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	  <title>CoffeeMud Behaviors Reference</title>
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		<h1>Behaviors Reference</h1>
		<h2> CoffeeMud 5.9 </h2>
		</td></tr><tr><td width=20% valign=top align=left>
		<a href="affbehav.html"><B>Properties/Affects</B></a><BR>
				<li><a href="#ActiveTicker">ActiveTicker</a>
				<li><a href="#Aggressive">Aggressive</a>
				<li><a href="#AlignHelper">AlignHelper</a>
				<li><a href="#AntiVagrant">AntiVagrant</a>
				<li><a href="#Arrest">Arrest</a>
				<li><a href="#Bardness">Bardness</a>
				<li><a href="#Beggar">Beggar</a>
				<li><a href="#BribeGateGuard">BribeGateGuard</a>
				<li><a href="#BrotherHelper">BrotherHelper</a>
				<li><a href="#ClanHelper">ClanHelper</a>
				<li><a href="#Clericness">Clericness</a>
				<li><a href="#CombatAbilities">CombatAbilities</a>
				<li><a href="#CombatAssister">CombatAssister</a>
				<li><a href="#CommonSpeaker">CommonSpeaker</a>
				<li><a href="#Concierge">Concierge</a>
				<li><a href="#Conquerable">Conquerable</a>
				<li><a href="#CorpseEater">CorpseEater</a>
				<li><a href="#CorpseLooter">CorpseLooter</a>
				<li><a href="#Decay">Decay</a>
				<li><a href="#DelayedTransporter">DelayedTransporter</a>
				<li><a href="#DoorwayGuardian">DoorwayGuardian</a>
				<li><a href="#Drowness">Drowness</a>
				<li><a href="#Druidness">Druidness</a>
				<li><a href="#Emoter">Emoter</a>
				<li><a href="#EvilExecutioner">EvilExecutioner</a>
				<li><a href="#FaithHelper">FaithHelper</a>
				<li><a href="#FasterRecovery">FasterRecovery</a>
				<li><a href="#FieryRoom">FieryRoom</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighterness">Fighterness</a>
				<li><a href="#FightFlee">FightFlee</a>
				<li><a href="#Follower">Follower</a>
				<li><a href="#GateGuard">GateGuard</a>
				<li><a href="#GetsAllEquipped">GetsAllEquipped</a>
				<li><a href="#GoldLooter">GoldLooter</a>
				<li><a href="#GoodExecutioner">GoodExecutioner</a>
				<li><a href="#GoodGuardian">GoodGuardian</a>
				<li><a href="#Guard">Guard</a>
				<li><a href="#Healer">Healer</a>
				<li><a href="#Hireling">Hireling</a>
				<li><a href="#InstantDeath">InstantDeath</a>
				<li><a href="#ItemGenerator">ItemGenerator</a>
				<li><a href="#ItemIdentifier">ItemIdentifier</a>
				<li><a href="#ItemMender">ItemMender</a>
				<li><a href="#ItemRefitter">ItemRefitter</a>
				<li><a href="#LinkedWeather">LinkedWeather</a>
				<li><a href="#Mageness">Mageness</a>
				<li><a href="#Mime">Mime</a>
				<li><a href="#MOBEater">MOBEater</a>
				<li><a href="#MOBHelper">MOBHelper</a>
				<li><a href="#MOBHunter">MOBHunter</a>
				<li><a href="#Mobile">Mobile</a>
				<li><a href="#MobileAggressive">MobileAggressive</a>
				<li><a href="#MobileGoodGuardian">MobileGoodGuardian</a>
				<li><a href="#MOBReSave">MOBReSave</a>
				<li><a href="#MOBTeacher">MOBTeacher</a>
				<li><a href="#MoneyChanger">MoneyChanger</a>
				<li><a href="#MovingRoom">MovingRoom</a>
				<li><a href="#MudChat">MudChat</a>
				<li><a href="#Nanny">Nanny</a>
				<li><a href="#NastyAbilities">NastyAbilities</a>
				<li><a href="#NeutralAbilities">NeutralAbilities</a>
				<li><a href="#NiceAbilities">NiceAbilities</a>
				<li><a href="#NoCombatAssist">NoCombatAssist</a>
				<li><a href="#ObjectGuardian">ObjectGuardian</a>
				<li><a href="#Patroller">Patroller</a>
				<li><a href="#PlayerHelper">PlayerHelper</a>
				<li><a href="#PokerDealer">PokerDealer</a>
				<li><a href="#ProtectedCitizen">ProtectedCitizen</a>
				<li><a href="#ProtectedCitizens">ProtectedCitizens</a>
				<li><a href="#PuddleMaker">PuddleMaker</a>
				<li><a href="#QuestChat">QuestChat</a>
				<li><a href="#RaceHelper">RaceHelper</a>
				<li><a href="#RandomItems">RandomItems</a>
				<li><a href="#RandomMonsters">RandomMonsters</a>
				<li><a href="#RandomQuests">RandomQuests</a>
				<li><a href="#RandomTeleporter">RandomTeleporter</a>
				<li><a href="#RandomTraps">RandomTraps</a>
				<li><a href="#ResetWhole">ResetWhole</a>
				<li><a href="#ResourceOverride">ResourceOverride</a>
				<li><a href="#ROMGangMember">ROMGangMember</a>
				<li><a href="#ROMPatrolman">ROMPatrolman</a>
				<li><a href="#Sailor">Sailor</a>
				<li><a href="#Scavenger">Scavenger</a>
				<li><a href="#Scriptable">Scriptable</a>
				<li><a href="#ScriptableEverymob">ScriptableEverymob</a>
				<li><a href="#Sounder">Sounder</a>
				<li><a href="#StdBehavior">StdBehavior</a>
				<li><a href="#TargetPlayer">TargetPlayer</a>
				<li><a href="#TaxCollector">TaxCollector</a>
				<li><a href="#TaxiBehavior">TaxiBehavior</a>
				<li><a href="#Thiefness">Thiefness</a>
				<li><a href="#Vagrant">Vagrant</a>
				<li><a href="#VeryAggressive">VeryAggressive</a>
				<li><a href="#WaterCurrents">WaterCurrents</a>
				<li><a href="#WeatherAffects">WeatherAffects</a>
				<li><a href="#Wimpy">Wimpy</a>
				<li><a href="#WimpyAggressive">WimpyAggressive</a>
		</td><td valign=top align=left>
			<a name="ActiveTicker"><B>ActiveTicker</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ActiveTicker <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A base class for mobile type behaviors.  Do not use.</pre>
			<a name="Aggressive"><B>Aggressive</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Aggressive <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : aggression flags (MESSAGE=[msg]) aggression masks <BR>Example    : +elf -fighter <BR>Example    : message="All must die!!" -elf +fighter <BR>Example    : MOBKILL MISBEHAVE +elf -fighter <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob attack any player mob it can detect in the same room, from the<BR>moment the new mob enters.  Horribly wounded mobs are not aggressive. Mobs will<BR>also not be aggressive towards Archons and builders with the CMDMOBS security<BR>flag.If no other parameters are given, the mob will attack anyone.  <BR>Valid aggressive masks include:   <BR>message=[msg] something for the mob to say whenever he's fixing to attack <BR>delay=x (makes the mob delay x ticks before looking for a victim)  <BR>mobkill (makes this behavior attack mobs as well as players)  <BR>nogang (makes this behavior pass over players already in combat)  <BR>misbehave (makes this mob attack even when wounded or a follower)  <BR>checklevel (makes this mob attack only those within 5 levels below him)  <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is aggressed, and disallowed is spared. </pre>
			<a name="AlignHelper"><B>AlignHelper</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : AlignHelper <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : ([MAX COMBATANTS]) (MSG="[ATTACK MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    :  5 msg="OMG I'M ATTACKING!" <BR>Description:  <BR>Joins a fight on the side of anyone who is the same alignment as the mob. You<BR>may optionally specify a maximum number of combatants that can join in using<BR>this behavior. </pre>
			<a name="AntiVagrant"><B>AntiVagrant</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : AntiVagrant <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, anywhere and/or kickout flag <BR>Example    : min=2 max=3 chance=99 <BR>Example    : min=2 max=3 chance=99 KICKOUT <BR>Example    : min=2 max=3 chance=75 ANYWHERE <BR>Example    : min=2 max=3 chance=75 ANYWHERE KICKOUT <BR>Description:  <BR>Wakes up any MOB that is sleeping on a CityStreet type locale.  Will also stand<BR>up anyone sitting on a city street.  The locale type can be overridden by<BR>including the ANYWHERE flag.  You may also get the person kicked out of the<BR>current room by using the KICKOUT flag.  All of the parameters are optional.</pre>
			<a name="Arrest"><B>Arrest</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Arrest <BR>Targets    : Areas <BR>Parameters : (/CUSTOM/[FILENAME])(;[LAW KEY]=[LAW VALUE] ...) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : custom <BR>Example    : laws_mycity.ini <BR>Example    : custom;JUDGE="justice judge" OFFICERS="cityguard police" <BR>Description:  <BR>This powerful behavior allows you to set up the enforcement of laws inside of a<BR>city. The only parameter is the name of an ini file in the resources directory.<BR> If left blank, the default laws.ini file will be used.  The ini file specifies<BR>the judges, enforcement mobs, the laws and their punishments, and the location<BR>of jails.  The messages seen by the criminals is also contained therein.  The<BR>word custom may also be placed in the parameters in order to make the area laws<BR>changeable using either a StdLawBook or a GenLawBook.</pre>
			<a name="Bardness"><B>Bardness</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Bardness <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (SUBCLASS NAME) (PROFICIENT) (NOSTATS) (NOCOMBATSTAT) <BR>Parameters : (OFFENSIVE,DEFENSIVE,MIXEDOFFENSIVE,MIXEDDEFENSIVE) <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[NUM] MAXTICKS=[NUM] CHANCE=[NUM]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Bard <BR>Example    : Dancer MIXEDOFFENSIVE <BR>Description:  <BR>An extension of CombatAbilities, this behavior makes the mob a Bard by class,<BR>and gives the mob bard songs appropriate to its level.  After this behavior has<BR>triggered, it will often require a RESET for any level changes to the mob to<BR>take over.  <BR>Use the proficient flag to make all skills at 100% instead of level-based. Use<BR>the offensive/.../mixeddefensive flags to influence skill choices. This<BR>behavior should not be used WITH any of the other CombatAbilities behaviors,<BR>such as Fighterness, Thiefness, Mageness, Clericness, Druidness, or<BR>CombatAbilities. It should be used alone on a mob. <BR>Also, be aware that this behavior will modify the mobs stats to better reflect<BR>the class, so any additions or removals of this behavior should be accompanied<BR>by a room reset after saving, and manually checking to make sure the combat<BR>stats are as desired.</pre>
			<a name="Beggar"><B>Beggar</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Beggar <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior will beg for money from players, and say thank you<BR>when rewarded.</pre>
			<a name="BribeGateGuard"><B>BribeGateGuard</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : BribeGateGuard <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : Price of entry, Gate System <BR>Example    : price=5 gates=Avalon <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob will work akin to a gate guard, but you have to have at least the price<BR>on your tab for the guard to open it (or let you open it from that side) Any<BR>payment made over the price is retained, in a manner akin to a bank chain, so<BR>if any other guards are in the same Gate System, they will all use the same<BR>tab.  DO NOT put one on each side - unlike Gate Guards, these guys don't play<BR>well with others. If you want players to be able to sneak by them, merely make<BR>sure they can't see sneaking or invis - whichever.  The hiding player will have<BR>to wait for another player to get the door open to sneak through.</pre>
			<a name="BrotherHelper"><B>BrotherHelper</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : BrotherHelper <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : ([MAX FIGHTERS]) (NAMEONLY) (MSG="[ATTACK MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : 5 <BR>Example    : 5 nameonly msg="omg! Attack!" <BR>Description:  <BR>Joins a fight on the side of an identical mob, or a mob from the same starting<BR>room.  You may optionally specify the maximum number of brothers who may<BR>assault a single target.  You may also put the word nameonly to not utilize the<BR>"same starting room" criteria.   <BR> <BR>This behavior works differently on official legal enforcers specified by an<BR>Arrest or Conquerable behavior.  Legal enforcers will only trigger this<BR>behavior if he is coming to the aid of another legal official, or if he is sure<BR>that he is not coming to the aid of an aggressive mob.</pre>
			<a name="ClanHelper"><B>ClanHelper</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ClanHelper <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : [CLAN NAME] ([MAX COMBATANTS]) (MSG="[ATTACK MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    : McElvy <BR>Example    : McElvy 5 msg="OMG ATTACK!" <BR>Description:  <BR>Joins a fight on the side of a mob of the same clan as specified in the<BR>parameters.</pre>
			<a name="Clericness"><B>Clericness</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Clericness <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (SUBCLASS NAME) (PROFICIENT) (NOSTATS) (NOCOMBATSTAT) <BR>Parameters : (OFFENSIVE,DEFENSIVE,MIXEDOFFENSIVE,MIXEDDEFENSIVE) <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[NUM] MAXTICKS=[NUM] CHANCE=[NUM]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Templar <BR>Example    : Doomsayer OFFENSIVE <BR>Description:  <BR>An extension of CombatAbilities, this behavior makes the mob a Cleric by class,<BR>and gives the mob clerical prayers appropriate to its alignment and level. <BR>After this behavior has triggered, it will often require a RESET for any<BR>alignment or level changes to the mob to take over.  <BR>Use the proficient flag to make all skills at 100% instead of level-based. Use<BR>the offensive/.../mixeddefensive flags to influence skill choices. This<BR>behavior should not be used WITH any of the other CombatAbilities behaviors,<BR>such as Fighterness, Thiefness, Mageness, Clericness, Druidness, or<BR>CombatAbilities. It should be used alone on a mob.  <BR>Also, be aware that this behavior will modify the mobs stats to better reflect<BR>the class, so any additions or removals of this behavior should be accompanied<BR>by a room reset after saving, and manually checking to make sure the combat<BR>stats are as desired.</pre>
			<a name="CombatAbilities"><B>CombatAbilities</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : CombatAbilities <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (as derived class) and +SKILLID -SKILLID <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[NUM] MAXTICKS=[NUM] CHANCE=[NUM]) <BR>Example    : (as derived class) -Spell_Sleep <BR>Description:  <BR>Gives the mob the urge to use their skills, spells, prayers, songs, and other<BR>abilities during combat.  <BR>This behavior should not be used WITH any of the other CombatAbilities<BR>behaviors, such as Fighterness, Thiefness, Mageness, Clericness, Druidness, or<BR>CombatAbilities. It should be used alone on a mob. <BR> <BR>The parameters are as described in one of the derived classes, but in addition,<BR>you can also specify the IDs of certain skills that the behavior will either be<BR>allowed to be used in combat even if it is not normally allowed, or be<BR>disallowed to be used in combat even if the mob has the skill and it would<BR>normally be allowed, depending on whether the ID is preceded by + or -.</pre>
			<a name="CombatAssister"><B>CombatAssister</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : CombatAssister <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : mask of mobs to assist <BR>Example    : -RACE +Elf <BR>Example    : -NAME "+My Buddies" <BR>Example    : -CLANS "+My Clan" <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior will come to the defence of any other mob which is<BR>attacked in its presence and meets the mask defined above.   <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is assisted, and disallowed is ignored. </pre>
			<a name="CommonSpeaker"><B>CommonSpeaker</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : CommonSpeaker <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : ([LANGUAGEID]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Orcish <BR>Description:  <BR>Without parameters, this behavior makes sure that a mob is always speaking<BR>Common, even if it should be a race other than Human, or it should be<BR>polymorphed.  Another language may also optionally be specified.</pre>
			<a name="Concierge"><B>Concierge</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Conceirge <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : [ALL PRICE]/[AREA/ROOM]=[PRICE]/[PARAM]=[VALUE]; ... ;  <BR>Example    : 1.5 <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001=1.5; Smurfville=2.0; =70 ; AREAONLY=true <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3032; =100 ; AREAONLY=false; MAXRANGE=100 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes the mob a deliverer of information to players, specifically<BR>the directions to rooms or areas.  The mob will charge for his services if you<BR>specify a price in the parameters, or he will do it for free if you don't, or<BR>if the last price specified was 0.  The parameters can include a comma<BR>delimited set of room IDs, area names, or even short title descriptions for<BR>quickly entering rooms within short range of the mob.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also include certain other variables as part of the<BR>parameter list.  These include AREAONLY = true or false, to specify whether the<BR>concierge knows anything about places outside his area.  MAXRANGE=number for<BR>the maximum number of rooms away from the concierge that is known. <BR>GREETING=message will give a special concierge greeting message for all players<BR>who enter the room its in. ENTERMSG will give a message to players who mount<BR>the concierge (rideables only).  TALKERNAME=name will change the apparent name<BR>of the speaker. PERROOM=number will set a per-room price for the distance from<BR>the current room to the one sought.  NOWATER=true to prevent trails over water.<BR>NOAIR=true, to prevent trails through the air. NOLOCKS=true to prevent trails<BR>through locked doors. NOHOMES=true to prevent trails through private homes.<BR>NOINDOOR=true to prevent finding or trailing through indoor rooms. NOCLIMB to<BR>prevent trails through climbable exits. NOCRAWL to prevent trails through<BR>crawlable exits.  Use PORTAL=true to have the concierge create a magical portal<BR>instead of giving directions.</pre>
