"Earth" elite=1 prefix="stony,earthy,rocky" leveladj=2 mobresist="always blunt 50% acid 50% electricity -100%" enable="acidizing number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="stone" absorb="enhanced 100% electrocuting electricity -100% acidizing acid" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 aeffect="ResourceOverride(GRANITE OBSIDIAN MARBLE STONE ALABASTER IRON LEAD GOLD WHITE_GOLD \"WHITE GOLD\" CHROMIUM SILVER ZINC COPPER TIN MITHRIL MUSHROOMS GEM PERIDOT DIAMOND LAPIS BLOODSTONE MOONSTONE ALEXANDRITE GEM SCALES CRYSTAL RUBY EMERALD SAPPHIRE AGATE CITRINE PLATINUM) Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear a landslide off in the distance.;sound The sound of crumbling rocks comes from somewhere.;smell You smell the earthiness around you.) Prop_Weather(DROUGHT CLIMATE_DRY)" mixrace="EarthElemental"  roomcolor="UP ^Y" roomadjs="30 earthy,stone" 
"Air" elite=1 prefix="wispy,cloudy,breezy,airey" leveladj=2 mobresist="always pierce 100% electricity 50% slash 50% acid -100%" enable="electrocuting number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="air" absorb="enhanced 100% acidizing acid -100% electrocuting electricity" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 mixrace="AirElemental" roomcolor="UP ^c" roomadjs="30 airy,windy" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The winds howl past your ears.;visual The strong-moving winds buffet you from side to side.;visual You are blown off course by the strong winds.;visual You are spun around by the quick winds.) Prop_Weather(WINDY CLIMATE_WINDY)"
"Fire" elite=1 prefix="firey,burning" leveladj=2 mobresist="always pierce 100% fire 50% slash 50% water -100%" enable="burning number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="air" absorb="enhanced 100% freezing cold -100% burning fire" hours="3"  recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 reffect="FieryRoom(NOSTOP NONPC)" mixrace="FireElemental" roomcolor="UP ^r" roomadjs="30 fiery,burning" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The crackling of some burning debris catches your attention.;visual You feel the flames licking your body.;visual You sweat relentlessly in the heat.;visual The bright flames momentarily blind you.;visual You are mesmerized by the dancing flames.;smell You smell your flesh burning!;smell The strong aroma of brimstone catches your attention.) Prop_Weather(HEAT CLIMATE_HOT)"
"Water" elite=1 prefix="flowing,watery,liquidy" leveladj=2 mobresist="always pierce 100% water 50% slash 50% fire -100%" enable="freezing number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="water" absorb="enhanced 100% burning fire -100% freezing cold" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 mixrace="WaterElemental" roomcolor="UP ^b" roomadjs="30 watery,wet" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound Sounds from a far away battle are carried by the waves.;sound You hear water currents speeding past you.;visual Your body is tossed and turned by the constantly changing tides.;visual You are completely drenched.;visual The water soaks your gear.)  Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_WET)"
"Positive" elite=1 alignment=10000 prefix="bright,energy,light" leveladj=2 mobresist="undead 100% unholy 100%" enable="healing number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="energy" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +4 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -4 levels\" " absorb="enhanced 100% corruption vexing -100% blessing holy" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 reffect="Prop_RoomLit Prop_HereSpellCast(Prayer_CureLight;Prayer_ProtUndead)" mixrace="ElectricityElemental" roomcolor="UP ^y" roomadjs="30 energetic,empowered" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound A burst of energy resounds in your ears!;sound You hear the crackling of unbriddled energy.;visual You are momentarily blinded by a spontaneous burst of energy.;visual You are filled with life force.)  Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_NORMAL)" 
"Negative" elite=1 alignment=-10000 prefix="dark,negative,shadowy" leveladj=2 mobresist="holy 100% healing 100%" enable="vexing number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="energy" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -4 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +4 levels\" " absorb="enhanced 100% blessing healing -100% unholy" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 reffect="Prop_RoomDark Prop_HereSpellCast(Undead_WeakEnergyDrain;Prayer_HealUndead)" mixrace="Undead" roomcolor="UP ^W" roomadjs="30 dark,shadowy" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear the sound of shifting shadows.;visual You feel your soul slipping away.;visual The dread shadows sap the life force from your body.) Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_NORMAL)"
