% spoon	1	10	1	1	GenEmptyDrink	LIQUID	1	
% toothpick	1	5	1	1	GenItem			
small % club	2	25	10	15	GenWeapon	BLUNT	3	
% flail	2	40	15	41	GenWeapon	FLAILED	5	
% six-sided die	3	40	1	1	GenDice		6	
% comb	3	5	1	1	GenItem			
% sliver	4	10	1	8	GenWeapon	EDGED	2	
% four-sided die	5	50	1	2	GenDice		4	
% spear	5	20	6	41	GenSpear	THROWN	7	
% skewer	6	10	2	11	GenWeapon	DAGGER	2	
% eight-sided die	7	50	1	4	GenDice		8	
% short sword	7	20	4	41	GenWeapon	SWORD	5	
small skull mace	8	30	10	86	GenWeapon	BLUNT	7	
% ten-sided die	9	60	1	5	GenDice		10	
% ornament	9	10	1	1	GenItem			
% bracers	9	30	2	20	GenArmor	S0:LEFT WRIST||RIGHT WRIST	4	
% ear trumpet	10	60	4	23	GenLimb		0	
% twelve-sided die	11	70	1	8	GenDice		12	
drinking horn	11	10	4	2	GenEmptyDrink	LIQUID	10	
% breast plate	12	45	7	204	GenArmor	S0:TORSO	14	
spiked % flail	12	80	18	360	GenWeapon	FLAILED	15	
small % stool	13	5	5	1	GenChair	CHAIR	1	
% sword	13	30	6	166	GenWeapon	SWORD	10	
wicked % sliver	14	40	2	128	GenWeapon	EDGED	8	
% club	14	30	10	216	GenWeapon	BLUNT	11	
% greaves	15	30	4	104	GenArmor	S0:LEGS	10	
wicked % spear	15	40	12	368	GenSpear	THROWN	21	
% knife	16	40	2	75	GenWeapon	DAGGER	5	
small % bed	16	25	30	100	GenBed	BED	1	
% twenty-sided die	17	80	1	14	GenDice		20	
% body armor	18	60	18	624	GenArmor	S0:TORSO&&ARMS&&LEGS	32	
wicked % short sword	19	50	8	375	GenWeapon	SWORD	15	
small % bench	19	10	10	11	GenChair	CHAIR	2	
% wind chimes	19	35	10	63	GenItem			Prop_MOBEmoter;Sounder PORTAL_ENTER_ROOM clanks hollowly in the breeze.
skull mace	20	35	18	515	GenWeapon	BLUNT	17	
% cup	21	20	1	4	GenEmptyDrink	LIQUID	5	
crown of %	21	40	4	104	GenArmor	S0:HEAD	7	
% flail of skulls	22	80	22	912	GenWeapon	FLAILED	24	
large % six-sided die	23	50	2	23	GenDice		6	
small % chair	23	10	10	15	GenChair	CHAIR	1	
mask of %	24	60	2	40	GenArmor	3:EYES	3	
devastating % sliver	24	60	2	392	GenWeapon	EDGED	14	
large % four-sided die	25	60	2	30	GenDice		4	
spiked % sword	25	60	12	735	GenWeapon	SWORD	21	
devastating % spear	25	60	18	1021	GenSpear	THROWN	35	
% pipe	26	40	2	20	GenPipe		3	
jagged % knife	26	60	3	234	GenWeapon	DAGGER	9	
large % club	26	35	30	1016	GenWeapon	BLUNT	24	
% bed	26	30	60	430	GenBed	BED	2	
large % eight-sided die	27	60	2	32	GenDice		8	
small % shield	27	60	8	121	GenShield	S0:HELD	22	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=27 MAX=27
spiked % full armor	27	100	19	888	GenArmor	TORSO&&ARMS&&LEGS	38	
% ladder	27	40	20	210	GenRideable	LADDER	0	
% table	28	30	50	390	GenRideable	TABLE	150	
large % ten-sided die	29	70	2	41	GenDice		10	
% bench	29	20	20	104	GenChair	CHAIR	4	
skull helmet	30	40	4	148	GenArmor	HEAD	8	
skull cup	31	10	1	3	GenEmptyDrink	LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS	5	
large % twelve-sided die	31	80	2	50	GenDice		12	
skull-handled % sword	31	70	15	1215	GenWeapon	SWORD	27	
% wand	32	30	4	37	GenWand		20	
hardened small % club	32	60	12	1032	GenWeapon	BLUNT	24	
hardened % flail	32	100	18	1508	GenWeapon	FLAILED	31	
% ladle	33	10	1	3	GenEmptyDrink	LIQUID	2	
% stool	33	5	5	4	GenChair	CHAIR	1	
hardened % sliver	34	80	2	800	GenWeapon	EDGED	20	
hardened % spear	35	80	8	1401	GenSpear	THROWN	41	
hardened % skewer	36	40	3	481	GenWeapon	DAGGER	13	
hardened % short sword	37	90	5	1306	GenWeapon	SWORD	28	