			<a name="Conquerable"><B>Conquerable</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Conquerable <BR>Targets    : AREAs <BR>Parameters : (JOURNAL="[JOURNAL NAME]") (LAW=(TRUE/FALSE)) <BR>Parameters : (OWNERSHIP=(TRUE/FALSE)) <BR>Example    : JOURNAL="The Conquest Times" LAW=FALSE OWNERSHIP=FALSE <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes the area conquerable by clans using items put together<BR>using ClanCraft.  See the general help on CONQUEST for more information on what<BR>this means and how it works.  The JOURNAL entry, if given, will log conquest<BR>events to a journal of that name.  The LAW entry is required in order to allow<BR>an area to be set up by conquering clans with a system of law. The OWNERSHIP<BR>entry is true if All private property is automatically signed over to the<BR>conquering clan, and false if it is left alone.</pre>
			<a name="CorpseEater"><B>CorpseEater</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : CorpseEater <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, eatitems flag, corpse masks <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 -LEVEL +&lt;17 <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 -RACE +Elf <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob will appear to eat any corpse it comes across.  It will not eat the<BR>item contents of the corpse unless the EATITEMS flag is given. It will also<BR>ignore player corpses unless the +PLAYER flag is included.  You may also<BR>specify masks to give the mob a more specific diet.  See AHELP ZAPPERMASK,<BR>where allowed is eaten, and disallowed is not eaten. </pre>
			<a name="CorpseLooter"><B>CorpseLooter</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : CorpseLooter <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes a mob loot the corpses killed by it of items only.  It does<BR>this by turning on the mobs AUTOLOOT flag.</pre>
			<a name="Decay"><B>Decay</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Decay <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, trigger masks <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 answer=" goes poof!" <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 -LEVEL +&lt;17 <BR>Example    : notrigger answer=" " <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 -CLASS +Paladin <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>or item with this behavior will vanish at the expired time.  MOBs do not begin<BR>their countdown until attacked, items when they are picked up, weapons when<BR>they are first wielded, or armor when it is first worn.  The countdown may also<BR>depend on whether the mob or player triggering the countdown meets any masks<BR>specified.   You may force the object to decay immediately by placing the<BR>NOTRIGGER mask inside your parameter string.  The message seen when the object<BR>decays can also be modified by changing the ANSWER parameter. For value masks<BR>to determine whether a countdown begins,  <BR>see AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is decayed, and disallowed is ignored. </pre>
			<a name="DelayedTransporter"><B>DelayedTransporter</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Delayed Transporter <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Mobs, Items <BR>Parameters : Max and min ticks, pct chance, room ids separated by ';'. <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=25;Midgaard#3001;Sewers#6020;Midgaard#3020 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior defines a serious of random rooms.  All rooms are separated by<BR>the semicolons shown above.  The first parameter can me empty for defaults, or<BR>may contain a setting for minimum ticks, maximum ticks, and the percept chance<BR>of occurrence after the random number of ticks has expired.  In the above<BR>example every 10-20 ticks, there is a 25% chance that every mob in the same<BR>room as the behaving object will be teleported to one of the three listed rooms<BR>(at random).</pre>
			<a name="DoorwayGuardian"><B>DoorwayGuardian</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : DoorwayGuardian <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : NOSNEAK, ALWAYS, a doorway direction, followed by an optional list<BR> <BR>Parameters : of masking parameters described below, followed by an optional <BR>Parameters : semicolon and an override of the rejection message to the user. <BR>Example  : always north <BR>Example  : nosneak east -class +mage -race +elf -evil <BR>Example  : east north;&lt;S-NAME> smack(s) &lt;T-NAME> and push(es) &lt;T-HIM-HER> back!<BR><BR>Description:  <BR>The mob will not allow any other mob or player to open or move through a doored<BR>exit.  The mob must be killed to get by!  If a direction is not specified, the<BR>mob will protect all exits, otherwise only the one in the direction specified.<BR>The guard will also behave according to whether the player trying to move meets<BR>the other parameter mask requirements.  If no masks are given, the guard will<BR>always block the players. The guardian is subject to being sneaked by, unless<BR>the NOSNEAK string is included in the parameters.  The guardian can also be<BR>bypassed if in combat or badly hurt, unless the ALWAYS flag is included. See<BR>AHELP ZAPPERMASK for masking rules to see who is allowed. </pre>
			<a name="Drowness"><B>Drowness</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Drowness <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The behavior of the drow differs slightly between males and females.  This<BR>behavior is therefore an entire kit, including weapons, armor, spells, and<BR>combat behavior.  DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT use this behavior with any<BR>CombatAbilities derivitive, unless you want an unfair and utterly deadly<BR>opponent.  Also, do NOT add any equipment to the mob with this behavior.  The<BR>kit will supply the mob with weapons and armor.</pre>
			<a name="Druidness"><B>Druidness</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Druidness <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (SUBCLASS NAME) (PROFICIENT) (NOSTATS) (NOCOMBATSTAT) <BR>Parameters : (OFFENSIVE,DEFENSIVE,MIXEDOFFENSIVE,MIXEDDEFENSIVE) <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[NUM] MAXTICKS=[NUM] CHANCE=[NUM]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Druid <BR>Example    : SkyWatcher DEFENSIVE <BR>Description:  <BR>An extension of CombatAbilities, this behavior makes the mob a Druid by class,<BR>and gives the mob druid skills appropriate to its level.  After this behavior<BR>has triggered, it will often require a RESET for any level changes to the mob<BR>to take over.  <BR>Use the proficient flag to make all skills at 100% instead of level-based. Use<BR>the offensive/.../mixeddefensive flags to influence skill choices. This<BR>behavior should not be used WITH any of the other CombatAbilities behaviors,<BR>such as Fighterness, Thiefness, Mageness, Clericness, Druidness, or<BR>CombatAbilities. It should be used alone on a mob. <BR>Also, be aware that this behavior will modify the mobs stats to better reflect<BR>the class, so any additions or removals of this behavior should be accompanied<BR>by a room reset after saving, and manually checking to make sure the combat<BR>stats are as desired.</pre>
			<a name="Emoter"><B>Emoter</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Emoter <BR>Targets    : Room, MOBs, Items, Areas <BR>Parameters : Flags, Max/Min ticks, pct chance, expires, emote strings, ';'<BR>separated. <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=25;wiggles his bottom.;smiles evilly.;burps! <BR>Example    : smell chance=25 expires=10;smells horrible!;is really stinky! <BR>Example    : chance=100 inroom="Here#1,Here#2";looks horrible!;is bad! <BR>Example    : broadcast sound chance=25;grumbles!;eeeks! <BR>Example    : min=1 max=2 chance=25;sound grumbles!;visual leers broadly.;social<BR>smile <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior defines a serious of random emotes.  All emote strings are<BR>separated by the semicolons shown above.  The first parameter can be empty for<BR>defaults, or may contain a setting for minimum ticks (min=10), maximum ticks<BR>(max=20), the percent chance of occurrence after the random number of ticks has<BR>expired (chance=25), a total number of occurrences before expiration<BR>(expires=0), a list of rooms where the emoter MUST be for the emoter to work<BR>(inroom=...), a tag to make the emote sound based (sound), a tag to make the<BR>emote smell based (smell), or a tag to make the emote broadcast to adjacent<BR>rooms (broadcast).  In the first example every 10-20 ticks, there is a 25%<BR>chance that the object with this property will select one of the emotes<BR>randomly and perform it for all those in the same room who can see it.  In the<BR>second example, a smell based emote will be performed 25% of the time, but will<BR>only emote 10 times before the behavior is removed from the object.  In the<BR>third example, there is a 100% chance that, if the object is in room Here#1 or<BR>Here#2, it will emote one of the two choices. In the fourth example, a sound<BR>based emote will be performed 25% of the time in the room of the behavior, and<BR>in any adjacent rooms. <BR> <BR>You can also mix and match the types of emotes by putting the keywords SIGHT,<BR>SMELL, NOISE, and SOCIAL as the first word in each emote string.  This denotes<BR>the type of emote for the rest of the string.  The last example shows how to<BR>enter a mixed emote.</pre>
			<a name="EvilExecutioner"><B>EvilExecutioner</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : EvilExecutioner <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : PLAYERS <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior will attack any good or paladin non-player mob it<BR>detects.  With the Players parameter, it will even attack players as well.</pre>
			<a name="FaithHelper"><B>FaithHelper</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : FaithHelper <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : [DEITY NAME] ([MAX COMBATANTS]) (MSG="[ATTACK MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    : Odin 5 msg="OMG ATTACK!" <BR>Description:  <BR>Joins a fight on the side of a mob of the same faith as specified in the<BR>parameters. You may optionally specify a maximum number of combatants that can<BR>join in using this behavior.</pre>
			<a name="FasterRecovery"><B>FasterRecovery</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : FasterRecovery <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Items, MOBs <BR>Parameters : (HEALTH=[NUM BURST TICKS]) (BURST=[NUM]) (HITS=[NUM]) (MOVE=[NUM])<BR>(MANA=[NUM]) <BR>Example    : burst=2 <BR>Example    : health=5 <BR>Example    : hits=2 <BR>Example    : mana=5 hits=10 <BR>Example    : burst=2 health=5 <BR>Description:  <BR>This allows the room, possessed item, or ridden mob or item to give an extra<BR>burst of speed to all affected mobs. The parameters are all optional.  If the<BR>"health" parameter is given, then the mob will get a number of regen ticks<BR>equal to the number given.  For instance, if the value is 2, then the mob will<BR>regen twice per tick, a value of 3 means 3 times per tick, etc.  Values of 1 or<BR>less mean no extra regen ticks.  The "burst" parameter refers to bursts of<BR>extra speed to the benefiting mobs equal to the number given. For instance, if<BR>the value is 2, the mob will move twice as fast per tick, a value of 3 means 3<BR>times as fast, etc.  Values of 1 or less mean normal ticking applies.  Values<BR>for hits, move, and mana are similar to health, but will only give a burst or<BR>rejuvenation to that particular stat.</pre>
			<a name="FieryRoom"><B>FieryRoom</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : FieryRoom <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, flags and strings <BR>Example    : min=5 max=10 chance=100;damage=77 Title="A Horribly  <BR>Blackened Spot" Description="This place was once just like  <BR>any part of the road.  Now it is nothing more than a sooty pit."  <BR>NOSTOP eqchance=50 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes a room operate like it is on fire.  This can include<BR>dealing direct damage to players, burning flammable equipment and making<BR>non-flammable equipment heat up (i.e. is dropped), emote that it is burning,<BR>and eventually turn into a burnt-out room.  <BR>The first parameter can be empty for defaults, or may contain a setting for<BR>minimum ticks (min=10), maximum ticks (max=20), and the percept chance of<BR>occurrence after the random number of ticks has expired (chance=25). <BR> <BR>Additional Settings and Flags:  <BR>DAMAGE=XXX         - The amount of damage dealt to inhabitants every behavior<BR>tick  <BR>TITLE=[text]       - The Room Display to change the room to when done burning  <BR>DESCRIPTION=[text] - The Room Desc to change the room to when done burning  <BR>EQCHANCE=XXX       - The unlikeliness of EQ bursting into flames or heating up.<BR><BR>BURNTICKS=XXX      - How many behavior ticks to keep burning (Moot with NOSTOP)<BR><BR>NOSTOP             - Prevent the room from ever burning up.  TITLE, DESCRIPTION<BR>and  <BR>BURNTICKS become irrelevant <BR>NONPC              - Don't deal damage or eq burn/drop to NPC's <BR>NOFIRETEXT         - Don't display burning emotes while the room is burning. <BR> <BR>All of the parameters are optional. Defaults are:  <BR>DAMAGE=10  <BR>TITLE="A Charred Ruin"  <BR>DESCRIPTION="Whatever was once here is now nothing more than ash."  <BR>EQCHANCE=0  (no default Eq destruction)  <BR>BURNTICKS=12</pre>
			<a name="Fighterness"><B>Fighterness</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Fighterness <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (SUBCLASS NAME) (PROFICIENT) (NOSTATS) (NOCOMBATSTAT) <BR>Parameters : (OFFENSIVE,DEFENSIVE,MIXEDOFFENSIVE,MIXEDDEFENSIVE) <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[NUM] MAXTICKS=[NUM] CHANCE=[NUM]) <BR>Example    : Fighter <BR>Example    : Paladin <BR>Description:  <BR>An extension of CombatAbilities, this behavior makes the mob a Fighter by<BR>class, and gives the mob fighter skills appropriate to its level.  After this<BR>behavior has triggered, it will often require a RESET for any level changes to<BR>the mob to take over.  <BR>Use the proficient flag to make all skills at 100% instead of level-based. Use<BR>the offensive/.../mixeddefensive flags to influence skill choices. This<BR>behavior should not be used WITH any of the other CombatAbilities behaviors,<BR>such as Fighterness, Thiefness, Mageness, Clericness, Druidness, or<BR>CombatAbilities. It should be used alone on a mob. <BR>Also, be aware that this behavior will modify the mobs stats to better reflect<BR>the class, so any additions or removals of this behavior should be accompanied<BR>by a room reset after saving, and manually checking to make sure the combat<BR>stats are as desired.</pre>
			<a name="FightFlee"><B>FightFlee</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : FightFlee <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, and a percent chance <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>or item with this behavior will flee during combat.</pre>
			<a name="Follower"><B>Follower</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Follower <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items <BR>Parameters : min, max, pct (inv) (group) (nofollowers) (wander) <BR>Parameters : (follow mask) (name=[name]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : min=1 max=1 chance=50 -race +elf <BR>Example    : group nofollowers -race +elf +gnome <BR>Example    : min=4 max=20 chance=100 inv -race +elf +gnome <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior will follow any other mob that leaves the room. <BR>Following normally happens on the tick, but if minticks and maxticks are -1, it<BR>will be instant. A chance percentage (1-100) parameter may be given to better<BR>randomize the opportunity.  A GROUP flag may also be included to make the mob<BR>join the targets group instead of merely following them out of the room.  The<BR>rate of non-grouping following is dictated by the min and max ticks.  The<BR>NOFOLLOWERS flag will make sure that this behavior does not trigger when the<BR>mob has someone following him/her. The WANDER flag may be added to allow the<BR>mob to leave their home area. <BR> <BR>An item with this behavior will also follow mobs around, depending upon whether<BR>the INVENTORY flag is in the parameters or not.  If it is, then the item will<BR>reappear in the inventory of the first person to pick it up whenever it is<BR>dispensed with.  If the INVENTORY flag is not used, it will always appear in<BR>the same room as the first it comes across.  The rate of reappearance is<BR>dictated by the min and max ticks. Items with this behavior can not be sold to<BR>shopkeepers. <BR> <BR>A NAME may be given to limit the person followed to only that name. A mask may<BR>also be given to define what sort of targets are elligible to be followed by<BR>the mob or item.   <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is followed, and disallowed is ignored. </pre>