"Magma" prefix="magma,molten" leveladj=2 mobresist="always blunt 50% acid 50% electricity -50% water -50%"  enable="Spell_Fireball Spell_HeatMetal" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="stone" absorb="enhanced 50% electrocuting electricity -50% acidizing acid 50% burning fire -50% freezing cold" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 reffect="FieryRoom(NOSTOP NONPC)" mixrace="MagmaMephit" roomcolor="UP ^R" roomadjs="30 molten,magma" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The bubbling magma pops loudly behind you.;sound You hear the churning lava all around you.;visual You feel like you are burning up.;smell You smell something burning!) Prop_Weather(HEAT CLIMATE_HOT)"
"Ooze" prefix="oozing,slimey,sludgey" leveladj=2 mobresist="always blunt 50% pierce 50% acid 100% electricity -50% fire -50%" enable="Prayer_EarthMud Prayer_Absorption" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="tar" absorb="enhanced 50% electrocuting electricity -50% acidizing acid -50% burning fire 50% freezing cold" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 aeffect="Prop_ImproveGather(amt=4 skills=Drilling) Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear a slurping noise from above.;visual A slick substance slides through your clothing.;visual You feel something squirming around inside your cloths.;visual You are covered in slime.) Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_WET)" mixrace="OozeMephit" roomcolor="UP ^B" roomadjs="30 oozing,slimey"
"Minerals" alignment=5000 prefix="metallic,crystal,ruby" leveladj=2 mobresist="always blunt 50% acid 50% song -50% electricity -50%" behave="CombatAbilities NeutralAbilities" enable="Chant_CrystalGrowth" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="stone" absorb="enhanced 50% electrocuting electricity -50% acidizing acid 50% vexing -50% deep_magic" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 aeffect="Prop_ImproveGather(amt=4 skills=Mining,MasterMining,Digging,MasterDigging) Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound A grating noise comes from somewhere around you.;visual Sharp crystals impede your travels.;visual You spot a precious metal node nearby.;visual So many metals, so little time!) Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_DRY)" mixrace="MineralMephit" roomcolor="UP ^Y" roomadjs="30 crystalline,metallic"
"Dust" alignment=-5000 prefix="dusty,dusting" leveladj=2 mobresist="always pierce 50% healing 50%" enable="Skill_Dirt" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="sand" absorb="enhanced 50% electrocuting electricity -50% acidizing acid 50% healing -50% vexing" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 aeffect="ResourceOverride(SAND) Prop_ImproveGather(amt=4 skills=Digging) Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The constant sound of sand and dust scouring the area grates on your nerves.;visual You sneeze out a cloud of dust.;visual A swirl of dust whisks by you.;visual You see something ahead obscurred by strong gusts of dust.) Prop_Weather(DUST CLIMATE_DRY CLIMATE_WINDY)" mixrace="DustMephit" roomcolor="UP ^y" roomadjs="30 dusty,dirty"
"Smoke" prefix="smokey,smoking"  leveladj=2 mobresist="always pierce 50% slash 50% fire 50%" enable="Fighter_SmokeSignals" behave="CombatAbilities NeutralAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="air" absorb="enhanced -50% electrocuting electricity 50% acidizing acid -50% burning fire 50% freezing cold" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 aeffect="ResourceOverride(NOTHING) Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;visual Wisps of smoke obscure your vision.;visual You see smoke, but no fire!;visual The smoke is so thick you can barely see in front of you.;smell You smell the strong aroma of freshly charged ozone.) Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_DRY CLIMATE_WINDY)" mixrace="SmokeMephit"" roomcolor="UP ^Y" roomadjs="30 smokey"
"Ice" prefix="slick,icey,frozen" leveladj=2 mobresist="always slash 50% water 100% fire -50%" enable="Spell_IceSheet freezing number(1/20)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="water" absorb="enhanced -50% electrocuting electricity 50% acidizing acid 50% burning fire -50% freezing cold" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 reffect="Spell_IceSheet" mixrace="IceMephit" roomcolor="UP ^C" roomadjs="30 icy,frigid,frozen" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;visual You hear the ice cracking beneath your feet.;visual Icicles protrude from every surface, making a jagged winter wonderland.;visual The floor is covered in a sheen of ice.) Prop_Weather(COLD CLIMATE_COLD CLIMATE_WET)"
