btonline-btechmux 0.6:
	- Changes
	* Replaced the muxevent event queue's with evtimer callbacks.
	  (Martin Murray)
	* Added mech_printf() to replace mech_notify(xxx, tprintf(xxx))
	  construction. (Martin Murray)
	* Replaced @wait command queue system with libevent evtimer
	  callbacks. (Martin Murray)
	* Extended btmapemit() (Martin Murray)
	* Extended btsetxy() (Martin Murray)
	* Added btmapunits() (Martin Murray)
	* Extended btgetrange() (Martin Murray)
	* Removed FUNCTION(xx) (Martin Murray)
	* Added red-black tree library to MUX. (Martin Murray)
	* The AI for the MUX now uses doubly-linked list for storing
	  commands.  This allows bigger and more flexible commands to
	  be created. (Dany)
	* The AI now has a new 'goto' command based on the A* (A-star)
	  pathfinding algorthim.  The old goto has been moved to 
	  'oldgoto' for addcommand and 'ogoto' for radio command. (Dany)
	* Re-arranged the files that contained AI code. (Dany)
	* Added a doubly linked list library to the MUX 'dllist'. (Dany)
	* Replaced the fileslave with a faster, more efficient logcache 
	  system based on libevent. (Martin Murray)
	* Added a function proper_parseattributes to replace 
	  silly_parseattributes. (Martin Murray)
	* Added builtin strndup and strlen for non GNU OS systems.
	* Added MECHPREFS [SETTING [ON|OFF]].  Allowing the pilot 
	  to manually specify ON or OFF for the given preference.
	* Removed the CONF_HAND, CONF_AHAND, and CONF_HDECL macros
	  (Martin Murray)
	* Replace FNDELAY on pipe's with O_NONBLOCK. (Martin Murray)
	* Added logging for the A* path finding. (Dany)
	* Added proper_explodearguments to replace mech_parseattributes.
	  (Martin Murray)
	* Split the single mech_u/sdisembark function into two
	  seperate functions, instead having the one with all
	  the #defines. (Dany)
	* Added two hcode functions to match behavior with btmapemit
	  MapLimitedBroadcast2d & MapLimitedBroadcast3d. (Martin Murray)
	* Rewrote the AI's radio command system. (Dany)
	* New sqlchild system to replace the old sqlslave system.
	  (Martin Murray)
	* Added softcode function colorpairs(). (Dany)
	* Added the @fail and @afail stuff to embark as well as 
	  redid the @fail and added @afail to enterbase. (Dany)
	* Changed physical attacks to be more in line with FASA
	  rules.  Allowing torso twist for upper body attacks,
	  and allowing punch/axe/sword to attack the forward arc
	  as well as their respective side arc. (Dany)
	* New autogun code for the AI.  AI develops a profile
	  of its weapons as well as scores targets differently.
	  Also handles physical attacks better, won't make a physical
	  attack unless its target is in range or will attack
	  another target if its main target is beyond a given range.
	* Updated the AI follow command to use the A* pathfinding
	* Made the AI Chasetarg command use the new follow
	  command (Dany)
	* Added a #define DEBUG_ASTAR which when defined logs
	  the various things that go on with the astar generate
	  path function. (Dany)
	* Chasetarg goes into sleep when other movement commands
	  are being used.  When those commands are done Chasetarg
	  comes back online. (Dany)
	* Cleaned up muxevent_names array in event.c, was sorely
	  out of date.  Probably still needs more work.  This was
	  being used by the DEBUG object when listing events. (Dany)
	* AIs can now pick their own sensors using the
	  auto_sensor_event. (Dany)
	* Added command to AI's interface called 'EVENTSTATS', lists
	  the various events running on that AI. (Dany)
	* Changed the 'btech_engine' config directive to
	  'btech_explode_reactor'. (Greg Taylor)
	* There is now a config directive, 'btech_seismic_see_stopped',
	  that determines whether seismic picks up stopped units.
	  Default to off (0). (Power_Shaper)
	* Renamed 'phys_use_pskill' to 'btech_use_pskill' to fit in
	  with the rest of the config directives.
	* Removed functions: btgetreftech(), btgetreftech_ref(),
	  btaddparts(). Use their existing equivalents:
	  btaddstores(), bttechlist(), bttechlist_ref(). (Greg)
	* The addstuff command, btaddstores() are now capped at
	  at 50,000 parts to add at once. If the value is
	  exceeded, set the quantity to the max and add it.
	  This is to prevent exceeding the bounds for the
	  integer data type. (Greg)
	* Removed the EXILE_FUNCS_SUPPORT define. Completely
	  redundant with our adjusted priorities. (Greg)
	* Removed TARGCOMP_MODES define. If people enable/disable
	  this, it requires a hcode.db rebuild which sucks. If
	  admins don't want targcomp modes, they can refrain
	  from setting targcomp to values other than 0 on
	  units. (Greg)
	* Removed EXTENDED_ADVANTAGES define for much the same
	  reason as the last two. If admins don't want to use
	  the feature, don't add the advantages to players. (Greg)
	* You may now add a one-shot weapon by doing a:
	  addweap <weap> <loc> <crit> o. Rewrite the addweap
	  function to be much more expandable and a lot less
	  hacked. (Greg)
	* RocketLaunchers are now completely implemented. (Greg)
        * VTOLs with ICE set crash/explosion hex ablaze (Power_Shaper)
        * Added btech_vtol_ice_causes_fire for VTOLs with ICE (Power_Shaper)
        * Explode reactor/ammo requires weapons/section to not be busy 
        * Added STINGER ammotype and related affects. Ammo code is 'T' 