			<a name="GateGuard"><B>GateGuard</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : GateGuard <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : a list of masking parameters described below <BR>Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil <BR>Description:  <BR>When this mob is standing next to a doorway and a player enters, the mob will<BR>open the door for the player, and close it after them.  The guard will also<BR>lock the door at night, if the door has a lock.  The guard will behave<BR>according to whether any players in the room meet the parameters.  If no<BR>parameter is given, the guard will always follow the behavior. Valid parameters<BR>include:   <BR>keeplocked (if the door has a lock, the mob will make sure it remains so  <BR>allnight (does not operate differently at night than the day) <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK for masking people away from the gate. </pre>
			<a name="GetsAllEquipped"><B>GetsAllEquipped</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : GetsAllEquipped <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This is a deprecated behavior, but listed here in case someone can think of a<BR>new use for it.  This behavior causes the mob, on reset, to grab everything in<BR>its default room, and attempt to wear it.  He also does this whenever someone<BR>in the room dies, so its also good for making the mob autoloot.</pre>
			<a name="GoldLooter"><B>GoldLooter</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : GoldLooter <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes a mob loot the gold from corpses killed by it.  It does<BR>this by turning on the mobs AUTOGOLD flag.</pre>
			<a name="GoodExecutioner"><B>GoodExecutioner</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : GoodExecutioner <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (PLAYERS) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior will attack any evil or thief non-player mob it<BR>detects.    With the Players parameter, it will even attack players as well.</pre>
			<a name="GoodGuardian"><B>GoodGuardian</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : GoodGuardian <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This is a very active behavior.  If the mob detects any evil mob attacking a<BR>good mob in the same room, or an adjacent room, it will attack the evil mob. <BR>If evil mobs are fighting, it will do nothing.  If two good or neutral mobs are<BR>fighting, it will stop the fight.</pre>
			<a name="Guard"><B>Guard</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Guard <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : ([MOB Name]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Bob <BR>Description:  <BR>If ANY mob, player or non-player, is attacked in the same room as the mob with<BR>this behavior, this mob will come to the victim's defence.  However, if this<BR>behavior has a parameter, then they will only come to the aid of players/mobs<BR>with that name.</pre>
			<a name="Healer"><B>Healer</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Healer <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, and a percent chance <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior gains Cure Disease, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Serious<BR>Wounds, Bless, and Sanctuary.  At random, the mob will cast these spells on any<BR>player-mobs in the room.</pre>
			<a name="Hireling"><B>Hireling</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Hireling <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : price to hire;minutes of service <BR>Example    : 10000;30 <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows a mob to hire him or herself out for a given amount of time. The first<BR>parameter is the price to hire the mob, followed by a semicolon and the number<BR>of minutes that amount of money purchases.  Additional money may be given by<BR>the player to extend the time.  When the time expires, the mob returns to his<BR>or her start room.</pre>
			<a name="InstantDeath"><B>InstantDeath</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : InstantDeath <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : mask, min, max ticks, and a percent chance <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 mask="-RACE +ORC" <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the<BR>item owner with this behavior will be killed.  MOBs and Rooms with this<BR>behavior will kill all their inhabitants.  MOBs do not kill until attacked,<BR>food when eaten, drinks when sipped items when they are picked up, weapons when<BR>they are first wielded, or armor when it is first worn.  Rooms merely need to<BR>be entered.  <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is killed, and disallowed is spared. </pre>
			<a name="ItemGenerator"><B>ItemGenerator</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ItemGenerator <BR>Targets    : Areas, Rooms, Containers, Mobs <BR>Parameters : [min/max ticks] [% chance] [min/max items/dups]<BR>[enchanted=%][mobs] [locale mask]; [mask] <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 minitems=1 maxitems=10 maxdups=0;-LEVELS<BR>+>10 <BR>Example    : minitems=10 maxitems=20 MOBS -ALL +CITY;-MATERIAL +IRON +BRONZE <BR>Example    : minitems=10 maxitems=20 enchanted=20;-NAME "+Short Sword" <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will generate a list of items from the standard common skills. It<BR>will also add random enchantments and curses to items a percentage of the time<BR>dictated by the enchanted parameter (default=10).  Items are selected from the<BR>list on a pseudo-random basis, with the chance weighted in favor of the least<BR>valuable items in favor of the most valuable.  This is to decrease the chances<BR>of a plethora of Spidersteel swords. <BR> <BR>The parameters before the semicolon describe the rate and amount of items<BR>generated.  The room or area will attempt to generate an item every (min) to<BR>(max) ticks, assuming the percent chance (chance) is made.  It will then<BR>generate at least the minimum (minitems) number of items from the list, but<BR>never more than the maximum (maxitems) number of monsters.  Duplicates are<BR>allowed unless (maxdups) is set to some value.  Items taken away will be<BR>replaced by this behavior, even if they are looted.  This behavior will<BR>generate items when on a room, in the inventory when on a mob, or in the shop<BR>when on a shopkeeper.  If on an area, a random room in the area will be picked<BR>for the item. The TYPE of room in that area which will be selected for<BR>population may also be specified. -ALL to disallow all locales, followed by<BR>+AIR +CITY +JUNGLE (etc) to reallow certain locales.  -CITY -UNDERWATER and<BR>others may be used to restrict certain locales.  If no locale types are<BR>specified, then all rooms in an area will be populatable.  Valid locates<BR>include: "STONE",	"WOODEN", "CAVE", "MAGIC", "UNDERWATER", "AIR",<BR>"WATERSURFACE",	"METAL", "CITY", "WOODS", "ROCKY", "PLAINS", "UNDERWATER",<BR>"AIR", "WATERSURFACE", "JUNGLE", "SWAMP", "DESERT", "HILLS", "MOUNTAINS". If<BR>the behavior is on a mob, or the MOBS flag is given in the parameters, then the<BR>item will be placed on a mob IF POSSIBLE (if the behavior is on an area, and a<BR>room with no mobs is randomly selected, it may not happen).  Items placed on<BR>mobs will be automatically worn if possible.  <BR> <BR>The parameters after the semicolon are a mask to help select what kind of items<BR>are generated for the several rooms or whatever.  For the mask flags, see AHELP<BR>ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is generated, and disallowed is not. </pre>
			<a name="ItemIdentifier"><B>ItemIdentifier</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ItemIdentifier <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (COST="[FORMULA]") <BR>Example    : COST="100+@x1" <BR>Description:  <BR>For a price, this mob will identify items.  They will NOT work for Archons,<BR>however. <BR>The optional COST parameter can be used to change the pricing formula. <BR>Variables are: @x1=level, @x2=value, @x3=condition(0-100),<BR>@x4=magical=1.0/non-magical=0.0. </pre>
			<a name="ItemMender"><B>ItemMender</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ItemMender <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (COST="[FORMULA]") <BR>Example    : COST="100+@x1" <BR>Description:  <BR>For a price, this mob will repair damaged weapons and armor.  The mender will<BR>NOT work for Archons, however.  <BR>The optional COST parameter can be used to change the pricing formula. <BR>Variables are: @x1=level, @x2=value, @x3=condition(0-100),<BR>@x4=magical=1.0/non-magical=0.0. </pre>
			<a name="ItemRefitter"><B>ItemRefitter</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ItemRefitter <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (COST="[FORMULA]") <BR>Example    : COST="100+@x1" <BR>Description:  <BR>For a price, this mob will resize armor to fit the mob.  The mender will NOT<BR>work for Archons, however. <BR>The optional COST parameter can be used to change the pricing formula. <BR>Variables are: @x1=level, @x2=value, @x3=condition(0-100),<BR>@x4=magical=1.0/non-magical=0.0. </pre>
			<a name="LinkedWeather"><B>LinkedWeather</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : LinkedWeather <BR>Targets    : Areas <BR>Parameters : [Area Name](;ROLLING) <BR>Example    : My Area <BR>Example    : My Area;ROLLING <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior forces the area to always mimic the weather of another area on<BR>your map.  That area is determined by the parameters.  The normal behavior is<BR>for the weather of the given area to always be the same as the linked area. If<BR>the area name in the parameters is followed by a semicolon and the word<BR>ROLLING, then the area instead will always take on the weather of the linked<BR>area on its next weather change, meaning that the linked area's weather will<BR>seem to "roll" into this area on every weather change.</pre>
			<a name="Mageness"><B>Mageness</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Mageness <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (SUBCLASS NAME) (PROFICIENT) (NOSTATS) (NOCOMBATSTAT) <BR>Parameters : (OFFENSIVE,DEFENSIVE,MIXEDOFFENSIVE,MIXEDDEFENSIVE) <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[NUM] MAXTICKS=[NUM] CHANCE=[NUM]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Mage <BR>Example    : Illusionist MIXEDDEFENSIVE <BR>Description:  <BR>An extension of CombatAbilities, this behavior makes the mob a Mage by class,<BR>and gives the mob mage spells appropriate to its level.  After this behavior<BR>has triggered, it will often require a RESET for any level changes to the mob<BR>to take over. <BR>Use the proficient flag to make all skills at 100% instead of level-based. Use<BR>the offensive/.../mixeddefensive flags to influence skill choices. This<BR>behavior should not be used WITH any of the other CombatAbilities behaviors,<BR>such as Fighterness, Thiefness, Mageness, Clericness, Druidness, or<BR>CombatAbilities. It should be used alone on a mob. <BR>Also, be aware that this behavior will modify the mobs stats to better reflect<BR>the class, so any additions or removals of this behavior should be accompanied<BR>by a room reset after saving, and manually checking to make sure the combat<BR>stats are as desired.</pre>
			<a name="Mime"><B>Mime</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Mime <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Exits, Rooms <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, and a percent chance <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Description:  <BR>This amazingly annoying Behavior makes the thing mimic any emotes or socials<BR>done by a player in the same room, back to that player.</pre>
			<a name="MOBEater"><B>MOBEater</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MOBEater <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, and a percent chance to occur, and pct of hp acid<BR>dmg does <BR>Example    : min=4 max=8 chance=5 acidpct=50 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior allows a mob to eat other mobs or players, and digest them! <BR>Great for dragons! You can set how often this occurs, and what % of the players<BR>max hp is taken from when when being digested in the stomach.  Another player<BR>must kill the mob with this behavior to free those being digested.  This<BR>behavior will not work at ALL unless the mob with this behavior is twice the<BR>weight of the target.</pre>
			<a name="MOBHelper"><B>MOBHelper</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MOBHelper <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : ([MAX COMBATANTS]) (MSG="[ATTACK MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    : 5 MSG="OMG ATTACK!" <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior will come to the defence of any non-player mob which<BR>is attacked in its presence.</pre>
			<a name="MOBHunter"><B>MOBHunter</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MOBHunter <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, room radius, a percent chance, mask of mobs to<BR>hunt <BR>Example    : min=600 max=1200 chance=99 radius=50 -RACE +Human <BR>Example    : min=50 max=1200 chance=75 -NAME "+Evil Wizards" <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will cause the mob to seek out a victim within the RADIUS number<BR>of rooms from where he is.  The mob will then hunt down and assassinate the<BR>victim.  The mob will begin the hunt according to the frequency defined by the<BR>parameters.  The MIN and MAX parms decide the minimum number of ticks to wait<BR>between hunts, and the CHANCE parm determines the chance the hunt will begin at<BR>that time.  The RADIUS is the number of rooms away from the mobs current room<BR>in which a victim will be sought.  The rest of the parameters are a mask to<BR>determine who would make a good victim.   <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is hunted, and disallowed is ignored. </pre>
			<a name="Mobile"><B>Mobile</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Mobile <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, flags, locale parms <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 wander -air -underwater <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 opendoors <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 leash=3 opendoors <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>with this behavior will travel in a random available direction. Mobs will not<BR>leave rooms containing visible Archons and builders with the CMDMOBS security<BR>flag. The wander flag is required if the mob is allowed to leave his or her<BR>area. The opendoors flag will allow the mob to open closed doors when walking<BR>around, or to unlock locked doors if the mob has the key. The leash parameter<BR>will prevent the mob from getting too far from home. The TYPE of room from<BR>which the mob is restricted may also be entered. -ALL to disallow all locales,<BR>followed by +AIR +CITY +JUNGLE (etc) to reallow certain locales.  -CITY<BR>-UNDERWATER and others may be used to restrict certain locales.  The full<BR>locale list is: STONE, WOODEN, CAVE, MAGIC, UNDERWATER, AIR, WATERSURFACE,<BR>METAL , CITY, WOODS, ROCKY, PLAINS, JUNGLE, SWAMP, DESERT, HILLS, MOUNTAINS,<BR>SPACEPORT, SEAPORT</pre>
			<a name="MobileAggressive"><B>MobileAggressive</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MobileAggressive <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, flags, message=[msg], and masks <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 -underwater -thief +elf <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 wander -air -elf <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 message="aha!" -air -elf <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 mobkill misbehave <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>with this behavior will travel in a random available direction. The mob will<BR>attack any player mob it comes across. They will be especially aggressive<BR>towards players within 16 levels of themselves in adjacent rooms. If no other<BR>parameters are given, the mob will attack anyone, anywhere. The wander flag is<BR>required if the mob is allowed to leave his or her area. The TYPE of room from<BR>which the mob is restricted may also be entered. -ALL to disallow all locales,<BR>followed by +AIR +CITY +JUNGLE (etc) to reallow certain locales.  -CITY<BR>-UNDERWATER and others may be used to restrict certain locales. The full locale<BR>list is: STONE, WOODEN, CAVE, MAGIC, UNDERWATER, AIR, WATERSURFACE, METAL ,<BR>CITY, WOODS, ROCKY, PLAINS, JUNGLE, SWAMP, DESERT, HILLS, MOUNTAINS, SPACEPORT,<BR>SEAPORT.  <BR> <BR>Masks may also be used to specify who the mob is likely to attack.  Mobs will<BR>not be mobile or aggressive towards Archons and builders with the CMDMOBS<BR>security flag. If no other masks are given, the mob will attack anyone within 8<BR>levels.  <BR>Valid aggressive masks include:   <BR>message=[msg] something for the mob to say whenever he's fixing to attack <BR>delay=x (makes the mob delay x ticks before looking for a victim)  <BR>mobkill (makes this behavior attack mobs as well as players)  <BR>nogang (makes this behavior pass over players already in combat)  <BR>misbehave (makes this mob attack even when wounded or a follower)  <BR>checklevel (makes this mob attack only those within 5 levels below him)  <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is attacked, and disallowed is spared. </pre>
