumnClassName(final int column) throws SQLException
				if ((column < 1) || (column >= showCols.length))
					throw new SQLException("Value out of range.");
				if (showCols[column - 1] == FakeColumn.INDEX_COUNT)
					return Integer.class.getName();
				switch (fakeTable.getColumnInfo(showCols[column - 1]).type)
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_INTEGER:
					return Integer.class.getName();
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_LONG:
					return Long.class.getName();
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_STRING:
					return String.class.getName();
				case FakeColumn.TYPE_UNKNOWN:
					return String.class.getName();
				return String.class.getName();

	public void updateArray(final int columnIndex, final java.sql.Array x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateArray(final String columnName, final java.sql.Array x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateAsciiStream(final int columnIndex, final java.io.InputStream x, final int length) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateAsciiStream(final String columnName, final java.io.InputStream x, final int length) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBigDecimal(final int columnIndex, final java.math.BigDecimal x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBigDecimal(final String columnName, final java.math.BigDecimal x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBinaryStream(final int columnIndex, final java.io.InputStream x, final int length) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBinaryStream(final String columnName, final java.io.InputStream x, final int length) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBlob(final int columnIndex, final java.sql.Blob x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBlob(final String columnName, final java.sql.Blob x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBoolean(final int columnIndex, final boolean x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBoolean(final String columnName, final boolean x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateByte(final int columnIndex, final byte x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateByte(final String columnName, final byte x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBytes(final int columnIndex, final byte[] x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateBytes(final String columnName, final byte[] x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateCharacterStream(final int columnIndex, final java.io.Reader x, final int length) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateCharacterStream(final String columnName, final java.io.Reader reader, final int length) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateClob(final int columnIndex, final java.sql.Clob x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateClob(final String columnName, final java.sql.Clob x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateDate(final int columnIndex, final java.sql.Date x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateDate(final String columnName, final java.sql.Date x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateDouble(final int columnIndex, final double x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateDouble(final String columnName, final double x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateFloat(final int columnIndex, final float x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateFloat(final String columnName, final float x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateInt(final int columnIndex, final int x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateInt(final String columnName, final int x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateLong(final int columnIndex, final long x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateLong(final String columnName, final long x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateNull(final int columnIndex) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateNull(final String columnName) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateObject(final int columnIndex, final Object x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateObject(final int columnIndex, final Object x, final int scale) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateObject(final String columnName, final Object x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateObject(final String columnName, final Object x, final int scale) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateRef(final int columnIndex, final java.sql.Ref x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateRef(final String columnName, final java.sql.Ref x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateRow() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateShort(final int columnIndex, final short x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateShort(final String columnName, final short x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateString(final int columnIndex, final String x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateString(final String columnName, final String x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateTime(final int columnIndex, final java.sql.Time x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateTime(final String columnName, final java.sql.Time x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateTimestamp(final int columnIndex, final java.sql.Timestamp x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void updateTimestamp(final String columnName, final java.sql.Timestamp x) throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void deleteRow() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void moveToInsertRow() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void moveToCurrentRow() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void cancelRowUpdates() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void insertRow() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public void refreshRow() throws java.sql.SQLException
		throw new java.sql.SQLException();

	public int getRow()
		return currentRow;

	public boolean first()
		return false;

	public boolean previous()
		return false;

	public boolean isFirst()
		return false;

	private boolean	afterLast	= false;

	public boolean last()
			while (next())
		catch (final java.sql.SQLException sqle)
		afterLast = true;
		return true;

	public boolean isLast()
		return false;

	public void beforeFirst() throws java.sql.SQLException
		if (fakeTable == null)
			throw new java.sql.SQLException();
		iter = fakeTable.indexIterator(this.orderByKeyDexCols, this.orderByConditions);
		currentRow = 0;

	public boolean isBeforeFirst()
		return (currentRow == 0);

	public void afterLast()

	public boolean isAfterLast()
		return afterLast;

	public boolean absolute(final int i)
		return true;

	public boolean relative(final int i)
		return false;

	public boolean rowDeleted()
		return false;

	public boolean rowInserted()
		return false;

	public boolean rowUpdated()
		return false;

	public int getConcurrency()
		return 0;

	public int getType()
		return 0;

	public void setFetchSize(final int i) throws java.sql.SQLException

	public int getFetchSize() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return statement.getFetchSize();

	public void setFetchDirection(final int i) throws java.sql.SQLException

	public int getFetchDirection() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return statement.getFetchDirection();

	public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return statement.getResultSetConcurrency();

	public int getResultSetType() throws java.sql.SQLException
		return statement.getResultSetType();

	public int getHoldability() throws SQLException
		return 0;

	public Reader getNCharacterStream(final int arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public Reader getNCharacterStream(final String arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public NClob getNClob(final int arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public NClob getNClob(final String arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public String getNString(final int arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public String getNString(final String arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	// public Object getObject(int arg0, Map arg1) throws SQLException { return
	// getString(arg0); }
	public Object getObject(final int arg0, final Map<String, Class<?>> arg1) throws SQLException
		return getString(arg0);

	public Object getObject(final String arg0, final Map<String, Class<?>> arg1) throws SQLException
		return getObject(findColumn(arg0), arg1);