	- Merge
	* Added Exile's roll on back walk code. (Tuncay)
	* Added Exile's mine trigger stuff which seperates the
	  Trigger mine and makes it more usable. (Dany)
	* Added Exile's emits (to MechDebugInfo) for picking up
	  and dropping off units. (Dany)
	* Added Exile's Waterproof_Tech but it works on all units
	  except for aeros, vtols and DSes.  Basicly negates any
	  rolls or affects that water has on a unit although
	  the units will still slow down in water. (Dany)
	* Added Coolant Guns. (Dany)
	* Added 'vector' command. (Power_Shaper)
	* Changed tacheight to tacsize. (Dany)
	* Added Exile's head hit stun code.  Can be turned on/off using the
	  mudconf parameter 'btech_exile_stun_code'. (Dany)
	* Finished hooking Maneuvering Ace to turnmodes. (Power_Shaper)
        * Added Exile's Observer channel code with coloring. (Power_Shaper)
        * Added btech_idf_requies_spotter defaulting to 1 for
          idf Spotting requirements. (Power_Shaper)
	* Ported Exile style orbital dropping. (Greg)

	- Bugfixes
	* Fixed mistiming in weapon recycling code. (Martin Murray)
	* Can no longer hide while OOD'ing (Greg Taylor)
	* Fixed btsetcharvalue() and btgetcharvalue() crashers.
	  (Martin Murray)
	* Some fixes for the mux to compile on Linux/amd64,
	  still a bunch of 32/64 bit issues. (Martin Murray)
	* Changed notify_check to notify_checked, was conflicting 
	  with a builtin function on Mac OS X. (Dany)
	* Fixes for embark and udisembark. (Dany)
	* Fixes to the configure system. (Dany)
	* btsetpartcost() corrected negative cost error check. (George Ponick)
	* btdamagemech() total damage limited to 1000 to prevent runaway loop. (George Ponick)
	* Fixed bttechlist() to prevent that FUSTAG bug. (Greg Taylor)
	* Fix for bug #1321731.  Masc code more in line with FASA
	  now and should destroy all the hips as well as
	  set the max speed to zero, fixing any weirdness
	  that was occuring when the unit took another leg crit. (Dany)
	* Fix for bug #1324084 - Stealth Armor.  Fix so when you
	  repair the armor on a stealth armor unit, it uses STH_Armor
	  parts instead of 'Internals' (which is wrong). (Dany)
	* Added some rounding for the Trigger mine distance calcs
	  because of ranges being generated like 1.000072 messing
	  with it. (Dany)
	* Movement mode contact flags now appear as intended. (Power_Shaper)
	* Maneuvering ace now gets the proper turning bonus. (John FitzSimons)
	* Patch to keep exploding units that aren't on maps
	  from crashing the MUX. (Dany)
	* Patch to keep units set CritProof_Tech from getting crits. (Dany)
	* Destroyed defensive weapons now emit proper error when player
	  attempts to fire them (Power_Shaper)
	* deltech now accepts 'all' or any permutation of case. (Greg)
	* XL Gyros, Compact Gyros, and Hardened Gyros are now addable
	  and no longer under the complex repairs ifdef. They need to be
	  implemented though. As a result, carrier tech will not show
	  up as xl_gyro tech when complex_repairs is enabled. (Greg)
	* It is now possible to compile with --disable-bt-movement-modes.
	* Units with movetype NONE no longer fall from the sky when shutdown
	  while floating above ground level in the air. (Greg)

