#AREA        &Y6 Dragons Staff Tutorial~

#VERSION     10
#AUTHOR      Vladaar~
#COLOR       1
#HTOWN       ~
#DESC        ~

100 100 100 20




#HIGHECONOMY 0 0 0 0 0 -1

#LOWECONOMY 0 31250000 0 999999987 999999987 -1



first mob~
a newly created first mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created first mob here.
Clanname none~
1073741825 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0 0 
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 4 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
retired staff member~
a retired staff member~
A retired &Y6 Dragons STAFF member&D is standing here.
Clanname none~
131075 4194304 0 C
104 0 -300 0d0+-25536 0d0+0
0 0 0 0 0 
115 115 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 8
80 80 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Greetings $n!'&D
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'I am pleased to see you are interested in 
mpechoat $n &Cbecoming a STAFF member for Classic 6 Dragons.  In order for us to understand  
mpechoat $n &Ceach member's role, you will learn about every council member's job here.  You 
mpechoat $n &Cwill learn what it means to be a STAFF member, and understand how your role 
mpechoat $n &Cplays an important part in this game.  All STAFF are volunteers who have lives 
mpechoat $n &Coutside this mud.  However, we hold ourselves to a higher level.  We are going 
mpechoat $n &Cto consider ourselves professionals and I will hold everyone to the line, to act 
mpechoat $n &Clike professionals at ALL TIMES.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'What would you like to learn about first? 
mpechoat $n &CEach role must be learned, and is equally important to this game.  Just say any 
mpechoat $n &Cof the following with the say command: &WPR&C, &WArchitects&C, &WEvents&C, &WCode&C.  I suggest 
mpechoat $n &Cyou take notes for each of the roles, and what is expected of you.  After this
mpechoat $n &Ctutorial you cannot say you did not know, because you are given all the information.
mpechoat $n &CTake a moment grab a pen and piece of paper write down anything you feel is important.'&D
> speech_prog PR~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Excellent choice!  PR, or Player Relations, are
mpechoat $n &Cextremely important to this games success.  PR is a job that often has a bad 
mpechoat $n &Creputation for STAFF that log on and don't do any work.  Your job is to change 
mpechoat $n &Cthat reputation.'&D
mppause 5
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'What is expected from Player Relations?
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &C1) Use the email command and set your email with it.
mpechoat $n &C2) Complete your daily tasks.  Daily tasks you ask?  Well, my friend, I will gladly 
mpechoat $n &Cgo over them in detail.  Just &WSAY DAILY TASKS&C when ready.'&D
> speech_prog 'daily tasks'~
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Your first daily task as a new PR member, is to 
mpechoat $n &Cwelcome all new players to the game.  Remember, if they are level 1, they can't 
mpechoat $n &Csee the &WOOC&C channel yet; you must use the &WCHAT&C channel.  Typically welcoming 
mpechoat $n &Ca new player while in the tutorial is done like this: 
mpechoat $n &WCHAT Hello <player name>&C 
mpechoat $n &C...then give them a moment to return the greeting.  After they respond, type:
mpechoat $n &WCHAT Welcome to 6 Dragons, if you need help with anything please let me know.&C'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Next, whenever players log onto the game, you are 
mpechoat $n &Cexpected to type:
mpechoat $n &WOOC Hello <player name>
mpechoat $n &C...to greet them.  Or, if you're feeling more medieval:
mpechoat $n &WOOC Hail <player name>&C.'&D
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'As a PR member, your job is to gain the respect, or
mpechoat $n &Cfriendship if you will, of the players.  They should be logging because they are 
mpechoat $n &Cexcited to talk with you.  When a player levels in this game, there is an 
mpechoat $n &W[&RAnnouncment&W] &Cmessage.  You will need to type:
mpechoat $n &WOOC HUZZAH <player name>
mpechoat $n &C...or something along the lines of 'Congratulations'.  Bring in the EXCITEMENT!'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'All staff need to be online as much as possible.  
mpechoat $n &CNOT a daily 2 minute log in to say, "Hello, and I have to go."  When you log in,
mpechoat $n &Calways log your alt on, even if you don't want to play them.  It gives the 
mpechoat $n &Cimpression of players being online.  Everyone knows when a new player logs onto a 
mpechoat $n &Cmud and types &WWHO&C...  If there are no players online, 9 times out of 10 they 
mpechoat $n &Cwill quit, before they even try the mud to see if they like it. Type &WSAY PUPPET&C
mpechoat $n &Cto continue.'&D
> speech_prog puppet~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Puppets are important to 6 Dragons for the time being.
mpechoat $n &CIn order to use the puppet system, you first need to make 5 alt characters to play 
mpechoat $n &Cwith.  Then you can use the puppet command.  
mppause 4
mpechoat $n &CSyntax: &WPUPPETEER ALT1 <NAME>
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CYou name all your alts, and then can load them all one at a time.  
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CSyntax: &WPUPPETEER LOAD <NAME>
mppause 4
mpechoat $n &CYou will notice that all your alts load up in a puppet staging room that players 
mpechoat $n &Ccan't access.  Your alts will not get thirsty, or hungry, but will show up with 
mpechoat $n &Cthe &WWHO&C command.  You also will see all messages that your alts see.  You will 
mpechoat $n &Chave to use the force command to manipulate your puppets.'&D
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &WWAIT, WAIT, WAIT!!! Vladaar you say, that's not ethical, your pulling the wool over 
mpechoat $n &Wplayers eyes.  I say... why yes I am.  However, it is for the greater good of the 
mpechoat $n &Wgame.  It's not like these players don't exist, they are your alts, and you will 
mpechoat $n &Wplay them from time to time.  The GOAL being once we have an established playerbase 
mpechoat $n &Wwe won't need to use puppets anymore to get players to try out our game.&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Logging out with puppets.  Players are not stupid, 
mpechoat $n &Cand are not to be told about our puppet code.  Thus, when you use puppets, don't 
