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	  <title>CoffeeMud Properties Reference</title>
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		<center><table width=90% cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 border=1 bordercolor=gray><tr><td width=100% colspan=2 bgcolor=#DFDFDF align=left> 
		<h1>Properties Reference</h1>
		<h2> CoffeeMud 5.9 </h2>
		</td></tr><tr><td width=20% valign=top align=left>
		<a href="behav.html"><B>Behaviors</B></a><BR>
				<li><a href="#Acidbreath">Acidbreath</a>
				<li><a href="#Addictions">Addictions</a>
				<li><a href="#Adorable">Adorable</a>
				<li><a href="#Age">Age</a>
				<li><a href="#Allergies">Allergies</a>
				<li><a href="#AnimalSpeak">AnimalSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Antidote">Antidote</a>
				<li><a href="#ApeSpeak">ApeSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Aquan">Aquan</a>
				<li><a href="#Archon_Peacefully">Archon_Peacefully</a>
				<li><a href="#ArchonSkill">ArchonSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#ArtisanalFocus">ArtisanalFocus</a>
				<li><a href="#AutoStack">AutoStack</a>
				<li><a href="#BadReputation">BadReputation</a>
				<li><a href="#Banishment">Banishment</a>
				<li><a href="#BardSkill">BardSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#BatSpeak">BatSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#BearSpeak">BearSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#BigCatSpeak">BigCatSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#BirdSpeak">BirdSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Bleeding">Bleeding</a>
				<li><a href="#Blessing">Blessing</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_AcidBurst">Bomb_AcidBurst</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_Explosive">Bomb_Explosive</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_FlameBurst">Bomb_FlameBurst</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_Noxious">Bomb_Noxious</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_Pepper">Bomb_Pepper</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_Poison">Bomb_Poison</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_Smoke">Bomb_Smoke</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_Spores">Bomb_Spores</a>
				<li><a href="#Bomb_Water">Bomb_Water</a>
				<li><a href="#BrokenLimbs">BrokenLimbs</a>
				<li><a href="#BuildingSkill">BuildingSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#Burning">Burning</a>
				<li><a href="#CatSpeak">CatSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Chant">Chant</a>
				<li><a href="#Chant_Burrowspeak">Chant_Burrowspeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Chant_DruidicConnection">Chant_DruidicConnection</a>
				<li><a href="#Chant_LandLegs">Chant_LandLegs</a>
				<li><a href="#Chant_Sunbeam">Chant_Sunbeam</a>
				<li><a href="#ChickenSpeak">ChickenSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#ChimpSpeak">ChimpSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#CombatFrenzy">CombatFrenzy</a>
				<li><a href="#CombatSleep">CombatSleep</a>
				<li><a href="#CommonSkill">CommonSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#Copyright">Copyright</a>
				<li><a href="#CowSpeak">CowSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#CraftingSkill">CraftingSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#Dance">Dance</a>
				<li><a href="#DeerSpeak">DeerSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#DiligentStudying">DiligentStudying</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease">Disease</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Aids">Disease_Aids</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Alzheimers">Disease_Alzheimers</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Amnesia">Disease_Amnesia</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Anemia">Disease_Anemia</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Anosmia">Disease_Anosmia</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Anthrax">Disease_Anthrax</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Apathy">Disease_Apathy</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Arthritis">Disease_Arthritis</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Asthma">Disease_Asthma</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Blahs">Disease_Blahs</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Blindness">Disease_Blindness</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Cancer">Disease_Cancer</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Cannibalism">Disease_Cannibalism</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Carrier">Disease_Carrier</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Chlamydia">Disease_Chlamydia</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Cold">Disease_Cold</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_ColorBlindness">Disease_ColorBlindness</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Deafness">Disease_Deafness</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Depression">Disease_Depression</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Diabetes">Disease_Diabetes</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Diarrhea">Disease_Diarrhea</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Eczema">Disease_Eczema</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Fever">Disease_Fever</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_FilthFever">Disease_FilthFever</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Fleas">Disease_Fleas</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Flu">Disease_Flu</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_FootFungus">Disease_FootFungus</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_FrostBite">Disease_FrostBite</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Gangrene">Disease_Gangrene</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Giggles">Disease_Giggles</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Gonorrhea">Disease_Gonorrhea</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_HeatExhaustion">Disease_HeatExhaustion</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Infection">Disease_Infection</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Leeches">Disease_Leeches</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Lepresy">Disease_Lepresy</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Lockjaw">Disease_Lockjaw</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Lycanthropy">Disease_Lycanthropy</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Lyme">Disease_Lyme</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Magepox">Disease_Magepox</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Malaria">Disease_Malaria</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Migraines">Disease_Migraines</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_MummyRot">Disease_MummyRot</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Muteness">Disease_Muteness</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Narcolepsy">Disease_Narcolepsy</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Nausea">Disease_Nausea</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Obesity">Disease_Obesity</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Plague">Disease_Plague</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_PlanarInstability">Disease_PlanarInstability</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Pneumonia">Disease_Pneumonia</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_PoisonIvy">Disease_PoisonIvy</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_RadiationSickness">Disease_RadiationSickness</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_RoyaltyRot">Disease_RoyaltyRot</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_SARS">Disease_SARS</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Scabies">Disease_Scabies</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Scurvy">Disease_Scurvy</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_SeaSickness">Disease_SeaSickness</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Sleepwalking">Disease_Sleepwalking</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Smiles">Disease_Smiles</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Syphilis">Disease_Syphilis</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Tetnus">Disease_Tetnus</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Tinnitus">Disease_Tinnitus</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Tourettes">Disease_Tourettes</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Vampirism">Disease_Vampirism</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Vertigo">Disease_Vertigo</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_WritersBlock">Disease_WritersBlock</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Yawning">Disease_Yawning</a>
				<li><a href="#Disease_Zika">Disease_Zika</a>
				<li><a href="#DiseaseCure">DiseaseCure</a>
				<li><a href="#DogSpeak">DogSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Dragonbreath">Dragonbreath</a>
				<li><a href="#DrugCutting">DrugCutting</a>
				<li><a href="#Druid_ShapeShift10">Druid_ShapeShift10</a>
				<li><a href="#Druid_ShapeShift11">Druid_ShapeShift11</a>
				<li><a href="#Druid_ShapeShift6">Druid_ShapeShift6</a>
				<li><a href="#Druid_ShapeShift7">Druid_ShapeShift7</a>
				<li><a href="#Druid_ShapeShift8">Druid_ShapeShift8</a>
				<li><a href="#Druid_ShapeShift9">Druid_ShapeShift9</a>
				<li><a href="#DuckSpeak">DuckSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Dueler">Dueler</a>
				<li><a href="#Dusty">Dusty</a>
				<li><a href="#ElephantSpeak">ElephantSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Encrypto">Encrypto</a>
				<li><a href="#EnhancedCraftingSkill">EnhancedCraftingSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#ExtAbility">ExtAbility</a>
				<li><a href="#ExtraData">ExtraData</a>
				<li><a href="#Falling">Falling</a>
				<li><a href="#Familiarity_Armor">Familiarity_Armor</a>
				<li><a href="#Familiarity_Bow">Familiarity_Bow</a>
				<li><a href="#Familiarity_Dagger">Familiarity_Dagger</a>
				<li><a href="#Familiarity_FlailedWeapon">Familiarity_FlailedWeapon</a>
				<li><a href="#Familiarity_Natural">Familiarity_Natural</a>
				<li><a href="#Familiarity_Polearm">Familiarity_Polearm</a>
				<li><a href="#Familiarity_Weapon">Familiarity_Weapon</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighter_CaveTactics">Fighter_CaveTactics</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighter_CrescentKick">Fighter_CrescentKick</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighter_FastSlinging">Fighter_FastSlinging</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighter_FieldTactics">Fighter_FieldTactics</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighter_Hardiness">Fighter_Hardiness</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighter_SnapKick">Fighter_SnapKick</a>
				<li><a href="#Fighter_ViciousBlow">Fighter_ViciousBlow</a>
				<li><a href="#FighterSkill">FighterSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#Firebreath">Firebreath</a>
				<li><a href="#FoodBegging">FoodBegging</a>
				<li><a href="#FowlSpeak">FowlSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#FrogSpeak">FrogSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Frostbreath">Frostbreath</a>
				<li><a href="#Gait">Gait</a>
				<li><a href="#Gasbreath">Gasbreath</a>
				<li><a href="#GatheringSkill">GatheringSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#GenAbility">GenAbility</a>
				<li><a href="#GenCraftSkill">GenCraftSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#GenLanguage">GenLanguage</a>
				<li><a href="#GoatSpeak">GoatSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#GooseSpeak">GooseSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Gore">Gore</a>
				<li><a href="#GravityFloat">GravityFloat</a>
				<li><a href="#Grazing">Grazing</a>
				<li><a href="#GreatBirdSpeak">GreatBirdSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Hamstring">Hamstring</a>
				<li><a href="#HorseSpeak">HorseSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Immunities">Immunities</a>
				<li><a href="#Inebriation">Inebriation</a>
				<li><a href="#Injury">Injury</a>
				<li><a href="#InvisibleInk">InvisibleInk</a>
				<li><a href="#ItemRejuv">ItemRejuv</a>
				<li><a href="#Lighteningbreath">Lighteningbreath</a>
				<li><a href="#Loyalty">Loyalty</a>
				<li><a href="#MasterPaintingSkill">MasterPaintingSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#Milkable">Milkable</a>
				<li><a href="#MonkeySpeak">MonkeySpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#MonkSkill">MonkSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#Mood">Mood</a>
				<li><a href="#MooseSpeak">MooseSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#OwlSpeak">OwlSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#PaintingSkill">PaintingSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#PaladinSkill">PaladinSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#Paralysis">Paralysis</a>
				<li><a href="#PigSpeak">PigSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#PlanarAbility">PlanarAbility</a>
				<li><a href="#Play">Play</a>
				<li><a href="#Play_Instrument">Play_Instrument</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison">Poison</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Alcohol">Poison_Alcohol</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_BeeSting">Poison_BeeSting</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Bloodboil">Poison_Bloodboil</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Caffeine">Poison_Caffeine</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Decreptifier">Poison_Decreptifier</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Firebreather">Poison_Firebreather</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Ghoultouch">Poison_Ghoultouch</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Glowgell">Poison_Glowgell</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_GoblinDrip">Poison_GoblinDrip</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Heartstopper">Poison_Heartstopper</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Hives">Poison_Hives</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Liquor">Poison_Liquor</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Mindsap">Poison_Mindsap</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Peppersauce">Poison_Peppersauce</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Rotten">Poison_Rotten</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Slumberall">Poison_Slumberall</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Sting">Poison_Sting</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_Venom">Poison_Venom</a>
				<li><a href="#Poison_XXX">Poison_XXX</a>
				<li><a href="#PoisonousBite">PoisonousBite</a>
				<li><a href="#Power_OctoArms">Power_OctoArms</a>
				<li><a href="#Power_OctoGrapple">Power_OctoGrapple</a>
				<li><a href="#Power_SuperClimb">Power_SuperClimb</a>
				<li><a href="#Power_TrapSense">Power_TrapSense</a>
				<li><a href="#Power_WebSpinning">Power_WebSpinning</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer">Prayer</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_AnimalSpirit">Prayer_AnimalSpirit</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_AuraStrife">Prayer_AuraStrife</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_DivineFavor">Prayer_DivineFavor</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_HealingAura">Prayer_HealingAura</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_Refresh">Prayer_Refresh</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_Regrowth">Prayer_Regrowth</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_ReligiousDoubt">Prayer_ReligiousDoubt</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_TaintOfChaos">Prayer_TaintOfChaos</a>
				<li><a href="#Prayer_TaintOfEvil">Prayer_TaintOfEvil</a>
				<li><a href="#Pregnancy">Pregnancy</a>
				<li><a href="#PresenceReaction">PresenceReaction</a>
				<li><a href="#Prisoner">Prisoner</a>
				<li><a href="#Proficiency_Bow">Proficiency_Bow</a>
				<li><a href="#Proficiency_Dagger">Proficiency_Dagger</a>
				<li><a href="#Proficiency_FlailedWeapon">Proficiency_FlailedWeapon</a>
				<li><a href="#Proficiency_Polearm">Proficiency_Polearm</a>
				<li><a href="#Proficiency_Sling">Proficiency_Sling</a>
				<li><a href="#Proficiency_Weapon">Proficiency_Weapon</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_AbilityImmunity">Prop_AbilityImmunity</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_AbsorbDamage">Prop_AbsorbDamage</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_AddDamage">Prop_AddDamage</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Adjuster">Prop_Adjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_AreaForSale">Prop_AreaForSale</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Artifact">Prop_Artifact</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_AstralSpirit">Prop_AstralSpirit</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ClanEquipment">Prop_ClanEquipment</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Climbable">Prop_Climbable</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_CloseCommand">Prop_CloseCommand</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ClosedDayNight">Prop_ClosedDayNight</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ClosedSeason">Prop_ClosedSeason</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_CombatAdjuster">Prop_CombatAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_CommonTwister">Prop_CommonTwister</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Crawlspace">Prop_Crawlspace</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Doppleganger">Prop_Doppleganger</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_EnlargeRoom">Prop_EnlargeRoom</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_EnterAdjuster">Prop_EnterAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Familiar">Prop_Familiar</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_FightSpellCast">Prop_FightSpellCast</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HaveAdjuster">Prop_HaveAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HaveEnabler">Prop_HaveEnabler</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HaveResister">Prop_HaveResister</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HaveSpellCast">Prop_HaveSpellCast</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HaveZapper">Prop_HaveZapper</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HereAdjuster">Prop_HereAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HereEnabler">Prop_HereEnabler</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_HereSpellCast">Prop_HereSpellCast</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Hidden">Prop_Hidden</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_IceBox">Prop_IceBox</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ImproveGather">Prop_ImproveGather</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_InstantDeath">Prop_InstantDeath</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Invisibility">Prop_Invisibility</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ItemBinder">Prop_ItemBinder</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ItemNoRuin">Prop_ItemNoRuin</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ItemSlot">Prop_ItemSlot</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ItemSlotFiller">Prop_ItemSlotFiller</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ItemTransporter">Prop_ItemTransporter</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ItemTransReceiver">Prop_ItemTransReceiver</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LangTranslator">Prop_LangTranslator</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LanguageSpeaker">Prop_LanguageSpeaker</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LimitedContents">Prop_LimitedContents</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LimitedEquip">Prop_LimitedEquip</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LimitedItems">Prop_LimitedItems</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LocationBound">Prop_LocationBound</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LotForSale">Prop_LotForSale</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_LotsForSale">Prop_LotsForSale</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_MagicFreedom">Prop_MagicFreedom</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_MOBEmoter">Prop_MOBEmoter</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ModExperience">Prop_ModExperience</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ModFaction">Prop_ModFaction</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_MoveRestrictor">Prop_MoveRestrictor</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NarrowLedge">Prop_NarrowLedge</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NewDeathMsg">Prop_NewDeathMsg</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoChannel">Prop_NoChannel</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoCharm">Prop_NoCharm</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoCraftability">Prop_NoCraftability</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoDamage">Prop_NoDamage</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoOrdering">Prop_NoOrdering</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoPKill">Prop_NoPKill</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoPurge">Prop_NoPurge</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoRecall">Prop_NoRecall</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoSummon">Prop_NoSummon</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoTeleport">Prop_NoTeleport</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoTeleportOut">Prop_NoTeleportOut</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_NoTelling">Prop_NoTelling</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_OpenCommand">Prop_OpenCommand</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_OpenPassword">Prop_OpenPassword</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_OutfitContainer">Prop_OutfitContainer</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_PeaceMaker">Prop_PeaceMaker</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_PracticeDummy">Prop_PracticeDummy</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_PrivateProperty">Prop_PrivateProperty</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqAlignments">Prop_ReqAlignments</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqCapacity">Prop_ReqCapacity</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqClasses">Prop_ReqClasses</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqEntry">Prop_ReqEntry</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqHeight">Prop_ReqHeight</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqLevels">Prop_ReqLevels</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqNoMOB">Prop_ReqNoMOB</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqPKill">Prop_ReqPKill</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqRaces">Prop_ReqRaces</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqStat">Prop_ReqStat</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReqTattoo">Prop_ReqTattoo</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ReRollStats">Prop_ReRollStats</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Resistance">Prop_Resistance</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RestrictSkills">Prop_RestrictSkills</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RestrictSpells">Prop_RestrictSpells</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Retainable">Prop_Retainable</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RideAdjuster">Prop_RideAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RideEnabler">Prop_RideEnabler</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RideResister">Prop_RideResister</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RideSpellCast">Prop_RideSpellCast</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RideZapper">Prop_RideZapper</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomDark">Prop_RoomDark</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomForSale">Prop_RoomForSale</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomLit">Prop_RoomLit</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomPlusForSale">Prop_RoomPlusForSale</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomRedirect">Prop_RoomRedirect</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomsForSale">Prop_RoomsForSale</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomUnmappable">Prop_RoomUnmappable</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomView">Prop_RoomView</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_RoomWatch">Prop_RoomWatch</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_SafePet">Prop_SafePet</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ScrapExplode">Prop_ScrapExplode</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_ShortEffects">Prop_ShortEffects</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Smell">Prop_Smell</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Socials">Prop_Socials</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Sounder">Prop_Sounder</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_SparringRoom">Prop_SparringRoom</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_SpellAdder">Prop_SpellAdder</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_SpellReflecting">Prop_SpellReflecting</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_StatAdjuster">Prop_StatAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_StatTrainer">Prop_StatTrainer</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_StayAboard">Prop_StayAboard</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Tattoo">Prop_Tattoo</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_TattooAdder">Prop_TattooAdder</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_TicketTaker">Prop_TicketTaker</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Trainer">Prop_Trainer</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Transporter">Prop_Transporter</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Trashcan">Prop_Trashcan</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Uncampable">Prop_Uncampable</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Unsellable">Prop_Unsellable</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_UseAdjuster">Prop_UseAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_UseEmoter">Prop_UseEmoter</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_UseEmoter2">Prop_UseEmoter2</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_UseSpellCast">Prop_UseSpellCast</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_UseSpellCast2">Prop_UseSpellCast2</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WeakBridge">Prop_WeakBridge</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WeaponImmunity">Prop_WeaponImmunity</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WearAdjuster">Prop_WearAdjuster</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WearEnabler">Prop_WearEnabler</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WearOverride">Prop_WearOverride</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WearResister">Prop_WearResister</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WearSpellCast">Prop_WearSpellCast</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WearZapper">Prop_WearZapper</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_Weather">Prop_Weather</a>
				<li><a href="#Prop_WizInvis">Prop_WizInvis</a>
				<li><a href="#Property">Property</a>
				<li><a href="#QuestBound">QuestBound</a>
				<li><a href="#QuickSwipe">QuickSwipe</a>
				<li><a href="#Quills">Quills</a>
				<li><a href="#RabbitSpeak">RabbitSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#RavenSpeak">RavenSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Regeneration">Regeneration</a>
				<li><a href="#RodentSpeak">RodentSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Scavenge">Scavenge</a>
				<li><a href="#Shaming">Shaming</a>
				<li><a href="#SheepSpeak">SheepSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#ShootWeb">ShootWeb</a>
				<li><a href="#Sinking">Sinking</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_AllBreathing">Skill_AllBreathing</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Bafoo">Skill_Bafoo</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_BearForaging">Skill_BearForaging</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Boop">Skill_Boop</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_BoulderThrowing">Skill_BoulderThrowing</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Buck">Skill_Buck</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_BurrowHide">Skill_BurrowHide</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_ConsumeCorpse">Skill_ConsumeCorpse</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_CulturalAdaptation">Skill_CulturalAdaptation</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_DevourCorpse">Skill_DevourCorpse</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_EagleEyes">Skill_EagleEyes</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Explosive">Skill_Explosive</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_FindClanHome">Skill_FindClanHome</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_FindClanShip">Skill_FindClanShip</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Flee">Skill_Flee</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_HighJump">Skill_HighJump</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Keenvision">Skill_Keenvision</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_LongBreath">Skill_LongBreath</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_MindSuck">Skill_MindSuck</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Nahamrauko">Skill_Nahamrauko</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_RacialEnemy">Skill_RacialEnemy</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Slip">Skill_Slip</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Stonecunning">Skill_Stonecunning</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_TailSwipe">Skill_TailSwipe</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_Track">Skill_Track</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_TrackFriend">Skill_TrackFriend</a>
				<li><a href="#Skill_UndeadInvisibility">Skill_UndeadInvisibility</a>
				<li><a href="#SlowLearner">SlowLearner</a>
				<li><a href="#SmellsLikeCherries">SmellsLikeCherries</a>
				<li><a href="#SnakeSpeak">SnakeSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#Soiled">Soiled</a>
				<li><a href="#Song">Song</a>
				<li><a href="#SoundEcho">SoundEcho</a>
				<li><a href="#Specialization_Weapon">Specialization_Weapon</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell">Spell</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_AstralStep">Spell_AstralStep</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_BaseClanEq">Spell_BaseClanEq</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_ClanDonate">Spell_ClanDonate</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_ClanExperience">Spell_ClanExperience</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_ClanHome">Spell_ClanHome</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_ClanWard">Spell_ClanWard</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_DarknessGlobe">Spell_DarknessGlobe</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_Exhaustion">Spell_Exhaustion</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_Flagportation">Spell_Flagportation</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_ImprovedClanWard">Spell_ImprovedClanWard</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_LightBlindness">Spell_LightBlindness</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_MagicBullets">Spell_MagicBullets</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_Untraceable">Spell_Untraceable</a>
				<li><a href="#Spell_WellDressed">Spell_WellDressed</a>
				<li><a href="#SpellCraftingSkill">SpellCraftingSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#StdAbility">StdAbility</a>
				<li><a href="#StdBomb">StdBomb</a>
				<li><a href="#StdLanguage">StdLanguage</a>
				<li><a href="#StdSkill">StdSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#StdTrap">StdTrap</a>
				<li><a href="#Stigma">Stigma</a>
				<li><a href="#SuperPower">SuperPower</a>
				<li><a href="#TechSkill">TechSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#TemporaryAffects">TemporaryAffects</a>
				<li><a href="#TemporaryImmunity">TemporaryImmunity</a>
				<li><a href="#Thief_DisassembleTrap">Thief_DisassembleTrap</a>
				<li><a href="#Thief_ImprovedCaltrops">Thief_ImprovedCaltrops</a>
				<li><a href="#Thief_Poison">Thief_Poison</a>
				<li><a href="#Thief_Search">Thief_Search</a>
				<li><a href="#Thief_SlickCaltrops">Thief_SlickCaltrops</a>
				<li><a href="#Thief_UnderwaterSounds">Thief_UnderwaterSounds</a>
				<li><a href="#ThiefSkill">ThiefSkill</a>
				<li><a href="#ThinAbility">ThinAbility</a>
				<li><a href="#ThrowFeces">ThrowFeces</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_AcidPit">Trap_AcidPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_AcidSpray">Trap_AcidSpray</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_AcidThruPit">Trap_AcidThruPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Avalanche">Trap_Avalanche</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_BearTrap">Trap_BearTrap</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Boomerang">Trap_Boomerang</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Boulders">Trap_Boulders</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_CaveIn">Trap_CaveIn</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_CrushingRoom">Trap_CrushingRoom</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Darkfall">Trap_Darkfall</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_DeepPit">Trap_DeepPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_DeepThruPit">Trap_DeepThruPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_ElectricShock">Trap_ElectricShock</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Enter">Trap_Enter</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_EnterBlade">Trap_EnterBlade</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_EnterGas">Trap_EnterGas</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_EnterNeedle">Trap_EnterNeedle</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_EnterPit">Trap_EnterPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_EnterSpell">Trap_EnterSpell</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_ExitPit">Trap_ExitPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_ExitRoom">Trap_ExitRoom</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_FloodRoom">Trap_FloodRoom</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Get">Trap_Get</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_GetBlade">Trap_GetBlade</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_GetGas">Trap_GetGas</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_GetNeedle">Trap_GetNeedle</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_GetSpell">Trap_GetSpell</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Gluey">Trap_Gluey</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Greasy">Trap_Greasy</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Ignition">Trap_Ignition</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Infected">Trap_Infected</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Launcher">Trap_Launcher</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_MonsterCage">Trap_MonsterCage</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Needle">Trap_Needle</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_NeedlePrick">Trap_NeedlePrick</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Noise">Trap_Noise</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Open">Trap_Open</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_OpenBlade">Trap_OpenBlade</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_OpenGas">Trap_OpenGas</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_OpenNeedle">Trap_OpenNeedle</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_OpenSpell">Trap_OpenSpell</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_PoisonGas">Trap_PoisonGas</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Popper">Trap_Popper</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_RatPit">Trap_RatPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_RatThruPit">Trap_RatThruPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_RoomPit">Trap_RoomPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_RoomThruPit">Trap_RoomThruPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_SleepGas">Trap_SleepGas</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_SnakePit">Trap_SnakePit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_SnakeThruPit">Trap_SnakeThruPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Snare">Trap_Snare</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Spark">Trap_Spark</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_SpellBlast">Trap_SpellBlast</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_SpikePit">Trap_SpikePit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_SpikeThruPit">Trap_SpikeThruPit</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_SporeTrap">Trap_SporeTrap</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Trap">Trap_Trap</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Tripline">Trap_Tripline</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Unlock">Trap_Unlock</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_UnlockBlade">Trap_UnlockBlade</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_UnlockGas">Trap_UnlockGas</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_UnlockNeedle">Trap_UnlockNeedle</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_UnlockSpell">Trap_UnlockSpell</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_Vanishing">Trap_Vanishing</a>
				<li><a href="#Trap_WeaponSwing">Trap_WeaponSwing</a>
				<li><a href="#Truce">Truce</a>
				<li><a href="#Undead_ColdTouch">Undead_ColdTouch</a>
				<li><a href="#Undead_EnergyDrain">Undead_EnergyDrain</a>
				<li><a href="#Undead_LifeDrain">Undead_LifeDrain</a>
				<li><a href="#Undead_WeakEnergyDrain">Undead_WeakEnergyDrain</a>
				<li><a href="#WanderHomeLater">WanderHomeLater</a>
				<li><a href="#WeakParalysis">WeakParalysis</a>
				<li><a href="#WildTagTurf">WildTagTurf</a>
				<li><a href="#WingFlying">WingFlying</a>
				<li><a href="#WolfSpeak">WolfSpeak</a>
				<li><a href="#WormSpeak">WormSpeak</a>
		</td><td valign=top align=left>
			<a name="Acidbreath"><B>Acidbreath: Acidbreath</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Acidbreath <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Allows   : Terranalist I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 10 <BR>Commands : ACIDBREATH <BR>Usage    : ACIDBREATH [TARGET] <BR>Example  : acidbreath bob <BR></pre>