			<a name="MobileGoodGuardian"><B>MobileGoodGuardian</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MobileGoodGuardian <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, flags, locale parms <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 wander -air -underwater <BR>Description:  <BR>This is a very active behavior.  If the mob detects any evil mob attacking a<BR>good mob in the same room, or an adjacent room, it will attack the evil mob. <BR>If evil mobs are fighting, it will do nothing.  If two good or neutral mobs are<BR>fighting, it will stop the fight. This mob is also mobile, which means the mob<BR>will move around the area. The wander flag is required if the mob is allowed to<BR>leave his or her area. The TYPE of room from which the mob is restricted may<BR>also be entered. -ALL to disallow all locales, followed by +AIR +CITY +JUNGLE<BR>(etc) to reallow certain locales.  -CITY -UNDERWATER and others may be used to<BR>restrict certain locales. The full locale list is: STONE, WOODEN, CAVE, MAGIC,<BR>UNDERWATER, AIR, WATERSURFACE, METAL , CITY, WOODS, ROCKY, PLAINS, JUNGLE,<BR>SWAMP, DESERT, HILLS, MOUNTAINS, SPACEPORT, SEAPORT.  Mobs will not leave rooms<BR>containing visible Archons and builders with the CMDMOBS security flag.</pre>
			<a name="MOBReSave"><B>MOBReSave</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MOBReSave <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance <BR>Example    : min=140 max=140 chance=100 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior allows the mob with it to be updated in the CoffeeMud database<BR>according to the frequency defined by min, max ticks.  This behavior is tricky<BR>to set up the first time. When you know you are going to want an updating mob<BR>in a room, you should first go to the room and create a GenMob with this<BR>behavior (no parameters needed).  Wait a few seconds, and you will see the<BR>GenMob that you created has disappeared.  Now you are free to add this behavior<BR>to one or more other mobs at your leisure.  Don't forget to resave the room<BR>when you are done!</pre>
			<a name="MOBTeacher"><B>MOBTeacher</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MOBTeacher <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : Char class name(s), ability name(s), expertise name(s),  <BR>Parameters : percentages, nocommon flag, noedus flag, or empty to teach all. <BR>Example    : mage evoker illusionist transmuter <BR>Example    : 100% mage 10% Thief_Steal NOCOMMON <BR>Example    : Spell_Sleep 5% Spell_Wish <BR>Example    : Spell_BurningHands <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes the mob suitable to teach skills, spells, prayers, songs,<BR>or expertises as specified in the parameters.  If the parameter is empty, the<BR>mob will be able to teach all abilities.  If the parameter contains the name of<BR>a character class, the mob will only teach abilities of that class. *Any* class<BR>may always practice with a MOBTeacher, but the mob may only teach those<BR>abilities for the character class the parameters describe.  The classes listed<BR>by mob teacher are NOT base classes.  To have a teacher able to teach skills<BR>from an entire base class, all sub-classes must be listed.  <BR>Percentages may be included inside the parameters as well.  The percentage will<BR>always apply only to the character classes or spells listed after the<BR>percentage, not before.  Encountering another percentage entry will override<BR>the previous.  A percentage will dictate the chance that a given spell will be<BR>known by the teacher, or the chance that a particular spell in a given<BR>character class will be known.  <BR>Two flags can also modify your list.  The NOCOMMON flag prevents the teacher<BR>from teaching common skills, even if they would normally be on his list.  The<BR>NOEXPS flag prevents the teacher from teaching expertises, even if he would<BR>normally qualify for them. <BR>If this behavior has NO parameters whatsoever, the mob will teach all basic<BR>skills. Expertises will only be taught if the mob otherwise qualifies for them<BR>himself, and Character Class changes will only be taught if the mob is that<BR>class. </pre>
			<a name="MoneyChanger"><B>MoneyChanger</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MoneyChanger <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (CUT=[NUM]) (DEFAULT=[NUM]) ([CURRENCY]=[NUM]) <BR>Parameters : (CUT=[NUM]) (SPACEMAXCUT=[NUM]) (SPACEMAXDISTANCE=[PCT]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : cut=5 <BR>Example    : default=0 GOLD=5 INGITS=10 <BR>Example    : cut=5 spacemaxcut=90 spacemaxdistance=35 <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever a player gives the money changer coins, the money changer will give<BR>back to the player a bag containing an equivalent amount of money in the money<BR>changers native currency.  The "cut" that the money changer takes, in general,<BR>can be defined with the CUT parameter, by making CUT equal to a percentage.  If<BR>you wish, you can also define exchange rates for the several currencies in your<BR>system by setting each currency name equal to a percentage. <BR> <BR>When dealing with intersteller currencies, there are two other parameters,<BR>which can be used to automatically calculate a scaled "cut" of the exchange<BR>based on how far away the exchanged currencies planet is from the money<BR>changers.  To do this, you can add spacemaxcut to denote the percentage to take<BR>when the currency is from an unknown or maximum distance, and spacemaxdistance<BR>to denote a percentage of the entire galactic radius to use as a maximum.</pre>
			<a name="MovingRoom"><B>MovingRoom</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Mover <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters : min=3 max=3 chance=100;[xmlsection];[ticks at stops];[ticks<BR>between stops]  <BR>Example    : min=3 max=3 chance=100;SUBWAY;3;10 <BR>Description:  <BR>The above example would set the room's parameters to the ones listed in the<BR>SUBWAY section of the file resources/moving.xml.  There is a subway example<BR>already there.  <BR>NOTE!      : The follow conditions -must- be met before setting the room to<BR>this behaviour.  <BR>1.  <BR>The rooms that you want this room to open out to -must- already be defined<BR>before you make the XML section.  <BR>2.  <BR>The XML document -must- be writen before you set this behaviour.  <BR>3.  <BR>You -cannot- have the moving room override an exit, ie. if room A links south<BR>to Room B  <BR>you cannot have the mover link north to room A. <BR>*******************  <BR>XML DOCUMENT NOTES:  <BR>*******************  <BR>You can use the following strings in the XML document to be translated on the<BR>fly  <BR>$disproom  : if mover is at a stop this is the room it is opened to otherwise  <BR>. Example  : this is the next room that this room will open too.  <BR>$inopendir : this is the direction the door on the inside (the mover) opens.  <BR>$outopendir: this is the direction the door on the outside (where the mover<BR>stoped) opens.  <BR>$traveldir : this is the current direction that the room is moving in.  <BR> <BR>&lt;STOPS> here you would list the ROOMID of each room the mover will stop at<BR>example. <BR>&lt;STOP1>[first stop]&lt;/STOP1>n <BR> <BR>&lt;NORMALDIRECTION> and &lt;REVERSEDIRECTION>  <BR>-in these tags you define the parameters for the mover while is is going back<BR>and forth.  <BR>-normal is stop1 to stopwhatever and reverse is stopwhatever to stop1.  <BR>-TRAVELDIRECTION = the direction it is traveling from point a to point b.  <BR>-DOORSDIRECTION = the direction the doors open out of the mover.  <BR>--&lt;INSIDE> and &lt;OUTSIDE>  <BR>---in these tags you define what is echoed to the client in the mover and<BR>outside.  <BR>---ARRIVALINFO = what is echoed when the room gets to the stop  <BR>---DEPARTINFO = what is echoed when the room leaves the stop  <BR>&lt;ROOMDESCRIPTIONS>  <BR>-here you define what is appended to the end of the room descriptions.  <BR>-&lt;NORMALDIRECTION> and &lt;REVERSEDIRECTION>  <BR>--&lt;INSIDE> and &lt;OUTSIDE>  <BR>---DOOROPENED = if the door is opened append this. <BR>---DOORCLOSED = if the door is closed append this. <BR> <BR>There are two examples in the XML document you can look at for further info.  <BR> <BR>Ideas for this would be, subways, busses, wagon trains (caravans) spaceships,<BR>stargates, everchanging paths in mazes, elevators, ect.</pre>
			<a name="MudChat"><B>MudChat</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : MudChat <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : optional or additional chat data file name and/or chat-mob-type <BR>Example    : smurf <BR>Example    : chat.dat=smurf <BR>Example    : mychat.dat=cityguard <BR>Example    : mychat.dat= <BR>Example    : +(here there);9neither;5well, where?;1nowhere <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows the mobs to speak and respond to speech.  The chat.dat file, from which<BR>speech behavior is derived, contains many "templates" for different speech<BR>behaviors.  MudChat will attempt to choose the correct speech behavior for the<BR>mob based on the mobs name.  This may be overridden by specifying a speech<BR>behavior in the parameters.  Speech patterns in the chat.dat at present<BR>include: <BR>default <BR>dog fido beastly fido_dog <BR>cat kitten lion <BR>pig boar <BR>doll toy <BR>papa_smurf smurf <BR>monster <BR>smurfette <BR>healer cleric doctor <BR> <BR>If the first character in the parameters is a plus-sign, then a semi-colon<BR>delimited list of chat data is expected, in the same format as is found in<BR>chat.dat. <BR></pre>
			<a name="Nanny"><B>Nanny</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Nanny <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : RATE=[PRICE] NAME="[PLACE NAME]" WATCHES="[CODES]" (|~| [XML]) <BR>Example    : rate=2.5 name="The Stables" watches="mounts,wagons" <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob a protector and watcher of mobs and items of various sorts, for<BR>money. The rate parameter describes the base gold value he charges for each<BR>thing dropped off, per hour.  The name is a description of the type of place he<BR>runs.  The watches parameter contains one or more comma-delimeted words (no<BR>spaces!) describing the kinds of things he will charge people to watch and<BR>protect, and may include one or more of the following:  <BR>babies - baby items born from mud breeding <BR>children - child mobs (after babies grow up) <BR>mounts - rideable mobs of all sorts <BR>cars - land-rideable items that aren't wagons <BR>aircars - air-rideable items <BR>wagons - rideable land items that are wagons <BR>followers - mobs that aren't children, mounts, etc. <BR>boats - rideable items of the sea <BR> <BR>This behavior will automatically save the items and mobs in the room he is<BR>watching over, and prevent items from decay.  Combat against himself or mobs<BR>under protection is forbidden, as is removing any mob or item that has not been<BR>paid for.  The first mud-hour is free, and protection will not begin until the<BR>owner leaves. <BR> <BR>NOTE - due to the way this behavior stores records, do not place this behavior<BR>on a mob that is cataloged in the CATALOG system.</pre>
			<a name="NastyAbilities"><B>NastyAbilities</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : NastyAbilities <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, and a percent chance (optional fightok string) <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 fightok <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>with this behavior will use any of its malicious abilities, including spells,<BR>prayers, songs, or others, to the detriment of random player mobs in the same<BR>room.  These spells will not automatically cause combat unless the FIGHTOK<BR>string is included in the parameters.</pre>
			<a name="NeutralAbilities"><B>NeutralAbilities</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : NeutralAbilities <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, and a percent chance (optional fightok string) <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 fightok <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>with this behavior will use any of its indifferent abilities, including spells,<BR>prayers, songs, or others, to the amusement of random player mobs in the same<BR>room.  These spells will not automatically cause combat unless the FIGHTOK<BR>string is included in the parameters.</pre>
			<a name="NiceAbilities"><B>NiceAbilities</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : NiceAbilities <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, and a percent chance <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>with this behavior will use any of its benevolent abilities, including spells,<BR>prayers, songs, or others, for the benefit of player mobs in the same room.</pre>
			<a name="NoCombatAssist"><B>NoCombatAssist</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : NoCombatAssist <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes sure that a mob does not assist in combat when following a<BR>player or another mob.</pre>
			<a name="ObjectGuardian"><B>ObjectGuardian</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ObjectGuardian <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : SENTINAL <BR>Example    : SENTINAL <BR>Description:  <BR>This will cause a mob to explicitly prevent any other mob from taking or<BR>removing any object in the same room as the mob. You have to kill him! By<BR>adding SENTINAL to the parameters, the mob will be even more vigilant and<BR>steadfast, not letting combat or even severe damage deter him from his duty.</pre>
			<a name="Patroller"><B>Patroller</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Patroller <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, % chance, rideok flag, diameter; room ids or<BR>directions <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75<BR>rideok=true;Midgaard#3001;#3002;#3003;RESTART <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=99<BR>rideok=only;Midgaard#3001;#3002;#3003;RESTART <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=15;east;.;north;north;east <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=15 diameter=100;Midgaard#1;New<BR>Thalos#10;.;.;restart <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>or item with this behavior will travel the path assigned in the parameters. <BR>Cardinal directions and room numbers are all valid entries, though the cardinal<BR>directions must always be valid from the objects current position to work.  The<BR>'RESTART' parameter may be placed in the path to force the object to start the<BR>path from the beginning.  If no 'RESTART' parameter is given, the object will<BR>by default retrace their steps back to the beginning of the path.  The '.'<BR>parameter (a period) in the path will direct the patroller to pause one step at<BR>that point.  If any doors are encountered along the patrol route, they will be<BR>unlocked and opened by a mob.  Items will ignore doors. If a route of room ids<BR>is given, the patroller will automatically "track" from their current position<BR>to the next room on their patrol list, even if it is not adjacent. The diameter<BR>parameter should be enlarged when it is possible for the patroller to become<BR>more that 20 rooms "off track". <BR> <BR>By default, rideable mobs and items will stop patrolling when they are ridden. <BR>Setting rideok to true will make it so that they continue their patrol even<BR>when ridden, though they can still be driven by passengers.  Setting rideok to<BR>only will keep the rideable on track, and prevent driving by passengers. <BR> <BR>See Prop_StayAboard for a helpful support property for patrollers with riders. </pre>
			<a name="PlayerHelper"><B>PlayerHelper</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : PlayerHelper <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : ([MAX COMBATANTS]) (MSG="[ATTACK MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    : 5 msg="OMG ATTACK!" <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob with this behavior will come to the defence of any player mob against<BR>any non-player mob.  You may optionally specify a maximum number of combatants<BR>that can join in using this behavior.</pre>
			<a name="PokerDealer"><B>PokerDealer</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : PokerDealer <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Rooms <BR>Parameters : (GAME=[gameint]) (MINPLAYERS=[numplayers]) (ANTI=[antiamount]) <BR>Example    : game=2 minplayer=4 anti=5.0 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes the mob or room a dealer of poker games.  The behavior will<BR>manage not only the players hands, but their betting, card draws, and other<BR>aspects.  The variety of poker defaults to straight poker, but may be set to<BR>one of the following: STRAIGHTPOKER=0, 5CARDSTUD=1, 7CARDSTUD, DRAWPOKER=3. <BR>As of this version, the dealer can not play, so numplayers must be 2 or more.</pre>