btonline-btechmux 0.4:
	- Changes
	* Merged with the unstable branch's revision #38 + the patch
	  for @restart and the rbtree. Includes some updates to the 
	  event code including the need for libevent to be installed 
	  on the system. (Dany)
	* Changed btech_tl3_charge to default on. (Dany)
	* Added btech_use_tech_bsuit config parameter with default on.
	  When enabled it uses the Technician-BSuit skill for fixing
	  BattleSuits, if off uses Technician-Battlemech. (Dany)
	* Replaced the select() loop in bsd.c with Niels Provos' 
	  libevent system. Libevent is now necessary. (Martin Murray)
	* Renamed the mux event system muxevent to prevent collisions
	  with libevent functions. (Martin Murray)
	* Added HIDDEN flag to status and scan so you can tell if a
	  unit is hidden. (Dany)
	* Changed how AIs do physical attacks. Physical weapon attacks 
	  first, then kicking and finally they try to punch. (Dany)
	* Can no longer DFA airborne targets. (Dany)
	* Tanks can now charge 'ram' other tanks.
	* Added TL3 FASA charge rules. Can be enabled/disabled by
	  adding btech_tl3_charge 1 or 0 to the MUX config file. (Dany)
	* Changed the charge distance recoder to record actual distance
	  traveled instead of number of hexes entered. Fixed a cheat
	  were a unit traveling 0/180 could double their charge
	  distance. (Dany)
	* Changes to the SQL Stuff, Cleaning up some of the SQL Code
	  made it more readable. (Dany)
	* Added the ability to specify the port number as well as the
	  unix socket for the mysql database. (Dany)
	* Made a compile time flag NO_SQLSLAVE. If you define this
	  in config.h and compile with SQL_SUPPORT on, it will
	  build the sql code directly into the MUX and will not use
	  the sqlslave program. This was to help us debug sqlslave
	  as well as giving people other options. This will be added
	  to the configure system whenever I get a chance. (Dany)
	* Added logging to both sqlslave and the sql in the mux.
	  The files generated are sqlslave.log (for when using
	  sqlslave) and sql.log (for when using built in sql).
	  These files get big fast if you do a lot of queries, I
	  will have to add some way of specifying the logging level
	  later. (Dany)

	- Merge
	* Added Exile's AI Roam stuff. (Dany)
	* Added Exile's hide tech (CAMO_TECH in this case) so any
	  unit set with CAMO_TECH can hide. (Dany)
	* Added a whole bunch of AI commands from Exile. Check the
	  AI help for the whole list. (Dany)
	* AIs now score their targets like Exile. Using a combo of
	  BV and BTH. (Dany)
	* Added parts of Exile's autogun code. (Dany)
	* Added Exile's autosensor code for the AIs. (Dany)

	- Bugfixes
	* Changed the name of the skill 'Technician-BattleSuit' to
	  'Technician-BSuit' to fix a bug when setting and getting the xp
	  of that skill. (Dany)
	* Should now see more emits when trying to hide and when you break
	  your cover. (Dany)
	* AIs should now limit their speed if the user specifies a
	  speed percentage. (Dany)
	* Fixed an issue were commands sent over the radio to AIs were
	  losing pieces and not making it to all the AIs. (Dany)
	* Cleaned up and added some more checks to the dfa code. (Dany)
	* Cleaned up and added some more checks to the charge code. (Dany)
	* Fixed a crash bug with LOS. (Martin Murray)

btonline-btechmux 0.3:
	* New version of deltech that supports 'all' or specific
	  tech to be removed. Shows a list of techs if none or bad
	  name for one is supplied. (Dany)
	* Added the scode function pairs(). Give it the parameter
	  obj/attr and it will count the # of {[()]} and return a
	  string like 0 0 0 0 0 0 showing the # of each found.
	* Added the scode function btpayload_ref(). Give it the REF 
	  of a unit and it will return the weapons + ammo (no melee
	  weaps) of the unit in a special format.
	  <item 1>:<amt>|...|<item n>:<amt> (Dany)
	* Broke the fun_btpartname function into two pieces,
	  fun_btpartname and partname_func. partname_func will accept
	  a part index value & name type, and it will return the name
	  of the part as a string. Only for use in the hardcode. (Dany)
	* Changed the function btmapterr() so that when it finds a
	  GRASSLAND hex, instead of returning a space ' ' it returns
	  a period '.'. Which is whats stored in the .map files
	  anyways (Dany)
	* Rewrote the configure script to allow easy selection of
	  features. (Dany)
	* Made the code more dependent on autoconf.h so no more of
	  those -D compile time flags in Makefile (Dany)
	* Default tactical screen size is now 14 21 (Dany)
	* Switched the specialsstatus xcode variable to status2 so
	  its more like Exile (Dany)