hardened small skull mace	38	70	12	1409	GenWeapon	BLUNT	28	
large % twenty-sided die	39	90	2	72	GenDice		20	
hardened % bracers	39	40	3	100	GenArmor	S0:LEFT WRIST||RIGHT WRIST	6	
% figurine	41	40	2	33	GenItem	STATUE		
% thirty-sided die	42	90	1	39	GenDice		30	
hardened % breast plate	42	60	13	780	GenArmor	S0:TORSO	26	
hardened spiked % flail	42	100	22	2637	GenWeapon	FLAILED	41	
hardened % sword	43	100	8	1815	GenWeapon	SWORD	33	
% chair	43	10	15	52	GenChair	CHAIR	1	
hardened wicked % sliver	44	80	3	1352	GenWeapon	EDGED	26	
hardened % club	44	80	12	1845	GenWeapon	BLUNT	32	
% hundred-sided die	45	100	1	46	GenDice		100	
hardened % greaves	45	45	7	392	GenArmor	S0:LEGS	18	
hardened wicked % spear	45	80	15	2613	GenSpear	THROWN	56	
hardened % knife	46	60	3	816	GenWeapon	DAGGER	17	
king-sized % bed	46	50	180	4100	GenBed	BED	2	
hardened % body armor	48	75	25	1560	GenArmor	S0:TORSO&&ARMS&&LEGS	50	
% altar	48	100	100	4850	GenRideable	TABLE	1000	
hardened wicked % short sword	49	110	10	2535	GenWeapon	SWORD	39	
long % bench	49	40	40	775	GenChair	CHAIR	8	
hardened skull mace	50	70	22	2730	GenWeapon	BLUNT	39	
hardened crown of %	51	50	6	328	GenArmor	S0:HEAD	11	
hardened % flail of skulls	52	120	27	3916	GenWeapon	FLAILED	50	
elaborate % stool	53	10	40	180	GenChair	CHAIR	1	
hardened mask of %	54	75	3	8	GenArmor	3:EYES	4	
hardened devastating % sliver	54	100	3	2048	GenWeapon	EDGED	32	
hardened spiked % sword	55	120	15	3375	GenWeapon	SWORD	45	
hardened devastating % spear	55	80	22	4083	GenSpear	THROWN	70	
hardened jagged % knife	56	80	4	1239	GenWeapon	DAGGER	21	
hardened large % club	56	80	36	3772	GenWeapon	BLUNT	46	
four poster % bed	56	60	250	8350	GenBed	BED	4	
spiked % shield	57	100	10	387	GenShield	S0:HELD	44	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=57 MAX=57
hardened spiked % full armor	57	120	28	492	GenArmor	TORSO&&ARMS&&LEGS	56	
hardened skull helmet	60	50	24	101	GenArmor	HEAD	12	
hardened skull-handled % sword	61	130	18	4166	GenWeapon	SWORD	50	
% statue	61	22	100	1275	GenItem	STATUE		
reinforced small % club	62	90	14	3490	GenWeapon	BLUNT	44	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=62 MAX=62
reinforced % flail	62	120	21	5073	GenWeapon	FLAILED	57	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=62 MAX=62
% armor rack	62	85	80	4250	GenContainer	CLOTHES	1000	Prop_NoPurge
% throne	63	45	150	4200	GenChair	CHAIR	1	
reinforced % sliver	64	120	3	2888	GenWeapon	EDGED	38	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=64 MAX=64
reinforced % spear	65	100	10	4813	GenSpear	THROWN	76	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=65 MAX=65
reinforced % skewer	66	60	4	1640	GenWeapon	DAGGER	24	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=66 MAX=66
% sleigh bed	66	60	300	11800	GenBed	BED	4	
reinforced % short sword	67	130	6	4335	GenWeapon	SWORD	51	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=67 MAX=67
reinforced small skull mace	68	100	14	4328	GenWeapon	BLUNT	49	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=68 MAX=68
ornate % table	68	40	60	1600	GenRideable	TABLE	200	
reinforced % bracers	69	50	4	69	GenArmor	S0:WRISTS	8	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=69 MAX=69