			<a name="Addictions"><B>Addictions: Addictions</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Addictions <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : item name <BR>Example    : pot pie <BR>Description:  <BR>This ability governs addictions to food, drink, or smoking.  The parameter is<BR>the substring to match in the name of the item.  The player with an addiction<BR>will be annoyed unless he gets his "fix" every rl hour.  Players can only<BR>become addiction through the engine by smoking, or by a drink infected with<BR>inebriation, alcohol, or liquor. The player can either "ride out" the addiction<BR>for 24 hours, suffering increasingly annoying messages as he goes, or he can<BR>keep making his fix. Addictions are not diseases, and can not be cured with<BR>magic or restoration.</pre>
			<a name="Adorable"><B>Adorable: Adorable</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Adorable <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The character is just so adorable that higher level players and creatures<BR>simply won't attack them, and they get a natural charisma boost.</pre>
			<a name="Age"><B>Age: Age</B></a>
			<pre>Every character has an age.  Your character ages one year for every mud year. <BR>A characters birthday can be seen with the TIME command.  Age can affect both<BR>the characters stats or fertility when very young or very old.</pre>
			<a name="Allergies"><B>Allergies: Allergies</B></a>
			<pre>Allergies are a condition that afflicts half of all players in the game.  It is<BR>neither a disease that can be cured, nor a poison which can be removed.  Not<BR>even the all-powerful "Restoration" Cleric spell can cure it. It causes the<BR>player to sneeze when in the presence of the items or races they are allergic<BR>to, to get the hives from touching the allergen item or race, and to get the<BR>deadly heartstopper poison if the allergen is eaten.</pre>
			<a name="AnimalSpeak"><B>AnimalSpeak: Animal Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Antidote"><B>Antidote: An Antidote</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : ANTIDOTE <BR>Parameters : empty, or poison keyword <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : bee sting <BR>Description:  <BR>This skill removes the affects of a poison.  If no parameter is given, it<BR>removes the affects of all poisons.  Otherwise, it removes the affects only of<BR>the poison represented by the parameters.  Like a Poison, an Antidote, if added<BR>to a drink, food, or armor, will impart its benefits when drank, eaten, or worn<BR>respectively.</pre>
			<a name="ApeSpeak"><B>ApeSpeak: Ape Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Aquan"><B>Aquan: Aquan</B></a>
			<a name="Archon_Peacefully"><B>Archon_Peacefully: Peacefully</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Peacefully <BR>Domain   : Archon <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 10 <BR>Commands : PEACEFULLY <BR>Usage    : PEACEFULLY [COMMAND] <BR>Example  : peacefully kill bob <BR>Allows the player to issue a command that would start combat, but then<BR>immediately end combat before things get out of control.  </pre>
			<a name="ArchonSkill"><B>ArchonSkill: an Archon Skill</B></a>
			<a name="ArtisanalFocus"><B>ArtisanalFocus: Artisanal Focus</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Artisanal Focus <BR>Domain   : Artistic <BR>Allows   : Artsy I <BR>Use Cost : None <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Artisans can use their choices of skill training and expertises to focus in<BR>certain areas, and thereby be known by that skill specialization.  This can be<BR>like "Farmer", "Rancher", "Smith", "Tailor", "Sculptor", "Prospector", "Chef",<BR>"Carpenter", "Architect", or "Artist.  This focus notoriety can be toggled by<BR>entering ARTFOCUS, but is activated by default.</pre>
			<a name="AutoStack"><B>AutoStack: AutoStack</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Autostack <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : (TRIGGERCOUNT=[NUM]) (GROUPCOUNT=[NUM]) (CHECKTICKS=[NUM]) <BR>Example    : triggercount=1000 groupcount=10 checkticks=600 <BR>Description:  <BR>This ability governs the automatic packaging (as stacks) of identical items,<BR>whenever the total number of items in a room is larger than TRIGGERCOUNT, and<BR>whenever there are at least GROUPCOUNT identical items to package.  The checks<BR>are made every CHECKTICKS ticks. <BR> <BR>As this is a property, it will not operate only sporadically on rooms, but like<BR>clockwork on areas.</pre>
			<a name="BadReputation"><B>BadReputation: Bad Reputation</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Bad Reputation <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The character is of such a poorly received race that others are much less<BR>forgiving of historical events and unlikely to accept them into society. <BR>Faction changes happen much more slowly.</pre>
			<a name="Banishment"><B>Banishment: Banishment</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Banishment <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : [AREA NAME](;[AREA NAME] .. ) <BR>Example    : Midgaard <BR>Description:  <BR>This mob property makes them unable to enter the area. If the area has child<BR>areas they will not be able to enter those either.  Even recalling into the<BR>area won't work.</pre>
			<a name="BardSkill"><B>BardSkill: a Bard Skill</B></a>
			<a name="BatSpeak"><B>BatSpeak: Bat Speak</B></a>
			<a name="BearSpeak"><B>BearSpeak: Bear Speak</B></a>
			<a name="BigCatSpeak"><B>BigCatSpeak: BigCat Speak</B></a>
			<a name="BirdSpeak"><B>BirdSpeak: Bird Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Bleeding"><B>Bleeding: Bleeding</B></a>
			<pre>Bleeding is when there are open wounds from which the fluid of life runs<BR>freely.  This is not a good state to be in.  Those who are bleeding are weak,<BR>and do not regain health. Their maximum movement and mana are both reduced to<BR>reflect their hit points, and hit points and mana are not regained while the<BR>bleeding continues.  This condition is cured in several ways.  One is to wait<BR>for the bleeding to stop, which may take awhile.  Another way is to be healed<BR>magically until you are above 50% hit points.  A final way is simply to be<BR>bandaged by the bandaging skill.</pre>
			<a name="Blessing"><B>Blessing: Blessing</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Blessing <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : BLESSING <BR>Usage    : BLESSING [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : blessing orc <BR>The character bestows a mundane blessing upon the target.  This has the effect<BR>of making the target feel better and more confident, giving a small armor bonus<BR>and a good aura.  It also has the bizarre effect of removing Curses, which<BR>turned to be nothing more than illusions in the target's head to begin with.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_AcidBurst"><B>Bomb_AcidBurst: acid burst bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Acid Burst <BR>Targets    : Lemons <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Delivers a blast of acid damage.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_Explosive"><B>Bomb_Explosive: explosive bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Explosive Bomb <BR>Targets    : Coal <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Delivers a blast of fire damage.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_FlameBurst"><B>Bomb_FlameBurst: flame burst bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Flame Burst Bomb <BR>Targets    : Lamp Oil <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Delivers a blast of fire damage.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_Noxious"><B>Bomb_Noxious: stink bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Stink Bomb <BR>Targets    : An Egg <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a Stinking Cloud</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_Pepper"><B>Bomb_Pepper: pepper bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Pepper Bomb <BR>Targets    : Some Peppers <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes irritation, lowering attack and defence.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_Poison"><B>Bomb_Poison: poison gas bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Poison Gas Bomb <BR>Targets    : Poison <BR>Parameters : The name of the poison <BR>Description:  <BR>Inflicts everyone with a horrible poison.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_Smoke"><B>Bomb_Smoke: smoke bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Smoke Bomb <BR>Targets    : Something Wooden <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes blindness.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_Spores"><B>Bomb_Spores: spore bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Spore Bomb <BR>Targets    : Diseased Meat <BR>Parameters : The name of the disease <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes disease.</pre>
			<a name="Bomb_Water"><B>Bomb_Water: water bomb</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Water Bomb <BR>Targets    : Water container <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Extinguishes all flaming things.</pre>
			<a name="BrokenLimbs"><B>BrokenLimbs: Broken Limbs</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Broken Limbs <BR>Domain   : Anatomy <BR>Allows   : Anatomy I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : BREAKLIMB <BR>Usage    : BREAKLIMB [TARGET NAME] [PART] <BR>Example  : breaklimb orc arm <BR>This ability governs the careful breaking of body parts as a punishment for<BR>crimes.  The target is, amazingly, not harmed during the procedure, but merely<BR>breaks the specified limb.  The target must be bound.</pre>
			<a name="BuildingSkill"><B>BuildingSkill: BuildingSkill</B></a>
			<a name="Burning"><B>Burning: Burning</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Burning Hands <BR>Domain   : Alteration <BR>Available: Numerous Classes  <BR>Allows   : Ranged Altering I, Ignalist I, Reduced Altering I <BR>Allows   : Extended Altering I, Power Altering I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (54)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "BURNING HANDS" [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : cast "burning hands" orc <BR>A fan of flames ignite before the casters hands, aimed at the target. This has<BR>the effect of hurting the target in many cases.</pre>
			<a name="CatSpeak"><B>CatSpeak: Cat Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Chant"><B>Chant: a Druidic Chant</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : CHANT <BR>Usage    : CHANT [CHANT NAME] [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : chant "shape change" <BR>Short(s) : CH <BR>Druids can invoke their magical abilities using the chant command.  Some chants<BR>require that you direct the magic at a target, while others only apply to the<BR>druid.  For help on a particular chant, enter help and then the name of the<BR>chant.Chants typically consume mana at amounts that decrease as the player<BR>gains levels.  However, you might need to wait before using the same chant<BR>again. </pre>
			<a name="Chant_Burrowspeak"><B>Chant_Burrowspeak: Burrowspeak</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Chant    : Burrowspeak <BR>Domain   : Animal affinity <BR>Allows   : Animal Affinity I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CHANT, CH <BR>Usage    : CHANT "BURROWSPEAK" <BR>Example  : chant "burrowspeak" <BR>This chant will allow the druid to speak with any burrowing creatures, such as<BR>rodents, serpents, or worms that he or she happens to encounter, and have them<BR>intelligibly speak back.  Intelligent creatures, and creatures without their<BR>own language are not intelligible.</pre>
			<a name="Chant_DruidicConnection"><B>Chant_DruidicConnection: Druidic Connection</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Chant    : Druidic Connection <BR>Domain   : Enduring <BR>Allows   : Enduring I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CHANT, CH <BR>Usage    : CHANT "DRUIDIC CONNECTION" <BR>Example  : chant "druidic connection" <BR>If the druid is in a rural area, and has summoned his or her plants into at<BR>least 50% of the rooms in an area, then the druid will automatically create a<BR>connection with the area.  After this connection is made, the druid must remain<BR>in the area to maintain the connection.  Leaving will cause the connection to<BR>be broken, and most of his or her plants to wither away.  <BR> <BR>Maintaining the connection with the area will allow the druid to gain a burst<BR>of experience every mud-day that the druid remains in the area.  Animals and<BR>animated plants in the area will also have higher attack and damage bonuses. <BR> <BR>See also myplants, summon plants, summon fungus, summon tree, summon coral,<BR>etc.</pre>
			<a name="Chant_LandLegs"><B>Chant_LandLegs: Land Legs</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Chant    : Land Legs <BR>Domain   : Shape shifting <BR>Allows   : Shapeshifting I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CHANT, CH <BR>Usage    : CHANT "LAND LEGS" <BR>Example  : chant "land legs" <BR>This chant will allow the caster to grow a pair of legs, if they have none, and<BR>lose a tail, if any.  The caster will also lose any ability to breathe water,<BR>and gain the ability to breathe air, if they cannot.</pre>
			<a name="Chant_Sunbeam"><B>Chant_Sunbeam: Sunbeam</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Chant    : Sunbeam <BR>Domain   : Weather mastery <BR>Allows   : Weather Mastering I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CHANT, CH <BR>Usage    : CHANT SUNBEAM <BR>Example  : chant "sunbeam" <BR>This chant will create a light beam of sunlight which will follow the druid<BR>around, illuminating any dark places the druid may enter.</pre>
			<a name="ChickenSpeak"><B>ChickenSpeak: Chicken Speak</B></a>
			<a name="ChimpSpeak"><B>ChimpSpeak: Chimp Speak</B></a>
			<a name="CombatFrenzy"><B>CombatFrenzy: Combat Frenzy</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Combat Frenzy <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : COMBATFRENZY <BR>Usage    : COMBATFRENZY <BR>Example  : combatfrenzy <BR>This ability allows one to enter a state of blind combative frenzy.  Thus<BR>worked up to, the player gains temporary hit points, hits more often and does<BR>more damage in combat, but also becomes easier to hit.</pre>
			<a name="CombatSleep"><B>CombatSleep: Combat Sleep</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : COMBATSLEEP <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This skill causes the target to go to sleep, if during combat.  It will end<BR>combat if successful.</pre>
			<a name="CommonSkill"><B>CommonSkill: Common Skill</B></a>
			<pre>Common Skills are the gathering skills, such as Foraging and Mining, and the<BR>Crafting skills, such as Carpentry and Blacksmithing.</pre>
			<a name="Copyright"><B>Copyright: Copyright</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Copyright <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : ([NAME OF COPYRIGHT]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : Bob <BR>Description:  <BR>When placed on an item, it prevents it from being transcribed, copied by the<BR>duplicate spell, renamed or titled by the BookNaming or Titling skills, or<BR>edited by the BookEdit skill.</pre>
			<a name="CowSpeak"><B>CowSpeak: Cow Speak</B></a>
			<a name="CraftingSkill"><B>CraftingSkill: Crafting Skill</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Clan Crafting <BR>Domain   : Crafting <BR>Available: Several Classes  <BR>Allows   : Quick Worker I, Advanced Crafting I, Quick Crafting I <BR>Allows   : Wise Crafting I <BR>Use Cost : Movement (5)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CLANCRAFT <BR>Usage    : CLANCRAFT (LIST) [ITEM TYPE] <BR>Available: Enchanter Clan Members <BR>Example  : clancraft flag <BR>:        : clancraft list <BR>:        : clancraft list flag <BR>:        : clancraft list all <BR>This skill allows a player to craft clan items.  The clan items from this skill<BR>require that the clan have a certain amount of experience in order to make the<BR>item.  For this reason, only clan members who have the rank of Enchanter (or<BR>the equivalent privileges), may use this skill even if they have the skill. <BR>The majority of items crafted using this skill serve the CONQUEST system, and<BR>only work on mobs in conquered areas.  See the help on CONQUEST for more<BR>information on how to use the items. The extent of the items which can be<BR>crafted expands as the player goes up in level.  To begin crafting, the player<BR>must have placed the materials he or she wishes to make the item from on the<BR>ground.   Using better materials will increase both the strength and the<BR>required level of the crafted item, and some material types require smaller<BR>amounts to make the same items.</pre>
			<a name="Dance"><B>Dance: a Dance</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : DANCE <BR>Usage    : DANCE [SONG NAME] <BR>Example  : dance foxtrot <BR>Short(s) : DA <BR>Bards can invoke their magical dances using the dance command.  Some songs<BR>require that you direct the energy at a target, while others only apply to the<BR>bard.  Dances can be stopped using the DANCE STOP command, or by simply moving<BR>to a new room. For help on a particular song, enter help and then the name of<BR>the song. Dances typically consume mana at amounts that decrease as the player<BR>gains levels.  However, you might need to wait before starting the same dance<BR>again. </pre>
			<a name="DeerSpeak"><B>DeerSpeak: Deer Speak</B></a>
			<a name="DiligentStudying"><B>DiligentStudying: Diligent Studying</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Diligent Studying <BR>Allows   : Quick Working I, Quick Worker I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This character  is adept at learning, and gains an additional practice point<BR>every level.</pre>
			<a name="Disease"><B>Disease: Disease</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Disease <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The base disease class.  Should not normally be used for anything.  Is not<BR>catchable.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Aids"><B>Disease_Aids: Aids</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : AIDS <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Aids lowers ones defences against all other diseases, and last forever.  It is<BR>spread through sexual contact, and contracted by having sex with a monkey.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Alzheimers"><B>Disease_Alzheimers: Alzheimers</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Alzheimers <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease lowers ones intelligence and wisdom, and makes them forget their<BR>skills.  It will also cause occasional wandering.  It is the consequence of<BR>extreme age.  It is not contagious, but is very hard to cure.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Amnesia"><B>Disease_Amnesia: Amnesia</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Amnesia <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Amnesia removes the ability to remember skills, spells, etc for a time. It is<BR>the occasional consequence of rejuvenating after death.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Anemia"><B>Disease_Anemia: Anemia</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Amemia <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes the sufferer to be weaker and slower than usual.  It is not<BR>contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Anosmia"><B>Disease_Anosmia: Anosmia</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Anosmia <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Anosmia is the inability to smell</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Anthrax"><B>Disease_Anthrax: Anthrax</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Anthrax <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This horrid disease depletes constitution until death.  It is the occasional<BR>affliction of sheep.  It is spread by contact.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Apathy"><B>Disease_Apathy: Apathy</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Apathy <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease removes the will do use benevolent skills.  It is spread by being<BR>spoken to by someone else with it.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Arthritis"><B>Disease_Arthritis: Arthritis</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Arthritis <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease lowers ones dexterity.  It is the occasional consequence of age,<BR>gonorrhea, and lyme disease.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Asthma"><B>Disease_Asthma: Asthma</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Asthma <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This condition lowers ones movement rate by 75%.  It is not catchable by any<BR>known means.    It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Blahs"><B>Disease_Blahs: Blahs</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Blahs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Always fatigued, and impossible to understand when speaking, this disease is<BR>caused by excessive idle time.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Blindness"><B>Disease_Blindness: Blindness</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Blindness <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Blindness is the inability to see.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Cancer"><B>Disease_Cancer: Cancer</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Cancer <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease depletes constitution, taking mana, movement, and hit points with<BR>it until death.  It is the rare consequence of age.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Cannibalism"><B>Disease_Cannibalism: Cannibalism</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Cannibalism <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This diseases causes the target to hunger only for the meat of his/her own<BR>race. </pre>
			<a name="Disease_Carrier"><B>Disease_Carrier: Carrier of Disease</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Carrier <BR>Parameters : Disease class name <BR>Example    : Disease_Cancer <BR>Description:  <BR>This strange condition is not catchable, and probably not harmful.  Supposedly<BR>it carries other diseases.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Chlamydia"><B>Disease_Chlamydia: Chlamydia</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Chlamydia <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease cuts movement in half, is spread sexually, and contracted as a<BR>very rare consequence roaming around swamps.  It also makes one infertile and<BR>uninterested in sex.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Cold"><B>Disease_Cold: Cold</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Cold <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers strength and constitution, and does periodic minimal damage.  It is<BR>contracted by running around in cold weather without sufficient clothing. It is<BR>spread by proximity to one infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_ColorBlindness"><B>Disease_ColorBlindness: Color Blindness</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Color Blindness <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Inhibits the ability to see color in the victim.  Not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Deafness"><B>Disease_Deafness: Deafness</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Deafness <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Deafness is the inability to hear.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Depression"><B>Disease_Depression: Depression</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Depression <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers attack and justice saves, creates a periodic sense of hunger, and actual<BR>fatigue and periodic sleep.  Depression is caused by successful pregnancy, and<BR>possibly by witnessing the death of a follower.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Diabetes"><B>Disease_Diabetes: Diabetes</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Diabetes <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes the sufferer to be at a greater risk of obesity, and to<BR>have occasional bouts of nausea.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Diarrhea"><B>Disease_Diarrhea: Diarrhea</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Diarrhea <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This humiliating stomach ailment makes one susceptible to certain kinds of<BR>humiliating attacks, and to make matters worse, makes one likely to soil<BR>themselves.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Eczema"><B>Disease_Eczema: Eczema</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Eczema <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This itchy skin condition affects ones dexterity and charisma for a time.  It<BR>is contracted in dry conditions, but is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Fever"><B>Disease_Fever: Fever</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Fever <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes strange hallucinations.  Is the occasional consequence of flu, gengrene,<BR>infections, lyme disease, malaria, pneumonia, and syphilis.   It is not<BR>contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_FilthFever"><B>Disease_FilthFever: Filth Fever</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Filth Fever <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Caused by injury while being filthy, this disease causes extreme loss of<BR>charisma, and a bit of constitution.  It persists even after getting cleaned<BR>up. </pre>
			<a name="Disease_Fleas"><B>Disease_Fleas: Fleas</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Fleas <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Affects ones dexterity for a time.  Can be contracted from dogs and fidos. It<BR>is spread by contact, and proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Flu"><B>Disease_Flu: Flu</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Flu <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A form of severe cold, which lowers strength, constitution, hit points, mana,<BR>and movement, and does some periodic damage.  Is the rare consequence of<BR>roaming around without sufficient clothing.  It is spread by proximity to the<BR>infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_FootFungus"><B>Disease_FootFungus: Foot Fungus</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Foot Fungus <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Foot Fungus afflicts the feet horribly.  It makes it impossible to wear shoes,<BR>reduces movement by half, produces a horrid foot smell, prevents running, and<BR>causes one to limp.  It is caught by wandering around swamps. </pre>
			<a name="Disease_FrostBite"><B>Disease_FrostBite: Frost Bite</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Frostbite <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Frost bite afflicts a single extremity, which will fall off if the frost bite<BR>is not cured in time.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Gangrene"><B>Disease_Gangrene: Gangrene</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Gangrene <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This horrid condition lowers charisma, and depletes maximum hit points until<BR>death.  It is a consequence of an untreated infection.  Gangrene also lowers<BR>ones healing rate.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Giggles"><B>Disease_Giggles: Contagious Giggles</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Giggles <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Other than being infectuous, this disease has no bad consequences.  It is the<BR>result of untreated smiles.  It is spread by proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Gonorrhea"><B>Disease_Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Gonorrhea <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This std lowers ones attack ability, and makes one infertile and uninterested<BR>in sex.  It is the rare result of wandering around jungles.  It is spread<BR>sexually.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_HeatExhaustion"><B>Disease_HeatExhaustion: Heat Exhaustion</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Heat Exhaustion <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Someone suffering from heat exhaustion suffers hallucinations of other places<BR>until the disease runs its course or is cured.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Infection"><B>Disease_Infection: Infection</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Infection <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This condition lowers ones rate of healing, even by magical means.  It is the<BR>rare result of being badly hit in combat.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Leeches"><B>Disease_Leeches: Leeches</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Leeches <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Leeches prevent normal healing, but for the duration of the disease, will<BR>remove any poisons in the system of the one infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Lepresy"><B>Disease_Lepresy: Leprosy</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Leprosy <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease fools one into thinking the damage their are taking is not severe.<BR>It is occasionally found in Kobold meat.  It is spread by consumption only.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Lockjaw"><B>Disease_Lockjaw: Lockjaw</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Lockjaw <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease prevents eating, drinking, and speaking.  It is the rare<BR>consequence of being hit in combat with a metal weapon in poor condition.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Lycanthropy"><B>Disease_Lycanthropy: Lycanthropy</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Lycanthropy <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Those with this disease will become werewolves during full moons.   It is<BR>spread by being scratched by the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Lyme"><B>Disease_Lyme: Lyme Disease</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Lyme Disease <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes headaches which make one forget their skills or spells.  It<BR>is spread by being scratched by the infected, or by consumption.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Magepox"><B>Disease_Magepox: Magepox</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : MagePox <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes mana to be lost along with movement and hit points.  It is<BR>the rare consequence of being under the affect of many malicious arcane spells.<BR> It is spread by proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Malaria"><B>Disease_Malaria: Malaria</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Malaria <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This horrid disease lowers strength, constitution, movement, mana, and hit<BR>points, as well as doing periodic damage.  It is the rare consequence of<BR>roaming around swamps and jungles.  It is spread by proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Migraines"><B>Disease_Migraines: Migraine Headaches</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Migraines <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Migraines make one forget their spells and skills.  It is the occasional result<BR>of drinking alcoholic beverages.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_MummyRot"><B>Disease_MummyRot: Mummy Rot</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Mummy Rot <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This horrid disease depletes constitution until death.  It is only caught from<BR>combat with mummys.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Muteness"><B>Disease_Muteness: Muteness</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Muteness <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Being Mute is the inability to speak.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Narcolepsy"><B>Disease_Narcolepsy: Narcolepsy</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Narcolepsy <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This curable disease causes one to fall asleep suddenly, to be weaker, and to<BR>suffer horrible fatigue.  This disease is caused by sleeping while being<BR>excessively idle.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Nausea"><B>Disease_Nausea: Nausea</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Nausea <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This temporary condition causes one to throw up. While not strictly contagious,<BR>it can cause those who witness the vomiting to become sympathetically nauseous<BR>for a short time.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Obesity"><B>Disease_Obesity: Obesity</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : OBESITY <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Obesity slows movement and increases weight.  It is possible to catch whenever<BR>one eats while one is full.  It is exacerbated when one eats while full.  Only<BR>engaging in extreme exercise and laying off the food when not hungry will fix<BR>it.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Plague"><B>Disease_Plague: The Plague</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Plague <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease lowers dexterity and constitution terribly, and does periodic<BR>damage.  It is caught from evil magic.  It is spread by proximity to the<BR>infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_PlanarInstability"><B>Disease_PlanarInstability: Planar Instability</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Planar Instability <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease is contracted by frequent use of planar travel away from the prime<BR>material plane by its native denizens.  It does not last very long, but can<BR>become worse with increased planar travel.  It causes vulnerability to bad luck<BR>and a decreased chance to successfully travel the planes.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Pneumonia"><B>Disease_Pneumonia: Pneumonia</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Pneumonia <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease lowers hit points, mana, movement, constutition and strength, as<BR>well as doing periodic damage.  It is a consequence of an untreated cold or<BR>flu. It is spread by proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_PoisonIvy"><B>Disease_PoisonIvy: Poison Ivy</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Poison Ivy <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease lowers dexterity and charisma.  It is the rare consequence of<BR>roaming around forests.  It is spread by contact with the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_RadiationSickness"><B>Disease_RadiationSickness: Radiation Sickness</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Radiation Sickness <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This serious condition causes ones constitution to decrease slowly over time<BR>until death.  It is difficult to cure, and can occasionally cause migraines or<BR>diarrhea.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_RoyaltyRot"><B>Disease_RoyaltyRot: Royal Rot</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Royalty Rot <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This serious condition, also known as the Royal Disease, or Hemophilia, causes<BR>excess and more frequent bleeding, a loss of strength, and a chance to faint<BR>when walking around.  It is associated with proximity to the undead.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_SARS"><B>Disease_SARS: SARS</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : SARS <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease lowers strength, constitution, hit points, mana, and movement, as<BR>well as causing bursts of damage.  It occasionally comes from infected rat<BR>meat.  It is spread by proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Scabies"><B>Disease_Scabies: Scabies</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Scabies <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease has causes itching in the crotch reason.  It is spread sexually.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Scurvy"><B>Disease_Scurvy: Scurvy</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Scurvy <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes ones gums to soften and spots to appear on the body,<BR>lowering charisma dramatically.  It is caused by riding in large sailing<BR>vessels too often. Luckily, it is easily cured by eating citris (orange,<BR>lemons, limes) or peppers.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_SeaSickness"><B>Disease_SeaSickness: Sea Sickness</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Sea Sickness <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes the afflicted to feel queasy and turn green, and reduces<BR>their mana and movement by half.  It can also make them puke from time to time<BR>and grow more dehydrated.  It can be cured by magic, but the easiest way to<BR>cure it is to get your feet back on dry land.  It is acquired by being on a<BR>water ship or boat.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Sleepwalking"><B>Disease_Sleepwalking: Sleepwalking</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Sleepwalking <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes people to walk around in their sleep.  It is not infectious<BR>and has no other effects.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Smiles"><B>Disease_Smiles: Contagious Smiles</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Smiles <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease has no bad consequences except for being annoying and infectious.<BR>It is caught by being smiled at by an attractive member of the opposite sex. It<BR>is spread by proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Syphilis"><B>Disease_Syphilis: Syphilis</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Syphilis <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease depletes constitution, mana, movement, and hit points until death.<BR>It is the rare consequence of roaming around caves.  It is spread sexually.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Tetnus"><B>Disease_Tetnus: Tetanus</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Tetanus <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease depletes dexterity until death.  It is the rare consequence of<BR>taking a hard hit from a metal weapon in poor condition.  It is spread through<BR>consumption only.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Tinnitus"><B>Disease_Tinnitus: Tinnitus</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Tinnitus <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This ringing disease causes deafness.  It is the rare consequence of being hit<BR>on the head while wearing a metal helmet.  It is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Tourettes"><B>Disease_Tourettes: Tourettes</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Tourettes <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : DISEASE <BR>Disease    : Tourettes <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The disease of tourettes syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes the victim<BR>to spontaneously blurt out curses and obscenities.  The mundane form of this<BR>disease is not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Vampirism"><B>Disease_Vampirism: Vampirism</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Vampirism <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease causes light sensitivity, raises charisma, and eliminates the<BR>ability to swim.  It is caught from the bodies of destroyed vampires.  It is<BR>spread through consumption only.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Vertigo"><B>Disease_Vertigo: Vertigo</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Vertigo <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This condition causes dizziness and loss of direction, making the sufferer<BR>occasionally fall down or go in some unintended direction.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_WritersBlock"><B>Disease_WritersBlock: Writers Block</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Writers Block <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This disease makes one too uninspired to do any more writing for anywhere from<BR>a single tick up to a mud month.  It is caused by frequently writing garbage.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Yawning"><B>Disease_Yawning: Yawning</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Yawning <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Other than being infectuous, this disease has no bad consequences.  It is the<BR>result of being fatigued.  It is spread by proximity to the infected.</pre>