			<a name="ProtectedCitizen"><B>ProtectedCitizen</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ProtectedCitizen <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : Max/Min ticks, pct chance, rooms radius, max#assists;guardian<BR>mask; yell strings, ';' separated. <BR>Example    : min=1 max=5 chance=25 radius=7 maxassists=1;-NAME +cityguard;HELP<BR>ME!!!;Save me! <BR>Example    : WANDER radius=20;-NAME +cityguard;HELP ME!!!;,screams for his<BR>life! <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior allows a mob to scream for help during combat, given the<BR>conditions described by the parameters.  MIN and MAX describe the range of<BR>ticks (3 second periods) between screams.  MAXASSISTS describes the maximum<BR>number of mobs who will assist the citizen.  CHANCE describes the PERCENT<BR>chance the mob has of screaming after the period.  Whenever the mob screams the<BR>system will check RADIUS rooms deep around the mob for ANOTHER mob that matches<BR>the mask check after the first semicolon.  In this example, mobs with the word<BR>"citiguard" in their name.  If such a mob is found, and that mob has one of the<BR>"Mobile" behaviors, it will be moved one room closer to the screaming mob.  An<BR>optional WANDER flag allows mobs from adjacent areas to be drawn in. When the<BR>guardian mob arrives to the same room as the screaming mob, it will join the<BR>screaming mob in defence. All of the semicolon-separated strings at the end of<BR>the parameter list will denote the random things which the screaming mob will<BR>yell out. Once a mob has come to the screamers defence, it will stop screaming.<BR>If a comma prefixes the scream message, it will be emoted instead. <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is assisted, and disallowed is ignored. </pre>
			<a name="ProtectedCitizens"><B>ProtectedCitizens</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ProtectedCitizens <BR>Targets    : MOBs, ROOMs, and AREAs <BR>Parameters : Max/Min ticks, pct chance, rooms radius, max#assists; <BR>Parm (cont): protected citizen mask;guardian mask; yell strings, ';' separated.<BR><BR>Example    : radius=5 maxassists=7;-NAME +citizen;-NAME +cityguard;HELP<BR>ME!!!;Save me! <BR>Example    : radius=10 maxassists=2;-NAME +citizen;HELP ME!!!;,screams for his<BR>life! <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior allows a mob described by the citizen mask (the first string<BR>after the first semicolon) to scream for help during combat, given the<BR>conditions described by the parameters.  MIN and MAX describe the range of<BR>ticks (3 second periods) between screams.  MAXASSISTS describes the maximum<BR>number of guardians who will assist the citizen.  CHANCE describes the PERCENT<BR>chance the mob has of screaming after the period.  Whenever the mob screams the<BR>system will check RADIUS rooms deep around the mob for a guardian mob that<BR>matches the mask check after the second semicolon.  In this example, mobs with<BR>the word "cityguard" in their name.  If such a mob is found, and that mob has<BR>one of the "Mobile" behaviors, it will be moved one room closer to the<BR>screaming mob.  When the guardian mob arrives to the same room as the screaming<BR>mob, it will join the screaming mob in defence. All of the semicolon-separated<BR>strings at the end of the parameter list will denote the random things which<BR>the screaming mob will yell out. Once a mob has come to the screamers defence,<BR>it will stop screaming. If a comma prefixes the scream message, it will be<BR>emoted instead. <BR>For the valid masks for the citizen and guardian mobs, see AHELP ZAPPERMASK</pre>
			<a name="PuddleMaker"><B>PuddleMaker</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : PuddleMaker <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : [PCT CHANCE] <BR>Example    : 34 <BR>Description:  <BR>The room or area with this behavior will, on the given pct chance, generate a<BR>puddle or some snow following an appropriate rain, sleet, thunderstorm, or<BR>similar weather event.  The generated snow or puddle will disappear (evaporate)<BR>after a time.  It can also generate dust after a dust storm.</pre>
			<a name="QuestChat"><B>QuestChat</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : QuestChat <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : optional or additional chat data, or filenames ,or chat-mob-type <BR>Example    : smurf <BR>Example    : +(here there);9neither;5well, where?;1nowhere <BR>Example    : chat.dat=smurf <BR>Example    : mychat.dat=cityguard <BR>Example    : mychat.dat= <BR>Example    : +(speak | talk | words::DONE_SPEAKING);9only said this to YOU<BR>once. <BR>Description:  <BR>An extension of the MudChat behavior, with a special feature for Quests. Allows<BR>the mobs to speak and respond to speech.  The chat.dat file, from which speech<BR>behavior is derived, contains many "templates" for different speech behaviors. <BR>MudChat will attempt to choose the correct speech behavior for the mob based on<BR>the mobs name.  This may be overridden by specifying a speech behavior in the<BR>parameters.  This behavior extends the basic functionality of MudChat in the<BR>following ways: <BR> <BR>1. If the first character in the parameters is a plus-sign, then a semi-colon<BR>delimited list of chat data is expected, in the same format as is found in<BR>chat.dat. <BR> <BR>2. If format#1 is used, the trigger pattern may be followed by a double-colon,<BR>and then immediately by a variable string.   This string will designate that<BR>the given pattern is only responded to for a given player ONCE.  The string<BR>will also be added to a list of strings under the players name in any Quest<BR>object. This list will then be available through a Scriptable QVAR function.</pre>
			<a name="RaceHelper"><B>RaceHelper</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : RaceHelper <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : ([MAX COMBATANTS]) (MSG="[ATTACK MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    : 5 msg="OMG ATTACK!" <BR>Description:  <BR>Joins a fight on the side of an identical mob, or one of the same race. You may<BR>optionally specify a maximum number of combatants that can join in using this<BR>behavior.</pre>
			<a name="RandomItems"><B>RandomItems</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : RandomItems <BR>Targets    : Areas, Rooms, Containers, Mobs <BR>Parameters : [min/max ticks] [% chance] [min/max items] [mobs] [locale mask];<BR>[xml/filename] <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 minitems=1 maxitems=10;myitems.cmare <BR>Example    : minitems=10 maxitems=20 MOBS -ALL +CITY;stuff.cmare <BR>Example    : minitems=10 maxitems=20 ;&lt;ITEMS>&lt;ITEM>..etc.. <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will read a list of items from a CMARE file of items generated<BR>using the "EXPORT AREA ITEMS" or "EXPORT ROOM ITEMS" command.  The path to this<BR>file should be the last parameter, following a semicolon.  The path is<BR>considered relative to the CoffeeMud resources directory.  The xml from such a<BR>file may also be pasted in as the last parameter instead.  <BR> <BR>The parameters before the semicolon describe the rate and amount of items<BR>generated.  The room or area will attempt to generate an item every (min) to<BR>(max) ticks, assuming the percent chance (chance) is made.  It will then<BR>generate at least the minimum (minitems) number of items from the list, but<BR>never more than the maximum (maxitems) number of monsters.  Duplicates are<BR>allowed.  Items taken away will be replaced by this behavior, even if they are<BR>looted.  If the behavior is on a room, all items will be generated in that<BR>room.  If on an area, a random room in the area will be picked for the item.<BR>The TYPE of room in that area which will be selected for population may also be<BR>specified. -ALL to disallow all locales, followed by +AIR +CITY +JUNGLE (etc)<BR>to reallow certain locales.  -CITY -UNDERWATER and others may be used to<BR>restrict certain locales.  If no locale types are specified, then all rooms in<BR>an area will be populatable.  Valid locates include: "STONE",	"WOODEN", "CAVE",<BR>"MAGIC", "UNDERWATER", "AIR", "WATERSURFACE",	"METAL", "CITY", "WOODS",<BR>"ROCKY", "PLAINS", "UNDERWATER", "AIR", "WATERSURFACE", "JUNGLE", "SWAMP",<BR>"DESERT", "HILLS", "MOUNTAINS". If the behavior is on a mob, or the MOBS flag<BR>is given in the parameters, then the item will be placed on a mob IF POSSIBLE<BR>(if the behavior is on an area, and a room with no mobs is randomly selected,<BR>it may not happen).  Items placed on mobs will be automatically worn if<BR>possible.   If the behavior is on a shopkeeper, it will put the items up for<BR>sale.</pre>
			<a name="RandomMonsters"><B>RandomMonsters</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : RandomMonsters <BR>Targets    : Areas, Rooms <BR>Parameters : [min/max ticks] [% chance] [min/max monsters] [locale mask];<BR>[xml/filename] <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 minmonsters=1<BR>maxmonsters=10;monsters.cmare <BR>Example    : minmonsters=10 maxmonsters=20 -ALL +CITY;criminals.cmare <BR>Example    : minmonsters=10 maxmonsters=20 ;&lt;MOBS>&lt;MOB>..etc.. <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will read a list of monsters from a CMARE file of mobs generated<BR>using the "EXPORT AREA MOBS" or "EXPORT ROOM MOBS" command.  The path to this<BR>file should be the last parameter, following a semicolon.  The path is<BR>considered relative to the CoffeeMud resources directory.  The xml from such a<BR>file may also be pasted in as the last parameter instead.  <BR> <BR>The parameters before the semicolon describe the rate and amount of monsters<BR>generated.  The room or area will attempt to generate a monster every (min) to<BR>(max) ticks, assuming the percent chance (chance) is made.  It will then<BR>generate at least the minimum (minmonsters) number of monsters from the list,<BR>but never more than the maximum (maxmonsters) number of monsters.  Duplicates<BR>are allowed.  Monsters who die will be replaced by this behavior, even if they<BR>wander out of the room or area.  If the behavior is on a room, all monsters<BR>will be generated in that room.  If on an area, a random room in the area will<BR>be picked for the monster. The TYPE of room in that area which will be selected<BR>for population may also be specified. -ALL to disallow all locales, followed by<BR>+AIR +CITY +JUNGLE (etc) to reallow certain locales.  -CITY -UNDERWATER and<BR>others may be used to restrict certain locales.  If no locale types are<BR>specified, then all rooms in an area will be populatable.  By default,<BR>non-flying mobs will never be generated in air rooms, nor will non-swimming<BR>mobs be generated underwater. Valid locates include: "STONE",	"WOODEN", "CAVE",<BR>"MAGIC", "UNDERWATER", "AIR", "WATERSURFACE",	"METAL", "CITY", "WOODS",<BR>"ROCKY", "PLAINS", "UNDERWATER", "AIR", "WATERSURFACE", "JUNGLE", "SWAMP",<BR>"DESERT", "HILLS", "MOUNTAINS".</pre>
			<a name="RandomQuests"><B>RandomQuests</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : RandomQuests <BR>Targets    : Areas, Mobs <BR>Parameters : (MIN=[TICKS]) (MAX=[TICKS]) (CHANCE=[0-100]) ([var=value] ...) <BR>Example    : minquests=3 maxquests=5 template=normal_capture1 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will generate a random quest inside a host area, or generate a<BR>random quest on behalf of the host mob.  The arguments are all optional, and<BR>are numerous:  <BR>MIN, MAX, and CHANCE determine how frequently an attempt will be made to<BR>generate a quest.  Be generous with this, as quest generation is a<BR>cpu-intensive process.  Default is 10-20 ticks. <BR>MINQUESTS, MAXQUESTS determine how many quests will be generated at one time.<BR>If any existing quests ellapse, then new ones will be generated.  Default is<BR>1-3 quests.  If multiple quests are offered by the sasme mob, then, by default,<BR>the player must complete each one in order. <BR>PATH is used to specify the xml document to read the random quest data from.<BR>Default is randareas/example.xml. <BR>TAGID is the tag of the QUEST object inside the PATH document to generate.<BR>Default is "all_quests". <BR>EXPIRE is the amount of time a quest will run for before expiring forever.<BR>Expiration occurs even if a quest is accepted moments before.  The default is<BR>"3 hours". <BR>MAXATTEMPTS is the number of attempts that will be made to generate a<BR>particular quest.  This is necessary because not all areas, people, or<BR>circumstances will support evey quest type.  The default is 3. <BR> <BR>The following are not aspects of this behavior, but are variables passed on to<BR>the percolator who generates the quests, and are only meaningful because of<BR>their definitions in /resources/quests/random/*.xml. <BR>TEMPLATE is the name of the quest template to use.  Default is random. <BR>AVOIDSCANS can be set to YES to avoid quest templates that scan an entire area.<BR><BR>AREA_NAME can override the name of the areas where the announcer is found. <BR>SOURCE_NAME can override the name of the quest announcer. <BR>TARGETAREA_NAME can override the name of the area where the quest occurs. <BR>MULTIAREA can be set to YES to allow the quest to occur other than the source<BR>area. <BR>TARGETNAME is quest-type specific, but can mean the name of a quest target mob<BR>or item. <BR>NUM_TARGETS is quest-type specific, but can mean the number of items/mobs to<BR>target. <BR>AGGRESSION is quest-type specific, but can be set to YES or NO. <BR>XP_AMOUNT_AWARDED is the amount of xp to award for completing a quest. <BR>GOLD_AMOUNT_AWARDED is the amount of money to award for completing a quest. <BR>QUEST_POINT_AWARDED can be set to YES or NO. <BR>QUEST_MULTIPLE can be set to YES, NO, or PREV <BR>ANNOUNCECHANNEL can be anything from SAY, LOCAL, QUESTCHAT, etc. <BR></pre>
			<a name="RandomTeleporter"><B>RandomTeleporter</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : RandomTeleporter <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, (nowander) locale parms <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 -air -underwater <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 nowander <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes a mob which will transport himself to a random room on the<BR>map.  Locale parms may be given to restrict the types of rooms he will<BR>transport too.  A randomtransport will, by default, transport all over the<BR>world.  Use the nowander flag to keep him in his area.</pre>
			<a name="RandomTraps"><B>RandomTraps</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Random Traps <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : Max and min ticks, pct chance, min and max traps, locale and other<BR>flags. <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=25 mintraps=1 maxtraps=10 EXITS="YES"<BR>ITEMS="YES" ROOMS="YES" <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=25 ROOMS="YES" ITEMS="NO" -ALL +CityStreet <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will generate traps in a room or area.   <BR>Frequency Parameters:  <BR>The frequency and chance that the traps will be generated is determined by the<BR>min, max, and chance parameters.   <BR> <BR>Number of traps parameters:  <BR>The number of traps generated is determined by mintraps and maxtraps.  <BR> <BR>Types of items trapped parameters:  <BR>You may also dictate the types of things which can be trapped. By default, only<BR>closed, locked doors will get trapped.  To allow other things to be trapped,<BR>other parameters must be included. <BR>The ROOMS parameter may be made equal to YES to allow trapping of rooms, or NO<BR>to not allow this.  <BR>The EXITS parameter may be made equal to DOORS to allow trapping of all doors,<BR>LOCKED to allow only trapping of locked doors, or NO to not allow exits to be<BR>trapped at all. <BR>The ITEMS parameter may be equal to YES to allow trapping of any items, CONT to<BR>allow trapping only of containers, LID to trap only the containers with lids,<BR>LOCK to trap only containers with locks, or NO to never trap items.  <BR> <BR>The locale parameters: <BR>The TYPE of room in that area which will be checked for trappable things may<BR>also be specified. Use -ALL to disallow all locales, followed by +AIR +CITY<BR>+JUNGLE (etc) to reallow certain locales.  -CITY -UNDERWATER and others may be<BR>used to restrict certain locales.  If no locale types are specified, then all<BR>rooms in an area will be elligible.</pre>
			<a name="ResetWhole"><B>ResetWhole</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ResetWhole <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : # of ticks of inactivity before reset <BR>Parameters : (TICKS=[INACTIVITY TICKS])/(RLHOUR=[HOUR])/(MUDHOUR=[HOUR]) <BR>Example    : 4000 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior provides an alternative means of resetting your rooms and areas. <BR>The system will total reset a room (mobs and items) which has not been visited<BR>by a player in the given amount of ticks.  Remember that a tick is about 4<BR>seconds. You can alternatively specify a real life hour (0-23) or mud hour of<BR>the day with the RLHOUR or MUDHOUR parameters. An Area with this behavior will<BR>skip over any rooms which also have this behavior, allowing you to have<BR>different total reset times for certain rooms.  Of course, this behavior does<BR>not override the existing REJUV system for mobs and items, so if you would like<BR>to use the ResetWhole system exclusively, you should set the rejuv rate on all<BR>the mobs and items in your game to 0, which disables their internal<BR>rejuvenation.</pre>
			<a name="ResourceOverride"><B>ResourceOverride</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ResourceOverride <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance, resources and (for areas) room<BR>types <BR>Example    : MIN=5 MAX=5 CHANCE=100 CORN WHEAT RICE <BR>Example    : CORN WHEAT RICE ROCKY MOUNTAINS PLAINS <BR>Description:  <BR>This class allows one to override the normal resources generated by rooms for<BR>many common skills.  This skill will randomly select from the list enumerated<BR>in the parameters instead of the normal list. If this behavior is added to an<BR>area, you can add to the parameters a list of room types to apply the new<BR>resources to.  Room types include: STONE, WOODEN, CAVE, MAGIC, UNDERWATER, AIR,<BR>WATERSURFACE,	METAL, CITY, WOODS, ROCKY, PLAINS, UNDERWATER", AIR,<BR>WATERSURFACE, JUNGLE, SWAMP, DESERT, HILLS, MOUNTAINS <BR> <BR>When changing the parameters of an existing ResourceOverride on an area, be<BR>sure to use RESET AREA to change back any rooms previously affected. </pre>