reinforced % breast plate	72	75	18	366	GenArmor	S0:TORSO	35	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=72 MAX=72
reinforced spiked % flail	72	120	26	7012	GenWeapon	FLAILED	67	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=72 MAX=72
% weapon rack	72	70	65	3300	GenContainer	SWORDS|OTHER WEAPONS|DAGGERS|ONE-HANDED WEAPONS	500	Prop_NoPurge
reinforced % sword	73	140	10	5415	GenWeapon	SWORD	57	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=73 MAX=73
reinforced wicked % sliver	74	120	4	3872	GenWeapon	EDGED	44	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=74 MAX=74
reinforced % club	74	90	14	5070	GenWeapon	BLUNT	53	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=74 MAX=74
reinforced % greaves	75	60	9	183	GenArmor	S0:LEGS	24	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=75 MAX=75
reinforced wicked % spear	75	100	18	6901	GenSpear	THROWN	91	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=75 MAX=75
reinforced % knife	76	80	4	2221	GenWeapon	DAGGER	28	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=76 MAX=76
canopy % bed	76	70	275	14600	GenBed	BED	3	
reinforced % body armor	78	100	37	870	GenArmor	S0:TORSO&&ARMS&&LEGS	74	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=78 MAX=78
reinforced wicked % short sword	79	150	12	6406	GenWeapon	SWORD	62	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=79 MAX=79
reinforced skull mace	80	100	25	6480	GenWeapon	BLUNT	60	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=80 MAX=80
reinforced crown of %	81	75	7	145	GenArmor	S0:HEAD	14	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=81 MAX=81
% hat rack	82	20	5	79	GenContainer	CLOTHES	10	Prop_NoPurge
reinforced % flail of skulls	82	130	30	9018	GenWeapon	FLAILED	76	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=82 MAX=82
spiked % throne	83	40	50	1650	GenChair	CHAIR	1	
reinforced mask of %	84	100	4	15	GenArmor	3:EYES	5	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=84 MAX=84
reinforced devastating % sliver	84	140	4	5000	GenWeapon	EDGED	50	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=84 MAX=84
reinforced spiked % sword	85	160	18	7706	GenWeapon	SWORD	68	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=85 MAX=85
reinforced devastating % spear	85	100	26	9363	GenSpear	THROWN	106	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=85 MAX=85
reinforced jagged % knife	86	100	5	2890	GenWeapon	DAGGER	32	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=86 MAX=86
reinforced large % club	86	90	42	8273	GenWeapon	BLUNT	68	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=86 MAX=86
ominous % bed	86	50	300	12800	GenBed	BED	2	
large % shield	87	80	12	641	GenShield	S0:HELD	62	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=87 MAX=87
reinforced spiked % full armor	87	200	40	1020	GenArmor	TORSO&&ARMS&&LEGS	80	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=87 MAX=87
sacrificial % altar	88	200	150	26750	GenRideable	TABLE	1000	
decorative % bench	89	30	40	1050	GenChair	CHAIR	4	
reinforced skull helmet	90	75	8	170	GenArmor	HEAD	15	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=90 MAX=90
reinforced skull-handled % sword	91	170	22	9126	GenWeapon	SWORD	74	Prop_Doppleganger;ASMATERIAL=IRON MIN=91 MAX=91