			<a name="Disease_Zika"><B>Disease_Zika: Zika</B></a>
			<pre>Disease    : Zika <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This difficult-to-detect diseases causes a loss of maximum intelligence, but is<BR>not contagious.</pre>
			<a name="DiseaseCure"><B>DiseaseCure: A Cure</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : DISEASECURE <BR>Parameters : empty, or disease keyword <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : cold <BR>Description:  <BR>This skill removes the affects of a disease.  If no parameter is given, it<BR>removes the affects of all diseases.  Otherwise, it removes the affects only of<BR>the disease represented by the parameters.  Like a Disease, the DiseaseCute, if<BR>added to a drink, food, or armor, will impart its benefits when drank, eaten,<BR>or worn respectively.</pre>
			<a name="DogSpeak"><B>DogSpeak: Dog Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Dragonbreath"><B>Dragonbreath: Dragonbreath</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Dragonbreath <BR>Parameters : acid/fire/cold/lightning/gas/dust/ <BR>Parameters : pebbles/ooze/undead/slime (lesser) <BR>Example    : acid <BR>Example    : ooze lesser <BR>Usage      : DRAGONBREATH <BR>Description:  <BR>Gives the creature the ability to use his or her breath weapon. </pre>
			<a name="DrugCutting"><B>DrugCutting: Drug Cutting</B></a>
			<a name="Druid_ShapeShift10"><B>Druid_ShapeShift10: Tenth Totem</B></a>
			<a name="Druid_ShapeShift11"><B>Druid_ShapeShift11: Eleventh Totem</B></a>
			<a name="Druid_ShapeShift6"><B>Druid_ShapeShift6: Sixth Totem</B></a>
			<a name="Druid_ShapeShift7"><B>Druid_ShapeShift7: Seventh Totem</B></a>
			<a name="Druid_ShapeShift8"><B>Druid_ShapeShift8: Eighth Totem</B></a>
			<a name="Druid_ShapeShift9"><B>Druid_ShapeShift9: Ninth Totem</B></a>
			<a name="DuckSpeak"><B>DuckSpeak: Duck Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Dueler"><B>Dueler: Dueler</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Dueler <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This ability governs two dueling players.</pre>
			<a name="Dusty"><B>Dusty: Dusty</B></a>
			<a name="ElephantSpeak"><B>ElephantSpeak: Elephant Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Encrypto"><B>Encrypto: Encrypto</B></a>
			<pre>A secret encryption language derived from common.</pre>
			<a name="EnhancedCraftingSkill"><B>EnhancedCraftingSkill: Enhanced Crafting Skill</B></a>
			<a name="ExtAbility"><B>ExtAbility: an ability</B></a>
			<a name="ExtraData"><B>ExtraData: Extra Data</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : ExtraData <BR>Parameters : [XML Document] <BR>Example    : &lt;VARNAME>my value&lt;/VARNAME> <BR>Description:  <BR>An internal use property for attaching random keypair data to any Modifiable<BR>and Generic object.</pre>
			<a name="Falling"><B>Falling: Falling</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Falling <BR>Parameters : REVERSED/NORMAL <BR>Example    : normal <BR>Description:  <BR>This affect governs falling items and mobs, in either direction (up or down).<BR>Normal for up, reversed for down.</pre>
			<a name="Familiarity_Armor"><B>Familiarity_Armor: Armor Familiarity</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Armor Familiarity <BR>Domain   : Armor use <BR>Allows   : Armor Optimizing I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is familiar with armor they have crafted themselves, gaining an<BR>armor bonus from wearing the product of their own hands.</pre>
			<a name="Familiarity_Bow"><B>Familiarity_Bow: Bow Familiarity</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Bow Familiarity <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is familiar with bows they have crafted themselves, gaining an<BR>attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.</pre>
			<a name="Familiarity_Dagger"><B>Familiarity_Dagger: Dagger Familiarity</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Dagger Familiarity <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is familiar with daggers they have crafted themselves, gaining an<BR>attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.</pre>
			<a name="Familiarity_FlailedWeapon"><B>Familiarity_FlailedWeapon: Flailed Weapon Familiarity</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Flailed Weapon Familiarity <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is familiar with flailed weapons they have crafted themselves,<BR>gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.</pre>
			<a name="Familiarity_Natural"><B>Familiarity_Natural: Racial Weapon Familiarity</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Racial Weapon Familiarity <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is familiar with natural racial weapons they have crafted<BR>themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own<BR>hands.</pre>
			<a name="Familiarity_Polearm"><B>Familiarity_Polearm: Polearm Familiarity</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Polearm Familiarity <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is familiar with polearms they have crafted themselves, gaining an<BR>attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.</pre>
			<a name="Familiarity_Weapon"><B>Familiarity_Weapon: Weapon Familiarity</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Weapon Familiarity <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is familiar with weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an<BR>attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.</pre>
			<a name="Fighter_CaveTactics"><B>Fighter_CaveTactics: Cave Tactics</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Cave Tactics <BR>Domain   : Nature lore <BR>Allows   : Nature Lore I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when<BR>fighting in cave. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down<BR>on the ground and staying still for a few mins.</pre>
			<a name="Fighter_CrescentKick"><B>Fighter_CrescentKick: Crescent Kick</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Crescent Kick <BR>Domain   : Kicking <BR>Allows   : Iron Kicking I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Example  :  <BR>So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an<BR>extra attack per round using a swift, sweeping crescent kick.</pre>
			<a name="Fighter_FastSlinging"><B>Fighter_FastSlinging: Fast Slinging</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Fast Slinging <BR>Domain   : Martial lore <BR>Allows   : Martial Lore I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Example  :  <BR>Fast Slinging is the ability to make extra attacks per round whenever using a<BR>ranged sling weapon that requires ammunition. The number of extra attacks will<BR>go up as the players level does.</pre>
			<a name="Fighter_FieldTactics"><B>Fighter_FieldTactics: Field Tactics</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Field Tactics <BR>Domain   : Nature lore <BR>Allows   : Nature Lore I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when<BR>fighting in the proper area type for the skill. The fighter can also hide<BR>themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few<BR>mins.</pre>
			<a name="Fighter_Hardiness"><B>Fighter_Hardiness: Hardiness</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Hardiness <BR>Domain   : Fitness <BR>Allows   : Fitness I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This ability makes the player more hardy, giving them extra movement points.</pre>
			<a name="Fighter_SnapKick"><B>Fighter_SnapKick: Snap Kick</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Snap Kick <BR>Domain   : Kicking <BR>Allows   : Iron Kicking I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Example  :  <BR>So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an<BR>extra attack per round using a swift, forward kick.</pre>
			<a name="Fighter_ViciousBlow"><B>Fighter_ViciousBlow: Vicious Blow</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Vicious Blow <BR>Domain   : Anatomy <BR>Allows   : Anatomy I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The warrior is capable of more crippling blows due to growing up in a culture<BR>that encourages sadistic experimentation.  Critical hits scored by this<BR>character do considerably more damage than normal.  </pre>
			<a name="FighterSkill"><B>FighterSkill: FighterSkill</B></a>
			<a name="Firebreath"><B>Firebreath: Firebreath</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Firebreath <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Allows   : Ignalist I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 10 <BR>Commands : FIREBREATH, BREATHEFIRE, BREATHFIRE <BR>Usage    : FIREBREATH [TARGET] <BR>Example  : firebreath bob <BR></pre>
			<a name="FoodBegging"><B>FoodBegging: Food Begging</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Food Begging <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : BEG4FOOD, BEGFORFOOD, FOODBEGGING <BR>Usage    : BEG4FOOD [TARGET] <BR>Example  : beg4food joe <BR>This skill allows the character to begin making cute faces at the target,<BR>compelling them to give up any food they might have.</pre>
			<a name="FowlSpeak"><B>FowlSpeak: Fowl Speak</B></a>
			<a name="FrogSpeak"><B>FrogSpeak: Frog Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Frostbreath"><B>Frostbreath: Frostbreath</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Frostbreath <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Allows   : Aqualist I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 10 <BR>Commands : FROSTBREATH <BR>Usage    : FROSTBREATH [TARGET] <BR>Example  : frostbreath bob <BR></pre>
			<a name="Gait"><B>Gait: Mood</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GAIT <BR>Usage   : GAIT LIST/[MOOD NAME] <BR>Example : gait normal <BR>Example : gait list <BR>Short(s):  <BR>This command changes how you normally walk from room to room. You can enter<BR>GAIT LIST to get a list of valid gaits.</pre>
			<a name="Gasbreath"><B>Gasbreath: Gasbreath</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Gasbreath <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 10 <BR>Commands : GASBREATH <BR>Usage    : GASBREATH [TARGET] <BR>Example  : gasbreath bob <BR></pre>
			<a name="GatheringSkill"><B>GatheringSkill: GatheringSkill</B></a>
			<a name="GenAbility"><B>GenAbility: an ability</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : an ability <BR>Domain   : Abjuration <BR>Allows   : Ranged Abjuring I, Reduced Abjuring I, Extended Abjuring I <BR>Allows   : Power Abjuring I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>This ability is not yet documented.</pre>
			<a name="GenCraftSkill"><B>GenCraftSkill: Crafting Skill</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Crafting Skill <BR>Domain   : Crafting <BR>Allows   : Quick Worker I, Advanced Crafting I, Quick Crafting I <BR>Use Cost : Movement (5)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CRAFT <BR>This skill is not yet documented.</pre>
			<a name="GenLanguage"><B>GenLanguage: a language</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : a language <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : SPEAK <BR>This language is not yet documented.</pre>
			<a name="GoatSpeak"><B>GoatSpeak: Goat Speak</B></a>
			<a name="GooseSpeak"><B>GooseSpeak: Goose Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Gore"><B>Gore: Gore</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Gore <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This ability makes the character especially deadly with natural piercing<BR>weapons, dealing considerably more damage.</pre>
			<a name="GravityFloat"><B>GravityFloat: GravityFloat</B></a>
			<a name="Grazing"><B>Grazing: Grazing</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Grazing <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : GRAZE <BR>Usage    : GRAZE <BR>Example  : graze <BR>The player is able to feast off the land of the open plains to satiate his or<BR>her hunger.  And when continueing to graze even after, can fill additional<BR>stomachs, allowing him or her to "chew their cud" to satiate hunger without<BR>eating in the future.</pre>
			<a name="GreatBirdSpeak"><B>GreatBirdSpeak: GreatBird Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Hamstring"><B>Hamstring: Hamstring</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Hamstring <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : HAMSTRING <BR>Usage    : HAMSTRING [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : hamstring orc <BR>This brutal skill allows the player to lash out at the enemy?s leg, attempting<BR>to severe crucial tendons.  If successful, the target will lose maximum<BR>movement, dexterity, and be unable to flee or run for the duration of the<BR>effect.  Fortunately for the target, this effect is cured by healing and<BR>bandaging.</pre>
			<a name="HorseSpeak"><B>HorseSpeak: Horse Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Immunities"><B>Immunities: Immunities</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Immunities <BR>Parameters : [LIST OF IMMUNITIES] <BR>Example    : FIRE GAS JUSTICE <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates immunities to certain attacks in a mob.  Immunities include: ALL ACID,<BR>WATER, COLD, DEATH, DISEASE, ELECTRIC, FIRE, GAS, JUSTICE, MIND, PARALYZE,<BR>POISON, UNDEAD, LEGAL.  List is space delimited. See also Prop_WeaponImmunity.</pre>
			<a name="Inebriation"><B>Inebriation: Inebriation</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Inebriation <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob do goofy things, lowers attack and dex scores.  May result in a<BR>migraine.</pre>
			<a name="Injury"><B>Injury: Injury</B></a>
			<pre>If you are hit in combat, you may receive damage to one or more limbs or body<BR>parts.  Once combat is over, your damaged parts will begin to heal at the same<BR>rate as your hit points are re-gained.  However, should a limb or body part<BR>become damaged 100% during combat, you will lose the use of that limb or body<BR>part, so be careful!</pre>
			<a name="InvisibleInk"><B>InvisibleInk: Invisible Ink</B></a>
			<a name="ItemRejuv"><B>ItemRejuv: ItemRejuv</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : ItemRejuv <BR>Parameters : Don't worry about it <BR>Description:  <BR>This ability governs rejuvenating items</pre>
			<a name="Lighteningbreath"><B>Lighteningbreath: Lightningbreath</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Lightningbreath <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Allows   : Airelist I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 10 <BR>Commands : LIGHTNINGBREATH <BR>Usage    : LIGHTENINGBREATH [TARGET] <BR>Example  : lighteningbreath bob <BR></pre>
			<a name="Loyalty"><B>Loyalty: Loyalty</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Loyalty <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : NAME=[PLAYER] TELEPORT=[TRUE/FALSE] <BR>Example    : NAME=Bob TELEPORT=false <BR>Description:  <BR>This mob property makes a mob keep an eye out for a particular player and<BR>Follow them when they encounter them.  If TELEPORT=true, they will also attempt<BR>to teleport to the player before following them.</pre>
			<a name="MasterPaintingSkill"><B>MasterPaintingSkill: Master Painting Skill</B></a>
			<a name="Milkable"><B>Milkable: Milkable</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Milkable <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Usage    : MILK (ok/no) <BR>Usage    : MILK [TARGET] (INTO) [CONTAINER] <BR>Example  : milk ok <BR>Example  : milk cow bucket <BR>The creature is capable of being milked for some amount per day.  The creature<BR>can use the MILK command to enable or disable their cooperation with being<BR>milked by entering MILK OK, or MILK NO.  Another character can then milk the<BR>cooperative creature by giving a target milkable creature, and a container for<BR>the milk to go into.  Please note that the arguments for this command are<BR>opposite to the FILL command, depite being similar in purpose.</pre>
			<a name="MonkeySpeak"><B>MonkeySpeak: Monkey Speak</B></a>
			<a name="MonkSkill"><B>MonkSkill: MonkSkill</B></a>
			<a name="Mood"><B>Mood: Mood</B></a>
			<pre>Command : MOOD <BR>Usage   : MOOD LIST/[MOOD NAME] <BR>Example : mood normal <BR>Example : mood list <BR>Short(s):  <BR>This command changes how you interact with the world when speaking. You can<BR>enter MOOD LIST to get a list of valid moods.  Be aware that sometimes a mean<BR>mood can actually have an affect on the people you speak to!</pre>
			<a name="MooseSpeak"><B>MooseSpeak: Moose Speak</B></a>
			<a name="OwlSpeak"><B>OwlSpeak: OwlSpeak</B></a>
			<a name="PaintingSkill"><B>PaintingSkill: Painting Skill</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Painting <BR>Domain   : Artistic <BR>Available: Artisan Numerous Classes  <BR>Requires : A base charisma of at least 12.   <BR>Allows   : Warrants, Quick Working I, Decorating, Quick Worker I <BR>Allows   : Master Floristry, Artsy I <BR>Use Cost : Movement (5)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PAINT, PAINTING <BR>Usage    : PAINT WALL/[ITEM NAME] <BR>Example  : paint wall <BR>:        : paint a sheet of canvas <BR>This skill allows a player to make artistic paintings on either canvas or<BR>silkscreen, such as those made with the Papermaking skill.  The player is also<BR>able to create and destroy "wall" paintings in a privately owned room.  "Wall"<BR>paintings are unlisted, ungettable items in a room which can nevertheless be<BR>LOOKed at.  </pre>
			<a name="PaladinSkill"><B>PaladinSkill: Paladin Skill</B></a>
			<pre><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Char Class: </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>Paladin <FONT COLOR=CYAN>(</I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>Fighter<FONT COLOR=CYAN>)</I></U></BLINK></B></FONT> <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Max-Stats :</I></U></BLINK></B></FONT> Strength (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18) <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Qualifiers:</I></U></BLINK></B></FONT> Wisdom 9+, Strength 9+ <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Races     :</I></U></BLINK></B></FONT> Human <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Prime Stat: </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>Strength                   <FONT COLOR=CYAN>Attack Pts: </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>+(Str/18) per level <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Practices : </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>3 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]    <FONT COLOR=CYAN>Trains    : </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>4 +1 per level <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Hit Points: </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>20 +[(Con/2)+(2d6) /lvl]   <FONT COLOR=CYAN>Mana      : </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>100 +[(Int/8)+(1d3)/lvl] <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Movement  : </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl]     <FONT COLOR=CYAN>Damage Pts: </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>+1 damage per 30 level(s) <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Weapons   : </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>May use any weapons. <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Armor     : </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT>May wear any armor. <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Bonuses   :</I></U></BLINK></B></FONT> Receives bonus conquest and duel experience. <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Limits    :</I></U></BLINK></B></FONT> Must remain good to avoid spell/skill failure chance. <BR><FONT COLOR=CYAN>Desc.     : </I></U></BLINK></B></FONT> <BR>Paladins are holy fighters, possessing many of the traits of both Fighters and<BR>Clerics, though in less intensity than either class alone.  They may learn<BR>Cleric spells at higher levels, and possess numerous fighting techniques. <BR>Their weapons and armor choices are unlimited, but Paladins are restricted to a<BR>good and lawful alignment. <BR> <BR>How to play: Paladin's have the potential of being the most powerful of<BR>classes, and the most desired of group members.  Their powerful combat skills<BR>and auras of power make them the perfect tanks for groups, especially since<BR>their Cleric healing abilities can allow them to fill this gap in a group. <BR>Alone, they can also flourish, vanquishing evil with the efficiency of the<BR>fighter. <BR> <BR>The only weakness of the Paladin is his reliance on purity.  In most muds, this<BR>limits his adventuring choices greatly.  However, his strengths for lasting and<BR>winning in combat are so broad, he will quickly advance. <BR></pre>
			<a name="Paralysis"><B>Paralysis: Paralysis</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Remove Paralysis <BR>Domain   : Restoration <BR>Available: Healer Oracle  <BR>Allows   : Restoring I <BR>Alignment: pure goodness, good <BR>Use Cost : Mana (58)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "REMOVE PARALYSIS" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "remove paralysis" bob <BR>Removes any unholy paralysis from the target. </pre>
			<a name="PigSpeak"><B>PigSpeak: Pig Speak</B></a>
			<a name="PlanarAbility"><B>PlanarAbility: Planar Shifting Ability</B></a>
			<a name="Play"><B>Play: a song played</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : PLAY <BR>Usage    : PLAY [SONG NAME] <BR>Example  : play accompaniment <BR>Short(s) : PL <BR>Bards can invoke their magical instruments using the play command.  Some songs<BR>require that you direct the energy at a target, while others only apply to the<BR>bard.  For help on a particular song, enter help and then the name of the song.<BR>Songs typically consume mana at amounts that decrease as the player gains<BR>levels.  However, you might need to wait before starting the same song again. </pre>
			<a name="Play_Instrument"><B>Play_Instrument: Instruments</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Play Instrument <BR>Domain   : Artistic <BR>Available: Numerous Classes  <BR>Requires : A base wisdom of at least 5.   <BR>Allows   : Quick Working I, Quick Worker I, Artsy I <BR>Use Cost : Movement (5)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PLAY, PLAYINSTRUMENT, PLAYSONG <BR>Usage    : PLAYINSTRUMENT (STOP) (LIST) <BR>Example  : playinstrument <BR>This skill allows a player to attempt to play a musical instrument they are<BR>holding or prepared to use.  If done well, this might amuse an audience. <BR>Proficiency with each kind of musical instrument is separate, so your<BR>proficiency usually only reflects the last kind of instrument you played. <BR>Instruments can be purchased, or made with the Instrument Making skill.</pre>
			<a name="Poison"><B>Poison: Poison</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Poison <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>The ability to poison, also the effect of a poison on an item, food, or drink.<BR>The standard poison does moderate strength/con damage, and moderate damage<BR>every few rounds.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Alcohol"><B>Poison_Alcohol: Alcohol</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Alcohol <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob do goofy things, lowers attack and dex scores.  May result in a<BR>migraine.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_BeeSting"><B>Poison_BeeSting: Bee Sting</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Bee Sting <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers strength and constitution by one point.  Does minute damage.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Bloodboil"><B>Poison_Bloodboil: Blood Boil</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Bloodboil <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers constitution, and strength and attack a lot.  Does minute damage.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Caffeine"><B>Poison_Caffeine: Poison_Hyper</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Caffeine <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Gives the person a 1/4 attack, increases dexterity, and prevents<BR>sleeping/sitting.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Decreptifier"><B>Poison_Decreptifier: Decrepifier</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Decrepifier <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers strength, con, and dex by a LOT.  Does minute damage.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Firebreather"><B>Poison_Firebreather: Firebreather</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Firebreather <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob do goofy things, lowers attack and dex scores.  May result in a<BR>migraine.  Also, may randomly assault all in the room with breath of fire.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Ghoultouch"><B>Poison_Ghoultouch: Ghoultouch</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Ghoul Touch <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers constitution and paralyzes the victim.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Glowgell"><B>Poison_Glowgell: Glowgell</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Glowgell <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This benign substance makes the items it is applied to glow.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_GoblinDrip"><B>Poison_GoblinDrip: Goblin Drip</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Goblin Drip <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers con a little, and strength by a LOT.  Does minute damage.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Heartstopper"><B>Poison_Heartstopper: Heartstopper</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Heart Stopper <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers con and strength a little, and does heavy damage for a few rounds (100hp<BR>total).</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Hives"><B>Poison_Hives: Hives</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Hives <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This is actually an allergic reaction to a foreign substance, which poisons the<BR>body and causes it to react with itching burning hives.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Liquor"><B>Poison_Liquor: Liquor</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Liquor <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob do goofy things, lowers attack and dex scores.  May result in a<BR>migraine.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Mindsap"><B>Poison_Mindsap: Mindsap</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : MindSap <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers con little, and intelligence a lot.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Peppersauce"><B>Poison_Peppersauce: Peppersauce</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Peppersauce <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers constitution, and blinds.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Rotten"><B>Poison_Rotten: Rotten</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Rotten <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers constitution and strength, and creates damaging stomach aches.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Slumberall"><B>Poison_Slumberall: Slumberall</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Slumberall <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes sleep.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Sting"><B>Poison_Sting: Sting</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Sting <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Lowers constitution by one point.  Does minute damage.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_Venom"><B>Poison_Venom: Venom</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Venom <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Does moderate strength, and heavy constitution damage.  Does moderate damage<BR>every couple of rounds for 10 rounds or so.</pre>
			<a name="Poison_XXX"><B>Poison_XXX: XXX</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : XXX <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Does a little strength, and moderate constitution damage.  Does very heavy<BR>damage every couple of rounds for 20 rounds or so.</pre>
			<a name="PoisonousBite"><B>PoisonousBite: Poisonous Bite</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Poisonous Bite <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : BITE <BR>Usage    : PBITE [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pbite orc <BR>This ability allows one to deliver a vicious mundane bite that does a bit of<BR>damage, but will also sometimes inflict a poison.</pre>
			<a name="Power_OctoArms"><B>Power_OctoArms: Octo-Arms</B></a>
			<a name="Power_OctoGrapple"><B>Power_OctoGrapple: Octo-Grapple</B></a>
			<a name="Power_SuperClimb"><B>Power_SuperClimb: Super Climb</B></a>
			<a name="Power_TrapSense"><B>Power_TrapSense: Trap Sense</B></a>
			<a name="Power_WebSpinning"><B>Power_WebSpinning: Web Spinning</B></a>
			<a name="Prayer"><B>Prayer: a Prayer</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Silent <BR>Domain   : Corruption <BR>Available: Cleric Necromancer  <BR>Allows   : Corrupting I <BR>Alignment: pure evil, evil <BR>Use Cost : Mana (60)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "SILENT" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "silent" bob <BR>The caster inflicts the inability to speak upon the target, inhibiting wand<BR>usage, verbal spellcasting, and other important speaking abilities.</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_AnimalSpirit"><B>Prayer_AnimalSpirit: Animal Spirit</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Animal Spirit <BR>Domain   : Communing <BR>Allows   : Communing I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : ANIMALSPIRIT <BR>Usage    : PRAY "ANIMAL SPIRIT" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "animal spirit" bob <BR>Causes the target to seek out their animal spirit and commune with it for a<BR>time.  Who knows what happens next?</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_AuraStrife"><B>Prayer_AuraStrife: Aura of Strife</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Aura of Strife <BR>Domain   : Communing <BR>Allows   : Communing I <BR>Alignment: pure evil, evil <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Creates an aura of strife bound by the Cleric to the area.  This causes those<BR>in the same room as the cleric to suffer a drop in charisma due to feelings of<BR>anger and hopelessness.  Will also cause confusion in combat among those not in<BR>the clerics group. The cleric must remain in the casting room for the prayer to<BR>remain effective.</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_DivineFavor"><B>Prayer_DivineFavor: Divine Favor</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Divine Favor <BR>Domain   : Communing <BR>Allows   : Communing I <BR>Alignment: somewhat good, somewhat evil, pure neutral <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "DIVINE FAVOR" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "divine favor" bob <BR>The target gains the favor of his or her god, gaining 10% bonus to experience<BR>gain, 10% decrease in experience loss, and possibly getting his or her enemies<BR>struck down!</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_HealingAura"><B>Prayer_HealingAura: Healing Aura</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Healing Aura <BR>Domain   : Healing <BR>Allows   : Healing I <BR>Alignment: somewhat good, somewhat evil, pure neutral <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Anyone not in combat with the possessor of this aura will benefit from a<BR>periodic casting of cure light wounds, remove poison, and cure disease.</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_Refresh"><B>Prayer_Refresh: Refresh</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Refresh <BR>Domain   : Restoration <BR>Allows   : Restoring I <BR>Alignment: somewhat good, somewhat evil, pure neutral <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "REFRESH" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "refresh" bob <BR>Restores the all mana, hit points, and movement. Cures all hunger, thirst, and<BR>fatigue.</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_Regrowth"><B>Prayer_Regrowth: Regrowth</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Regrowth <BR>Domain   : Healing <BR>Allows   : Healing I <BR>Alignment: pure goodness, good <BR>Use Cost : Mana (all)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "REGROWTH" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "regrowth" bob <BR>This prayers regrows any amputated limbs on the target.</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_ReligiousDoubt"><B>Prayer_ReligiousDoubt: Religious Doubt</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Religious Doubt <BR>Domain   : Evangelism <BR>Allows   : Evangelising I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "RELIGIOUS DOUBT" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "religious doubt" bob <BR>Causes the target to begin doubting their religious faith, which makes them<BR>immune to religious conversion for a time.</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_TaintOfChaos"><B>Prayer_TaintOfChaos: Taint of Chaos</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Taint of Chaos <BR>Domain   : Cursing <BR>Allows   : Cursing I <BR>Alignment: pure chaotic, chaotic <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "TAINT OF CHAOS" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "taint of chaos" orc <BR>This prayer causes the target to have the taint of a chaotic curse.  This curse<BR>makes the target drawn towards wilful and chaotic actions. Others perceive all<BR>actions performed by the afflicted as less lawful and orderly, resulting in<BR>less lawful alignment gain from orderly actions.</pre>
			<a name="Prayer_TaintOfEvil"><B>Prayer_TaintOfEvil: Taint of Evil</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Taint of Evil <BR>Domain   : Cursing <BR>Allows   : Cursing I <BR>Alignment: pure evil, evil <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY "TAINT OF EVIL" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : pray "taint of evil" orc <BR>This prayer causes the target to have the taint of evil curse.  This curse<BR>makes the target drawn towards malicious and evil actions. Others perceive all<BR>actions performed by the afflicted as less noble and good, resulting in less<BR>positive alignment gain from good actions.</pre>
			<a name="Pregnancy"><B>Pregnancy: Pregnancy</B></a>
			<pre>For direct REMORTING, if your mud supports it, please see help on the REMORT<BR>command.  Otherwise, remorting requires careful planning and, if you don't have<BR>the benefits of certain Druidic chants, lots of time.  Legacy remorting is done<BR>through your children.  Children are created by using the MATE social with a<BR>member of the opposite sex while the both of you are suitably undressed.  If<BR>pregnancy occurs in the female, birth will occur some 10 mud-months following<BR>this, though the time required to give birth is highly race-dependent.  The<BR>child should remain in the mothers inventory until it can walk, which occurs 9<BR>mud- months following birth (more or less, depending on race again).  If the<BR>baby is Christened by a Cleric with a player legal name, and if the child<BR>remains as a follower of either the father or the mother until it grows up, it<BR>will become a player, which occurs 18-27 mud-months after birth.  If the child<BR>does not remain an active follower, or if it is never Christened, it will grow<BR>up to be a mob, or perhaps not grow up at all! Should the named child grow up,<BR>the child will cease to be a following mob, and become a player which can be<BR>logged-in as.  The child may be a mixed breed of the mother and father if one<BR>of them is a Human and the other is not.  Racial benefits will be split between<BR>the mother and father, though children will have a bonus to one of their<BR>maximum stats when they become a player, making them a good choice for playing!</pre>
			<a name="PresenceReaction"><B>PresenceReaction: an ability</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : PresenceReaction <BR>Parameters : =[MOB/PLAYERNAME] <BR>Parameters : (=[MOB/PLAYERNAME]~~)([COMMAND]=[PARMS]~~)[...] <BR>Parameters : +[COMMAND]=[PARMS] <BR>Example    : =warriorbob~~mood=happy~~aggressive=~~mudchat=elf~~ <BR>Description:  <BR>This temporary property governs temporary reactions in the form of behaviors,<BR>properties, standard commands, or other effects.  These reactions persist only<BR>so long as the mob/player the property was invoked against remains in the same<BR>room as the invoker.  Intended as an tool for the faction system, this property<BR>can be invoked as a skill against the target, or used in other ways.  The<BR>parameters are a ~~ delimited list of ability, behavior, or command names<BR>followed by an = sign and any parameters.  If the ability name is empty, then<BR>it is assumed you are designating the mob or player being reacted to.  As it is<BR>required to designate a mob being reacted to, this must be eventually set<BR>either by parameters, or through invoking. <BR> <BR>This affect automatically removes itself and its subordinate effects whenever<BR>the reacted to player/mob is not in the same room as the invoking mob.</pre>
			<a name="Prisoner"><B>Prisoner: Prisoner</B></a>
			<pre>One who is under the prisoner`s geas is unable to cast spells of recall or<BR>teleportation, and can not flee from combat. </pre>