			<a name="ROMGangMember"><B>ROMGangMember</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ROMGangMember <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : [GANG NAME](;[ATTACK MESSAGE]... <BR>Example    : Troll <BR>Example    : Troll;I`m gonna kill you!;I`ve got you now!;DIE! <BR>Description:  <BR>A silly behavior to better support ROM area files.  The mob with this behavior<BR>will attack any other mob which also has this behavior, but is in a different<BR>gang.  This behavior is not active when a mob with the ROMPatrolman is in the<BR>room.  The first argument is always the gang that this member belongs to,<BR>whereas any additional arguments are things the mobs say before attacking.</pre>
			<a name="ROMPatrolman"><B>ROMPatrolman</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ROMPatrolman <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A silly behavior to better support ROM area files.  The mob with this behavior<BR>will complain whenever there is a fight going on in the same room.  The mob may<BR>do nothing, join the fight, or break it up.</pre>
			<a name="Sailor"><B>Sailor</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Sailor <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : (TICKDELAY=[NUMBER]) (PEACEMOVER=[TRUE/FALSE]) <BR>Parameters : (AREAONLY=[TRUE/FALSE]) (WIMPY=[TRUE/FALSE]) <BR>Parameters : (FIGHTMOVER=[TRUE/FALSE]) (FIGHTTECH=[TRUE/FALSE]) <BR>Parameters : (AGGRO=[TRUE/FALSE]) (AGGROMOBS=[TRUE/FALSE]) <BR>Parameters : (AGGROLEVELCHECK=[TRUE/FALSE]) (AGGROMASK=[MASK]) <BR>Parameters : (DEFENDER=[TRUE/FALSE]) (BOARDER=[TRUE/FALSE]) <BR>Example    : tickdelay=10 peacemover=true areaonly=false <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will turn a mob into a helpful member of the crew of a large<BR>boardable sailing ship.  With no arguments, this behavior will make the mob<BR>stand idle until their ship is in combat, at which point they will load and aim<BR>weapons they encounter. By default, they act more frequently based on their<BR>level from 1-30. <BR> <BR>If a mob has the Shipwright behavior, they will automatically mend the ship<BR>when not in combat, or when the ship is badly hurt during combat.  If a mob has<BR>Grapples and is Mobile, they will throw grapples and board enemy ships when<BR>appropriate. <BR> <BR>Parameters:  <BR>TICKDELAY - the number of ticks between actions, whether in combat or no <BR>PEACEMOVER - will sail the ship around at random when not in combat <BR>AREAONLY - whether the ship stays in-area when sailing around <BR>FIGHTMOVER - will sail the ship around at (somewhat) random during combat <BR>WIMPY - if FIGHTMOVER is true, will make the ship run away when losing <BR>FIGHTTECH - will load and aim weapons during combat <BR>AGGRO - will target other ships they encounter and start fights <BR>AGGROMOBS - if AGGRO is true, this will also start fights with mob-only ships <BR>AGGROLEVELCHECK - if AGGRO, this will only fight with near-level enemy ships <BR>AGGROMASK - if AGGRO, a zappermask to filter enemies.  See help ZAPPERMASK. <BR>DEFENDER - if DEFENDER is true, the mob will seek the deck to defend against<BR>boarders <BR>BOARDER - if BOARDER is true, this mob will seek the enemy ship to attack enemy<BR>crew <BR>- <BR>Defaults are:  <BR>TICKDELAY:  30 - tickBonus - ([LEVEL] / 4) <BR>TICKBONUS: 0 <BR>AREAONLY: true <BR>FIGHTMOVER: true <BR>FIGHTTECH: true <BR>WIMPY: true <BR>PEACEMOVER, BOARDER, DEFENDER, AGGRO, AGGROMOBS, AGGROLEVELCHECK: false <BR>-</pre>
			<a name="Scavenger"><B>Scavenger</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Scavenger <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (MIN=[TICKS]) (MAX=[TICKS]) (CHANCE=[NUM%]) (TRASH=[ROOMID])<BR>Parameters : ... (; [ITEM ZAPPERMASK]) Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 trash="no" <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 trash="Midgaard#3021" <BR>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=75 ; -JAVACLASS +GENWEAPON <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the mob<BR>with this behavior will attempt to pick up and take away random objects in the<BR>same room as the mob.  Scavengers will not do their work when a PC is in the<BR>room, however.  If they get "filled up" on items, they will destroy them,<BR>unless the trash flag is present.  If it is set to NO, they will do nothing. <BR>If it is set to a roomid, the mob will track to that room and put the things in<BR>any ungettable container therein, or on the ground if that is not an option. An<BR>optional semicolon at the end of the arguments may be followed by a zapper mask<BR>to limit the types of items the scavenger will pick up.  See AHELP ZAPPERMASK.</pre>
			<a name="Scriptable"><B>Scriptable</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Scriptable <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Rooms <BR>Parameters : (see below) <BR>Example    : LOAD=progs/mrinfo.script~ <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior allows the reactions and behaviors of the mob to be scripted. The<BR>parameter may be complete scripts, and/or LOAD commands as specified below. If<BR>you choose to use a file for your script, then each script command line must be<BR>terminated by a linefeed or a semicolon.  If you choose to put your entire<BR>script into the parameters, you must terminate EVERY line with a semicolon (;).<BR> <BR>Multiple scripts with multiple triggers may be included.  Each script and<BR>trigger must be separated by the ~ character.  See examples in the<BR>resources/progs directory!  <BR>Now to the script itself: <BR>The first line must be a trigger word followed by any parameters.  Valid<BR>triggers and parameters are as follows: <BR>LOAD=[SCRIPT PATH] - insert a new script from another file.  Ex:<BR>LOAD=progs/my.script~  <BR>GREET_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - When players enter the room, given the chance. <BR>ARRIVE_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - When the mob enters a new room, or enters the game. <BR>ALL_GREET_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - Same as GREET_PROG, but works with sneakers too. <BR>LOGIN_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - When players logs into the game, given the chance. <BR>LOGOFF_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - When players log out of the game, given the chance. <BR>LEVEL_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - When a player anywhere gains a level, given the<BR>chance. <BR>SPEECH_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When someone says the words. <BR>BRIBE_PROG [AMOUNT OF GOLD] - When the amount or better is given to the<BR>monster. <BR>GIVE_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When something is given to the<BR>monster. <BR>RAND_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - Triggers at random, given the chance. <BR>ONCE_PROG - Triggers on the first occurrence, but never again (until reset). <BR>FIGHT_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - Triggers during combat, given the chance. <BR>ENTRY_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - Triggers whenever the monster enters a new room. <BR>EXIT_PROG [PCT CHANCE] - Triggers whenever anyone exits the room of the<BR>monster. <BR>DEATH_PROG - When the monster dies. <BR>KILL_PROG - When the monster kills. <BR>HITPRCNT_PROG [HP PCT] - When the monster reaches the hit points % remaining. <BR>MASK_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When a mob performs an action<BR>with these words. <BR>IMASK_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When this mob performs an<BR>action with these words. <BR>REGMASK_PROG (P) [EXACT PHRASE]/[REGULAR EXPRESSION] - When a mob performs an<BR>action matching. <BR>ACT_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When a mob performs an action<BR>with these words. <BR>SOCIAL_PROG [SOCIAL NAME] - When a mob performs the given social. <BR>CHANNEL_PROG [CHNAME] (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When channels a<BR>message with these words. <BR>QUEST_TIME_PROG [QUEST NAME] [TIME LEFT] - When the running quest reaches the<BR>number of minutes left. <BR>TIME_PROG [LIST OF HOURS] - Mob runs program at listed hours of the day. <BR>DAY_PROG [LIST OF DAYS] - Mob runs program at listed days of the month. <BR>DELAY_PROG [LOW TICKS] [HIGH TICKS] - Mob runs program at the given interval<BR>range. <BR>LOOK_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>looked at. <BR>LLOOK_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>llooked at. <BR>GET_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>gotten. <BR>OPEN_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>opened. <BR>CLOSE_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>closed. <BR>LOCK_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>locked. <BR>UNLOCK_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>unlocked. <BR>PUT_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is put in<BR>something. <BR>DROP_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>dropped. <BR>REMOVE_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>removed. <BR>CONSUME_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>ate/drank. <BR>WEAR_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is<BR>worn/wielded. <BR>DAMAGE_PROG - When damage taken by mob or given by item. Item#2 is the weapon.<BR>$g will have the amount. <BR>BUY_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is bought<BR>(items only). <BR>SELL_PROG (P) [A PHRASE]/[ONE OR MORE WORDS] - When matching something is sold.<BR><BR>EXECMSG_PROG [MSG CODE] (P) [COMMAND WORDS] - When a msg of type msg code is<BR>executed. HELP MSG TYPES. <BR>CNCLMSG_PROG [MSG CODE] (P) [COMMAND WORDS] - Before a msg of type msg code is<BR>allowed. HELP MSG TYPES. <BR>FUNCTION_PROG [FUNCTION NAME] - declares a runnable function, with parms in $g,<BR>see MPCALLFUNC. <BR>*** NOTE Phrases for MASK_PROG, GIVE_PROG, GET_PROG, PUT_PROG, REMOVE_PROG,<BR>WEAR_PROG, BUY_PROG, SELL_PROG, and SPEECH_PROG must group words and phrases<BR>together using the "'" character, for instance 'a phrase' or 'multiple words'.<BR>The characteris unnecessary when put around single words 'word'. <BR> <BR>*** NOTE If Scriptable is placed on an Item, triggers such as GET_PROG,<BR>DROP_PROG, WEAR_PROG, and REMOVE_PROG will only trigger when the scripted item<BR>is involved.  <BR> <BR>*** NOTE MASK_PROG and ACT_PROG will check commands as they appear to the mob<BR>with this behavior.  Consider perspective, vision, and word tense in light of<BR>this fact when wording your masks.  For instance, the purchase of a sword in a<BR>dark shop may be seen as 'Someone buys something from someone' instead of 'Bob<BR>buys a sword from Joe'. <BR> <BR>Following this line is your script itself.  The commands are as follows: <BR>IF/ENDIF/ELSE Conditional evaluations, separated by AND/OR.  The IF statement<BR>can group conditions with () and use the following functions as part of its<BR>evaluation: <BR>- RAND([% CHANCE])    Random truth <BR>- HAS([CODE] [ITEM NAME])  if the given mob has the specified item. <BR>- HASNUM([CODE] [ITEM NAME] == [NUM])  the amount the given mob has of the<BR>item. <BR>- HASTITLE([CODE] [TITLE STR])  if the given mob has the give title. <BR>- WORN([CODE] [ITEM NAME])  if the given mob wears the specified item. <BR>- ISNPC([CODE])  if the given mob is a non-player. <BR>- ISPC([CODE])  if the given mob is a player. <BR>- ISPKILL([CODE])  if the given mob has playerkill flag on. <BR>- ISGOOD([CODE])  if the given mob is good. <BR>- ISNAME([CODE] [WORDS])  if the given item is named with given words. <BR>- CURRENCY([CODE] == [NAME])  if the native currency of the mob or coins is the<BR>name. Where == may be !=. <BR>- NUMMOBSINAREA([MOB NAME] == [NUM]) if comparison of number of mobs of that<BR>name in area. Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, &lt;=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMMOBS([MOB NAME] == [NUM]) if comparison of number of mobs of that name in<BR>world. Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, &lt;=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMRACEINAREA([MOB NAME] == [NUM]) if comparison of number of mobs of that<BR>name in area. Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, &lt;=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMRACES([MOB NAME] == [NUM]) if comparison of number of mobs of that name in<BR>world. Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, &lt;=, &lt;=. <BR>- ISEVIL([CODE])  if the given mob is evil. <BR>- ISNEUTRAL([CODE])  if the given mob is neutral. <BR>- ISFIGHT([CODE])  if the given mob is fighting. <BR>- ISALIVE([CODE])  if the given mob is alive and available. <BR>- ISIMMORT([CODE])  if the given mob is an archon. <BR>- ISCHARMED([CODE])  if the given mob is charmed. <BR>- STRCONTAINS([STRING] [CODED WORDS])  is string contains coded words.  May use<BR>"" & | > &lt; (). <BR>- STAT([CODE] [STAT] == [VALUE]) if the given mob/item has a stat of value, !=<BR>is also valid. <BR>- GSTAT([CODE] [STAT] == [VALUE]) like STAT, but player data accessible. See<BR>Generic.java. <BR>- DATETIME([TIME/DAY/ETC] == [VALUE]) like STAT, but player data accessible.<BR>Where == may be >, &lt;, !=, >=, or &lt;=. <BR>- AFFECTED([CODE] [SPELL CLASS]) if the mob is affected by spell. <BR>- ISBEHAVE([CODE] [BEHAVIOR CLASS]) if the mob has a behavior. <BR>- ISFOLLOW([CODE])  if the given mob is following someone in the room. <BR>- ISSERVANT([CODE])  if the given mob is serving someone in the room. <BR>- HITPRCNT([CODE] == [% HITS])  if the given mob has the pct chance hit points.<BR> Where == may be >, &lt;, !=, >=, or &lt;=. <BR>- HASTATTOO([CODE] [TATTOONAME]) whether the given mob has the given tattoo. <BR>- INLOCALE([ROOM CLASS]) if the mob is in the given room type. <BR>- ISBIRTHDAY([CODE]) if the mobs birthday is today. <BR>- INROOM([ROOM ID/MOB NAME] == [ROOM ID/MOB NAME]) if the mob is in the given<BR>room. <BR>- MOOD([MOB NAME] == [MOOD NAME]) if the mob has a mood, and it is the one<BR>specified. <BR>- ISRECALL([MOB NAME]== [ROOM ID/MOB NAME]) is the mob is from the given room. <BR>- ISHERE([CODE]) if the mob/item in the same room as the scripted one. <BR>- INAREA([NAME]) if the scripted mob/item in room named by the parameters. <BR>- ISLIKE([CODE] [MASK]) if the mob/item meets the given zapper mask.  See<BR>ZAPPERMASKS for mask syntax <BR>- ISODD([AMT]) whether the given argument is an odd whole number <BR>- VAR([CODE] [VAR NAME] == [VALUE]) if the var for the given mob has value. <BR>Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- FACTION([CODE] [FACT] == [VALUE]) if the faction for the given mob has value.<BR> Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- SEX([CODE] == [M/F/N]) evaluates sex.  Where == may also be !=. <BR>- POSITION([CODE] == [SLEEPING/STANDING/SITTING] Evaluates position. <BR>- LEVEL([CODE] == [LVL]) evaluates level.  Where == may be !=, &lt;, >, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- MATH([EXPR] == [EXPR]) evaluates expression.  Where == may be !=, &lt;, >, >=,<BR>&lt;=. <BR>- QUESTPOINTS([CODE] == [VAL]) evaluates questpoints.  Where == may be !=, &lt;,<BR>>, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- QVAR([QUEST] [CODE] == [VAL]) evaluates temp quest vars.  Where == may be !=,<BR>&lt;, >, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- TRAINS([CODE] == [VAL]) evaluates trains.  Where == may be !=, &lt;, >, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- PRACS([CODE] == [VAL]) evaluates pracs.  Where == may be !=, &lt;, >, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- CLASS([CODE] == [CLASS NAME]) evaluates class. Where == may be !=. <BR>- BASECLASS([CODE] == [CLASS NAME]) evaluates base class. Where == may be !=. <BR>- RACE([CODE] == [RACE NAME]) evaluates race. Where == may be !=. <BR>- RACECAT([CODE] == [RACE CAT NAME]) evaluates racial category. Where == may be<BR>!=. <BR>- GOLDAMT([CODE] == [AMT]) evaluates base gold or item value. Where == may be<BR>!=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- EXP([CODE] == [AMT]) evaluates experience points. Where == may be !=, >, &lt;,<BR>>=, &lt;=. <BR>- VALUE([CODE] [CURRENCY] == [AMT]) evaluates base value in given currency.<BR>Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- IPADDRESS([CODE] == [ADDRESS]) evaluates ip address of player. Where == may<BR>be !=. <BR>- QUESTSCRIPTED([CODE] [QUEST NAME]) returns whether the code of the given name<BR>has a script from the given quest. <BR>- QUESTWINNER([CODE] [QUEST NAME]) returns whether the code of the given name<BR>has won the given quest. <BR>- QUESTMOB([NAME] [QUEST NAME]) returns whether the mob of the given name is a<BR>mob designated in the given quest. <BR>- QUESTOBJ([NAME] [QUEST NAME]) returns whether the item of the given name is<BR>an item designated in the given quest. <BR>- QUESTROOM([ROOMID] [QUEST NAME]) returns whether the item of the given name<BR>is an item designated in the given quest. <BR>- ISQUESTMOBALIVE([NAME/NUM] [QUEST NAME]) returns whether the mob, designated<BR>in the currently running quest, is alive. <BR>- ISTIME([HOUR#/DAY/DAWN/DUSK/NIGHT]) returns the time of day, or time region. <BR>- ISSEASON([WINTER/SPRING/SUMMER/FALL]) returns the season. <BR>- ISWEATHER([CLEAR/RAIN/SNOW/WINDY/ETC..]) returns the weather <BR>- ISMOON() returns whether the scriptor can see the moon <BR>- ISMOON([NEW/WAXCRESCENT/WAXQUARTER/WAXGIBBOUS/FULL/WANEGIBBOUS/ETC..]) check<BR>the moon type <BR>- ISDAY([DAY#]) returns the day of the month. <BR>- EVAL([CODE] == [VALUE/CODE])  if the code has value.  