	// public Object getObject(String arg0, Map arg1) throws SQLException {
	// return getObject(findColumn(arg0),arg1); }
	public RowId getRowId(final int arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public RowId getRowId(final String arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public SQLXML getSQLXML(final int arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public SQLXML getSQLXML(final String arg0) throws SQLException
		return null;

	public <T> T getObject(final int columnIndex, final Class<T> type) throws SQLException
		if (type == Long.class)
			return (T) Long.valueOf(this.getLong(columnIndex));
		if (type == Integer.class)
			return (T) Long.valueOf(this.getInt(columnIndex));
		if (type == Short.class)
			return (T) Short.valueOf(this.getShort(columnIndex));
		if (type == String.class)
			return (T) String.valueOf(this.getString(columnIndex));
		if (type == Short.class)
			return (T) Short.valueOf(this.getShort(columnIndex));
		if (type == Double.class)
			return (T) Double.valueOf(this.getDouble(columnIndex));
		if (type == Float.class)
			return (T) Float.valueOf(this.getFloat(columnIndex));
		if (type == Byte.class)
			return (T) Byte.valueOf(this.getByte(columnIndex));
		if (type == Boolean.class)
			return (T) Boolean.valueOf(this.getBoolean(columnIndex));
		if (type == java.sql.Array.class)
			return (T) this.getArray(columnIndex);
		if (type == java.sql.Blob.class)
			return (T) this.getBlob(columnIndex);
		if (type == java.sql.Clob.class)
			return (T) this.getClob(columnIndex);
		if (type == java.math.BigDecimal.class)
			return (T) this.getBigDecimal(columnIndex);
		if (type == byte[].class)
			return (T) this.getBytes(columnIndex);
		if (type == java.sql.Date.class)
			return (T) this.getDate(columnIndex);
		if (type == java.sql.Time.class)
			return (T) this.getTime(columnIndex);
		if (type == java.sql.Timestamp.class)
			return (T) this.getTimestamp(columnIndex);
		if (type == Object.class)
			return (T) this.getObject(columnIndex);
		throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();

	public <T> T getObject(final String columnLabel, final Class<T> type) throws SQLException
		return getObject(findColumn(columnLabel), type);

	public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException
		return false;

	public void updateAsciiStream(final int arg0, final InputStream arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateAsciiStream(final String arg0, final InputStream arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateAsciiStream(final int arg0, final InputStream arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateAsciiStream(final String arg0, final InputStream arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateBinaryStream(final int arg0, final InputStream arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateBinaryStream(final String arg0, final InputStream arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateBinaryStream(final int arg0, final InputStream arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateBinaryStream(final String arg0, final InputStream arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateBlob(final int arg0, final InputStream arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateBlob(final String arg0, final InputStream arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateBlob(final int arg0, final InputStream arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateBlob(final String arg0, final InputStream arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateCharacterStream(final int arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateCharacterStream(final String arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateCharacterStream(final int arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateCharacterStream(final String arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateClob(final int arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateClob(final String arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateClob(final int arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateClob(final String arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateNCharacterStream(final int arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateNCharacterStream(final String arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateNCharacterStream(final int arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateNCharacterStream(final String arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateNClob(final int arg0, final NClob arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateNClob(final String arg0, final NClob arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateNClob(final int arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateNClob(final String arg0, final Reader arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateNClob(final int arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateNClob(final String arg0, final Reader arg1, final long arg2) throws SQLException

	public void updateNString(final int arg0, final String arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateNString(final String arg0, final String arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateRowId(final int arg0, final RowId arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateRowId(final String arg0, final RowId arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateSQLXML(final int arg0, final SQLXML arg1) throws SQLException

	public void updateSQLXML(final String arg0, final SQLXML arg1) throws SQLException

	public boolean isWrapperFor(final Class<?> iface) throws SQLException
		return false;

	public <T> T unwrap(final Class<T> iface) throws SQLException
		return null;