			<a name="Proficiency_Bow"><B>Proficiency_Bow: Bow Proficiency</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Bow Proficiency <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is proficient with bows, gaining the ability to use them even if<BR>their current class training would not make it feasible normally.</pre>
			<a name="Proficiency_Dagger"><B>Proficiency_Dagger: Dagger Proficiency</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Dagger Proficiency <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is proficient with daggers, gaining the ability to use them even if<BR>their current class training would not make it feasible normally.</pre>
			<a name="Proficiency_FlailedWeapon"><B>Proficiency_FlailedWeapon: Flailing Weapon Proficiency</B></a>
			<pre>The player is proficient with flails, gaining the ability to use them even if<BR>their current class training would not make it feasible normally.</pre>
			<a name="Proficiency_Polearm"><B>Proficiency_Polearm: Polearm Proficiency</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Polearm Proficiency <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is proficient with polearms, gaining the ability to use them even if<BR>their current class training would not make it feasible normally.</pre>
			<a name="Proficiency_Sling"><B>Proficiency_Sling: Sling Proficiency</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Sling Proficiency <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is proficient with slings, gaining the ability to use them even if<BR>their current class training would not make it feasible normally.</pre>
			<a name="Proficiency_Weapon"><B>Proficiency_Weapon: Weapon Proficiency</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Weapon Proficiency <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is proficient with all weapons, which negates any diggiculties<BR>presented by class training that would normally not allow particular weapons to<BR>be used.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_AbilityImmunity"><B>Prop_AbilityImmunity: Ability Immunity</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_AbilityImmunity <BR>Targets    : Anything <BR>Parameters : (OWNER;) (WEARER;)list of abilities with optional error string,<BR>';' delimited <BR>Example    : OWNER;Disease_Cold;Disease_Flu;Spell_Fireball <BR>Example    : Disease_Cold=&lt;T-NAME> is immune to<BR>&lt;O-NAME>;Spell_Fireball=&lt;T-NAME> can't be burnt! <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob, item, or whatever immune to the listed disease, spell or similar<BR>affects.  Items will pass their immunity on to their owners if the OWNER flag<BR>is present, or the wielder if the WIELDER flag is present.   </pre>
			<a name="Prop_AbsorbDamage"><B>Prop_AbsorbDamage: Absorb Damage</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_AbsorbDamage <BR>Targets    : Items, Mobs, Areas, Rooms <BR>Parameters : Damage Absorption percentages or amounts, the list of absorbed<BR>damage types <BR>Example    : 50% +ALL -SILVER -CLOTH -LEATHER <BR>Example    : 5 +ALL -MAGIC -SLASHING -FROSTING <BR>Example    : 25% +ALL -LEVEL15 <BR>Example    : 15% +BASHING 1 +IRON 3 +STEEL 15% +MAGIC <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the item with this property is worn, or for the mob with this<BR>property, or anyone in the area or room with this property, they will attain<BR>damage absorption from the types and/or materials of weapons specified.  Damage<BR>absorption may be represented as a percentage or as a straight amount. Damage<BR>amounts must be before the type of damage absorbed in the parameters. Damage<BR>amounts/percentages in the negative will add to the damage. If the term<BR>"ENHANCED" is included in the parameters, and percentage absorption amounts are<BR>used, then this will also attempt to auto-save against skills according to the<BR>percentage change, or, if the percentage is negative, make the effect last<BR>longer. Here are the parameters:  <BR>+ALL - Specifies that, by default, the mob has ALL damage absorbed. <BR>-[DAMAGETYPE]- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal<BR>damage of the given type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be -PIERCING,<BR>-GASSING, -SLASHING, -BURNING, -MELTING, -NATURAL, -BASHING, etc. <BR>+[DAMAGETYPE]- Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from the given<BR>damage type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be +PIERCING, +GASSING, +SLASHING,<BR>+BURNING, +MELTING, +NATURAL, +BASHING, etc. <BR>-[WEAPONCLASS]- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal<BR>damage of the given class.  Examples for WEAPONCLASS would be -AXE, -BLUNT,<BR>-EDGED, -FLAILED, -HAMMER, -KARATE, -POLEARM, -RANGED, -SWORD, -DAGGER, -STAFF,<BR>-THROWN, etc. <BR>-[WEAPONCLASS]- Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from the given<BR>weapon class.  Examples for WEAPONCLASS would be +AXE, +BLUNT, +EDGED,<BR>+FLAILED, +HAMMER, +KARATE, +POLEARM, +RANGED, +SWORD, +DAGGER, +STAFF,<BR>+THROWN, etc. <BR>-[ABILITYCODE]- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal<BR>damage of the given type of ability.  Examples for ABILITYCODE would be<BR>-THIEF_SKILL, -PRAYER, etc.  Do list abilitycodes. <BR>+[ABILITYCODE]- Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from the given<BR>type of ability.  Examples for ABILITYCODE be +SPELL, +SONG, etc.. Do list<BR>abilitycodes. <BR>-[ABILITYDOMAIN]- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal<BR>damage of the given domain of ability.  Examples for ABILITYDOMAIN would be<BR>-ILLUSION, -DEATH_LORE, etc. Do list abilitydomains. <BR>+[ABILITYDOMAIN]- Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from the given<BR>domain of ability.  Examples for ABILITYDOMAIN be +SPELL, +SONG, etc.. Do list<BR>abilitydomains. <BR>-[ABILITYFLAG]- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal<BR>damage of the given flagged abilities.  Examples for ABILITYFLAG would be<BR>-UNHOLY, -CHARMING, etc. Do list abilityflags. <BR>+[ABILITYFLAG]- Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from the given<BR>flagged abilities.  Examples for ABILITYDOMAIN be +HOLY, +CHARMING, etc..  Do<BR>list abilityflags. <BR>-[ABILITYID]- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage<BR>of the given specific ability.  Examples for ABILITYID would be<BR>-SPELL_FIREBALL, etc.  <BR>+[ABILITYID]- Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from the given<BR>specific ability.  Examples for ABILITYID be +SPELL_MAGICMISSILE, etc..  <BR>-MAGIC - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>magical spells and magical weapons. <BR>+MAGIC - If +ALL is not used, this will absorb damage from magical spells and<BR>weapons. <BR>-LEVELX - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage<BR>from weapons whose level is X or better. Example: -LEVEL1, -LEVEL5, -LEVEL10,<BR>etc. <BR>+LEVELX - Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from weapons whose level<BR>is X or lower. Example: +LEVEL1, +LEVEL5, +LEVEL10, etc. <BR>-MATERIALTYPE - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule above by permitting<BR>normal damage from a weapon made of the given MATERIALTYPE.  Where MATERIALTYPE<BR>may be any valid material, such as SILVER, WOOD, COTTON, etc.  As for the<BR>damage types above, +MATERIALTYPE may be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage<BR>from materials a given material. <BR>-PARALYSIS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage<BR>from paralysis spells. <BR>+PARALYSIS - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from fire<BR>spells. <BR>-FIRE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>fire spells. <BR>+FIRE - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from fire spells. <BR>-COLD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>cold spells. <BR>+COLD - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from cold spells. <BR>-WATER - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>water spells. <BR>+WATER - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from water<BR>spells. <BR>-GAS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>gas spells. <BR>+GAS - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from gas spells. <BR>-MIND - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>mind spells. <BR>+MIND - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from mind spells. <BR>-JUSTICE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage<BR>from justice spells. <BR>+JUSTICE - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from justice<BR>spells. <BR>-ACID - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>acid spells. <BR>+ACID - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from acid spells. <BR>-ELECTRICITY - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal<BR>damage from electric spells. <BR>+ELECTRICITY - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from<BR>electric spells. <BR>-POISON - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage<BR>from poison spells. <BR>+POISON - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from poison<BR>spells. <BR>-UNDEAD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage<BR>from undead spells. <BR>+UNDEAD - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from undead/evil<BR>spells. <BR>-DISEASE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage<BR>from disease spells. <BR>+DISEASE - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from disease<BR>spells. <BR>-TRAPS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from<BR>traps spells. <BR>+TRAPS - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from traps<BR>spells. <BR></pre>
			<a name="Prop_AddDamage"><B>Prop_AddDamage: Additional Damage</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_AddDamage <BR>Targets    : Items, Mobs <BR>Parameters : Extra Damage percentages or amounts, the list of extra damage<BR>types <BR>Example    : 50% PIERCING <BR>Example    : 5 SLASHING FROST <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the item with this property is worn, or for the mob with this<BR>property, they will do extra damage of the types specified.  Extra Damage may<BR>be represented as a percentage or as a straight amount. Damage amounts must be<BR>before the type of extra damage in the parameters. * Here are the classes of<BR>damage:  <BR>PIERCING, GASSING, SLASHING, BURNING, MELTING, NATURAL, BASHING, etc. <BR>* Here are the types of damage attacks:  <BR>PARALYSIS, FIRE, COLD, WATER, GAS, MIND, JUSTICE, ACID, ELECTRICITY, POISON,<BR>UNDEAD, DISEASE, TRAPS, WEAPONATTACK. <BR></pre>
			<a name="Prop_Adjuster"><B>Prop_Adjuster: Adjustments to stats</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Adjuster <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-Race +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>The listed effects will be given to the mob.  All parameters use the + or -<BR>adjuster, except the class, race, and gender parameters noted above. Valid<BR>parameters are as follows:  <BR>strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence  <BR>maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable)  <BR>savepar savefir savecol savewat savegas savemin savegen savejus  <BR>saveaci saveele savepoi saveund savemag savedis savetra  <BR>ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), disposition<BR>(sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), senses<BR>(blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), height, weight, gender,<BR>class, clstart, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), mana, movement, thirst<BR>(stomach size) conversion weightadj saveblunt savepierce saveslash savespells<BR>saveprayers savesongs savechants critpctweapons critpctmagic critdmgweapons<BR>critdmgmagic.  <BR> <BR>By default, the values + or - are added to the existing values.  However, if<BR>MULTIPLYPH=true is included in the parameters, then attack, armor, and damage<BR>will instead have their values multiplied by the given value / 100. Likewise,<BR>if MULTIPLYCH=true is included, then hitpoints, mana, and movement are<BR>similarly multiplied instead of added.  All other values act the same. <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. This may seem a strange parameter for a mobs-only property, but<BR>perhaps you can find a use for it. :) See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on<BR>zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_AreaForSale"><B>Prop_AreaForSale: Putting an area up for sale</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_AreaForSale <BR>Targets    : Areas <BR>Parameters : (RENTAL )Price of the area <BR>Example    : 1000000 <BR>Example    : Bob/100000 <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes this area available for purchase by a player.  To have a shopkeeper sell<BR>the area, you must create a GenTitle or StdTitle item with the area name as the<BR>property id and give it to the shopkeeper to sell.  The system will<BR>automatically maintain the integrity of any items left in the rooms, including<BR>restoring them on reboot. The title received for purchasing a room may be GIVEn<BR>or SELLed to change possession of the property.  The word rental followed by a<BR>space may preceed the price to make the price of the property be charged every<BR>month automatically out of a Bankers account.  Failure to make rent returns the<BR>property to sellable status. <BR> <BR>When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the<BR>price.  Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give<BR>players or clans property.  <BR> <BR>See also Prop_ReqCapacity for the means to set limits on players building<BR>abilities on their property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Artifact"><B>Prop_Artifact: Artifact</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Artifact <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : autodrop=[T/F] nomobs=[T/F] nolocate=[T/F] nocast=[T/F] <BR>Example    : nomobs=false <BR>Description:  <BR>The items with this property will persist in their last known location past<BR>reboots, and optionally always drop from players inventories when they quit, be<BR>invulnerable to damage, not be possessable by mobs, and not capable of being<BR>acted upon with skills or spells. By default, all of the above is true, though<BR>that can change by setting one of the following parameters to false:  <BR>autodrop - the item drops from player inventories when they quit or shutdown <BR>nomobs - the item may not be picked up by a non-player  <BR>nolocate - the item may not be located via Locate Object spell <BR>nocast - the item may not have ANY spells cast upon it</pre>
			<a name="Prop_AstralSpirit"><B>Prop_AstralSpirit: Astral Spirit</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_AstralSpirit <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This property makes the mob into an incorporeal spirit.  It is used to support<BR>the "Astral Projection" chant.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ClanEquipment"><B>Prop_ClanEquipment: Clan Equipment</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ClanEquipment <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : [TYPE] [POWER#] [CLAN NAME] [CLAN TYPE] <BR>Example    : Acid 5 "The Skooters" "Guild" <BR>Description:  <BR>Base property for clan equipment.  Do not use independent of the clan spells.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Climbable"><B>Prop_Climbable: Room/Exit navigation limitation</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Climbable <BR>Targets    : Exits, Rooms, Portals <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Forces players to climb, fly, or use a ladder through the exit or room with<BR>this property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_CloseCommand"><B>Prop_CloseCommand: Closing Command</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_CloseCommand <BR>Targets    : Containers, Exits <BR>Parameters : [COMMAND WORD] ([PARMS...]/NOCLOSE/MESSAGE=[STR];... <BR>Example    : twist knob;tw knob;twi knob;noclose <BR>Example    : smack botto* <BR>Description:  <BR>When applied to an open container or exit, this property will force the<BR>affected openable to close and maybe lock when the command phrase is entered by<BR>the user in its presence.  The command word must match exactly, and the command<BR>entered must otherwise be completely invalid.  PARMS arguments must also match<BR>exactly, although any PARM arg may end with * to use a starting string<BR>wildcard. A PARM argument may also end with ** to match the rest of the users<BR>entered command string. In addition to a series of command words, you can also<BR>use the NOCLOSE keyword to also disable the standard close command for the<BR>exit/item, or use MESSAGE= to change the message sent to the room, which can<BR>use &lt;S-NAME> for the actor, and &lt;T-NAME> for the item.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ClosedDayNight"><B>Prop_ClosedDayNight: Day/Night Visibility</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ClosedDayNight <BR>Targets    : Items, Mobs, Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters : (DAY/NIGHT)(SLEEP)(SIT)(LOCKUP)(HOURS=0-13)(HOME=Room#) <BR>Example    : DAY <BR>Example    : SLEEP HOURS=5-10 <BR>Example    : "Home=My Area#123" SLEEP LOCKUP <BR>Example    : "Home=Bob`s House" SLEEP LOCKUP "SHOPMSG=Go Away! I'm Closed!" <BR>Description:  <BR>Affects the thing with this property depending on the time of day. By default,<BR>this property activates at night.  If the DAY paramater is included, it will<BR>activate by day instead. The effect of the property is that rooms will go dark,<BR>exits will close, and items will become unseeable. Mobs will become unseeable<BR>by default, though if the sit or sleep flags are set, they will do that<BR>instead.  LOCKUP will cause the mob to lock up his starting room, if any doors<BR>with locks are found.  If a Home Room is specified with the HOME= parameter,<BR>the mob will track to that room at closing time, then back to their start room<BR>the next day.  For shopkeepers, you can specify a string for them to say<BR>whenever someone tries to interact with them as a shopkeeper during closed<BR>hours.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ClosedSeason"><B>Prop_ClosedSeason: Contingent Visibility</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Closedseason <BR>Targets    : Items, Mobs, Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters : (SUMMER/SPRING/WINTER/FALL/DAY/NIGHT <BR>Parameters :  DUSK/DAWN/RAIN/SLEET/SNOW/CLEAR/HEATWAVE <BR>Parameters :  THUNDERSTORM/BLIZZARD/WINDY <BR>Parameters :  DROUGHT/DUSTSTORM/COLD/HAIL/CLOUDY) <BR>Example    : DAY <BR>Example    : WINTER BLIZZARD <BR>Description:  <BR>Affects the thing with this property depending on the weather, or time of the<BR>year. By default, this property does not activate.  You must specify one or<BR>more times, seasons, or conditions under which the object will no longer be<BR>visible.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_CombatAdjuster"><B>Prop_CombatAdjuster: Adjust combat stats</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_CombatAdjuster <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : (ATTACK+/-[PCT NUMER]) (ARMOR+/-[PCT NUMER]) (DAMAGE+/-[PCT<BR>NUMER]) <BR>Parameters : (HP+/-[PCT NUMER]) (MANA+/-[PCT NUMER]) (MOVE+/-[PCT NUMER]) <BR>Parameters : (ATTACK=[PCT NUMER]) (ARMOR=[PCT NUMER]) (DAMAGE=[PCT NUMER]) <BR>Parameters : (HP=[PCT NUMER]) (MANA=[PCT NUMER]) (MOVE=[PCT NUMER]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : ATTACK+25 DAMAGE-20 MANA=1000 <BR>Description:  <BR>This property either adjusts a mobs current stats by a percentage value as<BR>specified, or sets the value to a specific number.  This property is mostly<BR>useless for builders, but has internal uses.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_CommonTwister"><B>Prop_CommonTwister: Common Twister</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_CommonTwister <BR>Targets    : Anything <BR>Parameters : SKILL=[*/SKILL] MASK=[*/NAME] (NAME=[*/NEW]) (DISPLAY=[*/NEW])<BR>(MATERIAL=[*/NEW]);([REPEAT]) <BR>Example    : skill=Foraging mask=berries name="some corn" display="some corn is<BR>here" material=corn <BR>Example    : skill=* mask=* name="some stuff" display="some stuff";skill=*<BR>mask=* name="some other" display="some other" <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This property changes the results from the use of common skills.  This property<BR>requires the SKILL and MASK parameters, and at least one of the other<BR>parameters (NAME, DISPLAY, MATERIAL, or SUBTYPE).  For each parameter, * may be<BR>used to match anything or a random thing.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Crawlspace"><B>Prop_Crawlspace: Room navigation limitation</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Crawlspace <BR>Targets    : Exits, Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Forces players to crawl through the exit or room with this property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Doppleganger"><B>Prop_Doppleganger: Doppleganger</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Doppleganger <BR>Targets    : Mobs, Items, Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : nothing, a level change + or -, a level %, or <BR>:          : MIN=[NUM], MAX=[NUM], LEVELADD=[NUM], LEVELPCT=[PCT%], <BR>:          : PLAYERSONLY=[true/false], PLAYERSNFOLS=[true/false] <BR>:          : ASMATERIAL=[RESOURCE], DIFFADD=[NUM], DIFFPCT=[PCT%] <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : 10 <BR>Example    : 150% <BR>Example    : MAX=20 MIN=5 LEVELADD=0 LEVELPCT=100% PLAYERSONLY=false <BR>Example    : MAX=20 MIN=5 ASMATERIAL=IRON <BR>Description:  <BR>When this property is on a mob, it makes the mob the same level as those in the<BR>room with it, or as those who are fighting it.  The mob will only change,<BR>however, if the mob is at full hit points, to prevent mobs from being "softened<BR>up". When the property is on armor or a weapon, it will adjust the strength and<BR>level of the item appropriate to its owner. <BR> <BR>A parameter may be given to always adjust the level of the item up or down from<BR>normal, be multiplied by the level as a percentage, or a number of parameter<BR>variables like: MIN to set a minimum level, MAX to set a maximum level,<BR>LEVELADD to add a fixed number to the level, LEVELPCT to multiply a percentage<BR>by the level, PLAYERSONLY to limit the level calculating mobs to players only,<BR>PLAYERSNFOLS to limit the level calculating mob to players or their followers<BR>only, and ASMATERIAL to change the material of the item only for stat<BR>calculation purposes.  The difficulty of the mob relative to the level change<BR>can also be affected using DIFFADD and DIFFPCT. These will change the<BR>difficulty of the mob relative to their level.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_EnlargeRoom"><B>Prop_EnlargeRoom: Change a rooms movement requirements</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_EnlargeRoom <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : number or adjustment of movement points <BR>Example    : 2 <BR>Example  : +2 <BR>Example  : -2 <BR>Example  : /2 <BR>Example  : *2 <BR>Example  : /2.5 <BR>Example  : *1.5 <BR>Description:  <BR>Change the number of movement points required to cross the room, the +-/* signs<BR>may be used to adjust the amount for a given room, or an absolute value may be<BR>given.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_EnterAdjuster"><B>Prop_EnterAdjuster: Room entering adjuster</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_EnterAdjuster <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value <BR>Example  : and/or spells separated by semicolons, and an optional mask <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F;Prayer_Bless; <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-Race +Dwarf <BR>Example    : str+2 gender=F;Prayer_Bless;MASK=-Race +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>Upon entering this room or exit, the listed effects or spells will be<BR>PERMANENTLY ADDED to the mob.  All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except<BR>the class, race, and gender parameters noted above. Valid parameters are as<BR>follows:  <BR>strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence  <BR>maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable)  <BR>savepar savefir savecol savewat savegas savemin savegen savejus  <BR>saveaci saveele savepoi saveund savemag savedis savetra  <BR>ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), disposition<BR>(sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), senses<BR>(blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), height, weight, gender,<BR>class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), mana, movement, thirst (stomach<BR>size) conversion weightadj saveblunt savepierce saveslash savespells<BR>saveprayers savesongs savechants critpctweapons critpctmagic critdmgweapons<BR>critdmgmagic, experience, practices trains, questpoints, coins.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Familiar"><B>Prop_Familiar: Find Familiar Property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Familiar <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : The familiar code number or name <BR>Example    : rat <BR>Description:  <BR>This property is a special MOB property created for the find familiar spell. It<BR>handles all the special benefits of the familiar type, along with the benefits<BR>to the owner.  It will also destroy the familiar when no longer following the<BR>owner.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_FightSpellCast"><B>Prop_FightSpellCast: Casting spells when properly used during combat</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_FightSpellCast <BR>Targets    : Weapon (Item) <BR>Parameters : A percentage, and proper spell names separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : 50%;Spell_Invisible;Prayer_Sanctuary <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a spell to be cast upon the target being struck during melee combat.<BR>This property also supports a % chance of triggering. <BR> <BR>The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell to make all the effects<BR>non-dispellable until the property no longer applies; use this flag with care!<BR>The flag LEVEL=[NUMBER] can also be substituted for a spell name to force all<BR>the listed effects be cast at a different level than default.The flag<BR>MAXTICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all spell casts.  <BR>The flag TICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all subsequent<BR>listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_HaveAdjuster"><B>Prop_HaveAdjuster: Adjustments to stats when owned</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HaveAdjuster <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-Race +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is owned, the listed effects will be<BR>given to the owner.  All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the class,<BR>race, and gender parameters noted above. Valid parameters are as follows:  <BR>strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence  <BR>maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable)  <BR>savepar savefir savecol savewat savegas savemin savegen savejus  <BR>saveaci saveele savepoi saveund savemag savedis savetra  <BR>ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), disposition<BR>(sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), senses<BR>(blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), height, weight, gender,<BR>class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), mana, movement, thirst (stomach<BR>size) conversion weightadj saveblunt savepierce saveslash savespells<BR>saveprayers savesongs savechants critpctweapons critpctmagic critdmgweapons<BR>critdmgmagic.  <BR> <BR>By default, the values + or - are added to the existing values.  However, if<BR>MULTIPLYPH=true is included in the parameters, then attack, armor, and damage<BR>will instead have their values multiplied by the given value / 100. Likewise,<BR>if MULTIPLYCH=true is included, then hitpoints, mana, and movement are<BR>similarly multiplied instead of added.  All other values act the same. <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_HaveEnabler"><B>Prop_HaveEnabler: Granting skills when owned</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HaveEnabler <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is owned, the owner will be granted the<BR>spells, skills listed.  The percentage given is optional, and will be the<BR>proficiency of the skill.  If a percentage is not given, the default is 100%.  <BR><BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_HaveResister"><B>Prop_HaveResister: Resistance due to ownership</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HaveResister <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : resistance names followed by percentages <BR>Parameters : Parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : magic 50% poison -10% <BR>Example    : magic poison 50% pierce -10% MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is owned, the owner will gain certain<BR>resistances and immunities in the parameters. The effects which may be included<BR>are:  <BR>Resistances: gas fire electricity mind magic cold acid water evil (undead)  <BR>Resistances: justice (as per many thief abilities)  <BR>Resistances: weapons blunt pierce slash non-magical-weapons non-silver-weapons <BR>Resistances:  -- weapons get reduced % damage per round, lvl based, with<BR>limits. <BR>:          :  -- always modifier makes weapon resists always work, no limits. <BR>Resistances: spell chant song prayer thief_skill (ability types)  <BR>Resistances: enchantment/charm kicking vexing conjuration (ability domains) <BR>Immunities : teleport (includes gate, summon) holy disease poison <BR>Misc       : debuf-duration (pct is the maximum debuf ticks remain) <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_HaveSpellCast"><B>Prop_HaveSpellCast: Casting spells when owned</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HaveSpellCast <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is owned, the owner will be under the<BR>effect of the listed spells. The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell<BR>to make all the effects non-dispellable until the property no longer applies;<BR>use this flag with care! The flag LEVEL=[NUMBER] can also be substituted for a<BR>spell name to force all the listed effects be cast at a different level than<BR>default.The flag MAXTICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all<BR>spell casts.  <BR>The flag TICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all subsequent<BR>listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_HaveZapper"><B>Prop_HaveZapper: Restrictions to ownership</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HaveZapper <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : masking parameters described below, optional zap message <BR>Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil <BR>Example    : MESSAGE="&lt;O-NAME> flies out of &lt;S-NAME>'s hands!" -class +mage <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever this item is picked up by a mob, the item will be zapped out of the<BR>mobs hands if they meet the parameters.  An optional MESSAGE parameter can<BR>define what is seen when the zap occurs. Also optionally, the parameters can<BR>start with the word ACTUAL to change zapping behavior to look at actual values<BR>instead of perceived values (this about a class check applied to a Charlatan.).<BR> The parameters can also start with the word CONTENT to have the zapper apply<BR>equally to a container and its contents (at least until the thing with the<BR>zapper is separated from the container).  See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed<BR>can possess, and disallowed is zapped. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_HereAdjuster"><B>Prop_HereAdjuster: Adjustments to stats when here</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HereAdjuster <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the room with this property is occupied, the listed effects will be<BR>given to the occupants.  All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the<BR>class, race, and gender parameters noted above. Valid parameters are as<BR>follows:  <BR>strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence  <BR>maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable)  <BR>savepar savefir savecol savewat savegas savemin savegen savejus  <BR>saveaci saveele savepoi saveund savemag savedis savetra  <BR>ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), disposition<BR>(sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), senses<BR>(blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), height, weight, gender,<BR>class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), mana, movement, thirst (stomach<BR>size) conversion weightadj saveblunt savepierce saveslash savespells<BR>saveprayers savesongs savechants critpctweapons critpctmagic critdmgweapons<BR>critdmgmagic.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_HereEnabler"><B>Prop_HereEnabler: Granting skills on arrival</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HereEnabler <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever someone enters the room or area, they will be granted the spells,<BR>skills listed.  The percentage given is optional, and will be the proficiency<BR>of the skill.  If a percentage is not given, the default is 100%.  When they<BR>leave, they lose the spells/skills. <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_HereSpellCast"><B>Prop_HereSpellCast: Casting spells when here</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_HereSpellCast <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the room with this property is occupied, the occupants will be under<BR>the effect of the listed spells. The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a<BR>spell to make all the effects non-dispellable until the property no longer<BR>applies; use this flag with care! The flag LEVEL=[NUMBER] can also be<BR>substituted for a spell name to force all the listed effects be cast at a<BR>different level than default.The flag MAXTICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted<BR>the length of all spell casts.  <BR>The flag TICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all subsequent<BR>listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Hidden"><B>Prop_Hidden: Persistent Hiddenness</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Hidden <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : (UNLOCATABLE) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : unlocatable <BR>Description:  <BR>An alternative to setting a mob permanently hidden, this will keep the MOB<BR>hidden until the mob performs some act which would normally un-hide the mob. <BR>After that, a period of time must elapse before the property reengages and<BR>makes the mob hidden again.  <BR> <BR>Optional flags include:  <BR>Unlocatable - makes the item unlocatable by spells, or an area unrecommended by<BR>the WHERE command.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_IceBox"><B>Prop_IceBox: Works like an ice box</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_IceBox <BR>Targets    : Items,Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Any items placed in the room or container with this property will not spoil. <BR>When removed, however,spoilage will resume.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ImproveGather"><B>Prop_ImproveGather: Improve Gathering Skills</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ImproveGather <BR>Targets    : Items,Rooms,Mobs,Areas <BR>Parameters : AMT=[MULTIPLIER] MASK=[ZAPPERMASK] SKILLS=ALL/[SKILLID LIST] <BR>Example    : amt=3 mask="-SEASON +SPRING" skills=Farming,Foraging <BR>Description:  <BR>Alls the mob, item, or location to bestow the ability to multiply the yield<BR>from certain gathering skills.  SKILLS can be either a list of Ability IDs, or<BR>the word "ALL" to apply to all gathering skills.  A MASK would always apply to<BR>the person doing the skill, and the AMT is the integer number to multiply the<BR>yield by (or 0 to make it go away altogether!). <BR> <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is improved, and disallowed is not. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_InstantDeath"><B>Prop_InstantDeath: a Property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_InstantDeath <BR>Targets    : MOB, Item, Room, Area <BR>Parameters : zapper mask <BR>Example    : mask="-race +dwarf" <BR>Description:  <BR>Will cause the death of anyone using the item, attacking the mob, or entering<BR>the room or area. If a mask if given, only those matching the mask are killed. <BR><BR> <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is killed, and disallowed is spared. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_Invisibility"><B>Prop_Invisibility: Persistent Invisibility</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Invisibility <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>An alternative to setting a mob permanently invisible, this will keep the MOB<BR>invisible until the mob performs some act which would normally dispel the<BR>invisibility.  After that, a period of time must elapse before the property<BR>reengages and makes the mob invisible again.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ItemBinder"><B>Prop_ItemBinder: Allows an item to be bound to player, account, or clan.</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ItemBinder <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : TO=CHARACTER/ACCOUNT/CLAN ON=PICKUP/EQUIP MESSAGE=[ZAPMSG] <BR>Example    : TO=CHARACTER ON=PICKUP MESSAGE="Bound -- you can't do that." <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows an item to be bound when an event occurs to the person, account, or clan<BR>that either picks it up or first equips it.  Once bound, an item can only be<BR>picked up by that same player, account, or clan.  The zap message is also<BR>configureable.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ItemNoRuin"><B>Prop_ItemNoRuin: Prevents deletion/corruption from corpses</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ItemNoRuin <BR>Targets    : ITEM <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>When placed on an item, that item will be exempt from your systems loot policy.<BR> The item will not be deleted, corrupted, ruined, or otherwise affected by the<BR>policy, regardless of your ini file settings.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ItemSlot"><B>Prop_ItemSlot: Has slots for enhancement items</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ItemSlot <BR>Targets    : ITEM <BR>Parameters : (NUM=[SLOTS COUNT]) (TYPE=[STRING]) (LEVEL=NONE/HIGH/ADD)  <BR>Parameters : (REMOVABLE=[TRUE/FALSE]) ; [XML] <BR>Example    : NUM=4 TYPE=Gems REMOVABLE=TRUE <BR>Description:  <BR>When placed on an item, that item will have available slots into which other<BR>items, those with the Prop_ItemSlotFiller property, can be PUT using the PUT<BR>command. When this is done, the item with this property will gain the effect<BR>benefits of the other item in addition to its own. <BR> <BR>The NUM parameter determines how many slots are available.  The TYPE parameter<BR>must match the TYPE parameter from the Prop_ItemSlotFiller of the item being<BR>PUT.  The REMOVABLE property sets whether the items in the slots may be<BR>removed.  The LEVEL argument affects how slot fillers affect the item level:<BR>none, equal to the highest, or added together. See also Prop_ItemSlotFiller.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ItemSlotFiller"><B>Prop_ItemSlotFiller: Provides for enhanced item slots.</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ItemSlotFiller <BR>Targets    : ITEMS (NOT CONTAINERS) <BR>Parameters : (NUM=[SLOTS COUNT]) (TYPE=[STRING]) (SKIPS=[ID,...])  <BR>Parameters : (ADDS=[ID(args),...]) <BR>Example    : NUM=4 TYPE=Gems REMOVABLE=TRUE <BR>Description:  <BR>When placed on an item, that item will put able to be PUT, using the PUT<BR>command, into the slots provided on an item with the Prop_ItemSlot property. <BR>When this is done, the item into which this item is PUT will gain all the<BR>effect benefits of this item. <BR> <BR>The NUM parameter determines how many slots this item takes up.  The TYPE<BR>parameter must match the TYPE parameter from the Prop_ItemSlot of the item<BR>being PUT into. <BR> <BR>The SKIPS property is a comma delimited list of Ability IDs which should be<BR>ignored when determining which effects on this item should be applied to the<BR>slotted item. <BR> <BR>The ADDS property is a comma delimited list of Ability IDS should should be<BR>added to an item whose slot is filled by this one.  Arguments to the ablilities<BR>can be given in parenthesis().</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ItemTransporter"><B>Prop_ItemTransporter: Item Transporter</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ItemTransporter <BR>Targets    : Rooms, MOBs, Items (Containers) <BR>Parameters : The transporter KEY <BR>Example    : KEYX123 <BR>Description:  <BR>Any room, items, or mob with this property becomes a medium for transportation<BR>to another mob, room, or item with the Prop_ItemTransReceiver property with the<BR>same key.  Any items dropped in the room, picked up or give to the mob, or<BR>placed inside the containers with this property will be instantly transported<BR>to another room/item/mob with the Prop_ItemTransReceiver property which has the<BR>exact same KEY parameter.  If there is more than one Prop_ItemTransReceiver<BR>found with the proper key, the destination will go randomly to one of the<BR>choices.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ItemTransReceiver"><B>Prop_ItemTransReceiver: Item Transporter Receiver</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ItemTransReceiver <BR>Targets    : Rooms, MOBs, Items (Containers) <BR>Parameters : The transporter KEY <BR>Example    : KEYX123 <BR>Description:  <BR>See Prop_ItemTransporter above.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_LangTranslator"><B>Prop_LangTranslator: Language Translator</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LangTranslator <BR>Targets    : Mobs, Items, Rooms <BR>Parameters : nothing, a list of languages optionally preceded by a % chance <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : 100% Dwarven 50% Elvish <BR>Example    : Dwarven Elvish <BR>Example    : 75% Dwarven Elvish <BR>Description:  <BR>This is property allows the mob or item to translate any words spoken in the<BR>room in a language other than Common, into Common.  The mob or item will SAY<BR>the translation out loud.  The percentage chance given, which defaults to 100%,<BR>will be the chance that the mob or item will translate any given sentence.  </pre>