"Lightning" alignment=5000 prefix="electric,sparky" leveladj=2 mobresist="always slash 50% electricity 100%" enable="Spell_Lightning electrocuting number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="energy" absorb="enhanced 50% freezing cold -100% electrocuting electricity 50% unholy vexing" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 mixrace="LightningMephit" roomcolor="UP ^w" roomadjs="30 electric,sparking" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear thunder in the distance.;sound You hear thunder nearby.;sound You hear thunder.;sound Thunder booms all around you.;sound You cower from the sounds of thunder.;visual A flash of lightning appears in the distance.;visual A flash of lightning appears ahead of you.;visual A flash of lightning appears behind you.;visual Lightning flashes all around you.;visual A streak of lightning lights up the area.;small You smell the strong aroma of freshly charged ozone.) Prop_Weather(THUNDERSTORM CLIMATE_DRY)"
"Vacuum" alignment=-5000 prefix="void" leveladj=2 mobresist="always slash 95% pierce 95% blunt 95%" enable="Spell_DestroyObject Spell_Disenchant Spell_DispelMagic Spell_PurgeInvisibility stealthy number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="nothing" absorb="enhanced 50% freezing cold -50% electrocuting electricity 50% healing -50% vexing" hours="3"  recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 aeffect="ResourceOverride(NOTHING) Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_NORMAL)" mixrace="VoidMephit" roomcolor="UP ^W" roomadjs="30 empty" 
"Radiance" alignment=5000 prefix="bright,luminous" leveladj=2 mobresist="always slash 50% fire 50% undead 50% unholy 50%" enable="Spell_Light Spell_PurgeInvisibility Spell_ContinualLight" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="air" absorb="enhanced 50% freezing cold -50% burning fire 50% vexing -50% holy" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 reffect="Prop_RoomLit  Prop_HereSpellCast(Prayer_Blindness)" mixrace="LightMephit" roomcolor="UP ^y" roomadjs="30 bright,shining" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;visual You see the shimmering of the atmosphere due to the constant bright light heating everything.;visual A bright flash appears in front of you.;visual You see a bright light ahead.;visual A bright flash of light startles you.) Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_NORMAL)"
"Ash" alignment=-5000 prefix="ashen,burned" leveladj=2 mobresist="always pierce 50% fire 50% blunt -100%" enable="Skill_Dirt FireBuilding" behave="NeutralAbilities CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="ash"  absorb="enhanced 50% freezing cold -50% burning fire 50% healing -50% vexing" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 mixrace="AshMephit" roomcolor="UP ^W" roomadjs="30 ashen,soot-filled,soot-covered" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear something moving through the chalky ash.;visual A cloud of ash obscures your vision.;visual Everything is covered in ash.;visual A thick coat of ash covers everything.) Prop_Weather(CLEAR CLIMATE_DRY CLIMATE_HOT)" 
"Steam" alignment=5000 prefix="steaming,steamy,vapor" leveladj=2 mobresist="always slash 50% water 50% pierce 100% gas -100%" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="water" absorb="enhanced 50% burning fire -50% freezing cold 50% vexing -50% holy" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 mixrace="SteamMephit" roomcolor="UP ^W" roomadjs="30 steamy" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear a high pitch screech of steam escaping the surrounding terrain.;visual A blast of steam nearly blinds you.;visual A steam spout momentarily blocks your path.;visual You duck beneath a spontaneous cloud of steam.) Prop_Weather(CLOUDY CLIMATE_HOT CLIMATE_WET)"
"Salt" alignment=-5000 prefix="salty,briney" leveladj=2 mobresist="water 50% undead 50% unholy 50%" behave="CombatAbilities" weaponmaxrange=0 atmosphere="salt" absorb="enhanced 50% burning fire -50% freezing cold 50% healing -50% vexing" hours="3" recoverrate=1 fatiguerate=1 aeffect="ResourceOverride(SALT) Prop_ImproveGather(amt=4 skills=Foraging) Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The crunch of salt beneath your feet grates on your nerves.;visual Salt covers everything.;visual A thick rim of salt covers the world.;visual Salt gets in  your eyes!;smell You smell the strong aroma of the sea.) Prop_Weather(CLOUDY CLIMATE_NORMAL)" mixrace="SaltMephit" roomcolor="UP ^w" roomadjs="30 salty,briney"
"Astral" transitional=true prefix="astral,gith" leveladj=2  bonusdamagestat="wisdom" reqweapons="magical natural karate" absorb="enhanced 100% alteration 100% creation" hours="3000" fatiguerate=1000 reffect="Spell_MagicalAura" specflags="BADMUNDANEARMOR ALLBREATHE" mixrace="Githyanki" roomcolor="UP ^p" roomadjs="30 silvery" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;visual You see the silver shimmer of an adjacent plane.;visual You duck beneath a silver cord of another astral traveller.;visual You zip past the astral terrain in the blink of an eye.)"