	- Merge
	* Changed @tacheight to @tacsize so player can specify height
	  and width for their tactical with a max size of 24 40 and a
	  min size of 5 5 (Dany)
	* Added and changed some of the Monitor channels around. New
	  Channels are...
	  	  MechAttackEmits : if a target has the ATTACKEMIT_MECH flag
							set, emit the attack info here 
	  	  MechAttacks     : Any attacks are displayed here 
	      MechAttackXP    : Any attack xp is displayed here 
		  MechBTHDebug    : If BTH_DEBUG is on at compile time this
							outputs useful info
		  MechFreqs       : If people from different teams set the
							same freq this emits info
		  MechPilotXP     : Any pilot xp is displayed here
		  MechTechXP	  : Any tech xp is displayed here

	  The MechXP channel is only used for other skills now. (Dany)
	* Added the ATTACKEMIT_MECH flag from Exile. When set on a
	  target it emits info to the MechAttackEmits channel when
	  the target is attacked. Its part of the status2 xcode
	  flag as 't'. (Dany)

	- Bugfixes
	* Fixed the scode function btpartmatch(). It was not returning
	  part number values if you used either the short or vlong name
	  for a part. (Dany)
	* Fixed the function btpartmatch() so that when the user
	  puts in a bad partname it returns "#-1 INVALID PARTNAME"
	  instead of nothing. (Dany)
	* Fixed a small bug with src/attrs.h and src/db.c leftover
	  from when the luck system was removed. (Dany)

btonline-btechmux 0.2:
    - Bugfixes
    * Fixed ArtemisV's abbreviation to be AV rather than AIV which
	  is already taken (Greg Taylor)
	* Changed the version string to be a little shorter. (Greg Taylor)
	* Removed BT_COMPLEXREPAIRS from defines. Most sites won't
	  want such granular parts, see btconfig.h if you are curious
	  and want per-tonnage actuators and assorted parts.
	* Also removed BT_FREETECHTIME from the default compile
	  flags. This allows for instant repairs which again, most sites
	  probably won't use. (Greg Taylor)

btonline-btechmux 0.1:
    Extensive revisions/additions. See docs/exilemerge.txt for details.

btechmux 1.4.3:
    - New Features
	* Rocket Launchers from FM: Periphery (Cord)
	* HUDINFO version 0.6 (optional, default on) (Focus)
	* Part weight (optional, configure in btconfig.h) (Greg Taylor)
	* New connect.txt's for the MUXample DB (Greg Taylor, Focus)
	* Variable Recycle Time (optional, configure in btconfig.h) (Cord)
	* New Stagger code: stagger only once a turn (Focus)
	* add Clan MicroPulseLaser weapon from BMR (Focus)
	* Rework 'status short' to show more useful info (NC, Focus)
	* Fusion VTOLs no longer need fuel (Cord)
	* Add 'None' to argument for 'settype' (Greg Taylor)
	* @log and logf() to log to arbitrary files in the 'log'
	  directory (optional in config.h, default on) (Kevin Stevens)
	* Rework hcode.db loading code so XCODE structs are growable,
	  reducing the need for hcode.db wipes in the future (Focus)
	* 'enterbay' command to AUTOPILOTs, in both radio-controlled
	  and programmed modes. (Focus)
	* Use building or dropship hangar's @FAIL attribute as 'failure'
	  message when trying to enter a base or bay (Focus)
	* MechWarrior Companion advantages (Bloodname, Combat_Sense,
	  Contact, Dropship and EI_Implant) and skills (Drive-Naval,
	  Piloting-Battlesuit, Riding, Technician-Battlesuit,
	  Technician-Spacecraft and Zero-G_Operations.)
	  Piloting-Battlesuit differs from Piloting-BSuit in that it is an
	  Atheltic skill, rather than a Physical one, and also in that it
	  isn't used in actual code yet. (Focus)
    - Bugfixes
	* Rewrite (template) weight calculation code to be more correct for
	  both 'mechs and tanks. The main impact is on tanks, however, as
	  the weight calculation for those was very wrong. Also fix many
	  templates to comply to the new rules. (Focus)
	* Rewrite weapon weight calculation so Long Toms and Clan
	  MachineGuns have their actual weight. (Focus)
	* Lots of C3/C3i fixes (Cord)
	* Lots of Battlesuit fixes (Cord)
	* Report the correct 'mech on MechXP when fixing, removing or
	  replacing guns (Cord & Focus at the same time)
	* Use the correct cargo type when repairing Compact, Light and XXL
	  Engines (Focus)
	* Fix (very old) comparison between pointer and integer that had
	  potential to crash the MUX when using Extended Range. (Focus)
	* Fix weight of IS Ultra AC/2 (was 6, should be 7 tons) (Focus)
	* Prevent Death-XP-removal code from handing out XP if the
	  btech_xploss config setting is too high (Focus)
	* Ignore whitespace in config file rather than complaining about
	  'unknown directives' (Focus)
	* Robustify mkindx to deal with long lines (Focus)
	* Take Pilot skills into account when doing BV calculations for XP
	  gain (Cord, bug found by Marcus Hazen@3030)
	* Prevent jumping 'mechs from being picked up (Cord)
	* Disallow enterbase until unit speed is close to 0 kph,
	  not 10.75 kph (1MP) (Cord)
	* Sanitized weapon-arc handling, giving tanks and 'mechs the
	  same (FASA) weapon arcs (Focus)
	* Fix tank 'ammoboom' critical hits (Cord)
	* Fix 'stores' and 'manifest' to show '1k' (or higher) rather than
	  always 999 for values over 999 (Focus)
	* Lots of removal of dead code (Focus)
	* Lots of code cleanup (Cord, Focus, NC)