			<a name="Prop_LanguageSpeaker"><B>Prop_LanguageSpeaker: Forces language speaking</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LanguageSpeaker <BR>Targets    : Mobs, Items, Rooms, Exits, Areas <BR>Parameters : LANGUAGE=[LANGUAGE] (HOMEONLY=TRUE/FALSE) (NOMOBS=TRUE/FALSE) <BR>Parms(Cont):    (PLAYERS=TRUE/FALSE) (; [ZAPPER MASK]) <BR>Example    : LANGUAGE=Dwarven <BR>Example    : LANGUAGE=Dwarven players=true ; -NAMES +BOB <BR>Example    : LANGUAGE=SignLanguage homeonly=true ; -NAMES +BOB <BR>Description:  <BR>This is property forces the mobs who become affected by this property to speak<BR>the designated language until something else stops them.  On a mob, the<BR>affected mob will speak the language.  On a room, those who enter or are born<BR>in a room may be speak the language.  On an area, those who enter or are born<BR>in a room may speak the language. On an exits, those who enter the exit may<BR>speak the language. On an item, those who pick up the item may start speaking<BR>the language, while putting it down will stop them. <BR> <BR>The parameters affect who will start speaking the language.  By default, any<BR>non-player mob will become affected.  HOMEONLY will force only those whose<BR>starting room is in the area to speak.  NOMOBS will eliminate all non-players<BR>from consideration.  PLAYERS will allow players to be affected.  An optional<BR>zapper mask may follow a semicolon to add additional masks. +SYSOP (allow<BR>archons to bypass the rules), -SYSOP (disallow archons) <BR>+SUBOP (allow local area staff to bypass the rules), -SUBOP (disallow) <BR>-PLAYER (disallow all players),  -MOB (disallow all mobs/npcs) <BR>-CHANCE 50 (disallow the given % of the time) <BR>-JAVACLASS "+GENMOB" etc.. (disallow only objects of +java class) <BR>+JAVACLASS "-GENITEM" etc.. (Do not disallow objs of -classes) <BR>-CLASS +thief +mage +ranger (disallow all but excepted char classes) <BR>+CLASS -thief -mage  -ranger (disallow only listed classes) <BR>-BASECLASS +thief +mage (disallow all but excepted base char classes) <BR>+BASECLASS -thief -mage  -ranger (disallow only listed base char classes) <BR>-RACE +elf +dwarf (disallow all but excepted races) <BR>+RACE -elf -dwarf -human -half -gnome (disallow only listed races) <BR>-RACECAT +elf +insect +humanoid (disallow all but listed racial categories) <BR>+RACECAT -elf -humanoid (disallow only listed racial categories) <BR>-ALIGNMENT +evil +neutral +good (disallow all but excepted alignments) <BR>+ALIGNMENT -evil -good -neutral (disallow only listed alignments) <BR>-GENDER (disallow genders), -GENDER +male +neuter (create exceptions) <BR>+GENDER -male -female -neuter (disallow only listed genders) <BR>-FACTION (disallow all faction and values, even a lack of faction) <BR>-FACTION +myfactionrange +faction.rangecode (create exceptions) <BR>+FACTION -rangecode -faction.rangecode (disallow only faction range code) <BR>-NAMES +bob "+my name" (disallow all except those with given names) <BR>+NAMES -bob "-my name" (disallow only those with one of the given names) <BR>-SUBNAMES +*ending +*inside* (disallow all except those with partial name) <BR>+SUBNAMES -*ending -*insid* (disallow only those with partial name mask) <BR>-ACCOUNTS +bob "+my name" (disallow all except those in the given accts) <BR>+ACCOUNTS -bob "-my name" (disallow only those with one of the given accts) <BR>-TATTOOS +mytatto +thistattoo (disallow all but those with excepted tatts) <BR>+TATTOOS -mytatt -anytattoo, (disallow only those with a listed tattoo) <BR>-EXPERTISES +myedu +thisedu (disallow all but those with listed expertise) <BR>+EXPERTISES -myedu -anyedu (disallow those with a listed expertise) <BR>-LEVEL +=1 +>5 +>=7 +&lt;13 +&lt;=20 (disallow all but those player level ranges) <BR>-=1 ->5 ->=7 -&lt;13 -&lt;=20 (disallow only listed levels range) <BR>-CLASSLEVEL +=1 +>5 +&lt;=20 (disallow all except those with current class lvl) <BR>-MAXCLASSLEVEL +=1 +&lt;13 (disallow only those with current class level range) <BR>+ANYCLASS -thief -mage (disallow only those with a listed multi-class) <BR>-ANYCLASSLEVEL +thief +>5 +mage +&lt;10 (disallow all except multi-class lvl) <BR>+ANYCLASSLEVEL -thief ->5 -mage -&lt;10 (disallow only these multi-class lvls) <BR>-SECURITY +cmdrooms +area cmditems (disallow all but listed security flags) <BR>+SECURITY -cmdrooms +area cmditems,(disallow only those with listed flags) <BR>-MOOD +grumpy +normal (disallow all except those with given moods) <BR>+MOOD -grumpy -normal (disallow only those with subtracted moods) <BR>-CLAN +Killers "+The Avengers" (disallow all except those in listed clan) <BR>+CLAN -Killers "-Avengers" (disallow only those in a listed clan) <BR>-DEITY +Apollo "+Grothon" (disallow all except worshippers of listed deity) <BR>+DEITY -God "-Rothon 1" (disallow only worshippers of a listed deity) <BR>-ANYCLASS +thief +ranger (disallow all except those with a multi-class) <BR>-STR X (disallow those with strength greater than X) <BR>+STR X (disallow those with strength less than X) <BR>-INT, -WIS, -CON, -CHA, -DEX (Same as -STR, for other current stats) <BR>+INT, +WIS, +CON, +CHA, +DEX (Same as +STR, for other current stats) <BR>+-ADJSTR...ADJCON (Same as above, but uses current values) <BR>-GROUPSIZE X (disallow those in groups larger than X) <BR>+GROUPSIZE X (disallow those in groups smaller than X) <BR>-AREA +thatarea "+my areaname" (disallow all except those in listed area) <BR>+AREA -thatarea "-my areaname" (disallow only those in listed area) <BR>-HOME "+area name" (disallow all except those from listed home/beacon area) <BR>+HOME "-my areaname" (disallow only those from listed home/beacon area) <BR>-ISHOME (disallow all npcs not currently in their home/beacon areas) <BR>+ISHOME (disallow all npcs unless they are in their home/beacon areas) <BR>-LOCATION +OWNED +CLANOWNED +PRIV +ROOMID(X) +ROOMSTR(X) (disallow all but) <BR>+LOCATION -OWNED -CLANOWNED -PRIV -ROOMID(X) -ROOMSTR(X) (disallow listed) <BR>-ITEM "+item name" etc... (disallow only those with an item name) <BR>-WORN "+item name" etc... (disallow only those wearing item name) <BR>-MATERIAL "+WOODEN" etc.. (disallow only items of added materials) <BR>+MATERIAL "-WOODEN" etc.. (Do not disallow items of -materials) <BR>-RESOURCES "+OAK" etc.. (disallow only items of added resources) <BR>+RESOURCES "-OAK" etc.. (Do not disallow items of -resources) <BR>-IF &lt;CONDITION> (disallow, unless they meet Scriptable conditions) <BR>+IF &lt;CONDITION> (never disallow anyone who meets Scriptable cond) <BR>-IFSTAT +STAT=VALUE +STAT=VALUE (disallow, unless a stat value is true) <BR>+IF -STAT=VALUE -STAT=VALUE (disallow those with a stat value) <BR>-VALUE X (disallow those with value or money less than X) <BR>+VALUE X (disallow those with value or money greater than X) <BR>-WEIGHT X (disallow those weighing less than X) <BR>+WEIGHT X (disallow those weighing more than X) <BR>-ARMOR/-DAMAGE/-ATTACK X (disallow armor/damage/attack bonus less than X) <BR>+ARMOR/+DAMAGE/+ATTACK X (disallow armor/damage/attack bonus more than X) <BR>+-WEAPONTYPE, +-WEAPONCLASS, and +-WEAPONAMMO for wielded weaponchecks <BR>-WORNON "+TORSO" etc.. (disallow only items wearable on +locations) <BR>+WORNON "-NECK" etc.. (Do not disallow items wearable on -locations) <BR>-DISPOSITION "+ISHIDDEN" etc.. (disallow only with +dispositions) <BR>+DISPOSITION "-ISHIDDEN" etc.. (Do not disallow only with sub disp) <BR>-SENSES "+CANSEEDARK" etc.. (disallow only those with +senses) <BR>+SENSES "-CANSEEDARK" etc.. (Do not disallow those with -senses) <BR>-ABILITY X (disallow those with magical ability less than X) <BR>+ABILITY X (disallow those with magical ability greater than X) <BR>-HOUR/-MONTH/-DAY +X (disallow always, unless the hour/month/day is X) <BR>+HOUR/+MONTH/+DAY -X (disallow those only when the hour/month/day is X) <BR>-SEASON +FALL (disallow those only when season is FALL) <BR>+SEASON -SPRING (disallow those whenever the season is SPRING) <BR>-WEATHER +DROUGHT (disallow those only when weather is DROUGHT) <BR>+WEATHER -BLIZZARD (disallow those whenever the weather is BLIZZARD) <BR>-QUESTWIN "+MY QUEST" (disallow those who have not my MY QUEST) <BR>+QUESTWIN "-MY QUEST" (disallow those who have won MY QUEST) <BR>-EFFECTS +Sleep "+Wood Chopping" (disallow all except those with effects) <BR>+EFFECTS -Sleep "-Wood Chopping" (disallow only those with listed effect) <BR>-SKILLS +Spell_Sleep(75) (disallow all except those with skill proficiency) <BR>+SKILLS -Spell_Sleep(75) (disallow only those with skill proficiency) <BR>-SKILLFLAG +ENCHANTMENT etc.. (disallow all except those with skillflag) <BR>+SKILLFLAG -ENCHANTMENT etc.. (disallow only those with listed skillflag) <BR>-ACCCHIEVES +mytatto etc..  (disallow all except those with achievements) <BR>+ACCCHIEVES -mytattoo etc.. (disallow only those with listed achievements) <BR></pre>
			<a name="Prop_LimitedContents"><B>Prop_LimitedContents: Limited Content Types</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LimitedContents <BR>Targets    : Items, Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : [MAX NUM] ([MASK]) (; [...] / MSG="[MESSAGE]" ACTUAL=[T/F]) <BR>Example    : 3 -javaclass +genweapon <BR>Example    : 3;msg="Can't do it!" <BR>Description:  <BR>This property will ensure that no more than the given number of items that<BR>match the given mask may be either put into the container, or dropped in a<BR>room.  Multiple masks may be specified.  </pre>
			<a name="Prop_LimitedEquip"><B>Prop_LimitedEquip: Limited Equips Item</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LimitedEquip <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : [MAX EQUIPPED](;ID="[IDENTIFIER]" MESSAGE="[MESSAGE]") <BR>Example    : 3 <BR>Example    : 3;id="my unique id" message="Can't do it!" <BR>Description:  <BR>This property will ensure that no more than the given number of items with the<BR>same name (or ID) as the ones with this property can be equipped by someone at<BR>the same time.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_LimitedItems"><B>Prop_LimitedItems: Limited Item</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LimitedItems <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : [MAX ITEMS](;ID="[IDENTIFIER]") <BR>Example    : 3 <BR>Description:  <BR>This property will ensure that no more than the given number of items with the<BR>same name (or ID) as the ones with this property will exist, either in the<BR>inventory of players, or in rooms.  It works by removing the excess items from<BR>the map when someone first enters a room with one of the excess items.  For<BR>this reason, limited items are automatically marked as non-locatable to block<BR>them from spells like Locate Object. <BR> <BR>This property will cause all player records to be loaded into memory at the end<BR>of the normal boot cycle, which will increase boot time and may cause a delay<BR>for the first person logging in.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_LocationBound"><B>Prop_LocationBound: Leave the specified area, or room</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LocationBound <BR>Targets    : Items, Mobs <BR>Parameters : AREA/ROOM/[AREA NAME]/[ROOM ID] <BR>Parameters : (;ABSOLUTE) (;PLAYEROK) (;TIMEOUT=[SEC]) <BR>Example    : AREA <BR>Example    : ROOM PLAYEROK TIMEOUT=44 <BR>Example    : My Happy Area <BR>Example    : My Area#12321 <BR>Description:  <BR>This property will ensure that the affected mob or item is unable to leave or<BR>be taken away from its home location, which is determined by the parameters.<BR>Use ROOM or AREA to prevent it from leaving whatever its current room or area<BR>is.  Using a specific area name or room id is more helpful, however, as it will<BR>not only prevent movement away from the given area or room, but will whisk the<BR>mob or item BACK to its home if it is ever able to be removed for some reason<BR>ANYWAY.  If the PLAYEROK argument is given, then the item can be moved anywhere<BR>so long as a player is holding, riding, or being followed by the bound thing. <BR>If the TIMEOUT argument is given, then the item can be moved outside its bound<BR>only until the timer expires.  If the ABSOLUTE argument is given, then the AREA<BR>and ROOM argument are no longer relative, but absolute to the starting room of<BR>the bound item, as if the room number or area name had been specified.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_LotForSale"><B>Prop_LotForSale: Buy a room once, get all adjacent rooms free</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LotForSale <BR>Targets    : Room <BR>Parameters : (RENTAL) Price of the first room on the lot <BR>Example    : 1000000 <BR>Example    : Bob/100000 <BR>Example    : GRID 1000000 <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes this room and future adjacent rooms available for purchase as  a single<BR>lot. This property is an extension of the Prop_RoomForSale property, and<BR>includes all of its capabilities, PLUS, when this room is sold, adjacent lots<BR>will automatically be created, allowing the player to expand his or her<BR>property.  When the property is sold, or falls out of a players possession, the<BR>system will automatically retract the created rooms. The word rental followed<BR>by a space may preceed the price to make the price of the property be charged<BR>every month automatically out of a Bankers account.  Failure to make rent<BR>returns the property to sellable status.  The word GRID followed by a space may<BR>preceed the price to make new rooms automatically link to other rooms via<BR>demolishable walls. <BR> <BR>When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the<BR>price.  Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give<BR>players or clans property.  <BR> <BR>This property is similar to prop_lotsforsale, except that the players don't<BR>have to purchase each room. <BR> <BR>See also Prop_ReqCapacity for the means to set limits on players building<BR>abilities on their property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_LotsForSale"><B>Prop_LotsForSale: Putting many rooms up for sale</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_LotsForSale <BR>Targets    : Room <BR>Parameters : ([OWNER NAME]/)(RENTAL) (GRID) Price of each room on the lot <BR>Example    : 1000000 <BR>Example    : GRID 1000000 <BR>Example    : Bob/100000 <BR>Example    : Bob/ RENTAL 100000 <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes this room and future adjacent rooms available for purchase.  This<BR>property is an extension of the Prop_RoomForSale property, and includes all of<BR>its capabilities, PLUS, when this room is sold, adjacent lots will<BR>automatically be created and put up for sale, allowing the player to expand his<BR>or her property.  When the properties are sold, or fall back out of any players<BR>possession, the system will automatically retract the created rooms. The word<BR>RENTAL followed by a space may preceed the price to make the price of the<BR>property be charged every month automatically out of a Bankers account. <BR>Failure to make rent returns the property to sellable status.  The word GRID<BR>followed by a space may preceed the price to make new rooms automatically link<BR>to other rooms via demolishable walls. <BR> <BR>When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the<BR>price.  Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give<BR>players or clans property.  <BR> <BR>This property is similar to prop_lotforsale, except that the players must buy<BR>each room. <BR> <BR>See also Prop_ReqCapacity for the means to set limits on players building<BR>abilities on their property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_MagicFreedom"><B>Prop_MagicFreedom: Magic Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_MagicFreedom <BR>Targets    : Room <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Cancels all magical effects in the room.  If placed on a mob, will cancel<BR>magical effects in the same room as the mob. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_MOBEmoter"><B>Prop_MOBEmoter: a Property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_MOBEmoter <BR>Targets    : Room, Area, Item, Mob, Exit <BR>Parameters : Same as Emoter Behavior <BR>Parameters : ([BEHAVIOR ID] [BEHAVIOR ARGUMENTS]) <BR>Description:  <BR>This property, by default, is simply an ability/effect encapsulation of the<BR>Emoter behavior.  Please do AHELP Emoter for information on the proper use and<BR>parameters of this property.  However, if the first word of the arguments is a<BR>valid Behavior ID, then this property can encapsulate ANY behavior with all<BR>arguments after the first being the arguments of that behavior.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ModExperience"><B>Prop_ModExperience: Modifying Experience Gained</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ModExperience <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : (=,+,-,*,/)[NUMBER](%)(;[MASK]) <BR>Example    : 500 <BR>Example    : 500;-race +orc <BR>Example    : =10% <BR>Example    : +20% SELF <BR>Example    : +20%;-class +Fighter +Mage -Race +Elf <BR>Example    : *2 <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows the archon to modify the amount of experience gained by each player for<BR>slaying the mob. If placed on a mob, the experience will be granted according<BR>to the parm, so long as the player meets the mask parameters (optional). The<BR>property will apply to the mob with this property him or herself only if the<BR>word SELF is included in the first parameters. Other arguments include:<BR>NEGATIVE to apply only to lost experience, or POSINEGA to apply to positive and<BR>negative experience.  POSITIVE experience only is the default. If placed on an<BR>item, the experience will be granted to the wearer (or wielder or holder), so<BR>long as the mob killed meets the mask (optional).  If placed on a Room or Area,<BR>the experience will be greated to another who meets the (optional) mask<BR>requirements.If no mask is given, the experience is always granted. For valid<BR>masks, see AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is modified, and disallowed is not<BR>modified. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_ModFaction"><B>Prop_ModFaction: Modifying Faction Gained</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ModFaction <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Rooms, Areas <BR>Parameters : (+/-[FACTION ID]:)(=,+,-,*,/)[NUMBER](%)(;[MASK]) <BR>Example    : alignment.ini: 500 <BR>Example    : alignment.ini: 500;-race +orc <BR>Example    : =10% <BR>Example    : examples/reputation.ini: +20% <BR>Example    : +20%;-class +Fighter +Mage -Race +Elf <BR>Example    : +alignment.ini:*2 <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows the archon to modify the amount of faction gained or lost by each player<BR>for slaying the mob. If placed on a mob, the faction will be granted according<BR>to the parm, so long as the player meets the mask parameters (optional) and so<BR>long as the faction being changed is the one specified in the parameters (also<BR>optional). The faction id is left empty to specify affecting all factions.  The<BR>faction id can be preceeded by a + to only affect faction gains, - to only<BR>affect faction losses, or neither to affect both.  You can also use REACTION as<BR>a faction ID to only apply to factions that have reactions defined.  If this<BR>property placed on an item, the faction will be altered for the wearer (or<BR>wielder or holder), so long as the mob killed meets the mask (optional).  If<BR>placed on a Room or Area, the faction will be changed for one who meets the<BR>(optional) mask requirements.  If no faction id is given, all factions are<BR>changed.  If no mask is given, the faction is always granted. For valid masks,<BR>see AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is modified, and disallowed is not. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_MoveRestrictor"><B>Prop_MoveRestrictor: Moving restrictor</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_MoveRestrictor <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Rideables <BR>Parameters : (CHANCE=[NUMBER 0-100]) <BR>Parameters : (NOLOCALES="[LOCALE],...") (ONLYLOCALES="[LOCALE],...") <BR>Parameters : (NODOMAINS="[DOMAIN],...") (ONLYDOMAINS="[DOMAIN],...") <BR>Parameters : (SEARCH="[STR]") (ISEARCH="[STR]") (MSEARCH="[STR]")  <BR>Parameters : (MESSAGE="&lt;S-NAME> [PREDICATE]") (PUBLIC=TRUE/FALSE) <BR>Parameters : (DISMOUNT=[TRUE/FALSE]) (CAST="[ABILITY ID];...") <BR>Example    : nolocales="WOODS,SWAMP" message="&lt;S-NAME> will not enter!"<BR>public=true <BR>Description:  <BR>According to the given percentage CHANCE (default 100%), this property<BR>restricts the ability of a mob or rideable to enter rooms of a particular spec.<BR>NODOMAINS can list the types of rooms that cannot be entered, whereas<BR>ONLYDOMAINS lists the types of rooms that can be entered, restricting all<BR>others.  Both are comma-delmited lists.  Indoor DOMAINS include: STONE, WOODEN,<BR>CAVE, MAGIC, and METAL.  Outdoor DOMAINS include: CITY, WOODS, ROCKY, PLAINS,<BR>UNDERWATER, AIR, WATERSURFACE, JUNGLE, SWAMP, DESERT, HILLS, MOUNTAINS,<BR>SPACEPORT, SEAPORT. <BR> <BR>NOLOCALES can list the types of rooms that cannot be entered, whereas<BR>ONLYLOCALES lists the types of rooms that can be entered, restricting all<BR>others.  Both are comma-delmited lists.  See LIST LOCALES for a list of valid<BR>room locale ids. <BR> <BR>The SEARCH string allows room restricting based on a key phrase in the<BR>potential room title or description.  MSEARCH restricts based on mobs in the<BR>potential room, and ISEARCH based on items in the potential room.  <BR> <BR>The MESSAGE parameter allows you to set the string that the person trying to<BR>move into the room sees when it is restricted.  Use &lt;S-NAME> as a substitute<BR>for the persons name. The PUBLIC parameter decides whether everyone sees the<BR>message (true), or only the person trying to move (false). <BR> <BR>The DISMOUNT will automatically dismount any riders on the affected. <BR> <BR>The CAST parameter allows you to cause a spell to be cast upon all the<BR>properties mover, or upon all the riders, when they try to enter a room that is<BR>restricted.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NarrowLedge"><B>Prop_NarrowLedge: The Narrow Ledge</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NarrowLedge <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters : check=[%] name=[NAME OF THE LEDGE] <BR>Example    : check=16 name="the narrow ledge" <BR>Example    : check=25 name="a tightrope" <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever a player enters or exits the room or exit with this property, that<BR>player is in great danger.  If the player fails to roll beneath their Dexterity<BR>on a roll from 1-the "check" parameter, the player will fall to their death. <BR>The check parameter can be made smaller to give those with less dexterity a<BR>better survival chance, or made higher to make it more difficult to survive.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NewDeathMsg"><B>Prop_NewDeathMsg: NewDeathMsg</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NewDeathMsg <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : the new death string <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob with this property emote a different death string than the normal<BR>one.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoChannel"><B>Prop_NoChannel: Channel Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoChannel <BR>Targets    : Room, Area, MOB <BR>Parameters : Semicolon delimited list of channel names and or flags QUIET;<BR>SENDOK <BR>Example    : SENDOK;GOSSIP;CHAT <BR>Example    : GOSSIP;QUIET <BR>Description:  <BR>Without any parameters, this property will cancel all channel message sending<BR>from the room, or by the mob/player with the property.  You can limit the<BR>channels that are blocked by naming them in the parameters, separating them<BR>with semicolons.  You can also have the property block reception of channel<BR>messages using the QUIET flag. Lastly, you can override the no-channel-sending<BR>using the SENDOK flag, thereby allowing channel messages to be sent.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoCharm"><B>Prop_NoCharm: Charm Spell Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoCharm <BR>Targets    : MOBS, Room, Area <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Disallows the casting of charm like affects in the area, or against the target<BR>mob.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoCraftability"><B>Prop_NoCraftability: Not Learnable for Crafting</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoCraftability <BR>Targets    : ITEMS <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Disallows the item with this property from being learned as a recipe for<BR>crafting, even if otherwise qualified.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoDamage"><B>Prop_NoDamage: No Damage</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoDamage <BR>Targets    : Mobs, Weapons <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes a weapon or mob incapable of doing any real damage.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoOrdering"><B>Prop_NoOrdering: Group/Ordering Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoOrdering <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Room, Area <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Disallows ordering by non-admins in the area, or against the target mob.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoPKill"><B>Prop_NoPKill: No Player Killing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoPKill <BR>Targets    : Room, Area <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Cancels all player killing in the room or area. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoPurge"><B>Prop_NoPurge: Prevents automatic purging</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoPurge <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Containers, Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Prevents items in the room from being destroyed as refuse over time.  When<BR>placed on an item, this property makes the item immune to "garbage collection"<BR>regardless of where in the world it is.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoRecall"><B>Prop_NoRecall: Recall Neuralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoRecall <BR>Targets    : Room, Area, Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Disallows recalling in the room.  If placed on items, the item must be<BR>possessed by the mob or player trying to recall for prevention to work.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoSummon"><B>Prop_NoSummon: Summon Spell Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoSummon <BR>Targets    : Room, Area <BR>Parameters : (ALLOWNONAGGR) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Disallows summoning of creatures or people INTO the affected place. The<BR>optional ALLOWNONAGGR parm may be added to disallow summoning only of<BR>aggressive mobs.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoTeleport"><B>Prop_NoTeleport: Teleport-INTO Spell Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoTeleport <BR>Targets    : Room, Area <BR>Parameters : (EXCEPTIONS=[ROOMID/AREANAME,etc..] (NOSUMMON=TRUE) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : exceptions="area name#12,other area name" <BR>Description:  <BR>Disallows the casting of gate, teleport, portal, plantpass, and other spells<BR>INTO this area.  If this is placed on an area, specific room or area exceptions<BR>may be given. By default, mob summoning skills, such as monster summoning, ARE<BR>allowed, but can also be disabled with nosummon=true.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoTeleportOut"><B>Prop_NoTeleportOut: Teleport OUT OF Spell Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoTeleportOut <BR>Targets    : Room, Area <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Disallows the casting of gate, teleport, portal, plantpass, and other spells<BR>OUT OF this area.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_NoTelling"><B>Prop_NoTelling: Tel Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_NoTelling <BR>Targets    : Room, Area, Mobs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Cancels all tell message sending in or to the room, area, or mob.  You can also<BR>add this to player mobs as punishment or to shut them up. Admins are exempt<BR>from the restrictions imposed.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_OpenCommand"><B>Prop_OpenCommand: Opening Command</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_OpenCommand <BR>Targets    : Containers, Exits <BR>Parameters : [COMMAND WORD] ([PARMS...]/NOOPEN/MESSAGE=[STR];... <BR>Example    : twist knob;tw knob;twi knob <BR>Example    : smack botto* <BR>Description:  <BR>When applied to a locked container or exit, this property will force the<BR>affected openable to unlock and open when the command phrase is entered by the<BR>user in its presence.  The command word must match exactly, and the command<BR>entered must otherwise be completely invalid.  PARMS arguments must also match<BR>exactly, although any PARM arg may end with * to use a starting string<BR>wildcard. A PARM argument may also end with ** to match the rest of the users<BR>entered command string. In addition to a series of command words, you can also<BR>use the NOOPEN keyword to also disable the standard open command for the<BR>exit/item, or use MESSAGE= to change the message sent to the room, which can<BR>use &lt;S-NAME> for the actor, and &lt;T-NAME> for the item.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_OpenPassword"><B>Prop_OpenPassword: Opening Password</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_OpenPassword <BR>Targets    : Containers, Exits <BR>Parameters : [PASSWORD]/[LANGUAGEID];[PASSWORD]{;[MESSAGE]) <BR>Example    : open sesame <BR>Example    : Orcish;open sesame <BR>Example    : ;open sesame;&lt;T-NAME> opens! <BR>Description:  <BR>When applied to a locked container or exit, this property will force the<BR>affected openable to unlock and open when the magic word specified in the<BR>parameter is spoken in its presence.  A language and a semicolon may be<BR>optionally given to require that a particular language is being spoken. If a<BR>language (or blank) is specified, then an open message may also be specified.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_OutfitContainer"><B>Prop_OutfitContainer: Remembers whats put in, and wear the contents when worn</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_OutfitContainer <BR>Targets    : Containers <BR>Parameters : ;[XML TAGS...] <BR>Description:  <BR>When applied to a container, this property will allow the container to remember<BR>which things were put into it by a player.  Then, whenever the player attempts<BR>to wear/hold/wield the container, if the container has items/armor/weapons<BR>inside, the player will actually wear the containing items instead.  The<BR>automatic wearing of the contained items will automatically remove conflicting<BR>items as normal. Later, when the remembered items are removed, they will<BR>automatically be put back into the container that remembers them.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_PeaceMaker"><B>Prop_PeaceMaker: Strike Neuralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_PeaceMaker <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, MOBs <BR>Parameters : optional list of mob statements, room emotes, semicolon delimited <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : No Fighting Here!;Make Love, not War!;You should not do that. <BR>Description:  <BR>Cancels any fighting in the room.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_PracticeDummy"><B>Prop_PracticeDummy: Practice Dummy</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_PracticeDummy <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : (KILLABLE) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : KILLABLE <BR>Description:  <BR>Prevents a mob from fighting back.  If the KILLABLE parameter is NOT included,<BR>the mob will also never run out of hit points or be missed in combat.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_PrivateProperty"><B>Prop_PrivateProperty: Physical Property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_PrivateProperty <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : OWNER="[NAME]" (PRICE=[price]) (EXPIRESEC=[SECONDS]) <BR>Example    : owner="bob" expiresec=60 <BR>Description:  <BR>Marks the item as belonging to a particular person or clan. Items so marked can<BR>only be sold by that person, an associate, or clan member. PRICE does nothing.<BR>EXPIRESEC can be set to make this property temporary, so that an item dropped<BR>becomes "unowned" once the owner is gone for the number of seconds given.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqAlignments"><B>Prop_ReqAlignments: Alignment Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqAlignments <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits <BR>Parameters : alignment masks listed below <BR>Example    : -all +good <BR>Description: (DEPRECATED -- See PropReqEntry) <BR>Creates alignment restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed<BR>unless explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include:   <BR>nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement) <BR>-all (disallow all alignments)   <BR>nofol (disallow followers of appropriate alignment)   <BR>+evil +good +neutral (create exceptions to -all)   <BR>-evil -good -neutral (disallow only listed alignments)  </pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqCapacity"><B>Prop_ReqCapacity: Capacity Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqCapacity <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room <BR>Parameters : PEOPLE=[MAX] PLAYERS=[MAX] MOBS=[MAX] ITEMS=[MAX] WEIGHT=[MAX]<BR>INDOOR=[T/F] <BR>Parameters : CONTAINERSOK=[T/F] ROOMS=[MAX] SIEGEWEAPONS=[MAX] <BR>Example    : people=2 <BR>Example    : players=3 mobs=2 indoor=true <BR>Example    : weight=2000 items=10 <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a capacity limit of one or more types for the room or area with this<BR>affect. The ITEMS, or WEIGHT parameters may be used to limit the number of<BR>items, or maximum weight respectively.  The CONTAINERSOK parameter will create<BR>an exception for putting items in containers (but not for dropping the<BR>containers themselves). The PEOPLE parameter lets you limit the total number of<BR>players and/or mobs.  Otherwise, the PLAYERS or MOBS can be used to limit the<BR>number of players or non-player mobs respectively.  The optional INDOOR flag<BR>only matters if this property is added to an area; it makes the property only<BR>enforce itself on indoor rooms types. <BR> <BR>If no parameters at all are given, a PEOPLE capacity of 2 is assumed. <BR> <BR>When this property is on an entry room with Prop_LotsForSale or<BR>Prop_LotForSale, then this property will be automatically propogated to each<BR>new room created.  Also, in this case, and the optional parameter ROOMS can be<BR>specified to limit the maximum number of contiguous new rooms that can be<BR>generated. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqClasses"><B>Prop_ReqClasses: Class Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqClasses <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits <BR>Parameters : class masks listed below <BR>Example    : -all +thief <BR>Description: (DEPRECATED -- See PropReqEntry) <BR>Creates class restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed<BR>unless explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include:  <BR>nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement) <BR>-all (disallow all classes)   <BR>nofol (disallow followers of appropriate class)   <BR>+thief +mage +bard (create exceptions to -all)   <BR>-thief -mage -bard (disallow only listed classes)  </pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqEntry"><B>Prop_ReqEntry: All Room/Exit Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqEntry <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits, Portals <BR>Parameters : (nosneak) (nofollow) ("message=my message") mask <BR>Example    : -race +elf <BR>Example    : nosneak -race +elf <BR>Example    : "message=Elves Only in there!" nofollow -race +elf <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed unless<BR>explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include:  <BR>nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement) <BR>nofol (disallow followers)   <BR>"message= ... " (override the default no-entry message.  <BR>See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed can enter, and disallowed is not. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqHeight"><B>Prop_ReqHeight: Height Restrictions</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqHeight <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room, Exit <BR>Parameters : a maximum height to enter <BR>Example    : 12 <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a maximum height in order to enter a room.  Similar to Prop_Crawlspace.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqLevels"><B>Prop_ReqLevels: Level Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqLevels <BR>Targets    : Room, Areas, Exits <BR>Parameters : ==, &lt;=, >=, >, or &lt; followed by a level number ([PARMS]) <BR>Example    : &lt;=10 >=5 <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates level restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed<BR>unless the NOFOL parameter appears.  The parameter should describe only the<BR>allowed levels. Multiple criteria are allowed. The term "NOSNEAK" may be added<BR>to the parameter to disallow sneaking past your criteria.  The parm<BR>MESSAGE="message" may be added to change the error message seen.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqNoMOB"><B>Prop_ReqNoMOB: Monster Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqNoMOB <BR>Targets    : Room, Areas, Exit <BR>Parameters : optional nosneak parameter <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : nosneak <BR>Description:  <BR>Prevents non-player mobs without followers from entering the room. The term<BR>"NOSNEAK" may be added to the parameters to disallow sneaking past your<BR>criteria.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqPKill"><B>Prop_ReqPKill: Playerkill ONLY Zone</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqPKill <BR>Targets    : Room, Exit, Area <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows access only to those players who have their playerkill flag set.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqRaces"><B>Prop_ReqRaces: Room/Exit Race Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqRaces <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits <BR>Parameters : room masks listed below <BR>Example    : -all +elf <BR>Description: (DEPRECATED -- See PropReqEntry) <BR>Creates race restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed<BR>unless explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include:  <BR>nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement) <BR>-all (disallow all races)   <BR>nofol (disallow followers of appropriate alignment)   <BR>+elf +half +human (create exceptions to -all)   <BR>-elf -half -human (disallow only listed races)  </pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqStat"><B>Prop_ReqStat: Require stat values</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqStat <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits, Portals <BR>Parameters : mob character stat expressions as shown in example <BR>Example    : strength&lt;10 intelligence==5 wisdom>=3 <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates restrictions for entering a room.  Players must pass every expression<BR>test in order to enter.  Valid parameters include:  <BR>nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement) <BR>nofol (disallow followers) <BR>STRENGTH, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, CONSTITUTION, CHARISMA, DEXTERITY, etc..</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReqTattoo"><B>Prop_ReqTattoo: Tattoo Limitations</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReqTattoo <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits, Items <BR>Parameters : optional msg; tattoo masks listed below <BR>Example    : -all +manlymen <BR>Example    : You can't go here!;-all +manlymen <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates tattoo restrictions for entering a roomor possessing an item. <BR>Followers will be allowed unless explicitly disallowed.  See the help on<BR>Tattoos. Understood masks include: <BR>nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement) <BR>nofol (disallow followers of appropriate alignment)   <BR>-all (disallow unless has one of the following +tattoos)  <BR>+all (allow unless has any of the followng -tattoos)  <BR>+none (must have all +tatoos, and lack all -tattoos)  <BR>+TATTOONAME (must have tattoo)  <BR>-TATTOONAME (must not have tattoo) <BR>Prefix TATOONAME name with ACCOUNT(space) to use account-based tattoos. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_ReRollStats"><B>Prop_ReRollStats: Re Roll Stats</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ReRollStats <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : (BONUSPOINTS=[NUM]) (PICKCLASS=TRUE/FALSE) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : BONUSPOINTS=5 PICKCLASS=TRUE <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows a player a one-time opportunity to redesignate their stats, completely<BR>from scratch, and potentially re-pick their class.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Resistance"><B>Prop_Resistance: Resistance to Stuff</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Resistance <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : resistance names followed by percentages <BR>Parameters : Parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : magic 50% poison -10% <BR>Example    : magic poison 50% pierce -10% MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>Gives a mob natural resistances and immunities. The effects which may be<BR>included are:  <BR>Resistances: gas fire electricity mind magic cold acid water evil (undead)  <BR>Resistances: justice (as per many thief abilities)  <BR>Resistances: weapons blunt pierce slash non-magical-weapons non-silver-weapons <BR>Resistances:  -- weapons get reduced % damage per round, lvl based, with<BR>limits. <BR>:          :  -- always modifier makes weapon resists always work, no limits. <BR>Resistances: spell chant song prayer thief_skill (ability types)  <BR>Resistances: enchantment/charm kicking vexing conjuration (ability domains) <BR>Immunities : teleport (includes gate, summon) holy disease poison <BR>Misc       : debuf-duration (pct is the maximum debuf ticks remain) <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RestrictSkills"><B>Prop_RestrictSkills: Specific Skill Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RestrictSkills <BR>Targets    : Room, Area, MOB, Item <BR>Parameters : SKILLS="[ABILITYID,...]" MESSAGE="[STRING]" <BR>Parameters : ONLYROOMS="[DOMAIN,...]" NEVERROOMS="[DOMAIN,...]" <BR>Example    : SKILLS="Spell_Sleep,Skill_Recall" MESSAGE="No!"<BR>ONLYROOMS="UNDERWATER,AIR" <BR>Description:  <BR>Cancels the effects of the listed spells/skills, and can be restricted by<BR>location.  The only required parameter is SKILLS, which is a comma-delimited<BR>list of Ability IDs. Optional parameters includes MESSAGE, to change the skill<BR>users error message, ONLYROOMS to restrict the skill everywhere except the<BR>comma delimited list of DOMAIN strings, and NEVERROOMS to restrict the skill<BR>only in the comma delimited list of DOMAIN strings.  DOMAINS include: CITY,<BR>WOODS, ROCKY, PLAINS, UNDERWATER, AIR, WATERSURFACE, JUNGLE, SWAMP, DESERT,<BR>HILLS, MOUNTAINS, SPACEPORT, SEAPORT, STONE, WOODEN, CAVE, MAGIC, UNDERWATER,<BR>AIR, WATERSURFACE, METAL.   When this property is on a mob, it only affects the<BR>mob.  When on an item, it only affects the owner of the item.  If you want to<BR>limit spells/skills used AGAINST a mob, look at immunities.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RestrictSpells"><B>Prop_RestrictSpells: Specific Spell Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RestrictSpells <BR>Targets    : Room, Area <BR>Parameters : proper spell names separated by semicolons <BR>Example    : Spell_Sleep;Skill_Recall; <BR>Description:  <BR>Cancels the effects of the listed spells when cast on or in the room. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_Retainable"><B>Prop_Retainable: Ability to set Price/Retainability of a pet.</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Retainable <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : The value of the mob to shopkeepers <BR>Parameters : Price of the mob per period;number of days per period <BR>Parameters : (PERSIST=true) <BR>Example    : 100000 <BR>Example    : 100 persist=true;10 <BR>Description:  <BR>This property serves many a purpose: to allow you to set a value to mobs when<BR>being sold as pets by shopkeepers.  It also allows you to create mobs which<BR>will be saved in the database when the system is shut down, so long as the mob<BR>has this property, and the mob is presently on someone's personal home, such as<BR>a Prop_RoomForSale room.  The second parameter following the semicolon, if<BR>present, will also make the mob automatically draw money from the property<BR>owners bank account periodically.  The second parameter refers to the number of<BR>mud-days between each pay period.  If a pay period passes and the mob can not<BR>find a bank account of the owners from which to get paid, or has not been<BR>placed on someone's personal property as described above, the mob will quit and<BR>disappear. <BR> <BR>If persist is set to true, then the mob will stop following the player, but<BR>remain in the game when the player logs out.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RideAdjuster"><B>Prop_RideAdjuster: Adjustments to stats when ridden</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RideAdjuster <BR>Targets    : Items and Mobs <BR>Parameters : see Prop_HaveAdjuster <BR>Example    : see Prop_HaveAdjuster <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the item or mob having this property is mounted or ridden, the<BR>statistics of the rider will be adjusted as described in the parameters. <BR>Dismounting will remove the effects. See Prop_HaveAdjuster for more information<BR>on the valid parameters for this property. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_RideEnabler"><B>Prop_RideEnabler: Granting skills when ridden</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RideEnabler <BR>Targets    : Items and MOBS <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is being mounted or ridden, the owner<BR>will be granted the spells, skills listed.  The percentage given is optional,<BR>and will be the proficiency of the skill.  If a percentage is not given, the<BR>default is 100%.   <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RideResister"><B>Prop_RideResister: Resistance due to riding</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RideResister <BR>Targets    : Items and Mobs <BR>Parameters : resistance names followed by percentages <BR>Parameters : Parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : magic 50% poison -10% <BR>Example    : magic poison 50% pierce -10% MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the item having this property is mounted or ridden, the rider gains<BR>certain resistances and immunities described in the parameters.  When exited,<BR>the resistances and immunities are also cancelled.  The effects which may be<BR>included are:  <BR>Resistances: gas fire electricity mind magic cold acid water evil (undead)  <BR>Resistances: justice (as per many thief abilities)  <BR>Resistances: weapons blunt pierce slash non-magical-weapons non-silver-weapons <BR>Resistances:  -- weapons get reduced % damage per round, lvl based, with<BR>limits. <BR>:          :  -- always modifier makes weapon resists always work, no limits. <BR>Resistances: spell chant song prayer thief_skill (ability types)  <BR>Resistances: enchantment/charm kicking vexing conjuration (ability domains) <BR>Immunities : teleport (includes gate, summon) holy disease poison <BR>Misc       : debuf-duration (pct is the maximum debuf ticks remain) <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RideSpellCast"><B>Prop_RideSpellCast: Casting spells when ridden</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RideSpellCast <BR>Targets    : Items and MOBS <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is being mounted or ridden, the owner<BR>will be under the effect of the listed spells. The flag NOUNINVOKE can be<BR>substituted for a spell to make all the effects non-dispellable until the<BR>property no longer applies; use this flag with care! The flag LEVEL=[NUMBER]<BR>can also be substituted for a spell name to force all the listed effects be<BR>cast at a different level than default.The flag MAXTICKS=[NUMBER] can be used<BR>to shorted the length of all spell casts.  <BR>The flag TICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all subsequent<BR>listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RideZapper"><B>Prop_RideZapper: Restrictions to riding</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RideZapper <BR>Targets    : Items and Mobs <BR>Parameters : masking parameters described below, optional zap message <BR>Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil <BR>Example    : MESSAGE="&lt;S-NAME> jump(s) off of &lt;O-NAME>!" -class +mage <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the rider of the item or mob with this property mounts the item, they<BR>will be zapped unless it is allowed by the listed parameters.   <BR>An optional MESSAGE parameter can define what is seen when the zap occurs. Also<BR>optionally, the parameters can start with the word ACTUAL to change zapping<BR>behavior to look at actual values instead of perceived values (this about a<BR>class check applied to a Charlatan.) For valid masking parameters, see AHELP<BR>ZAPPERMASK, where allowed can ride, and disallowed is zapped. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomDark"><B>Prop_RoomDark: Darkening Property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomDark <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes a room dark, so that you need a light to see it. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomForSale"><B>Prop_RoomForSale: Putting a room up for sale</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomForSale <BR>Targets    : Room <BR>Parameters : (RENTAL) Price of the room <BR>Example    : 1000000 <BR>Example    : Bob/1000000 <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes this room available for purchase by a player.  The room will be<BR>automatically listed in the stock of any ShopKeeper in the SAME AREA who is<BR>designated a LandSeller, or any shopkeeper who has the proper StdTitle item in<BR>its selling inventory.  The system will automatically maintain the integrity of<BR>any items left in the room, including restoring them on reboot.  After a room<BR>is sold, the player need only enter "LOOK ID" to see the rooms ID for the<BR>purposes of identifying his or her lot in the future.  The title received for<BR>purchasing a room may be GIVEn or SELLed to change possession of the property.<BR>The word rental followed by a space may preceed the price to make the price of<BR>the property be charged every month automatically out of a Bankers account. <BR>Failure to make rent returns the property to sellable status. <BR> <BR>When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the<BR>price.  Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give<BR>players or clans property. <BR> <BR>See also Prop_ReqCapacity for the means to set limits on players building<BR>abilities on their property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomLit"><B>Prop_RoomLit: Lighting Property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomLit <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes a room lit, even at night. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomPlusForSale"><B>Prop_RoomPlusForSale: Putting an expandable room up for sale</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomsPlusForSale <BR>Targets    : Room <BR>Parameters : ([OWNER NAME]/)(RENTAL) (GRID) Price of the first room <BR>Example    : 1000000 <BR>Example    : GRID 1000000 <BR>Example    : The Bob Clan/1000000 <BR>Example    : The Bob Clan/RENTAL 1000000 <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes this room available for purchase by a player.  If you have more than one<BR>room for sale, they MUST be separated by at least one room which is not for<BR>sale, otherwise both groups will be considered one.  This property is identicla<BR>to Prop_RoomForSale or Prop_RoomsForSale, except that the building skills are<BR>permitted to add new rooms to it. See Prop_RoomForSale for more information on<BR>sold rooms and the rental flag.   <BR> <BR>When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the<BR>price.  Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give<BR>players or clans property. <BR> <BR>See also Prop_ReqCapacity for the means to set limits on players building<BR>abilities on their property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomRedirect"><B>Prop_RoomRedirect: Room Redirect Property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomRedirect <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room <BR>Parameters : [ROOM ID]=[ZAPPERMASK](;[ROOM ID]=[ZAPPERMAKS] ... ) <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001=-name +bob;Midgaard#3005=-name +joe <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows a room or area to redirect players into another room based on a<BR>zappermask check of them.  Multiple masks and entries may be included, and each<BR>entry is separated by semicolons.  An entry is a room id followed by an equal<BR>sign and a zapper mask.  An empty room ID will let the player enter the room or<BR>area as normal.  This property allows players to be redirected based on a mask,<BR>but won't fool more programmatic mapping systems, such as concierge behavior or<BR>tracking skills.  Once active, only SYSMSGS can be used to re-enter the based<BR>room regardless of settings.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomsForSale"><B>Prop_RoomsForSale: Putting a cluster of rooms up for sale</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomsForSale <BR>Targets    : Room <BR>Parameters : (RENTAL) Price of the group of rooms <BR>Example    : 1000000 <BR>Example    : The Bob Clan/1000000 <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes this room part of a group of rooms available for purchase by a player. <BR>The rooms will be sold as a group by the shopkeeper.  If you have more than one<BR>group of rooms for sale, they MUST be separated by at least one room which is<BR>not for sale, otherwise both groups will be considered one.  See<BR>Prop_RoomForSale for more information on sold rooms and the rental flag.   <BR> <BR>When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the<BR>price.  Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give<BR>players or clans property. <BR> <BR>See also Prop_ReqCapacity for the means to set limits on players building<BR>abilities on their property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomUnmappable"><B>Prop_RoomUnmappable: Unmappable Room/Area</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomUnmappable <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room <BR>Parameters : (MAPOK) (NOEXPLORE) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : NOEXPLORE <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes a room unable to be mapped, explored, or seen with regional awareness.<BR>Turning off exploration requires the NOEXPLORE parameter.  MAPOK parameter<BR>disables the unmappable aspect.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomView"><B>Prop_RoomView: Different Room View</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomView <BR>Targets    : Exits, Rooms, Items <BR>Parameters : Room ID of the room to show <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001 <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows players looking at the room or exit to actually SEE the room description<BR>specified in the parameter.  Useful for high-up views of the countryside.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_RoomWatch"><B>Prop_RoomWatch: Different Room Can Watch</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_RoomWatch <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters : Room IDs of the rooms that may watch here or var defs ; delimited <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001;Midgaard#3002;Midgaard#3012 <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001;prefix=Throw the window you see ;Midgaard#3012 <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows players in one of the listed rooms to see everything going on in the<BR>host room as if they were there.  They will be unable to interact with the<BR>things they see (LOOKing at, or similar), but can at least witness them.  The<BR>parameters are the list of rooms, though you can also use prefix=message to<BR>define a string to show before the remote messages.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_SafePet"><B>Prop_SafePet: Unattackable Pets</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_SafePet <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : MSG=[NEW DISPLAY MESSAGE] <BR>Example    : MSG="&lt;S-NAME> is forbidden to harm &lt;T-NAMESELF>." <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob with this property completely unattackable.  The default message<BR>can be changed with parameters.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ScrapExplode"><B>Prop_ScrapExplode: Scrap Explode</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : PROP_SCRAPEXPLODE <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes an item explode when scrapped.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_ShortEffects"><B>Prop_ShortEffects: Short Effects</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_ShortEffects <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : ([MAX TICKS];)([ABILITY MASK]) <BR>Example    : 3;+SKILLFLAG -DANCING -SINGING -PLAYING <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob with this property more resiliant against effects by limiting<BR>their tick-down time.  Useful for bosses and elite mobs.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Smell"><B>Prop_Smell: A Smell</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Smell <BR>Targets    : MOBS, Items, Rooms <BR>Parameters : (TICKS=[NUM]) (CHANCE=[NUM]) (EMOTE) (BROADCAST) text(;...) <BR>Example    : &lt;T-NAME> smells flowery! <BR>Example    : &lt;T-NAME> smells awful!;&lt;T-NAME> smells BAD! <BR>Example    : CHANCE=50 &lt;T-NAME> smells awful!;CHANCE=10 &lt;T-NAME> smells BAD! <BR>Example    : EMOTE BROADCAST &lt;T-NAME> smells awful! <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the object with this property respond to a SNIFF command.  More than one<BR>smell may be given, separated by semicolons.  Each smell may have a chance of<BR>being selected during a sniff using the CHANCE parameter.  ONLY MOBS with this<BR>property have other options, including an absolute duration before going away<BR>using the TICKS parameter, the opportunity to emote periodically using the<BR>EMOTE flag, and the opportunity to emote to adjacent rooms using the BROADCAST<BR>flag.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Socials"><B>Prop_Socials: Local Social creating property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Socials <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room, Item, Mobs, Exits <BR>Parameters : NAME=[SOCIAL NAME] SRCCODE=[CODE] TGTCODE=[CODE] YOUSEE="[MSG]" <BR>:          : (TARGET="[TARGET CODE]") (OTHSEE="[MSG]") (TGTSEE="[MSG]") <BR>:          : (NOTARGSEE="[MSG]") (MSPFILE=[FILENAME]) (;[MORE SOCIALS]...) <BR>Parameters : MASK="[ZAPPER MASK]" ; ... <BR>Parameters : WORNONLY=TRUE/FALSE ; ... <BR>Parameters : LOAD="[SOCIALS INI FILE PATH]" ; ... <BR>Example    : name=USE srccode=V yousee="You use it." ; name=ROP srccode=H ... <BR>Example    : load="specialSocials.txt" <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates and defines socials that apply to players in the affected area, room,<BR>or near the affected exit, or possessing the affected item. <BR> <BR>The parameters may be a LOAD command for a resource file containing a standard<BR>socials definition list (see your resources/socials.txt file).  These files<BR>have a single social definition per line, where each part is separated by a tab<BR>character. <BR> <BR>The parameters may also contain a MASK= definition for a zapper mask that will<BR>determine whether the given invoker player or mob can use the social.  See help<BR>on ZAPPERMASK for more information on how to use masks.  A WORNONLY variable<BR>can be set to TRUE or FALSE to determine whether an item with this property<BR>must be worn in order for the social to be usable. <BR> <BR>The parameters may also be a semicolon (;) separated list of social definitions<BR>using the VARIABLE=VALUE format.  The required variables are NAME, SRCCODE,<BR>TGTCODE, and YOUSEE.  Each variable definition set is separated by semicolons<BR>to define as many socials as are needed. <BR> <BR>The allowed variables and valid values are as follows: <BR>NAME = the keyword/name of the social -- the command <BR>SRCCODE = source letter: W)ords, M) hands, V)isual, S)ound, O) movement <BR>TGTCODE = target letter: T)hands, S)ounds, W)ords, V)noisy moves, O) visual <BR>TARGET = target: &lt;T-NAME> SELF ALL &lt;I-NAME> &lt;V-NAME> &lt;E-NAME> [ITEM] <BR>YOUSEE = What the command invoker sees (&lt;S-NAME>) sees. <BR>OTHSEE = What others see the invoker do <BR>TGTSEE = What the target (if any) sees <BR>NOTARGSEE = What the invoker sees when the target is not present <BR>MSPFILE = name of msp sound file in your sounds directory </pre>
			<a name="Prop_Sounder"><B>Prop_Sounder: Reactive Noise</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Sounder <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room, Item, Mobs, Exits <BR>Targets    : Room, MOBs, Items, Areas <BR>Parameters :([EMOTE TRIGGER] [EMOTE STRING];)  <BR>Example    : enter wiggles his bottom.;sleep smiles evilly.;mount burps! <BR>Example    : wear $p looks good on you.;remove Now you don't look so<BR>good.;remove_room $n doesn't look so good. <BR> <BR>A lightweight alternative to the Emoter and Sounder behaviors, this allows you<BR>to create very simple emoting triggers based on event triggers instead of<BR>pro-active tick triggers, such as getting an item, or leaving a room.  Each<BR>emote trigger is semicolon (;) separated.  Valid emote triggers include the<BR>following: <BR>GET - if an item is gotten (or THE item), this will emote to the getter. <BR>GET_ROOM - if an item is gotten (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>DROP - if an item is dropped (or THE item), this will emote to the getter. <BR>DROP_ROOM - if an item is dropped (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>PUSH - if an item is pushed (or THE item), this will emote to the pusher. <BR>PUSH_ROOM - if an item is pushed (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the pusher). <BR>PULL - if an item is pulled (or THE item), this will emote to the pulled. <BR>PULL_ROOM - if an item is pulled (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the puller). <BR>EAT - if an item is eaten (or THE item), this will emote to the eater. <BR>EAT_ROOM - if an item is eaten (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>MOUNT - if an item is mounted (or THE item), this will emote to the mounter. <BR>MOUNT_ROOM - if an item is mounted (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>DRINK - if an item is drunk (or THE item), this will emote to the drinker. <BR>DRINK_ROOM - if an item is drunk (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>SIT - if an item is sat on (or THE item), this will emote to the sitter. <BR>SIT_ROOM - if an item is sat on (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>SLEEP - if an item is slept on (or THE item), this will emote to the sleeper. <BR>SLEEP_ROOM - if an item is slept on (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>WEAR - if an item is worn (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>WEAR_ROOM - if an item is worn (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>OPEN - if an item is opened (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>OPEN_ROOM - if an item is opened (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>CLOSE - if an item is closed (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>CLOSE_ROOM - if an item is closed (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>HOLD - if an item is held (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>HOLD_ROOM - if an item is held (or THE item), this will emote to the room (not<BR>the getter). <BR>WIELD - if an item is wielded (or THE item), this will emote to the wearer. <BR>WIELD_ROOM - if an item is wielded (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>REMOVE - if an item is removed (or THE item), this will emote to the remover. <BR>REMOVE_ROOM - if an item is removed (or THE item), this will emote to the room<BR>(not the getter). <BR>PORTAL_ENTER - if the room is entered, this will emote to the one entering. <BR>PORTAL_ENTER_ROOM - if the room is entered, this will emote to the others in<BR>the room. <BR>PORTAL_EXIT - if the room is left, this will emote to the one leaving. <BR>PORTAL_EXIT_ROOM - if the room is left, this will emote to the others in the<BR>room. <BR>DAMAGE - if the object is hurt, or used to hurt, this will emote to the one<BR>hurting. <BR>DAMAGE_ROOM - if the object is hurt, or used to hurt, this will emote to the<BR>others in the room. <BR>FIGHT - if the object is attacking, or used to attack, this will emote to the<BR>one attacking. <BR>FIGHT_ROOM - if the object is attacking, or used to attack, this will emote to<BR>the others in the room. <BR> <BR>The emote strings may be any text, and the following codes may be included: <BR>$p - the name of the item with the behavior. <BR>$n - the name of the source of the emote, or the source of the trigger. <BR>$e - the he/she of $n. <BR>$s - the his/her of $n.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_SparringRoom"><B>Prop_SparringRoom: Player Death Neutralizing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_SparringRoom <BR>Targets    : Areas, Room <BR>Parameters : (ROOMID) <BR>Example    : SparringArea#123 <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a room or area where death is of little consequence.  Players (not<BR>mobs) who die in this area will lose neither equipment, nor experience, but<BR>will be brought back to their Start room (not their death room), or to any room<BR>designated in the parameters.  Players also cannot flee or recall.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_SpellAdder"><B>Prop_SpellAdder: Casting spells on oneself</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_SpellAdder <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Items, MOBs <BR>Parameters : See Prop_HereSpellCast <BR>Parameters : See Prop_HereSpellCast <BR>Example    : 50%;Spell_Invisible;Prayer_Sanctuary <BR>Description:  <BR>Casts the spells in the parameters on the next one to enter the same room. as<BR>the item, mob, or room with this property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_SpellReflecting"><B>Prop_SpellReflecting: Spell reflecting property</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_SpellReflecting <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items <BR>Parameters : (MIN=[LEVEL]) (MAX=[LEVEL]) (CHANCE=[%]) (FADE=0/1) (REMAIN=[NUM])<BR><BR>Example    : min=1 max=30 chance=100 fade=0 remain=100 <BR>Example    : max=10 chance=75 fade=1 remain=50 <BR>Description:  <BR>This complex property allows the archon to set up mobs or items which, when<BR>worn, are capable of reflecting spells cast at the mob back to the source.  The<BR>min and max parms describe the levels of spells which may be reflected.  The<BR>chance parm describes the % chance of a spell being reflected.  Remain is the<BR>number of spell levels which may be reflected.  Every time a spell is<BR>reflected, the level of the spell is subtracted from the remain value.  When<BR>remain reaches below 0, the item or mob will no longer reflect spells.  Fade<BR>describes whether the property is persistent or destructive.  If fade is equal<BR>to 1 or more, then the property is destructive, meaning that the mob will never<BR>again gain the fading benefit from this property after remain reaches below 0. <BR>If the property was on an item, it will be destroyed. If fade is equal to 0,<BR>then the property is persistent.  The property will still stop working when the<BR>remain value reaches below 0, but the item will not be destroyed, and will<BR>begin to regain its strength at a rate of 1 point every 5 minutes or so.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_StatAdjuster"><B>Prop_StatAdjuster: Char Stats Adjusted MOB</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_StatAdjuster <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : (STR=#) (INT=#) (DEX=#) (CHA=#) (CON=#) (WIS=#) <BR>Parameters : (ADJMAX=TRUE/FALSE) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : CON=1 <BR>Example    : STR=3 INT=5 DEX=2 CON=-3 CHA=-2 WIS=-1 <BR>Description:  <BR>This property adjusts a mobs basic stats up or down.  Normally, these stats<BR>won't go above the mobs max stats.  However, if ADJMAX is set to true, the max<BR>stat will also be adjusted.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_StatTrainer"><B>Prop_StatTrainer: Good training MOB</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_StatTrainer <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : (STR=#) (INT=#) (DEX=#) (CHA=#) (CON=#) (WIS=#) <BR>Parameters : (BASEVALUE=#) (NOTEACH) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : BASEVALUE=10 CON=10 <BR>Example    : STR=30 INT=15 DEX=20 CON=0 CHA=0 WIS=0 NOTEACH <BR>Description:  <BR>This property changes a mobs basic 6 stats.  With no parameter, it will set all<BR>stats to 25 (or the base value), making the mob a suitable trainer.  Other<BR>parameters may be entered in order to set the stats of the mob to the specified<BR>values.  Any values not given will default to 25 (or the base value).  If you<BR>do not want the mob to also be a trainer, you may include the NOTEACH flag. Use<BR>BASEVALUE to change the base value from 25 to something else.  A BASEVALUE of<BR>-1 will prevent any alteration of that stat.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_StayAboard"><B>Prop_StayAboard: Stays on mounted thing</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_StayAboard <BR>Targets    : MOB, ITEM <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Put this property on mobs or items that you want to be perpetually mounted on<BR>whatever it is initially mounted on/to.  This is especially useful for<BR>Patrollers in chaotic environments where a gust of wind or a nasty current may<BR>throw things out of whack.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Tattoo"><B>Prop_Tattoo: A Tattoo</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Tattoo <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : tattoo names delimited by semicolons <BR>Example    : ;UNDEADKILLER;MANLYMEN; <BR>Description:  <BR>This property WAS used to give MOBs tattoos.  It is deprecated now. They are<BR>now stored on MOB objects.  See Help TATTOO. <BR>Prefix the tattoo name with ACCOUNT(space) to use account-based tattoos.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_TattooAdder"><B>Prop_TattooAdder: A TattooAdder</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_TattooAdder <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Exits, Rooms,  <BR>Targets    : Areas, Weapons, Food, Drink, Armor <BR>Parameters : tattoo name to grant or remove <BR>Example    : MANLYMEN <BR>Example    : -MANLYMEN <BR>Example    : +-MANLYMEN <BR>Example    : +~MANLYMEN <BR>Example    : +-~MANLYMEN <BR>Example    : +34 MANLYMEN <BR>Description:  <BR>This property is used to give MOBs tattoos based on an action taken.  The<BR>tattoo is given by the object with this property, based on an action which<BR>depends on the type of object with this property.   <BR>The tattoo parameter is prefixed with - to remove it when the trigger occurs.  <BR>The tattoo parameter is prefixed with + (or nothing) to add it when the trigger<BR>occurs.  <BR>The tattoo parameter is prefixed with +- to add or remove it when the trigger<BR>occurs.  <BR>The tattoo parameter (after any +- marks) is prefixed with ~ to disable<BR>emoting. <BR>The tattoo parameter is prefixed (after +- or ~) with a number to make it<BR>decay. <BR>The tattoo name is prefixed with ACCOUNT(space) to use account-based tattoos. <BR>The actions which trigger the tattoo include: <BR>MOB - death  <BR>Item - get  <BR>Exit - enter  <BR>Room - enter  <BR>Area - enter  <BR>Weapon - use in battle  <BR>Food - eat  <BR>Drink - drink  <BR>Armor - wear</pre>