Where == may be !=, >,<BR>&lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMBER([VALUE/CODE]) whether the given code or value is a number. <BR>- RANDNUM([VALUE] == [MAX VALUE]) how the 1st code compares to rand 1..max<BR>code. <BR>- RAND0NUM([VALUE] == [MAX VALUE]) how the 1st code compares to rand 0..max<BR>code-1. <BR>- ROOMMOB([NUM] [NAME]) whether the NUMth mob in the room is named NAME. <BR>- ROOMITEM([NUM] [NAME]) whether the NUMth item in the room is named NAME. <BR>- NUMMOBSROOM([*/NAME] == [NUMBER]) compares the # of named mobs in room.  <BR>Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMPCSAREA(== [NUMBER]) compares the number of pcs in the area.   Where ==<BR>may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMPCSROOM(== [NUMBER]) compares the number of pcs in the room.   Where ==<BR>may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- EXPLORED([CODE] [AREA/WORLD] == [NUMBER]) check % explored of code mob. <BR>Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMITEMSROOM(== [NUMBER]) compares the number of mobs in the room.   Where ==<BR>may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- NUMITEMSMOB([NAME] == [NUMBER]) compares the number of items the mob has.  <BR>Where == may be !=, >, &lt;, >=, &lt;=. <BR>- MOBITEM([MOBNAME] [NUM] [NAME]) whether the NUMth item owned by mob mobname<BR>is named NAME. <BR>- INCONTAINER([CODE] [CONTAINER/MOUNT]) whether the item is in container or<BR>mount. <BR>- ISABLE([CODE] [SKILL NAME]) whether the mob has the skill/ability. <BR>- ISOPEN([CODE/DIRECTION]) whether the container item, or direction name is<BR>open. <BR>- ISLOCKED([CODE/DIRECTION]) whether the container item, or direction name is<BR>locked. <BR>- STRIN([STRING] [STRING]) whether the second string appears as a whole word in<BR>the first. <BR>- CALLFUNC([FUNCTION] [PARM]..) returns whether the FUNCTION_PROG named returns<BR>a non-null. <BR>- DEITY([CODE] == [CLASS NAME]) evaluates a mobs deity. Where == may be !=. <BR>- CLAN([CODE] == [CLASS NAME]) evaluates a mobs clanid. Where == may be !=. <BR>- CLANRANK([CODE] == [NUMBER]) evaluates mobs rank.  Where == may be !=, &lt;, >,<BR>>=, &lt;=. <BR>- CLANDATA([CLAN] [VAR] == [STRING]) evaluates clan rank.  Where == may be !=,<BR>&lt;, >, >=, &lt;=. <BR>*** NOTES! The parenthesis are REQUIRED for the above!  The brackets should NOT<BR>be included, they are there to designate a parameter.  Where CODE above is one<BR>of the following: $n=source of the action, $i=scripted mob, $t=target,<BR>$o=item1, $p=item2, $w=owner of item1, $W=owner of item2. <BR> <BR>Now we get to the executed commands.  They are as follows: <BR>FOR $X = [START] to [FINISH] - loops. X must be 0-9.  End with NEXT by itself. <BR>SWITCH/CASE/ENDSWITCH - act as a multiple if/elseif/elseif.... <BR>MPASOUND [TEXT] - a noisy emote that goes to all adjacent rooms. <BR>MPECHO [TEXT] - an emote <BR>MPSLAY [MOB NAME] - utterly kill the target. <BR>MPJUNK [ITEM] - destroy the given item from the monsters inventory. <BR>MPMLOAD [MOB NAME] - create an instance of the given mob name. <BR>MPOLOAD [ITEM NAME] - create an instanceof the given item, give it to the mob. <BR>MPOLOADROOM [ITEM NAME] - create an instanceof the given item, drop it in the<BR>room. <BR>MPMLOAD FROMFILE [CMARE FILE] [MOB NAME] - create a given mob name from a file.<BR><BR>MPOLOAD FROMFILE [CMARE FILE] [ITEM NAME] - create an item from a file, give it<BR>to the mob. <BR>MPOLOADROOM FROMFILE [CMARE FILE]  [ITEM NAME] - create an item from a file,<BR>drop it in the room. <BR>MPECHOAT [MOB/ROOM/AREA/WORLD] [TEXT] - emote to the given target. <BR>MPECHOAROUND [TEXT] - emotes to everyone in room but the source of the trigger.<BR><BR>MPCAST [SPELL] [MOB NAME] - casts the given spell at the given target. <BR>MPKILL [MOB NAME] - attack the given target. <BR>MPEXP [MOB NAME] [EXP or TNL%] - grants amount of exp to mob. <BR>MPQUESTPOINTS [MOB NAME] [QPS] - sets mobs amount of questpoints. Prefix QPS<BR>with ++ or -- to adjust only. <BR>MPTRAINS [MOB NAME] [TRAINS] - sets mobs amount of trains. Prefix TRAINS with<BR>++ or -- to adjust only. <BR>MPPRACS [MOB NAME] [PRACS] - sets mobs amount of pracs. Prefix PRACS with ++ or<BR>-- to adjust only. <BR>MPPURGE [ITEM/MOB NAME] - destroy the given target item or mob. <BR>MPUNAFFECT [MOB NAME] [ALL/SKILL NAME]- removes given affects from the mob. <BR>MPGOTO [ROOM ID/NAME/DESC] - take the monster to the given room. <BR>MPAT [ROOM ID/NAME/DESC] [COMMAND] - do a command at the given room. <BR>MPSET [MOB/ITEM] [VAR NAME] [VALUE] - use with care! sets a stat for a mob or<BR>item. <BR>MPGSET [MOB/ITEM] [VAR NAME] [VALUE] - like MPSET but player data accessible.<BR>See GSTAT. <BR>MPTRANSFER [ALL/MOB NAME] [ROOM ID/NAME/DESC] - transfer mobs to the given<BR>room. <BR>MPBEACON [ROOM ID/NAME/DESC] [ALL/MOB NAME] - Makes given room start room for<BR>players. <BR>MPFORCE [MOB NAME] [COMMAND] - force the given mob to do the given command. <BR>MPPROMPT [PC NAME] [VARIABLE NAME] [PROMPT].  Store user entered value in<BR>variable.  See Guide. <BR>MPCONFIRM [PC NAME] [VARIABLE NAME] [DEFAULT VALUE] [PROMPT].  Y or N.  See<BR>Guide. <BR>MPCHOOSE [PC NAME] [VARIABLE NAME] [CHOICES] [DEFAULT VALUE] [PROMPT].  Hotkey<BR>choices.  See Guide. <BR>MPSCRIPT [MOB/ITEM] ([FLAGS]) [SCRIPT] - adds a quest Scriptable to the target,<BR>flags GLOBAL INDIVIDUAL SAVABLE EXECUTE. <BR>MPSETVAR [MOB NAME] [VAR NAME] [VALUE] - set a variable for the given mob. <BR>Value may be ++, --, or preceded by +,-,*,or /. <BR>MPENDQUEST [QUEST NAME/MOB NAME] - this command will shutdown the given quest,<BR>or remove quest scripts from given mob. <BR>MPSTARTQUEST [QUEST NAME] - this command will start the quest of the given<BR>name. <BR>MPQUESTWIN [MOB NAME] [QUEST NAME] - declares the mob a winner of the given<BR>quest. <BR>MPSTOP [MOB NAME] - forces mob to stop fighting, or performing common skills. <BR>MPCALLFUNC [FUNC NAME] [PARMS...] - executes a FUNCTON_PROG already declared. <BR>MPALARM [TICKTIME] [COMMAND] - executes COMMAND after time has elapsed. <BR>MPNOTRIGGER [TRIGGER NAME] [MILISECS]- this command will prevent given trigger<BR>for given miliseconds. <BR>MPFACTION [MOB] [FACTION] [VALUE] - changes faction value for given mob. Value<BR>is number, range, or +NUM, --NUM. <BR>MPWHILE ([IF CONDITION]) [COMMAND] - repeatedly executes commmand. <BR>MPDAMAGE [MOB/ITEM] [MIN] [MAX] (KILL)- does random damage to the target. Kills<BR>only when KILL parm given. <BR>MPREJUV AREA/ROOM/[ROOMID]/[AREAID] (ITEMS/MOBS) - rejuv dead mobs, lost items<BR>from area or room <BR>MPRESET AREA/ROOM/[ROOMID]/[AREAID] - reload an area or room from the database <BR>MPLOG ERROR/INFO/DEBUG HEADER MESSAGE - add an entry to the coffeemud server<BR>log <BR>MPCHANNEL (!)[CHANNEL] MESSAGE - send a message to a channel <BR>MPTRACKTO [MOB NAME] - forces the mob to track down the given mob. <BR>MPWALKTO [MOB NAME] - forces the mob to track down the given mob, land surface<BR>only. <BR>MPAFFECT [SPELL] [MOB NAME] [PARMS] - automatically casts a spell on a mob. <BR>MPBEHAVE [BEHAVIOR] [MOB NAME] [PARMS] - adds a behavior to the mob. <BR>MPUNBEHAVE [BEHAVIOR] [MOB NAME] - removes a behavior from a  mob.  <BR>MPTATTOO [MOB] (-)[TATTOONAME] - adds or removes the given tattoo for the mob. <BR><BR>MPPLAYERCLASS [MOB] [CCLASS ID] ([LVL])... - changes current char class &<BR>optionally level. <BR>MPTITLE [MOB] (-) [TITLE] - adds or removes the given title string from the<BR>mob. <BR>MPENABLE [MOB] [ABILITY NAME] [PROF] [STR] - adds a new skill to the mob, or<BR>mods prof. w/++,--. <BR>MPDISABLE [MOB] [ABILITY NAME] - removes a skill from the mob. <BR>MPSAVEVAR [MOB NAME] [VAR NAME] - saves the variable set using MPSETVAR to the<BR>database. <BR>MPLOADVAR [MOB NAME] [VAR NAME] - loads the variable from the database. <BR>MPM2I2M [MOB/ITEM] - this strange command turns a mob into an item and back<BR>into a mob <BR>MPHIDE [MOB/ITEM/EXIT] - makes the target undetectable by any means. <BR>MPUNHIDE [MOB/ITEM/EXIT] - reverses the affects of MPHIDE -- does not affect<BR>Hide or other skills. <BR>MPOPEN [ITEM/EXIT] - opens a closed container or door. <BR>MPCLOSE [ITEM/EXIT] - closes an open container or door. <BR>MPLOCK [ITEM/EXIT] - closes and locks a lockable container or door. <BR>MPUNLOCK [ITEM/EXIT] - unlocks a locked container or door, but does not open. <BR>MPSETCLANDATA [CLAN] [VAR] [VALUE] - changes a datum about the given clan. <BR>MPARGSET [$VAR] [VALUE] - changes internal $(i,n,t,0,1,..9) object to one<BR>specified by value. <BR>MPLOADQUESTOBJ [QUEST] [QVARNAME] [$VAR] - loads quest obj into internal<BR>$(i,n,t,0,1,..9) object. <BR>MPUNLOADSCRIPT [SCRIPT FILE NAME] - unloads a file script from the resources<BR>cache for refreshing <BR>MPQSET [QUEST] [QVARNAME] [VALUE] - set temp quest var to given value. <BR>BREAK -- return/break out of the current if condition or program script.  <BR>RETURN [OPTIONAL STRING] - exits the existing script, returning the string<BR>given. <BR>&lt;SCRIPT> - embed Javascript in Scriptable event.  Must be closed with<BR>&lt;/SCRIPT>. <BR>[COMMAND] [PARMS]- any valid coffee mud command! <BR>** NOTES! For those commands which have multiple parameters (specifically MPAT,<BR>MPFORCE, MPCAST, MPECHOAT, you must use "'" characters in order to group any<BR>words in the first parameter of those commands.  Inside your command<BR>parameters, whether it be text, or even when specifying MOB or ITEM names, you<BR>may use any of the following freely: <BR>$a - name of the area the monsters in <BR>$b - name of last item/mob loaded w/mmpload/mpoload <BR>$B - display text of last item/mob loaded w/mmpload/mpoload <BR>$c - random npc/pc inhabitants name <BR>$C - random npc/pc inhabitants name <BR>$i - monsters name <BR>$I - monsters display text <BR>$n - source of triggers name <BR>$N - source of triggers name <BR>$t - target of triggers name <BR>$T - target of triggers name <BR>$r - random pc inhabitants name <BR>$R - random pc inhabitants name <BR>$j - he/she of the monster <BR>$e - he/she of the trigger source <BR>$d - title of monsters room location <BR>$D - long desc of monsters room location <BR>$f - name of the person monster follows <BR>$E - he/she of the trigger target <BR>$F - he/she of the person monster follows <BR>$g - lowercase form of the message from a MPCALLFUNC, MASK_PROG or SPEECH_PROG.<BR><BR>$G - uppercase form of the message from a MPCALLFUNC, MASK_PROG or SPEECH_PROG.<BR><BR>$J - he/she of a random pc inhabitant <BR>$k - his/her of the monster <BR>$l - list of all mobs (excluding monster). See "." syntax below. <BR>$L - list of all Items in room. See "." syntax below. <BR>$m - his/her of the trigger source <BR>$M - his/her of the trigger target <BR>$K - his/her of a random pc inhabitant <BR>$y - sir/madam of the trigger source <BR>$Y - sir/madam of the trigger target <BR>$o - item1 name <BR>$O - item1 name <BR>$p - item2 name <BR>$P - item2 name <BR>$w - owner of item1s name <BR>$W - owner of item2s name <BR>$x - random valid exit's direction <BR>$X - random valid exit's name <BR>$xN- north exit's name <BR>$0..$9- temporary variables set by other commands. <BR> <BR>$&lt;[CODE] [VAR NAME]> - the variable of the given name, of the given code. <BR>Where code is $i, $n, $t, $o, or $p.  See MPSETVAR. <BR> <BR>${[NUM] [QUEST NAME]} - a mob name from the given quest, if the quest is<BR>running. The number corresponds to the order in which mobs were designated in<BR>the quest script. Counting starts at 1. <BR> <BR>$[[NUM] [QUEST NAME]] - an item name from the given quest, if the quest is<BR>running. The number corresponds to the order in which items were designated in<BR>the quest script. Counting starts at 1. <BR> <BR>$%FUNCTION(PARM1 PARM2..)% - replace this code with a value from one of the<BR>internal functions.  While the names are the same as the eval functions above,<BR>their parameters will be slightly different.  The functions which may be<BR>included in this code include the following: <BR>- RAND() random number between 1 and 100. <BR>- HAS([CODE])  name of a random item in given mobs inventory. <BR>- HASNUM([CODE] [ITEM])  number of the given items in given mobs inventory. <BR>- WORN([CODE])  name of a random worn item in given mobs inventory. <BR>- ISNPC([CODE])  not implemented. <BR>- ISPC([CODE])  not implemented. <BR>- ISGOOD([CODE])  returns the alignment string of the given mob. <BR>- ISNAME([CODE])  Returns the real/full name of the given object. <BR>- CURRENCY([CODE])  Returns the native currency of the given object. <BR>- MATH([EXPR]) returns evaluated mathematical expressions. +-*\ <BR>- MOOD([MOB NAME]) the given mobs mood. <BR>- NUMMOBSINAREA([MOB NAME]) number of mobs in area matching mask. <BR>- NUMMOBS([MOB NAME]) number of mobs in world matching mask. <BR>- NUMRACEINAREA([MOB NAME]) number of mobs in area matching race. <BR>- NUMRACES([MOB NAME]) number of mobs in world matching race. <BR>- ISEVIL([CODE])  alignment number of the given mob. <BR>- ISNEUTRAL([CODE])  short alignment string of the given mob. <BR>- ISFIGHT([CODE])  name of the mob the given mob is fighting. <BR>- ISALIVE([CODE])  health of the given mob. <BR>- ISIMMORT([CODE])  not implemented. <BR>- ISBIRTHDAY([CODE]) returns birthday of the mob <BR>- ISCHARMED([CODE])  name of the charm spell the mob is under. <BR>- STAT([CODE] [STAT]) value of the given stat for the given object. <BR>- DATETIME(DAY/TIME/MONTH/YEAR) displays the appropriate numberic value. <BR>- GSTAT([CODE] [STAT]) like STAT, but player data accessible. See Generic.java.<BR><BR>- AFFECTED([CODE]) name of a random spell affect on the object. <BR>- FACTION([CODE] [FACTION]) name of the range the mob has in given faction. <BR>- ISBEHAVE([CODE]) class ids of the behaviors on the object. <BR>- ISFOLLOW([CODE])  name of the mob the given mob is following. <BR>- ISSERVANT([CODE])  name of the mob the given mob is serving. <BR>- HITPRCNT([CODE])  % of hit points remaining for given mob. <BR>- INLOCALE() name of the room type the monster is in. <BR>- INROOM() raw id of the room the monster is in. <BR>- ISODD([AMT]) echos AMT if AMT is an odd, whole number. <BR>- ISRECALL([CODE]) start room of the given mob. <BR>- INAREA() name of the area the monster is in. <BR>- ISHERE() name of the area the monster is in. <BR>- VAR([CODE] [VAR NAME]) Value of the given variable. <BR>- SEX([CODE]) sex of the given mob. <BR>- POSITION([CODE]) position name of the given mob. <BR>- LEVEL([CODE]) level of the given mob. <BR>- QUESTPOINTS([CODE]) questpoints of the given mob. <BR>- PRACS([CODE]) practices of the given mob. <BR>- TRAINS([CODE]) trains of the given mob. <BR>- CLASS([CODE]) class of the given mob. <BR>- BASECLASS([CODE]) base class of the given mob. <BR>- RACE([CODE]) race of the given mob. <BR>- RACECAT([CODE]) racial category of the given mob. <BR>- GOLDAMT([CODE]) number of gold coins the given mob has. <BR>- EXP([CODE]) number of experience points the given mob has. <BR>- VALUE([CODE] [CURRENCY]) base value the given mob has in given currency. <BR>- QUESTWINNER([CODE]) returns a list of all the quests the mob was won. <BR>- QUESTSCRIPTED([CODE]) returns a list of all the quests the mob is scripted<BR>for. <BR>- QUESTMOB([QUEST NAME]) returns a list of all the mobs desigated by this<BR>quest. <BR>- QUESTOBJ([QUEST NAME])  returns a list of all the items desigated by this<BR>quest. <BR>- QUESTROOM([QUEST NAME])  returns a list of all rooms desigated by this quest.<BR><BR>- ISQUESTMOBALIVE([QUEST NAME]) returns a list of all live mobs desigated by<BR>this quest. <BR>- ISTIME() returns the approx time of day in words. <BR>- ISSEASON() returns the season. <BR>- ISWEATHER() returns the weather <BR>- ISMOON() returns the moon phase <BR>- ISDAY() returns word day or evening. <BR>- EVAL()  not implemented. <BR>- NUMBER([VALUE/CODE]) Returns the numberic value of the given argument. <BR>- RANDNUM([VALUE/CODE]) returns random number from 1..value/code. <BR>- RAND0NUM([VALUE/CODE]) returns random number from 0..value/code-1. <BR>- ROOMMOB([NUM]) returns the NUMth mob in the room's name. <BR>- ROOMITEM([NUM]) whether the NUMth item in the room's NAME. <BR>- NUMMOBSROOM([*/NAME]) returns the number of named mobs in the room. <BR>- NUMPCSAREA() returns the number of pcs in the area. <BR>- NUMPCSROOM() returns the number of pcs in the room. <BR>- EXPLORED([CODE] [AREA/WORLD]) displays % explored of code mob. <BR>- NUMITEMSROOM() returns the number of items in the room. <BR>- NUMITEMSMOB([NAME]) returns the number of items the mob has. <BR>- MOBITEM([MOBNAME] [NUM]) returns the NUMth item owned by mob mobname. <BR>- INCONTAINER([CODE]) returns container of an item, or the mount of a mob. <BR>- ISABLE([CODE] [SKILL NAME]) the mobs proficiency in the given skill/ability. <BR>- ISOPEN([CODE/DIRECTION]) "true" if the container item, or direction name is<BR>open. <BR>- ISLOCKED([CODE/DIRECTION]) the key name if the container, or direction has a<BR>lock. <BR>- STRIN([STRING] [STRING]) word number of the second string if it appears in<BR>the first. <BR>- CALLFUNC([FUNCTION] [PARM]..) the value returned by the FUNCTION_PROG named. <BR>- DEITY([CODE]) returns a mobs deity. <BR>- CLAN([CODE]) returns a mobs clan. <BR>- CLANRANK([CODE]) returns mobs clan role/rank as a number. <BR>- CLANDATA([CLAN] [VAR]) returns the given clans data based on var. <BR>- IPADDRESS([CODE]) return ip address of player. <BR>- QVAR([QUEST] [CODE]) returns temp quest vars. <BR> <BR>Any of the $ codes may be followed by a period and a literal number to<BR>designate a particular word inside a string of many words.  For instance if $o<BR>evaluates to "a magic wand", $o.1 would evalulate to "magic".  If $l evaluated<BR>to "orc bob hassan", $l.2 would give "hassan".  This syntax can also be<BR>followed by ".." to grab substrings.  For instance, if $o evaluates to "a magic<BR>wand", $o.1.. would evaluate to "magic wand". <BR></pre>