btechmux 1.4.2:
    - New features
	* Add compile-time setting (DO_PARSE_WIZNEWS) to enable %-parsing of
	  the 'wiznews' file. (Greg Taylor & Focus, SF patch #500268)
	* Allow 'who' and 'last' on channels that you currently do not have
	  'on', if you are a Wizard or the @admin allow_chanlurking is on
	  (defaults to off) (Focus)
	* Allow 'setteam' to set the team num to any int, rather than up to
	  and including 26. (Focus)
	* Add 'b' (for BattleSuits) as argument to 'settype'
	  (Greg Taylor, SF patch #500269)
	* Add a number of maps from Greg Taylor (SF patch #500071)
	* Reworked build mechanism so GDBM is no longer needed. dbconvert is
	  not built by default now; use regular TinyMUX dbconvert if you
	  need it. (Focus)
	* Add player-customizable tactical/navigate/lrs colors, using
	  the MAPCOLOR attribute. (Focus)
	* Allow 'repairs' and 'damages' commands outside of stalls if
	  btech_limitedrepairs is false. (Cord)

    - Bugfixes
	* Fix a longstanding crashing bug in regmatch() (Focus & Null)
	* Fix crashing bug in AUTOPILOTs if any are 'active' during
	  @restart/startup. (Focus)
	* Big overhaul on the comsystem, removing numerous crashing bugs
	  without introducing too many new ones (hopefully) (Focus)
	* Fix a few of the checks in configure so crypt() is properly
	  detected. (Focus)
	* Fix buglet in @mechstatus support that caused armor/internal
	  numbers to always show up in highlighted-black, even if the
	  section was destroyed. (Focus)
	* Fix SF bug #500646: spurious DAMAGED weaponstatus for large
	  (multi-crit) weapons in vehicles. (Focus)
	* Set speed of dropped-off units to 0 (NC)
	* Plug buffer-overrun in 'loadnew' command and a few others that
	  use it. (Focus)
	* Fix spurious warnings about empty lines in the MUX .conf file.
	* Fix SF bug #502112, the sizes of Aerodyne and Spheroid dropships
	  for hexlos-tracing were swapped. (Focus & Null)
	* Fix bug where a tank driving off a cliff into water wouldn't get
	  auto-killed (missing water checks.) (Cord)
	* Fix weapon destruction for 'damaged' weapons. (Cord)
	* Add missing '<item> destroyed!' messages for damaged items;
	  this could cause CRITICAL HIT!! messages without saying what was
	  critically hit. (Cord)
	* General code cleanup and removal of dead code (NC, Focus)

btechmux 1.4.1:
	* Re-package slightly differently, to avoid broken downloads
	* Mark the game/data/ files as 'binary' in CVS, as they are
	* Add CodingStyle document
	* Guard against possible 'out of map' problem in artillery (NC)
	* Make @mechstatus (custom 'status' template settable from scode) 
	  working again. (Focus)
	* Fix bug in 'status' where ')' in the 'status' template script was
	  incorrectly handled. (Focus)
	* Make the MechPer() (perception modifier) value of a 'mech visible
	  and changeable from scode. (Focus)

btechmux 1.4.0: baseline release