			<a name="Prop_TicketTaker"><B>Prop_TicketTaker: Ticket Taker</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_TicketTaker <BR>Targets    : Mobs, Items <BR>Parameters : Cost of boarding <BR>Example    : 100 <BR>Description:  <BR>This property makes a mob or item the master of a carriage, horse, or other<BR>rideable item.  They will require the payment of gold specified in the<BR>parameters before allowing anyone else to board.  Non-player mobs will always<BR>be allowed to board.  The ticket taker must be riding either the carriage, or<BR>riding a horse pulling it, or actually BE the carriage.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Trainer"><B>Prop_Trainer: THE Training MOB</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Trainer <BR>Targets    : MOB <BR>Parameters : (STR=#) (INT=#) (DEX=#) (CHA=#) (CON=#) (WIS=#) (NOTEACH) <BR>Parameters : ((ALL) [CLASSNAME]) (EXPERTISENAMES) (SKILLS) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : CON=10 <BR>Example    : STR=30 INT=15 DEX=20 CON=0 CHA=0 WIS=0 NOTEACH <BR>Example    : all Fighter all Cleric <BR>Description:  <BR>This property makes a mob a suitable target for the TRAIN command for players.<BR>With no parameter, it will set all stats to 25, give them 0 levels in all<BR>classes, and give them all expertises.  Other parameters may be entered in<BR>order to set the stats of the mob to the specified values.  Any values not<BR>given will default to 25.  If you do not want the mob to also be a trainer, you<BR>may include the NOTEACH flag.  Listing one or more class names will make that<BR>trainer have 0 levels in those classes (able to train to it).  Not listing any<BR>will give the mob ALL classes at level 0.  Listing expertise IDs works<BR>similarly.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Transporter"><B>Prop_Transporter: Room entering adjuster</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Transporter <BR>Targets    : MOBs, Items, Exits, Rooms, Areas, Weapons, Food, Drink, Armor <BR>Parameters : Room ID (; (SENDENTER=[TRUE/FALSE])) <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001 <BR>Example    : Midgaard#3001;sendenter=true <BR>Description:  <BR>This property is used to transport mobs to a particular place based on an<BR>action taken.  The actions which trigger the transport include: <BR>Rideable - mount  <BR>MOB - speak  <BR>Item - get  <BR>Exit - enter  <BR>Room - enter  <BR>Area - enter  <BR>Weapon - use in battle  <BR>Food - eat  <BR>Drink - drink  <BR>Armor - wear  <BR> <BR>Normally, this skill bypasses any normal notifications, but behaves as if the<BR>transported mob is "just there".  Add a semicolon and set "sendenter" to true<BR>for scripts to see the movement.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Trashcan"><B>Prop_Trashcan: Auto purges items put into a container</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Trashcan <BR>Targets    : Room, Container Item <BR>Parameters : (DELAY=[#TICKS]) <BR>Example    :  <BR>Example    : DELAY=4 <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes all items dropped, or placed in the host container to be  destroyed and<BR>to cease to exist.  If a delay parameter is used, the destruction of the items<BR>in the can will not occur until that time has passed.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Uncampable"><B>Prop_Uncampable: Can't be camped on</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Uncampable <BR>Targets    : Items, Rooms, Mobs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>If this mob, room, or item is otherwise rejuvenating, this property will<BR>prevent the rejuvenation from actually occurring if PCs are in the same room as<BR>the rejuvenation, but an admin is not present.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_Unsellable"><B>Prop_Unsellable: Unsellable stuff</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Unsellable <BR>Targets    : Items, Mobs <BR>Parameters : (MESSAGE="[message]") (AMBIANCE="[ambiance]") (DROPOFF=[T/F]) <BR>Example    : message="You can't sell that." <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes the mob or item unable to be sold to a shopkeeper.  The message shown and<BR>whether the item has an ambiance can also be set, and whether this property is<BR>automatically removed when the item is dropped.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_UseAdjuster"><B>Prop_UseAdjuster: Adjusting stats when used</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_UseAdjuster <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value <BR>Parameters : (reversed) <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F <BR>Example    : dex-1 reversed MASK=-Race +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>When the item with this property is used in a particular way, the listed<BR>effects will be permanently given to the owner.   For items, trigger use<BR>includes: <BR>Food, Drink: EAT/DRINK <BR>Weapon: Doing damage with (can be reversed) <BR>Container: Putting something into <BR>Armor: Taking damage while wearing properly <BR>The REVERSED parameter is special, and means that instead of the effect going<BR>to the owner of the item, it goes to the other party in a trigger, such as to<BR>the target instead of the owner when a weapon does damage, or to the attacker<BR>instead of the owner when taking damage with an armor. <BR>All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the class, race, and gender<BR>parameters noted above. Valid parameters are as follows:  <BR>strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence  <BR>maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable)  <BR>savepar savefir savecol savewat savegas savemin savegen savejus  <BR>saveaci saveele savepoi saveund savemag savedis savetra  <BR>ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), disposition<BR>(sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), senses<BR>(blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), height, weight, gender,<BR>class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), mana, movement, thirst (stomach<BR>size) conversion weightadj saveblunt savepierce saveslash savespells<BR>saveprayers savesongs savechants critpctweapons critpctmagic critdmgweapons<BR>critdmgmagic.  <BR> <BR>By default, the values + or - are added to the existing values.  However, if<BR>MULTIPLYPH=true is included in the parameters, then attack, armor, and damage<BR>will instead have their values multiplied by the given value / 100. Likewise,<BR>if MULTIPLYCH=true is included, then hitpoints, mana, and movement are<BR>similarly multiplied instead of added.  All other values act the same. <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_UseEmoter"><B>Prop_UseEmoter: Emoting when used</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_UseEmoter <BR>Targets    : Item <BR>Parameters : Flags, pct chance, emote strings, ';' separated. <BR>Example    : chance=25;wiggles his bottom.;smiles evilly.;burps! <BR>Example    : smell chance=25 ;smells horrible!;is really stinky! <BR>Example    : chance=100 inroom="Here#1,Here#2";looks horrible!;is bad! <BR>Example    : broadcast sound chance=25;grumbles!;eeeks! <BR>Example    : chance=25;sound grumbles!;visual leers broadly.;social smile <BR>Description:  <BR>This property defines a serious of emotes, one of which is triggered when an<BR>item is used, such as armor worn, weapon wielded, container filled, drinkable<BR>filled.  All emote strings are separated by the semicolons shown above.  The<BR>first parameter can be empty for defaults,the percent chance of occurrence<BR>after the event occurs, a list of rooms where the emoter MUST be for the emoter<BR>to work (inroom=...), a tag to make the emote sound based (sound), a tag to<BR>make the emote smell based (smell), a tag to make the emote broadcast to<BR>adjacent rooms (broadcast), or a tag to make the message private to the actor<BR>(private). <BR>You can also mix and match the types of emotes by putting the keywords SIGHT,<BR>SMELL, NOISE, and SOCIAL as the first word in each emote string.  This denotes<BR>the type of emote for the rest of the string.  The last example shows how to<BR>enter a mixed emote.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_UseEmoter2"><B>Prop_UseEmoter2: Emoting when used</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_UseEmoter2 <BR>Targets    : Item <BR>Parameters : Flags, pct chance, emote strings, ';' separated. <BR>Example    : See Prop_UseEmoter <BR>Description:  <BR>This property defines a serious of emotes, one of which is triggered when an<BR>item is used, such as item gotten, food ate or drank, or liquid poured. All<BR>emote strings are separated by the semicolons shown above.  The first parameter<BR>can be empty for defaults,the percent chance of occurrence after the event<BR>occurs, a list of rooms where the emoter MUST be for the emoter to work<BR>(inroom=...), a tag to make the emote sound based (sound), a tag to make the<BR>emote smell based (smell), a tag to make the emote broadcast to adjacent rooms<BR>(broadcast), or a tag to make the message private to the actor (private).  <BR>You can also mix and match the types of emotes by putting the keywords SIGHT,<BR>SMELL, NOISE, and SOCIAL as the first word in each emote string.  This denotes<BR>the type of emote for the rest of the string.  The last example shows how to<BR>enter a mixed emote.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_UseSpellCast"><B>Prop_UseSpellCast: Casting spells when used</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_UseSpellCast <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis. <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>When the item with this property is worn or wielded, filled or has something<BR>placed in it, the owner will be affected by the listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell to make all the effects<BR>non-dispellable until the property no longer applies; use this flag with care!<BR>The flag LEVEL=[NUMBER] can also be substituted for a spell name to force all<BR>the listed effects be cast at a different level than default.The flag<BR>MAXTICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all spell casts.  <BR>The flag TICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all subsequent<BR>listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_UseSpellCast2"><B>Prop_UseSpellCast2: Casting spells when used</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_UseSpellCast2 <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis. <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>When the item with this property is touched, or in the case of food and drink,<BR>eaten or drank, the owner will be affected by the listed spells.   <BR> <BR>The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell to make all the effects<BR>non-dispellable until the property no longer applies; use this flag with care!<BR>The flag LEVEL=[NUMBER] can also be substituted for a spell name to force all<BR>the listed effects be cast at a different level than default.The flag<BR>MAXTICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all spell casts.  <BR>The flag TICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all subsequent<BR>listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_WeakBridge"><B>Prop_WeakBridge: Weak Rickity Bridge</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WeakBridge <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters : max=[WEIGHT] chance=[%] down=[# TICKS] <BR>Example    : max=400 chance=75 down=300 <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever a player enters or exits the room or exit with this property, that<BR>player is in great danger.  If their total weight exceeds the weight specified<BR>by the max parameter, there is a % chance equals to the chance parameter that<BR>the bridge beneath them will break.  If the property is on an exit, that means<BR>instant death for the player.  If the property is on an InTheAir type room with<BR>a place to fall beneath it, they will fall.  If the property is on any other<BR>kind of room, instant death will result.  The down property describes how many<BR>ticks the bridge will remain "down" once it has been broken by a heavy player. <BR>Flying can always overcome this property.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_WeaponImmunity"><B>Prop_WeaponImmunity: Weapon Immunity</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WeaponImmunity <BR>Targets    : Items, Mobs <BR>Parameters : List of immunities <BR>Example    : +ALL -SILVER -CLOTH -LEATHER <BR>Example    : +ALL -MAGIC -SLASHING -FROSTING <BR>Example    : +ALL -LEVEL15 <BR>Example    : +BASHING +IRON +STEEL +MAGIC <BR>Example    : +ALL +MAGICSKILLS +AXE +THROWN +DAGGER <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the item with this property is worn, or for the mob with this<BR>property, they will attain damage immunities to the types and/or materials of<BR>weapons specified.  Here are the parameters:  <BR>+ALL - Specifies that, by default, the mob is immune to ALL damage. <BR>-DAMAGETYPE- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage of the<BR>given type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be -PIERCING, -GASSING, -SLASHING,<BR>-BURNING, -MELTING, -NATURAL, -BASHING, etc. <BR>+DAMAGETYPE- Can be used instead of +ALL to create an immunity to the given<BR>damage type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be +PIERCING, +GASSING,<BR>-WEAPONCLASS- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage of the<BR>given type.  Examples for WEAPONCLASS would be -AXE, -BLUNT, -EDGED, -FLAILED,<BR>-HAMMER, -KARATE, -POLEARM, -RANGED, -SWORD, -DAGGER, -STAFF, -THROWN, etc. <BR>+WEAPONCLASS- Can be used instead of +ALL to create an immunity to the given of<BR>the given type.  Examples for WEAPONCLASS would be +AXE, +BLUNT, +EDGED,<BR>+FLAILED, +HAMMER, +KARATE, +POLEARM, +RANGED, +SWORD, +DAGGER, +STAFF,<BR>+THROWN, etc. <BR>-MAGIC - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage from<BR>magical spells and magical weapons. <BR>+MAGIC - If +ALL is not used, this will create an immunity to magical spells<BR>and weapons. <BR>-MAGICSKILLS - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage from<BR>magical spells, chants, songs, or prayers. <BR>+MAGICSKILLS - If +ALL is not used, this will create an immunity to magical<BR>spells, chants, songs, and prayers. <BR>-LEVELX - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage from<BR>weapons whose level is X or better. Example: -LEVEL1, -LEVEL5, -LEVEL10, etc. <BR>+LEVELX - Can be used instead of +ALL to create an immunity to weapons whose<BR>level is X or lower. Example: +LEVEL1, +LEVEL5, +LEVEL10, etc. <BR>-MATERIALTYPE - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule above by permitting<BR>damage from a weapon made of the given MATERIALTYPE.  Where MATERIALTYPE may be<BR>any valid material, such as SILVER, WOOD, COTTON, etc.  As for the damage types<BR>above, +MATERIALTYPE may be used instead of +ALL to create an immunity to a<BR>given material. <BR>-PARALYSIS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from<BR>paralysis spells. <BR>+PARALYSIS - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from<BR>paralysis spells. <BR>-FIRE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from fire<BR>spells. <BR>+FIRE - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from fire<BR>spells. <BR>-COLD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from cold<BR>spells. <BR>+COLD - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from cold<BR>spells. <BR>-WATER - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from water<BR>spells. <BR>+WATER - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from water<BR>spells. <BR>-GAS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from gas<BR>spells. <BR>+GAS - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from gas spells.<BR><BR>-MIND - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from mind<BR>spells. <BR>+MIND - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from mind<BR>spells. <BR>-JUSTICE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from<BR>justice spells. <BR>+JUSTICE - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from justice<BR>spells. <BR>-ACID - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from acid<BR>spells. <BR>+ACID - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from acid<BR>spells. <BR>-ELECTRICITY - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from<BR>electric spells. <BR>+ELECTRICITY - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from<BR>electric spells. <BR>-POISON - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from<BR>poison spells. <BR>+POISON - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from poison<BR>spells. <BR>-UNDEAD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from<BR>undead spells. <BR>+UNDEAD - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from<BR>undead/evil spells. <BR>-DISEASE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from<BR>disease spells. <BR>+DISEASE - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from disease<BR>spells. <BR>-TRAPS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from traps<BR>spells. <BR>+TRAPS - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from traps<BR>spells. <BR></pre>
			<a name="Prop_WearAdjuster"><B>Prop_WearAdjuster: Adjustments to stats when worn</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WearAdjuster <BR>Targets    : Items (armor and weapons principally) <BR>Parameters : see Prop_HaveAdjuster, and may include optional LAYERED flag <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F <BR>Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 LAYERED MASK=-Race +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the item having this property is wielded or worn, the statistics of<BR>the owner will be adjusted as described in the parameters.  Removing the item<BR>will remove the effects.  The Layered flag may be used to prevent bonus or<BR>penalty stacking due to multiple items worn on the same location. See<BR>Prop_HaveAdjuster for more information on the valid parameters for this<BR>property.  </pre>
			<a name="Prop_WearEnabler"><B>Prop_WearEnabler: Granting skills when worn/wielded</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WearEnabler <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis. <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may include optional LAYERED flag <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;LAYERED;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is worn, wielded, or held, the owner<BR>will be granted the spells, skills listed.  The percentage given is optional,<BR>and will be the proficiency of the skill.  If a percentage is not given, the<BR>default is 100%.  The layered flag means that, among layers of armor, only the<BR>top layer will grant its effect. <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_WearOverride"><B>Prop_WearOverride: Wearable Unzapper</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WearOverride <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : masking parameters described below <BR>Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the owner of the item with this property tries to wear or wield the<BR>item, they will be be permitted only if allowed by the mask argument. <BR>Additionally, if they are permitted, then any wear restrictions that would<BR>normally prevent them from wearing the item will be suspended until the item is<BR>removed.  This is so that you can make special armor for creatures that<BR>normally can't wear standard gear, such as barding for horse backs, and so<BR>forth. <BR>For valid masking parameters see AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed can wear, and<BR>disallowed is not. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_WearResister"><B>Prop_WearResister: Resistance due to worn</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WearResister <BR>Targets    : Items (armor and weapons principally) <BR>Parameters : resistance names followed by percentages <BR>Parameters : Parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Parameters : May include optional LAYERED flag <BR>Example    : magic 50% poison -10% <BR>Example    : magic poison 50% pierce -10% MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Example    : magic 50% poison -10% <BR>Example    : magic 50% poison -10% LAYERED MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the item having this property is wielded or worn, the owner gains<BR>certain resistances and immunities described in the parameters.  When removed,<BR>the resistances and immunities are also cancelled.  The Layered flag may be<BR>used to prevent resistance stacking due to multiple items worn on the same<BR>location. The effects which may be included are:  <BR>Resistances: gas fire electricity mind magic cold acid water evil (undead)  <BR>Resistances: justice (as per many thief abilities)  <BR>Resistances: weapons blunt pierce slash non-magical-weapons non-silver-weapons <BR>Resistances:  -- weapons get reduced % damage per round, lvl based, with<BR>limits. <BR>:          :  -- always modifier makes weapon resists always work, no limits. <BR>Resistances: spell chant song prayer thief_skill (ability types)  <BR>Resistances: enchantment/charm kicking vexing conjuration (ability domains) <BR>Immunities : teleport (includes gate, summon) holy disease poison <BR>Misc       : debuf-duration (pct is the maximum debuf ticks remain) <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_WearSpellCast"><B>Prop_WearSpellCast: Casting spells when worn</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WearSpellCast <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons <BR>Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis. <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask <BR>Parameters : The above parameters may include optional LAYERED flag <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;LAYERED;Spell_Shield <BR>Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE) <BR>Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf <BR>Description:  <BR>So long as the item with this property is being worn or wielded, the owner will<BR>be under the effect of the listed spells. The layered flag means that, among<BR>layers of armor, only the top layer will grant its effect. The flag NOUNINVOKE<BR>can be substituted for a spell to make all the effects non-dispellable until<BR>the property no longer applies; use this flag with care! The flag<BR>LEVEL=[NUMBER] can also be substituted for a spell name to force all the listed<BR>effects be cast at a different level than default.The flag MAXTICKS=[NUMBER]<BR>can be used to shorted the length of all spell casts.  <BR>The flag TICKS=[NUMBER] can be used to shorted the length of all subsequent<BR>listed spells.  <BR> <BR>The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This<BR>mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this<BR>property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax.</pre>
			<a name="Prop_WearZapper"><B>Prop_WearZapper: Restrictions to wielding/wearing/holding</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WearZapper <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : masking parameters described below, optional zap message <BR>Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil <BR>Example    : MESSAGE="&lt;O-NAME> falls out of &lt;S-NAME>'s hands!" -class +mage <BR>Description:  <BR>Whenever the owner of the item with this property tries to wear or wield the<BR>item, they will be zapped unless it is allowed by the listed parameters.   <BR>An optional MESSAGE parameter can define what is seen when the zap occurs. Also<BR>optionally, the parameters can start with the word ACTUAL to change zapping<BR>behavior to look at actual values instead of perceived values (this about a<BR>class check applied to a Charlatan.) For valid masking parameters, See AHELP<BR>ZAPPERMASK, where allowed can wear, and disallowed is zapped. </pre>
			<a name="Prop_Weather"><B>Prop_Weather: Weather Setter</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_Weather <BR>Targets    : Areas <BR>Parameters : the weather type and/or one or more climate masks <BR>Example    : RAIN <BR>Example    : RAIN CLIMATE_WET <BR>Description:  <BR>Makes this area always have the same weather.  Valid weather values include:<BR>"CLEAR", "CLOUDY", "WINDY", "RAIN", "THUNDERSTORM", "SNOW", "HAIL", "HEAT",<BR>"SLEET","BLIZZARD","DUST","DROUGHT","COLD" <BR> <BR>Can also change the climate settings.  Valid climate mask values include:<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>ORMAL","CLIMATE_WET","CLIMATE_COLD","CLIMATE_WINDY","CLIMATE_HOT","CLIMATE_DRY"</pre>
			<a name="Prop_WizInvis"><B>Prop_WizInvis: Wizard Invisibility</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Prop_WizInvis <BR>Targets    : MOBs <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Grants the MOB unlimited sensory knowledge as well as complete undetectibility.</pre>
			<a name="Property"><B>Property: a Property</B></a>
			<a name="QuestBound"><B>QuestBound: QuestBound</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : QuestBound <BR>Targets    : Mobs, Items <BR>Parameters : Class reference code of a Quest object or * <BR>Example    : Don't worry about it <BR>Example    : * <BR>Description:  <BR>Either a temporary affect automatically added to all quest mobs and items both<BR>created and existing, or , if the parameter is *, a permanent effect to<BR>restrict an item or mob from being selected for a quest. Its purpose is to<BR>detect when a reset, shutdown, or other disaster is about to happen to the mob<BR>or item so that the quest can be stopped.  This prevents unwanted<BR>properties/behaviors/changes from being saved to the database on accident.</pre>
			<a name="QuickSwipe"><B>QuickSwipe: Quick Swipe</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Quick Swipe <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : QUICKSWIPE, QSWIPE <BR>Usage    : QUICKSWIPE [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : quickswipe orc <BR>The thief will attempt to take a random small worn item, or a bit of shiny<BR>money from the target, and then immediately flee.</pre>
			<a name="Quills"><B>Quills: Quills</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Quills <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 1 <BR>Commands : QUILLS <BR>Usage    : QUILLS [TARGET] <BR>Example  : quills orc <BR>Being covered in sharp quills, this ability will automatically harm an attacker<BR>who gets in range.  It can also be used to project quills at a nearby enemy for<BR>extra piercing damage.</pre>
			<a name="RabbitSpeak"><B>RabbitSpeak: Rabbit Speak</B></a>
			<a name="RavenSpeak"><B>RavenSpeak: Raven Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Regeneration"><B>Regeneration: Stat Regeneration</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Prayer   : Regeneration <BR>Domain   : Restoration <BR>Available: Several Classes  <BR>Allows   : Restoring I <BR>Alignment: somewhat good, somewhat evil, pure neutral <BR>Use Cost : Mana (75)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PRAY, PR <BR>Usage    : PRAY REGENERATION <BR>Example  : pray regeneration <BR>The caster recovers hit points, mana, and movement at FOUR times the normal<BR>rate, for the duration of the prayer.</pre>
			<a name="RodentSpeak"><B>RodentSpeak: Rodent Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Scavenge"><B>Scavenge: Scavenge</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Scavenge <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items Creatures Exits Rooms  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : SCAVENGE <BR>Usage    : SCAVENGE [TARGET BODY] <BR>Example  : scavenge body <BR>With this skill, a dead body can be scavanged for parts, especially the last<BR>bits of meat.</pre>
			<a name="Shaming"><B>Shaming: Shaming</B></a>
			<pre>One who is being publicly shamed, and cannot be interacted with, or even<BR>directly spoken to or about.</pre>
			<a name="SheepSpeak"><B>SheepSpeak: Sheep Speak</B></a>
			<a name="ShootWeb"><B>ShootWeb: Shoot Web</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Shoot Web <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 5 <BR>Commands : SHOOTWEB <BR>Usage    : SHOOTWEB [TARGET] <BR>Example  : shootweb orc <BR>This spell will cause a glob of sticky web-like material to assault the target.<BR> The target will be unable to move until they can break free.</pre>
			<a name="Sinking"><B>Sinking: Sinking</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Sinking <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This affect governs sinking items and mobs, in either direction (up or down).</pre>
			<a name="Skill_AllBreathing"><B>Skill_AllBreathing: All Breathing</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : All Breathing <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Params   :  <BR>Example  :  <BR>Desc.    :  <BR>Allows the mob to breath in any conditions or environments.  Great for golems<BR>and other non-breathing creatures. </pre>
			<a name="Skill_Bafoo"><B>Skill_Bafoo: Bafoo</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Bafoo <BR>Domain   : Influential <BR>Allows   : Influencing I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : BAFOO <BR>This ability is not yet documented.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_BearForaging"><B>Skill_BearForaging: Bear Foraging</B></a>
			<pre>Usage    : BEARFORAGE <BR>Example  : bearforage <BR>This instinctive skill allows the player to sniff out food nearby, even in<BR>containers, and even in the possession of others.  The target will be tracked<BR>until found, and then, if possible, pounced on and the food containers taken,<BR>emptied, and the food eaten.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_Boop"><B>Skill_Boop: Boop</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Boop <BR>Domain   : Punching <BR>Allows   : Iron Punching I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : BOOP <BR>This ability is not yet documented.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_BoulderThrowing"><B>Skill_BoulderThrowing: Boulder Throwing</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Boulder Throwing <BR>Domain   : Martial lore <BR>Allows   : Martial Lore I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This skill allows the player to throw ammunition, especially siege weapon<BR>ammunition, from the deck of a sailing ship, at another sailing ship with which<BR>the player's ship is already in combat.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_Buck"><B>Skill_Buck: Buck</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Buck <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : BUCK <BR>Usage    : BUCK <BR>Example  : buck <BR>The centaur, horse or other rideable attempts to buck off all his or her riders<BR>off of them.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_BurrowHide"><B>Skill_BurrowHide: Burrow Hide</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Burrow Hide <BR>Domain   : Stealthy <BR>Allows   : Stealthy I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Whenever the player is in an appropriate outdoor room with a burrowing<BR>creature, such as a serpent, rodent, or worm, the creature will alert the<BR>player to incoming danger from aggressive enemies.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_ConsumeCorpse"><B>Skill_ConsumeCorpse: Consume Corpse</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Consume Corpse <BR>Domain   : Corruption <BR>Allows   : Corrupting I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CONSUMECORPSE <BR>Usage    : CONSUMECORPSE [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : consumecorpse body <BR>This twisted semi-magical skill causes the mouth of the caster to grow large<BR>enough to consume a corpse in one gulp.  Doing so gives the caster back lots of<BR>health, mana, and movement, depending on the level of the corpse.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_CulturalAdaptation"><B>Skill_CulturalAdaptation: Cultural Adaptation</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Cultural Adaptation <BR>Domain   : Influential <BR>Allows   : Influencing I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The character is so good at adapting to other cultures that he or she<BR>automatically gains or loses 20% more faction than other characters.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_DevourCorpse"><B>Skill_DevourCorpse: Devour Corpse</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Devour Corpse <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Usage    : EAT BODY <BR>Example  : eat body <BR>This skill grants the ability to eat the corpses of creatures up to those<BR>moderately larger than the character.  The corpse must be emptied of any<BR>equipment before doing so, and the corpses of other players may be restricted.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_EagleEyes"><B>Skill_EagleEyes: Eagle Eyes</B></a>
			<pre>Description:  <BR>The character?s vision is so acute that they rarely overlook weaker creatures<BR>within their line of sight.  </pre>
			<a name="Skill_Explosive"><B>Skill_Explosive: Explosive Touch</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Explosive Touch <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : EXPLOTOUCH <BR>Params   :  <BR>Example  :  <BR>Desc.    :  <BR>A high-damage skill.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_FindClanHome"><B>Skill_FindClanHome: Find Clan Home</B></a>
			<a name="Skill_FindClanShip"><B>Skill_FindClanShip: Find Clan Ship</B></a>
			<a name="Skill_Flee"><B>Skill_Flee: Flee</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Flee <BR>Domain   : Dirty fighting <BR>Allows   : Dirty Fighting I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : FLEE <BR>Usage   : FLEE ([DIRECTION]) <BR>Example : flee <BR>While in combat, your character may need to quickly disengage and flee the<BR>room.  A direction may be specified, but if one is not specified, a direction<BR>will be chosen for you.  Fleeing from combat can cause you to lose experience<BR>points in many cases, so use this command sparingly.  If all of your opponents<BR>are asleep, paralyzed, or bound, however, no loss is recorded for using this<BR>command.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_HighJump"><B>Skill_HighJump: High Jump</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : High Jump <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : HIGHJUMP <BR>Usage    : HIGHJUMP ([DIRECTION]) <BR>Example  : highjump <BR>Allows the character to leap into another room, where gravity will take it from<BR>there.  The higher the players expertise, the more air rooms the character will<BR>jump through, allowing them to jump to great heights.  However, after jumping,<BR>inevitably comes the falling...</pre>
			<a name="Skill_Keenvision"><B>Skill_Keenvision: Keenvision</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Keenvision <BR>Domain   : Alert <BR>Allows   : Vigilantly I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This skill allows the player to a chance, when in the wild to spot hidden or<BR>trapped items or exits.  It also grants a bonus when using a ranged weapon.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_LongBreath"><B>Skill_LongBreath: Long Breath</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Long Breath <BR>Domain   : Fitness <BR>Allows   : Fitness I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This skill grants the ability to hold ones breathe for a period, allowing one<BR>to forego damage when under water or otherwise unable to breathe. </pre>
			<a name="Skill_MindSuck"><B>Skill_MindSuck: Mind Suck</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Mind Suck <BR>Domain   : Grappling <BR>Allows   : Vice-Gripping I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : MINDSUCK <BR>Usage    : MINDSUCK [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : mindsuck orc <BR>The character begins to suck the brain out of the target for nourishment. If<BR>the target is following the character, or is otherwise bound or asleep, and can<BR>remain so, the character can begin to suck at the targets brain. After a short<BR>strain, the killing act is completed, and the character is relieved of any<BR>hunger. </pre>
			<a name="Skill_Nahamrauko"><B>Skill_Nahamrauko: Nahamrauko</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Nahamrauko <BR>Domain   : Abjuration <BR>Allows   : Ranged Abjuring I, Reduced Abjuring I, Extended Abjuring I <BR>Allows   : Power Abjuring I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>This ability is not yet documented.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_RacialEnemy"><B>Skill_RacialEnemy: Racial Enemy</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Racial Enemy <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Example  :  <BR>A specific and instinctive hatred towards a particular kind of creature,<BR>granting an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_Slip"><B>Skill_Slip: Slip</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Slip <BR>Domain   : Dirty fighting <BR>Allows   : Dirty Fighting I, Combat Fluidity I <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : SLIPPIFY <BR>Usage    : SLIP [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : slip orc <BR>This skills causes someone to slip and fall.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_Stonecunning"><B>Skill_Stonecunning: Stonecunning</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Stonecunning <BR>Domain   : Alert <BR>Allows   : Vigilantly I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This skill allows the player to a chance, when in mountains, caves, or stone<BR>rooms, to spot hidden or trapped items or exits.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_TailSwipe"><B>Skill_TailSwipe: Tail Swipe</B></a>
			<pre>Usage    : TAILSWIPE [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : tailswipe orc <BR>The character uses their tail to make a powerful swipe at the legs of his or<BR>her enemies with their tail.  This will result in some damage, and possibly<BR>tripping them.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_Track"><B>Skill_Track: Tracking</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Track Friend <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : FTRACK, TRACKFRIEND, FRIENDTRACK <BR>Usage    : FTRACK [FRIEND NAME]  <BR>Example  : ftrack bob <BR>The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present,<BR>to the location of the indicated friend, which is a group or clan member!  When<BR>walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_TrackFriend"><B>Skill_TrackFriend: Track Friend</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Track Friend <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Movement (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : FTRACK, TRACKFRIEND, FRIENDTRACK <BR>Usage    : FTRACK [FRIEND NAME]  <BR>Example  : ftrack bob <BR>The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present,<BR>to the location of the indicated friend, which is a group or clan member!  When<BR>walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.</pre>
			<a name="Skill_UndeadInvisibility"><B>Skill_UndeadInvisibility: Undead Invisibility</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Undead Invisibility <BR>Domain   : Death lore <BR>Allows   : Death Lore I <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>Example  :  <BR>Allows the priest or paladin to walk among the undead without being assaulted.</pre>
			<a name="SlowLearner"><B>SlowLearner: Slow Learner</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Slow Learner <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The character does not learn from experience the way most do, gaining fewer<BR>experience points than most.</pre>
			<a name="SmellsLikeCherries"><B>SmellsLikeCherries: Smells Like Cherries</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Smells Like Cherries <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>This creature emits an aroma that is unpleasant to predators, enabling them to<BR>usually move past hostile animals unmolested. </pre>
			<a name="SnakeSpeak"><B>SnakeSpeak: Snake Speak</B></a>
			<a name="Soiled"><B>Soiled: Soiled</B></a>
			<a name="Song"><B>Song: a Song</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Play Instrument <BR>Domain   : Artistic <BR>Available: Numerous Classes  <BR>Requires : A base wisdom of at least 5.   <BR>Allows   : Quick Working I, Quick Worker I, Artsy I <BR>Use Cost : Movement (5)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : PLAY, PLAYINSTRUMENT, PLAYSONG <BR>Usage    : PLAYINSTRUMENT (STOP) (LIST) <BR>Example  : playinstrument <BR>This skill allows a player to attempt to play a musical instrument they are<BR>holding or prepared to use.  If done well, this might amuse an audience. <BR>Proficiency with each kind of musical instrument is separate, so your<BR>proficiency usually only reflects the last kind of instrument you played. <BR>Instruments can be purchased, or made with the Instrument Making skill.</pre>
			<a name="SoundEcho"><B>SoundEcho: Sound Echo</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : SoundEcho <BR>Targets    : Areas, Rooms <BR>Parameters : [RANGE] <BR>Example    : 4 <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes sound to echo around the area or room when it occurs.</pre>
			<a name="Specialization_Weapon"><B>Specialization_Weapon: Weapon Specialization</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Weapon Specialization <BR>Domain   : Weapon use <BR>Allows   : Weaponsmithing <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The player is a weapon master, gaining bonuses to attack when armed.   Can also<BR>allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.</pre>