"Ethereal" transitional=true prefix="ethereal,ghostly" leveladj=2 bonusdamagestat="dexterity" reqweapons="magical natural karate" atmosphere="" absorb="50% conjuration 50% abjuration 50% divination -100% illusion 100% poison  100% charming" hours="60" fatiguerate=1000 specflags="NOINFRAVISION BADMUNDANEARMOR ALLBREATHE" roomcolor="UP ^P" roomadjs="30 ghostly"
"Nirvana" elite=1 alignment=0 factions="inclination(0)" prefix="clockwork,modron" leveladj=2 mobresist="vexing 100% healing 100% enchantment/charm 100% animal_affinity 100%" enable="creating number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" absorb="enhanced -100% legal -100% building -100% creating 50% deceptive 100% charming" mixrace="MetalGolem" roomcolor="UP ^g" roomadjs="30 ordered,structured" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear a constant rhythmic ticking.;sound The sound of a billion ants marching in unison resounds in your ears.;sound Tic-toc-tic-toc-tic-toc-tic-toc.;visual Everything seems made of varying sizes of interlocking gears.;visual You almost lose your footing on the gears of the ground below you.;visual There are gears EVERYWHERE!)"
"Arcadia" alignment=5000 factions="inclination(10000)" prefix="natural,pure" leveladj=1 mobresist="cold electricity paralysis poison gas spell_magicmissile 100% fire 50% always non-magical-weapons 50%" enable="plant_growth number(1/10) plant_control number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +1 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -1 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% plant_growth -100% plant_control 100% charming" roomcolor="UP ^g" roomadjs="30 natural" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear birds singing in the distance.;sound A gentle breeze rustles some nearby trees.;visual The raw beauty of this area is astounding.;visual You feel calm in this place.;smell You smell the scent of fresh flowers.;smell The rich aroma of ripe fruit graces your nose.)"
"Seven Heavens" elite=1 alignment=10000 factions="inclination(10000)" behave="GoodGuardian" prefix="just,angelic" leveladj=0 mobresist="cold electricity paralysis poison gas spell_magicmissile 100% fire 50% always non-magical-weapons 50%" enable="evangelism number (1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +2 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -2 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% warding -100% fitness -100% evangelism -100% holy_protection  100% charming" mixrace="Solar" roomcolor="UP ^w" roomadjs="30 heavenly" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear the sounds of angels playing their heavenly harps.;sound A bell chimes in the distance, followed by a chorus of GRATZes.;visual Soft pillowy clouds gently cover the ground beneath you.;visual Everything is a little whiter here.)"
"Twin Paradises" alignment=10000 factions="inclination(10000)" prefix="solar,deva" leveladj=1 mobresist="cold electricity paralysis poison gas spell_magicmissile 100% fire 50% always non-magical-weapons 50%" enable="preserving number(1/10) restoration number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +3 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -3 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% preserving -100% crafting -100% restoration -100% artistic  100% charming" mixrace="Deva" roomcolor="UP ^c" roomadjs="30 serene,calming" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The sweet melodies of love birds ring throughout the area.;sound You hear the gentle breeze swaying nearby trees.;visual It's a beautiful time.;visual You feel very comfortable here.)"