			<a name="ScriptableEverymob"><B>ScriptableEverymob</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : ScriptableEverymob <BR>Targets    : Areas, Rooms <BR>Parameters : Same as BEHAVIOR_SCRIPTABLE <BR>Example    : LOAD=progs/mrinfo.script~ <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior will cause all mobs native to the area or room to be<BR>automatically given a particular Scriptable script to run.  Mobs that already<BR>have scriptable behaviors will be unaffected.</pre>
			<a name="Sounder"><B>Sounder</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Sounder <BR>Targets    : Room, MOBs, Items, Areas <BR>Parameters : (Max/Min ticks;) ([EMOTE CODE] [EMOTE STRING];)  <BR>Example    : sound 80 wiggles his bottom.;sound 60 smiles evilly.;sound 20<BR>burps! <BR>Example    : min=20 max=20;wear $p looks good on you.;remove Now you don't look<BR>so good.;remove_room $n doesn't look so good. <BR> <BR>An alternative to the Emoter behavior, this allows you to create very simple<BR>emoting triggers based on percent chances every tick, or based on event<BR>triggers such as getting an item, or leaving a room.  Each emote trigger is<BR>semicolon (;) separated, and the first trigger may instead be a set of ticks. <BR>Valid emote codes include the following: <BR>SOUND [PCT CHANCE] - every min/max ticks, this will be emoted % chance of the<BR>time. <BR>GET - if an item is gotten (or THE item), this will emote to the getter. <BR>GET_ROOM - if an item is gotten (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>DROP - if an item is dropped (or THE item), this will emote to the getter. <BR>DROP_ROOM - if an item is dropped (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>PUSH - if an item is pushed (or THE item), this will emote to the pusher. <BR>PUSH_ROOM - if an item is pushed (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the pusher). <BR>PULL - if an item is pulled (or THE item), this will emote to the pulled. <BR>PULL_ROOM - if an item is pulled (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the puller). <BR>EAT - if an item is eaten (or THE item), this will emote to the eater. <BR>EAT_ROOM - if an item is eaten (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>MOUNT - if an item is mounted (or THE item), this will emote to the mounter. <BR>MOUNT_ROOM - if an item is mounted (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>DRINK - if an item is drunk (or THE item), this will emote to the drinker. <BR>DRINK_ROOM - if an item is drunk (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>SIT - if an item is sat on (or THE item), this will emote to the sitter. <BR>SIT_ROOM - if an item is sat on (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>SLEEP - if an item is slept on (or THE item), this will emote to the sleeper. <BR>SLEEP_ROOM - if an item is slept on (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>WEAR - if an item is worn (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>WEAR_ROOM - if an item is worn (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>OPEN - if an item is opened (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>OPEN_ROOM - if an item is opened (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>CLOSE - if an item is closed (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>CLOSE_ROOM - if an item is closed (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>HOLD - if an item is held (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>HOLD_ROOM - if an item is held (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>WIELD - if an item is wielded (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>WIELD_ROOM - if an item is wielded (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>REMOVE - if an item is removed (or THE item), this will emote to the remover. <BR>REMOVE_ROOM - if an item is removed (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>PORTAL_ENTER - if the room is entered, this will emote to the one entering. <BR>PORTAL_ENTER_ROOM - if the room is entered, this will emote to the others in<BR>the room. <BR>PORTAL_EXIT - if the room is left, this will emote to the one leaving. <BR>PORTAL_EXIT_ROOM - if the room is left, this will emote to the others in the<BR>room. <BR>DAMAGE - if the object is hurt, or used to hurt, this will emote to the one<BR>hurting. <BR>DAMAGE_ROOM - if the object is hurt, or used to hurt, this will emote to the<BR>others in the room. <BR>FIGHT - if the object is attacking, or used to attack, this will emote to the<BR>one attacking. <BR>FIGHT_ROOM - if the object is attacking, or used to attack, this will emote to<BR>the others in the room. <BR> <BR>The emote strings may be any text, and the following codes may be included: <BR>$p - the name of the item with the behavior. <BR>$n - the name of the source of the emote, or the source of the trigger. <BR>$e - the he/she of $n. <BR>$s - the his/her of $n.</pre>
			<a name="StdBehavior"><B>StdBehavior</B></a>
			<a name="TargetPlayer"><B>TargetPlayer</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : TargetPlayer <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, a percent chance <BR>Example    : min=2 max=3 chance=99 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes the MOB, in combat, target the weakest player in their<BR>enemies' group.</pre>
			<a name="TaxCollector"><B>TaxCollector</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : TaxCollector <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (WAIT=[TIME]) (GRACE=[TIME]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : WAIT=60000 GRACE=600000 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes the mob a very annoying and somewhat dangerous collector of<BR>money from both players and mobs.  The TaxCollector will, by default, demand<BR>10% of any money by a random person it comes across in the form of a "citizens<BR>tax".  That person has [WAIT] milliseconds to give over the money before the<BR>tax collector either charges them with tax evasion, or attacks.  If the<BR>taxcollector is paid (mobs will always pay), then the person has [GRACE] amount<BR>of time before money is demanded again.  The TaxCollector will never demand<BR>money from a member of its own clan, if it has one.  Also, in areas with law,<BR>the tax collector will charge the rate defined as the Citizens Tax instead of<BR>the flat 10%, as well as charging for any back property taxes if applicable.</pre>
			<a name="TaxiBehavior"><B>TaxiBehavior</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : TaxiBehavior <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Rideables <BR>Parameters : [ALL PRICE]/[AREA/ROOM]=[PRICE]/[PARAM]=[VALUE]; ... ;  <BR>Example    : 1.5 <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001=1.5; Smurfville=2.0; 70 ; AREAONLY=true <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3032; 100 ; INDOOROK=false; MAXRANGE=100 <BR>Description:  <BR>This behavior makes the mob a carrier of players to places.  The mob will<BR>charge for his services if you specify a price in the parameters, or he will do<BR>it for free if you don't, or if the last price specified was 0.  The parameters<BR>can include a comma delimited set of room IDs, area names, or even short title<BR>descriptions for quickly entering rooms within short range of the mob.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also include certain other variables as part of the<BR>parameter list.  These include AREAONLY = true or false, to specify whether the<BR>taxi knows anything about places outside his area.  MAXRANGE=number for the<BR>maximum number of rooms away from the taxi that is known.  GREETING=message<BR>will give a special taxi greeting message for all players who enter the room<BR>its in. ENTERMSG will give a message to players after they mount the taxi. <BR>TALKERNAME=name will change the apparent name of the speaker, allowing you to<BR>turn a mounted mob into a "driver" if you wish. PERROOM=number will set a<BR>per-room price for the distance from the current room to the one sought.<BR>INDOOROK=true will allow the taxi to traverse indoor rooms if convenient.<BR>NOWATER=true to prevent trails over water. NOAIR=true, to prevent trails<BR>through the air. NOLOCKS=true to prevent trails through locked doors.<BR>NOHOMES=true to prevent trails through private homes. NOCLIMB to prevent trails<BR>through climbable exits. NOCRAWL to prevent trails through crawlable exits.</pre>
			<a name="Thiefness"><B>Thiefness</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Thiefness <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : (SUBCLASS NAME) (PROFICIENT) (NOSTATS) (NOCOMBATSTAT) <BR>Parameters : (OFFENSIVE,DEFENSIVE,MIXEDOFFENSIVE,MIXEDDEFENSIVE) <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[NUM] MAXTICKS=[NUM] CHANCE=[NUM]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Thief <BR>Example    : Assassin MIXEDOFFENSIVE <BR>Description:  <BR>An extension of CombatAbilities, this behavior makes the mob a Thief by class,<BR>and gives the mob thief skills appropriate to its level.  After this behavior<BR>has triggered, it will often require a RESET for any level changes to the mob<BR>to take over. The Thiefness behavior also includes many non-combat abilities,<BR>including sneaking and hiding, backstabbing, picking pockets, and even stealing<BR>at high levels! <BR>Use the proficient flag to make all skills at 100% instead of level-based. Use<BR>the offensive/.../mixeddefensive flags to influence skill choices. This<BR>behavior should not be used WITH any of the other CombatAbilities behaviors,<BR>such as Fighterness, Thiefness, Mageness, Clericness, Druidness, or<BR>CombatAbilities. It should be used alone on a mob. <BR>Also, be aware that this behavior will modify the mobs stats to better reflect<BR>the class, so any additions or removals of this behavior should be accompanied<BR>by a room reset after saving, and manually checking to make sure the combat<BR>stats are as desired.</pre>
			<a name="Vagrant"><B>Vagrant</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Vagrant <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob will spontaneously decide to go to sleep wherever the mob is currently<BR>at.  After awhile the mob will wake up.</pre>
			<a name="VeryAggressive"><B>VeryAggressive</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : VeryAggressive <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : aggression flags (message=[msg]) aggression masks <BR>Example    : -race +elf message="die! You!" <BR>Example    : -race +elf  <BR>Example    : mobkill misbehave -race +elf <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob attack any player mob it can detect in the same room, from the<BR>moment the new mob enters.  In addition, this behavior will detect any mobs in<BR>adjacent rooms, and move to attack those as well, but only if those players<BR>meet all the other criteria, and are within 16 levels of the mob. Mobs will not<BR>be aggressive towards Archons and builders with the CMDMOBS security flag.<BR>Horribly wounded mobs are not aggressive. If no other parameters are given, the<BR>mob will attack anyone within 8 levels. Valid aggressive masks include:   <BR>message=[msg] something for the mob to say whenever he's fixing to attack <BR>delay=x (makes the mob delay x ticks before looking for a victim)  <BR>mobkill (makes this behavior attack mobs as well as players)  <BR>nogang (makes this behavior pass over players already in combat)  <BR>misbehave (makes this mob attack even when wounded or a follower)  <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is attacked, and disallowed is spared. </pre>
			<a name="WaterCurrents"><B>WaterCurrents</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : WaterCurrents <BR>Targets    : Areas, Rooms <BR>Parameters : min, max ticks, % chance, [DIRECTION] [DIRECTION] [etc..] <BR>Example    : min=1 max=3 chance=99 east south <BR>Example    : east south <BR>Description:  <BR>The mob will be drawn along in the directions specified by the parameters.  If<BR>an exit is available in the first direction, it will be chosen, otherwise the<BR>second one, etc.  The min, max, and chance dictate how often the currents will<BR>strike.</pre>
			<a name="WeatherAffects"><B>WeatherAffects</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : WeatherAffects <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : (windsheer=%chance) (puddlepct=%chance) (rainslipchance=%chance) <BR>Parameters : (snowSlipChance=%chance) (sleetSlipChance=%chance)<BR>(freezeOverChance=%chance) <BR>Parameters : (droughtFireChance=%chance) (botherticks=#ticks)<BR>(diseaseticks=#ticks) <BR>Parameters : (rustticks=#ticks) (lightningticks=#ticks) (rumbleticks=#ticks) <BR>Parameters : (gustticks=#ticks) (tornadoticks=#ticks) (hailticks=#ticks) <BR>Parameters : (dustticks=#ticks) <BR>Example    : windsheer=10 puddlepct=20 <BR>Description:  <BR>The amazingly powerful behavior handles almost all of the effects of weather<BR>upon players and the environment.  By changing the parameters listed above, the<BR>frequency of certain negative effects of weather can be tweeked, modified,<BR>enhanced, or eliminated. <BR>The parameters and their meaning are as follows: <BR>windsheer - percent chance that a ranged attack or thrown item will be blown<BR>off course. <BR>puddlepct - percent chance, following wet weather, that puddles, snow piles, or<BR>dust will form. <BR>rainslipchance - percent chance, during wet weather, that someone will slip<BR>while moving. <BR>snowSlipChance - percent chance, during snowy weather, that someone will slip<BR>while moving. <BR>sleetSlipChance - percent chance, during sleety weather, that someone will slip<BR>while moving. <BR>freezeOverChance - percent chance, during cold weather, following cold weather,<BR>that a given <BR>available water surface will freeze over for a time. <BR>droughtFireChance - percent chance, during a drought, that a random item will<BR>be selected  <BR>from all available rooms to be spontaneously ignited. <BR>botherticks - how often, in ticks, players will be reminded of current weather<BR>conditions. <BR>diseaseticks - how often, in ticks, players will suffer a small chance,<BR>depending on weather  <BR>conditions, of catching a weather related disease, such as cold, flu,<BR>frostbite, heat. <BR>rustticks - how often, in ticks, players in wet weather or conditions will<BR>suffer a chance <BR>of one of their items rusting and therefore taking damage. <BR>lightningticks - how often, in ticks, during thunderstorms, an available player<BR>will suffer <BR>a chance of someone in the same room being struck by lightning. <BR>rumbleticks - how often, in ticks, players are given slightly more personal<BR>reminders of  <BR>current weather conditions than they get from botherticks. <BR>gustticks - how often, in ticks, during windy conditions, an available player<BR>will suffer <BR>a chance of someone in the same room being buffeted by a gust of wind. <BR>hailticks - how often, in ticks, during hail storms, an available player will<BR>suffer <BR>a chance of someone in the same room being buffeted by hail. <BR>dustticks - how often, in ticks, during dust storms, an available player will<BR>suffer <BR>a chance of someone in the same room being hit in the eye with dirt. <BR>tornadoticks - how often, in ticks, during thunderstorms and windy conditions,<BR>an available <BR>player will suffer the chance of a tornado touching down in their room.</pre>
			<a name="Wimpy"><B>Wimpy</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : Wimpy <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : wimpy masks <BR>Example    : -race +elf  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob flee any player mob it can detect in the same room. If no other<BR>parameters are given, the mob will flee anyone. Valid masks include:   <BR>delay=x (makes the mob delay x ticks before looking for someone to fear)  <BR>very=1 (makes the mob flee even if not in combat)  <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is fleed from, and disallowed is not. </pre>
			<a name="WimpyAggressive"><B>WimpyAggressive</B></a>
			<pre>Behavior   : WimpyAggressive <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters : aggression flags (message=[msg]) aggression masks <BR>Example    : -race +elf  <BR>Example    : -race +elf misbehave mobkill <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob attack any sleeping player mob it can detect in the same room.<BR>Mobs will not be aggressive towards Archons and builders with the CMDMOBS<BR>security flag. If no other parameters are given, the mob will attack anyone.<BR>Valid aggressive masks include:   <BR>message=[msg] something for the mob to say whenever he's fixing to attack <BR>delay=x (makes the mob delay x ticks before looking for a victim)  <BR>mobkill (makes this behavior attack mobs as well as players)  <BR>misbehave (makes this mob attack even when wounded or a follower)  <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is attacked, and disallowed is spared. </pre>