			<a name="Spell"><B>Spell: a Spell</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Enlightenment <BR>Domain   : Transmutation <BR>Available: Numerous Classes  <BR>Allows   : Extended Transmuting I, Reduced Transmuting I, Power Transmuting I <BR>Allows   : Ranged Transmuting I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (62)  <BR>Quality  : Always Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "ENLIGHTENMENT" [TARGET NAME] <BR>Example  : cast "enlightenment" bob <BR>This spell grants the target increased intelligence. </pre>
			<a name="Spell_AstralStep"><B>Spell_AstralStep: Astral Step</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Astral Step <BR>Domain   : Conjuration <BR>Allows   : Reduced Conjuring I, Power Conjuring I, Extended Conjuring I <BR>Allows   : Ranged Conjuring I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (all)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "ASTRAL STEP" [DIRECTION] (...) <BR>Example  : cast "astral step" east <BR>This spell allows the caster to pass through doors by going through the astral<BR>plane of existence.  The more expertise the caster has, the more doors he or<BR>she can pass through in a single casting.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_BaseClanEq"><B>Spell_BaseClanEq: Enchant Clan Equipment Base Model</B></a>
			<a name="Spell_ClanDonate"><B>Spell_ClanDonate: Clan Donate</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Clan Donate <BR>Domain   : Conjuration <BR>Use Cost : Mana (536870912)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "CLAN DONATE" [TARGET NAME] ("[CLAN NAME]")  <BR>Example  : cast "clan donate" scroll <BR>Example  : cast "clan donate" scroll "super clan" <BR>When cast on an item, this spell will send it to the room designated by the<BR>casters clan boss as the donation room.  If you are a member of several clans,<BR>you may also specify the clan name.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_ClanExperience"><B>Spell_ClanExperience: Clan Experience</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Clan Experience <BR>Domain   : Enchantment/charm <BR>Use Cost : Mana (5)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "CLAN EXPERIENCE" [AMT] ([CLAN NAME]) <BR>Example  : cast "clan experience" 100 <BR>Example  : cast "clan experience" 100 "rough riders" <BR>This spell drains an amount of experience from the caster and grants it to<BR>their clan, or the specified clan if they belong to more than one.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_ClanHome"><B>Spell_ClanHome: Clan Home</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Clan Home <BR>Domain   : Conjuration <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "CLAN HOME" ("[CLAN NAME]")  <BR>Example  : cast "clan home" <BR>Example  : cast "clan home" super clan <BR>This spell sends the caster back to the room designated by the casters clan<BR>boss as the home room.  An optional clan name can be specified.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_ClanWard"><B>Spell_ClanWard: Clan Ward</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Clan Ward <BR>Domain   : Abjuration <BR>Allows   : Ranged Abjuring I, Reduced Abjuring I, Extended Abjuring I <BR>Allows   : Power Abjuring I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "CLAN WARD" [RANK]/REVOKE  <BR>Example  : cast "clan ward" TREASURER <BR>This spell must be used in a room that is owned by the casters clan.  When<BR>cast, it will prevent anyone from entering the room who is a member of the<BR>casters clan, but is BELOW the given rank.  The spell effect is permanent until<BR>revoked by the same spell. For the given example, that casting would restrict<BR>the room to treasurers and above in rank.  This spell only restricts your<BR>fellow clan members, and can be sneaked past.  See also Improved Clan Ward.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_DarknessGlobe"><B>Spell_DarknessGlobe: Darkness Globe</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Darkness Globe <BR>Domain   : Invocation/evocation <BR>Allows   : Ranged In/Evoking I, Reduced In/Evoking I, Extended In/Evoking I <BR>Allows   : Power In/Evoking I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "DARKNESS GLOBE"  <BR>Example  : cast "darkness globe" <BR>Causes an enormous globe of darkness to follow the caster around, enveloping<BR>everyone in the room, and making the room as dark as a moonless night whereever<BR>the caster is.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_Exhaustion"><B>Spell_Exhaustion: Exhaustion</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Exhaustion <BR>Domain   : Alteration <BR>Allows   : Ranged Altering I, Reduced Altering I, Extended Altering I <BR>Allows   : Power Altering I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Range 1 - Range 5 <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST EXHAUSTION [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : cast exhaustion bob <BR>This spell causes the target to suffer immediate fatigue.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_Flagportation"><B>Spell_Flagportation: Flagportation</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Flagportation <BR>Domain   : Conjuration <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  :  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST FLAGPORTATION ([CLAN NAME]") <BR>Example  : cast flagportation <BR>Example  : cast flagportation super clan <BR>This spell will teleport the caster and his or her group to a random clan flag<BR>on the map.  The caster must be a clan enchanter or other high member of the<BR>clan for this spell to work.  A clan name can optionally be specified.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_ImprovedClanWard"><B>Spell_ImprovedClanWard: Improved Clan Ward</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Improved Clan Ward <BR>Domain   : Abjuration <BR>Allows   : Ranged Abjuring I, Reduced Abjuring I, Extended Abjuring I <BR>Allows   : Power Abjuring I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "IMPROVED CLAN WARD" [RANK]/REVOKE  <BR>Example  : cast "improved clan ward" TREASURER <BR>This spell must be used in a room that is owned by the casters clan.  When<BR>cast, it will prevent anyone from entering the room who is a member of the<BR>casters clan, but is BELOW the given rank.  The spell effect is permanent until<BR>revoked by the same spell. For the given example, that casting would restrict<BR>the room to treasurers and above in rank.  This spell only restricts your<BR>fellow clan members, and can NOT be sneaked past.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_LightBlindness"><B>Spell_LightBlindness: Light Blindness</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Light Blindness <BR>Domain   : Transmutation <BR>Allows   : Extended Transmuting I, Reduced Transmuting I, Power Transmuting I <BR>Allows   : Ranged Transmuting I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST LIGHT BLINDNESS [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : cast "light blindness" orc <BR>If successful, this spell makes the target hyper sensitive to light.  In dark<BR>areas, the target is able to see clearly, but is blinded in well lit areas.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_MagicBullets"><B>Spell_MagicBullets: Magic Bullets</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Magic Bullets <BR>Domain   : Enchantment/charm <BR>Allows   : Extended Enchanting I, Power Enchanting I, Ranged Enchanting I <BR>Allows   : Reduced Enchanting I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "MAGIC BULLETS" [TARGET BULLETS] <BR>Example  : cast "magic bullets" bullets <BR>Enchants the targeted bullets to become magically more deadly, doing extra<BR>bashing damage when they strike their target.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_Untraceable"><B>Spell_Untraceable: Untraceable</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Spell    : Untraceable <BR>Domain   : Abjuration <BR>Allows   : Ranged Abjuring I, Reduced Abjuring I, Extended Abjuring I <BR>Allows   : Power Abjuring I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Sometimes Beneficial <BR>Targets  : Caster only <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : CAST, CA, C <BR>Usage    : CAST "UNTRACEABLE" <BR>Example  : cast "untraceable" <BR>This spell causes the caster to be undetectable to trackers, hunters,<BR>assassination trackers, gate, and divination spells that attempt to find the<BR>casters location.</pre>
			<a name="Spell_WellDressed"><B>Spell_WellDressed: Well Dressed</B></a>
			<pre>An affect common to wearing exquisite clothing, that results in extra Charisma.</pre>
			<a name="SpellCraftingSkill"><B>SpellCraftingSkill: Spell Crafting Skill</B></a>
			<a name="StdAbility"><B>StdAbility: an ability</B></a>
			<a name="StdBomb"><B>StdBomb: a bomb</B></a>
			<a name="StdLanguage"><B>StdLanguage: Languages</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LANGUAGES <BR>Usage   : LANGUAGES <BR>Example : LANGUAGES <BR>Short(s): LANGS <BR>Lists any languages that you know, along with your proficiency in them.  To use<BR>a language type SPEAK [LANGUAGE NAME].</pre>
			<a name="StdSkill"><B>StdSkill: StdSkill</B></a>
			<a name="StdTrap"><B>StdTrap: standard trap</B></a>
			<a name="Stigma"><B>Stigma: Stigma</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Stigma <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Invoked  : Automatic <BR>The characters reputation always precedes them in an exaggerated fashion. For<BR>all of their factions, the world will react both normally, AND as if they are<BR>at one extreme or the other, depending on current leanings.  </pre>
			<a name="SuperPower"><B>SuperPower: a Super Power</B></a>
			<pre>Command  : LIST <BR>Usage    : LIST POWERS (DOMAIN) <BR>Example  : list powers <BR>Shows all the superpower java class names (ability ids) available to your<BR>archons.</pre>
			<a name="TechSkill"><B>TechSkill: a Tech Skill</B></a>
			<pre>Command  : LIST  <BR>Usage    : LIST TECHSKILLS <BR>Example  : list techskills <BR>Shows the list of tech skill java classes (ability ids) available to archons.</pre>
			<a name="TemporaryAffects"><B>TemporaryAffects: Temporary Affects</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : Temporary Affects <BR>Targets    : Mobs, Items, Exits, Rooms <BR>Parameters : [ABILITYID/BEHAVIORID] [NUM TICKS] ([PARAMETERS]) <BR>Parameters : +[ABILITYID/BEHAVIORID] [NUM TICKS] ([PARAMETERS]) <BR>Parameters : -[ABILITYID/BEHAVIORID] <BR>Example    : +Mood 10 HAPPY <BR>Example    : +Clericness 20 Healer <BR>Example    : +Prop_Hidden 10 <BR>Description:  <BR>Allows the builder to temporarily affect a mob, item, exit, or room with a<BR>property or behavior that would normally be permanent if applied in a normal<BR>way.  The first parameter is the ability id or the behavior id, the second is<BR>the number of ticks that it will last, while the last parameter is optional<BR>parameters for THAT ability or behavior.  The parameters may be prefixed with a<BR>plus(+) sign to allow it to stack with other temporary affects.  A minus(-)<BR>sign followed by an ability or behavior id will prematurely remove the<BR>temporary affect.</pre>
			<a name="TemporaryImmunity"><B>TemporaryImmunity: Temporary Immunity</B></a>
			<pre>Property   : TemporaryImmunity <BR>Targets    : Mobs <BR>Parameters : Ability ID/Start time in millis;etc.. <BR>Example    : Disease_Cold/12312312323;Spell_Fireball/123123132 <BR>Description:  <BR>This is used by diseases primarily to provide a mob or player with temporary<BR>(30 mud hour) immunity to a set of diseases.</pre>
			<a name="Thief_DisassembleTrap"><B>Thief_DisassembleTrap: Disassemble Traps</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Disassemble Traps <BR>Domain   : Find/remove traps <BR>Allows   : Trap Disabling I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Items Exits  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : DISTRAP, DISASSEMBLETRAPS <BR>Usage    : DISTRAP [ITEM, DIRECTION] <BR>Example  : distrap east <BR>Example  : distrap chest <BR>If an item is trapped, the thief can attempt to disable and safely disassemble<BR>the trap, recovering the components used to create it.</pre>
			<a name="Thief_ImprovedCaltrops"><B>Thief_ImprovedCaltrops: Improved Caltrops</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Improved Caltrops <BR>Domain   : Trapping <BR>Allows   : Trapping I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Rooms  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : IMPROVEDCALTROPS <BR>Usage    : IMPROVED CALTROPS <BR>Example  : improvedcaltrops <BR>The thief drops numerous small light sharp metal objects on the ground around<BR>him or her. While the thief will be able to avoid them, anyone entering,<BR>leaving, advancing, or retreating from the room will be have have to avoid them<BR>or having them pierce deeply into their flesh, doing horrible damage.  This<BR>trap is permanent on owned property, but won't affect those who live there.</pre>
			<a name="Thief_Poison"><B>Thief_Poison: Deprecated Poison</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Deprecated Poison <BR>Domain   : Poisoning <BR>Allows   : Poisoning I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : DOPOISON <BR>Usage    : DOPOISON [TARGET NAME]  <BR>Example  : dopoison orc <BR>The thief attempts to inflict a poisonous wound the target, making them suffer<BR>and wither to death.</pre>
			<a name="Thief_Search"><B>Thief_Search: Search</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Search <BR>Domain   : Alert <BR>Allows   : Vigilantly I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : SEARCH <BR>Usage    : SEARCH  <BR>Example  : search <BR>This skill allows a thief to spend some time looking around a room.  For this<BR>duration of the search, any hidden items will become apparent to the one<BR>searching.  Once the search is completed, hidden items or mobs still in the<BR>room may no longer be seen.</pre>
			<a name="Thief_SlickCaltrops"><B>Thief_SlickCaltrops: Slick Caltrops</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Slick Caltrops <BR>Domain   : Trapping <BR>Allows   : Trapping I <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Rooms  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : SLICKCALTROPS <BR>Usage    : SLICK CALTROPS <BR>Example  : slickcaltrops <BR>The thief drops numerous small slick metal objects on the ground around him or<BR>her. While the thief will be able to avoid them, anyone entering, leaving,<BR>advancing, or retreating from the room will be have have to avoid them or risk<BR>slipping and hitting the ground, possibly also taking heavy damage from the<BR>caltrops. This trap is permanent on owned property, but won't affect those who<BR>live there.</pre>
			<a name="Thief_UnderwaterSounds"><B>Thief_UnderwaterSounds: Underwater Sounds</B></a>
			<pre>Allows the player to use the Listen skill under water.</pre>
			<a name="ThiefSkill"><B>ThiefSkill: a Thief Skill</B></a>
			<pre>Command  : LIST  <BR>Usage    : LIST THIEFSKILLS (DOMAIN) <BR>Example  : list thiefskills <BR>Shows the list of thief skill java classes (ability ids) available to archons.</pre>
			<a name="ThinAbility"><B>ThinAbility: a Thin Ability</B></a>
			<a name="ThrowFeces"><B>ThrowFeces: Throw Feces</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Throw Feces <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (50)  <BR>Quality  : Malicious <BR>Targets  : Creatures  <BR>Range    : Touch - Range 10 <BR>Commands : THROWFECES <BR>Usage    : THROWFECES [TARGET] <BR>Example  : THROWFECES Orc <BR>The player with this skill is able to reach around and produce feces on demand<BR>and then instantly throw it at the target.  The feces wont do much damage, but<BR>has a chance of giving a disease, and soiling the victim.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_AcidPit"><B>Trap_AcidPit: acid pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Acid Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A pit full of acid, triggered when someone enters. Requires some lemons or<BR>limes.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_AcidSpray"><B>Trap_AcidSpray: acid spray</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Acid Spray <BR>Targets    : Containers, Doors <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a blast of acid damage. Requires some limes.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_AcidThruPit"><B>Trap_AcidThruPit: small acid pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Small Acid Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A pit full of acid, triggered when someone moves through.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Avalanche"><B>Trap_Avalanche: avalanche</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Avalanche <BR>Targets    : Mountain rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a horrible avalanche of rock to fall on everyone.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_BearTrap"><B>Trap_BearTrap: bear trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Bear Trap <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Delivers piercing damage, and makes the victim unable to leave.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Boomerang"><B>Trap_Boomerang: boomerang</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Boomerang <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes the item to magically return to the inventory of the<BR>trapper.  This trap is only triggered when someone other than the trapper<BR>attempts to pick up the item.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Boulders"><B>Trap_Boulders: boulders</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Boulders <BR>Targets    : Rocky rooms (mountains, hills, etc) <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes rocks to assault the victim.  Use stone to build this trap<BR>and make sure you are in the proper type of room.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_CaveIn"><B>Trap_CaveIn: cave-in</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Cave-In <BR>Targets    : Cave Rooms <BR>Parameters : ('[invoker]') ("[msg]" ...) (: [level]) <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes rocks to fall in front of the exits, blocking all entry and<BR>exit from the room.  [msg] is replacement messaging for this skill.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_CrushingRoom"><B>Trap_CrushingRoom: crushing room</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Crushing Room <BR>Targets    : Indoor Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes exits to be blocked while the walls close in, crushing all<BR>those unfortunate enough to be inside when it goes off.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Darkfall"><B>Trap_Darkfall: darkfall</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Darkfall <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes darkness to fall on the area.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_DeepPit"><B>Trap_DeepPit: deep pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Deep Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes the victim to fall into a deep pit, taking extra damage. <BR>Triggered on entry.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_DeepThruPit"><B>Trap_DeepThruPit: small deep pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Small Deep Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes the victim to fall into a deep pit, taking extra damage. <BR>Triggered when someone moves through the room.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_ElectricShock"><B>Trap_ElectricShock: electric shock</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Electric Shock <BR>Targets    : Doors and Containers <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes the victim to take shocking damage.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Enter"><B>Trap_Enter: Entry Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_Enter <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters : Set ability to trap type (0-3) <BR>Parameters : 0=needle, 1=pit/blade, 2=gas, 3=spell <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap triggered when entering one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_EnterBlade"><B>Trap_EnterBlade: Entry Blade Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_EnterBlade <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A blade trap triggered when entering one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_EnterGas"><B>Trap_EnterGas: Entry Gas Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_EnterGas <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A gas trap triggered when entering one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_EnterNeedle"><B>Trap_EnterNeedle: Entry Needle Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_EnterNeedle <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A needle trap triggered when entering one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_EnterPit"><B>Trap_EnterPit: Entry Pit Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_EnterPit <BR>Targets    : Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A pit trap triggered when entering one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_EnterSpell"><B>Trap_EnterSpell: Entry Spell Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_EnterSpell <BR>Targets    : Rooms, Exits <BR>Parameters : Name of the spell; parameters <BR>Example    : Spell_Fireball <BR>Example    : Spell_FakeWeapon; sword <BR>Description:  <BR>A spell casting pit trap triggered when entering one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_ExitPit"><B>Trap_ExitPit: Entry Pit Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_ExitPit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A pit trap triggered when leaving the room.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_ExitRoom"><B>Trap_ExitRoom: Exit Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_ExiRoom <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap triggered when entering or leaving the room.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_FloodRoom"><B>Trap_FloodRoom: flood room</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Flood Room <BR>Targets    : Indoor Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which causes the exits to be blocked while the room fills with water.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Get"><B>Trap_Get: Get Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_Get <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : Set ability to trap type (0-3) <BR>Parameters : 0=needle, 1=pit/blade, 2=gas, 3=spell <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap triggered when getting an item.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_GetBlade"><B>Trap_GetBlade: Get Blade Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_GetBlade <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A blade trap triggered when getting an item.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_GetGas"><B>Trap_GetGas: Get Gas Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_GetGas <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A gas trap triggered when getting an item.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_GetNeedle"><B>Trap_GetNeedle: Get Needle Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_GetNeedle <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A needle trap triggered when getting an item.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_GetSpell"><B>Trap_GetSpell: Get Spell Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_GetSpell <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : Name of the spell; parameters <BR>Example    : Spell_Fireball <BR>Example    : Spell_FakeWeapon; sword <BR>Description:  <BR>A spell casting pit trap triggered when getting one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Gluey"><B>Trap_Gluey: gluey</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Gluey <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Covers an item in glue, making it not droppable or removable except by<BR>anti-curse magic.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Greasy"><B>Trap_Greasy: greasy</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Greasy <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Covers an item in grease, making the person picking it up drop it immediately.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Ignition"><B>Trap_Ignition: ignition trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Ignition <BR>Targets    : Burnable Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which makes the item ignite when picked up.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Infected"><B>Trap_Infected: infected</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Infected <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which gives the victim a disease when the item is picked up.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Launcher"><B>Trap_Launcher: launcher trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Launcher <BR>Targets    : Containers and Doors <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap which makes a ranged weapon fire when the item or door is opened.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_MonsterCage"><B>Trap_MonsterCage: monster cage</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Monster Cage <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>This trap requires a caged monster.  When triggered, the victim is attacked by<BR>the monster or monsters in the cage.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Needle"><B>Trap_Needle: poisoned needle</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Poisoned Needle <BR>Targets    : Containers and Doors <BR>Parameters : Name of the poison <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a poisoned needle to strike the victim.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_NeedlePrick"><B>Trap_NeedlePrick: poisoned pricker</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Poisoned Pricker <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters : Name of the poison <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a poisoned needle to prick the victim getting the item.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Noise"><B>Trap_Noise: noisy trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Noisy Trap <BR>Targets    : Containers and Doors <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a loud noise to be heard througout the whole area when triggered.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Open"><B>Trap_Open: Open Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_Open <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters : Set ability to trap type (0-3) <BR>Parameters : 0=needle, 1=pit/blade, 2=gas, 3=spell <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap triggered when opening one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_OpenBlade"><B>Trap_OpenBlade: Open Blade Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_OpenBlade <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A blade trap triggered when opening one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_OpenGas"><B>Trap_OpenGas: Open Gas Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_OpenGas <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A gas trap triggered when opening one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_OpenNeedle"><B>Trap_OpenNeedle: Open Needle Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_OpenNeedle <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A needle trap triggered when opening one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_OpenSpell"><B>Trap_OpenSpell: Open Spell Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_OpenSpell <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters : Name of the spell; parameters <BR>Example    : Spell_Fireball <BR>Example    : Spell_FakeWeapon; sword <BR>Description:  <BR>A spell casting pit trap triggered when opening one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_PoisonGas"><B>Trap_PoisonGas: poison gas</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Poison Gas <BR>Targets    : Containers and Doors <BR>Parameters : Name of the poison <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes everyone to be struck with a poisonous gas.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Popper"><B>Trap_Popper: popping noise</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Popping Noise <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a loud popping noise to be heard througout the area when the item is<BR>picked up.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_RatPit"><B>Trap_RatPit: rat pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Rat Pit Trap <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a pit full of hungry rats from a cage of rats. Triggered on entry.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_RatThruPit"><B>Trap_RatThruPit: small rat pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Small Rat Pit Trap <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a pit full of hungry rats from a cage of rats. Triggered when moving<BR>through.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_RoomPit"><B>Trap_RoomPit: pit trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Pit Trap <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to fall into a pit, taking damage. Triggered on entry.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_RoomThruPit"><B>Trap_RoomThruPit: small pit trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Small Pit Trap <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to fall into a pit, taking damage. Triggered when moving<BR>through.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_SleepGas"><B>Trap_SleepGas: sleep gas</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Sleep Gas <BR>Targets    : Rooms and Containers <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes all victims to go to sleep.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_SnakePit"><B>Trap_SnakePit: snake pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Snake Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a pit full of angry snakes from a cage of them. Triggered on entry.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_SnakeThruPit"><B>Trap_SnakeThruPit: small snake pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Small Snake Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Creates a pit full of angry snakes from a cage of them. Triggered when moving<BR>through.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Snare"><B>Trap_Snare: snare trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Snare Trap <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to be caught in a snaring net.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Spark"><B>Trap_Spark: sparking trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Sparking Trap <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to take fire damage when getting the item.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_SpellBlast"><B>Trap_SpellBlast: spell blast</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Spell Blast <BR>Targets    : Doors and Containers <BR>Parameters : The name of the spell <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to be struck with a spell.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_SpikePit"><B>Trap_SpikePit: spike pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Spike Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to fall into a pit of spikes, taking bad damage. Triggered on<BR>entry.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_SpikeThruPit"><B>Trap_SpikeThruPit: small spike pit</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Small Spike Pit <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to fall into a pit of spikes, taking bad damage. Triggered<BR>when moving through.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_SporeTrap"><B>Trap_SporeTrap: spore trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Spore Trap <BR>Targets    : Doors and Containers <BR>Parameters : The name of the disease <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to be infected with a disease.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Trap"><B>Trap_Trap: a Trap!</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_Trap <BR>Targets    : Items, Exits, Rooms <BR>Parameters : Set ability to trap type (0-3) <BR>Parameters : 0=needle, 1=pit/blade, 2=gas, 3=spell <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap triggered when doing something to one of the above.  This is a base<BR>class for other traps.  Do not use!</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Tripline"><B>Trap_Tripline: tripline</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Tripline <BR>Targets    : Rooms <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the victim to trip and fall down.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Unlock"><B>Trap_Unlock: Unlock Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_Unlock <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters : Set ability to trap type (0-3) <BR>Parameters : 0=needle, 1=pit/blade, 2=gas, 3=spell <BR>Description:  <BR>A trap triggered when unlocking one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_UnlockBlade"><B>Trap_UnlockBlade: Unlock Blade Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_UnlockBlade <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A blade trap triggered when unlocking one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_UnlockGas"><B>Trap_UnlockGas: Unlock Gas Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_UnlockGas <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A gas trap triggered when unlocking one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_UnlockNeedle"><B>Trap_UnlockNeedle: Unlock Needle Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_UnlockNeedle <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>A needle trap triggered when unlocking one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_UnlockSpell"><B>Trap_UnlockSpell: Unlock Spell Trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Trap_UnlockSpell <BR>Targets    : Items (Containers), Exits <BR>Parameters : Name of the spell; parameters <BR>Example    : Spell_Fireball <BR>Example    : Spell_FakeWeapon; sword <BR>Description:  <BR>A spell casting pit trap triggered when unlocking one of the above.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_Vanishing"><B>Trap_Vanishing: vanishing trap</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Vanishing Trap <BR>Targets    : Items <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes the item to become invisible when picked up.</pre>
			<a name="Trap_WeaponSwing"><B>Trap_WeaponSwing: weapon swing</B></a>
			<pre>Trap       : Weapon Swing <BR>Targets    : Doors and Containers <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Description:  <BR>Causes a weapon to strike the victim.</pre>
			<a name="Truce"><B>Truce: Truce</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Truce <BR>Parameters : Empty, or Name of other party <BR>Example    : DECLARETRUCE bob <BR>Description:  <BR>This affect, when applied, prevents combat between the affected mob and one<BR>other for a period. The period is very brief with automatically applied (from<BR>wands, etc), and longer otherwise.  <BR> <BR>When applied as a permanent property with a Name parameter, the truce will<BR>exist with mobs of that name forever.  When applied as a permanent property<BR>with No parameter, the truce will begin the moment the affected mob kills any<BR>mob, and persist for 30 seconds.</pre>
			<a name="Undead_ColdTouch"><B>Undead_ColdTouch: Cold Touch</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Undead_ColdTouch <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>An attack which, if successful, gives the target a strength and constitution of<BR>3.</pre>
			<a name="Undead_EnergyDrain"><B>Undead_EnergyDrain: Energy Drain</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Undead_EnergyDrain <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>An attack which, if successful, drains the target of temporary levels.</pre>
			<a name="Undead_LifeDrain"><B>Undead_LifeDrain: Drain Life</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Undead_LifeDrain <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>An attack that is almost identical to the mage Drain spell, without the magical<BR>nature.  It causes the target to lose mana.</pre>
			<a name="Undead_WeakEnergyDrain"><B>Undead_WeakEnergyDrain: Weak Energy Drain</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : Undead_WeakEnergyDrain <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>An attack which, if successful, drains the target of temporary levels for a<BR>short time.</pre>
			<a name="WanderHomeLater"><B>WanderHomeLater: WanderHomeLater</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : WanderHomeLater <BR>Parameters : (AREAOK=true/false) (IGNOREPCS=true/false) (ONCE=true/false) <BR>Parameters : (MINTICKS=[TICKS]) (MAXTICKS=[TICKS]) (IGNOREFOLLOW=true/false) <BR>Parameters : (RESPECTFOLLOW=true/false) <BR>Example    : once=false areaok=true minticks=10 maxticks=20 <BR>Description:  <BR>By default, as soon as a mob with this ability finds himself able to move, and<BR>no longer in combat, and not following anyone, and the room clear of PCs, he<BR>will wander back to his start room until he finds himself, once again, far from<BR>home. <BR> <BR>The default behavior can be modified with parameters.  AREAOK will allow the<BR>mob to wander, so long as he stays in his home area, only returning home if he<BR>finds himself outside his area.  IGNOREPCS will allow the mob to wander home<BR>even if other PCs are in the room watching him.  IGNOREFOLLOW will allow the<BR>mob to wander home even if he is following someone, magically or otherwise. <BR>RESPECTFOLLOW will immediately negate this property if the mob is ever<BR>following anyone. ONCE will make this property work only one time, deleting<BR>itself after the mob has gone home. MINTICKS and MAXTICKS set a limit on how<BR>long the mob can be away from home before considering a return trip; by<BR>default, MINTICKS and MAXTICKS are 0, meaning the mob is constantly trying to<BR>get home.</pre>
			<a name="WeakParalysis"><B>WeakParalysis: Weak Paralysis</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : WeakParalysis <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Description:  <BR>An attack which, if successful, paralyzes the victim for a few short ticks.</pre>
			<a name="WildTagTurf"><B>WildTagTurf: Wild Tag Turf</B></a>
			<pre> <BR>Skill    : Wild Tag Turf <BR>Domain   : Racial ability <BR>Use Cost : Mana (25) Movement (25)  <BR>Quality  : Circumstantial <BR>Targets  : Rooms  <BR>Range    : Touch, or not applicable <BR>Commands : WILDTAG, WTAGTURF, WTURFTAG, WILDTAGTURF, WILDTURFTAG <BR>Usage    : WILDTAG (UNTAG) <BR>Example  : wildtag <BR>Example  : wildtag untag <BR>The creature tags this place as their "turf" or, if they are a part of a clan,<BR>their clan's "turf".  Other players creatures will not be able to use some of<BR>their skills here, specifically those in either the animal affinity and racial<BR>ability domains.  The tag can only be seen by the tagging creature, and those<BR>who can see hidden things.</pre>
			<a name="WingFlying"><B>WingFlying: Winged Flight</B></a>
			<pre>Ability    : WingFlying <BR>Parameters :  <BR>Example    :  <BR>Usage      : FLAP <BR>Description:  <BR>The ability to control winged flight.</pre>
			<a name="WolfSpeak"><B>WolfSpeak: Wolf Speak</B></a>
			<a name="WormSpeak"><B>WormSpeak: Worm Speak</B></a>