"Elysium" alignment=10000 factions="inclination(0)" prefix="planetar" leveladj=1 behave="Aggressive(-GOOD -NEUTRAL)" mobresist="cold electricity paralysis poison gas spell_magicmissile 100% fire 50% always non-magical-weapons 50%" enable="abjuration number(1/5)" behave="CombatAbilities" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +4 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -4 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% abjuration -100% dancing -100% enduring  100% charming" mixrace="Planetar" roomcolor="UP ^b" roomadjs="30 heroic,majestic" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;visual The world seems aglow with power.;visual You are awe-struck by the surrounding environment.)" 
"Happy Hunting Grounds" alignment=10000 factions="inclination(-10000)" prefix="beastial,dire" leveladj=4 setstat="basevalue=-1 int=1" enable="trapping number(1/10) nature_lore number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" behavaffid="mageness=fighterness clericness=thiefness" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +3 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -3 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% nature_lore -100% trapping  100% charming" mixrace="GiantAnimal" roomcolor="UP ^b" roomadjs="30 primal" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound Sounds of animals come from all directions.;sound You hear rustling nearby.;sound The primal roar of some great beast echos around you.;visual The world around you seems lush with life.;visual Nearby plants grow visibly as you watch them.;smell You smell the freshest air you have ever smelled!;smell The air is pure and clean.)"
"Olympus" alignment=10000 factions="inclination(-10000)" prefix="great,fantastic,fey" leveladj=1 enable="breeding number(1/20) theatre number(1/20) enchantment/charm number(1/20)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive(-GOOD -NEUTRAL)" mobresist="cold electricity poison gas 100% fire 50% always non-magical-weapons 50%" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +2 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -2 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% theatre -100% enchantment/charm -100% breeding  100% charming" mixrace="Fey" roomcolor="UP ^b" roomadjs="30 fantastic" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear high-pitched laughter.;sound The shrill voices of the wee-people warn of your advance.;visual Everything around you has taken on an aspect of nature.;visual You feel the connection of land and people in the surrounding terrain.;visual This area looks like a beautiful marriage between nature and civilization.)" 
"Gladsheim" elite=2 alignment=5000 factions="inclination(-10000)" prefix="giant,viking" leveladj=3 enable="combat_lore number(1/20) martial_lore number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive(-GOOD -NEUTRAL)" adjstat="adjmax=true str=4 con=4" adjsize="height=2 weight=4" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at +1 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at -1 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% combat_lore  100% charming" mixrace="Giant" roomcolor="UP ^B" roomadjs="30 awesome,awe-inspiring" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear the thunderous call of giants in the distance.;sound The earth rumbles at the approach of a nearby giant.;visual Everything around you has taken on a gargantuan aspect.;visual You feel tiny compared to the surrounding area.)"
"Limbo" alignment=0 factions="inclination(-10000)" prefix="slaad" leveladj=2  mobcopy=1 absorb="enhanced -100% evasive 100% charming" enable="evasive number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities" mixrace="Slaad" roomcolor="UP ^G" roomadjs="30 undefined" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear the wails of lost souls.;sound You hear the infinite echo of bygone ages.;visual You feel lost.;visual Souls drift past you aimlessly.;visual The soul of  a lost little boy peers into your heart.;visual You meander aimlessly.)"
"Pandemonium" elite=1 alignment=-5000 factions="inclination(-10000)" prefix="marooned,lost" leveladj=1 mobresist="always slash blunt pierce 50%" enable="criminal number(1/20) foolishness number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -1 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +1 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% foolishness -100% criminal 50% singing 50% playing  100% charming" mixrace="Demon" roomcolor="UP ^R" roomadjs="30 noisy,cacaphonous" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=50;sound You hear the howling winds ripping souls apart.;sound A creepy cry for help permeates your flesh.;sound Howls and cries shake your being.;sound A scream comes from above.;sound The noise of a thousand apes rebounds around you.;sound You hear a high-pitched whistle.;sound The clash of two enormous beasts gives you a start.;sound You hear the sweet sound of two love birds interrupted by their slaughter.;sound A loud BANG!;sound You hear a crash of metal.;sound You hear breaking glass.;sound Hundreds of dogs howl at the non-existant moon.;sound A clash of battle resounds from the walls.;sound You hear a dying man's last breath.)"
"Abyss" alignment=-10000 factions="inclination(-10000)" prefix="demon,demonic" leveladj=0 mobresist="cold electricity fire gas 50%" mobcopy=1 enable="illusion number(1/5) corruption number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -2 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +2 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% illusion -100% corruption  100% charming" mixrace="Demon" roomcolor="UP ^R" roomadjs="30 abyssal,demonic" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The wind howls a forlong song.;visual You feel hopeless and lost in this alien terrain.;smell Phew!;smell What stinks?;smell An odeous aroma assaults your senses.)"
"Tarterus" alignment=-10000 factions="inclination(-10000)" prefix="demodand,corrupted" leveladj=-1 mobresist="acid poison 100% cold fire 50% always non-magical-weapons 50%" enable="transmutation number(1/5)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -3 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +3 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% transmutation  100% charming" mixrace="Demodand" roomcolor="UP ^R" roomadjs="30 deceptive" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear whispers.;visual The shadows shift around you.;visual The terrain twists and distorts before your eyes.;visual You think you see movement.;visual Something shifts in the corner of your eye.)"
"Hades" alignment=-10000 factions="inclination(0)" prefix="daemon,shade" leveladj=-1 mobresist="paralysis 100% poison fire ice acid 50% always non-magical-weapons 100%" enable="Undead_WeakEnergyDrain" behave="CombatAbilities"  areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -4 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +4 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% stealthy -100% death  100% charming" mixrace="Yugoloth" roomcolor="UP ^r" roomadjs="30 wasted,compassionless" 
"Gehenna" alignment=-10000 factions="inclination(10000)" prefix="barghest,cursed" leveladj=0 mobresist="always non-magical-weapons 100%"  enable="cursing number(1/20) dirty_fighting number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -3 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +3 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% cursing -100% dirty_fighting  100% charming" mixrace="Barghest" roomcolor="UP ^r" roomadjs="30 volcanic,bleak,broken" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear rocks come crashing from above.;sound A booming volcano errupts in the distance.;visual The jagged terrain saps your spirits.;visual You feel the oppressive environment weigh heavily upon your spirits.;visual The bleak terrain depresses you.)"
"Nine Hells" elite=1 alignment=10000 factions="inclination(10000)" prefix="devil,devilish" leveladj=-1 mobresist="cold 50% fire 100% always non-silver-weapons 100% always non-magical-weapons 100%" enable="stealing number(1/20) martial_lore number(1/10)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -2 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +2 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% stealing -100% combat_fluidity  100% charming" mixrace="Devil" roomcolor="UP ^r" roomadjs="30 oppressive,diabolic" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound You hear the sounds of breaking bones.;sound Battle rings out all around you.;sound You hear the clash of swords and armor.;sound Warcries fill the air.;sound The sounds of war are everywhere.;sound You hear a primal scream as warriors engage in combat.;smell You smell blood and sweat in the air.)"
"Acheron" alignment=-5000 factions="inclination(10000)" prefix="spirit,fallen" leveladj=1 mobresist="mind 100% magic 50%" enable="martial_lore number(1/5) weapon_use number(1/5)" behave="CombatAbilities Aggressive" areablurbs="Skill_TurnUndead=\"Turn undead at -1 levels\" Skill_ControlUndead=\"Control undead at +1 levels\" " absorb="enhanced -100% martial_lore -100% weapon_use -100% shield_use  100% charming" roomcolor="UP ^r" roomadjs="30 war-torn" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;sound The sounds of tortured souls rise above the surroundings.;sound Evil, malicious laughter errupts from nowhere.;sound Muhahahaha!;visual You feel the weight of the world pressing upon your soul.;smell The smell of fire and brimstone pervades the area.)"
"Concordant Opposition" elite=1 alignment=0 factions="inclination(0)" prefix="normal,balanced" leveladj=4 absorb="enhanced -50% neutralization -50% communing -50% warding -50% plant_growth -50% shape_shifting -50% weather_mastery -50% preserving -50% plant_control -50% animal_affinity -50% deep_magic -50% breeding -50% rock_control -50% nature_lore -50% water_lore -50% water_control -50% moon_summoning -50% moon_altering  100% charming" behave="Druidness" roomcolor="UP ^g" roomadjs="30 balanced" aeffect="Emoter(min=2 max=4 chance=25;visual You feel balanced.;visual You feel drawn to neutrality.;visual You see the error of you ways.;visual You feel normal.)"