mpechoat $n &Cgive the impression that all of them are yours.  If you want to log out and quit, 
mpechoat $n &Ccleverly have one alt at a time log off in 5 minute intervals.  Like:
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &WFORCE <ALT1NAME> OOC gah look at at the time, I got to go, bye guys.  
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CAlso please don't log in more then one deadly alt for puppets.  Players may wonder 
mpechoat $n &Chow you can have 2 deadly alts on at a time and they can't as they figure out alts.'&D
mppause 6
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY PROFESSIONALISM &Cto continue.'&D
> speech_prog professionalism~
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times.
mpechoat $n &CRefrain from swearing, lying, cheating, picking on players or STAFF.  We don't want 
mpechoat $n &Cimmature people on the STAFF.  Please do not smother players or STAFF with your 
mpechoat $n &Cpresence.  We are here to work most of the time.  Players are here to play, not have
mpechoat $n &Csome STAFF member &WGOTO <PLAYER>&C every few minutes to play GOD, and try to impress
mpechoat $n &Cthem.  It is also rude to &WGOTO&C another STAFF member without first asking, if 
mpechoat $n &Cyou're lower level, or telling, if you're higher.  Try not to do that.'&D
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA word or two from our sponsor, Aurin, 'Hey!  I just want to also put in, as a bit
mpechoat $n &Cof clarification, that while it is not professional to pick on players or STAFF, it
mpechoat $n &Cis NOT against the rules to tease players or STAFF, in a friendly manner of course.
mpechoat $n &CI view PR as the talkative type, and you should get to know your players as quickly
mpechoat $n &Cas you can.  This will invite players to talk to you about whatever is on their mind,
mpechoat $n &Cand allows a more efficient way of handling any disputes later on.'&D
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'To continue, type &WSAY PLAYERTEST&C.'&D
> speech_prog playertest~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Yes, please playertest this game, level your hearts 
mpechoat $n &Cout!  Report bugs, typos, etc.  If for some reason a race/class skill/spell is 
mpechoat $n &Coverpowered, or underpowered, let Vlad know.  He needs to know so he can change things
mpechoat $n &Cnow, before we get a lot of players, and have to upset a whole player base with
mpechoat $n &Cchanging their class.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'The &WGBOARD&C USE IT.  Get players checking it for when
mpechoat $n &CGame Events/Role play events will be starting, etc.
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Voting is also &WEXTREMELY &Cimportant!!  Vote daily for the
mpechoat $n &Cgame at &Whttp://6dragons.tk/bin/vote.html.  
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CIf we, as staff ALONE, voted daily we would have &Y210&C votes!
mpechoat $n &CVotes increase the likely hood of new players trying the game and giving us
mpechoat $n &Ca shot.  It's free advertising for the game.  Occasionally hit players with 
mpechoat $n &WECHO &RAnnoucnement: &CA good way to earn glory see help &WCONTRIBUTE'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY VOLUNTEER&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog volunteer~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Please volunteer to work events for the Head of Game
mpechoat $n &CEvents.  Each event can last as little as 1/2 hour in time.  If every STAFF member
mpechoat $n &Cvolunteered 1/2 hour a week, the week would be filled.  In fact, once a month would
mpechoat $n &Cmake Ludum's job much easier.  Those who volunteer will move up the ladder quicker
mpechoat $n &Cthan those who do not.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Create your own events, the glory system of rewards is
mpechoat $n &Cin place already.  Simply schedule and run your own trivia session, or scavenger hunt,
mpechoat $n &Cor arena event.  Take initiative, and do it.  Players love it.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Auth new player names when needed.  We prefer medieval
mpechoat $n &Csounding names here, but we are not too hard on what is acceptable.  If you deny a
mpechoat $n &Cplayer's name, send them a tell first.  For example: &Wtell player Greetings
mpechoat $n &W12inchdagger your name is not a medieval sounding name, I am going to allow you to
mpechoat $n &Wchange it with the name command.  Please do so. &CThen you can type &Wauth player name&C.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY HELPFILES&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog helpfiles~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'As a PR staff member, you are required to keep our
mpechoat $n &Chelpfiles up to date in the game.  Also, you may fix or replace socials as the game
mpechoat $n &Cgoes on.  To find out what helpfiles are missing in the game, use the &WHELPCHECK&C
mpechoat $n &Ccommand.  It will display all missing helpfiles.  To make a helpfile, type &WHEDIT
mpechoat $n &W<name> &Cit will put you into an editor where you can type out what the helpfile does. 
mpechoat $n &CTo set the level the helpfile is viewable at, you type &WHSET LEVEL <number> <helpfile
mpechoat $n &Wname>&C.  Finally, to save the helpfile.  Type &WHSET SAVE&C.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Also, we have socials in the game.  To make a new social
mpechoat $n &Ctype &WSEDIT <social name>&C.  To save the social type &WSEDIT SAVE&C.'&D
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY DIRECTIONS&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog Directions~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Map out areas, and write down directions to different
mpechoat $n &Careas.  Then submit them to Vladaar so he can place it on our website.  Also, make
mpechoat $n &Cmaps of areas.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Build an area when you have time.  You are not required
mpechoat $n &Cto do so as PR, but it sure helps them out.  Build it in your spare time.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Enforce Rules, but don't be a rule NAZI.  Generally give
mpechoat $n &Cplayers 3 strikes before punishing.  Also, use the &WCOMMENT&C command to place a 
mpechoat $n &Ccomment on a players profile so that other STAFF can see what's going on.  If the 
mpechoat $n &Cplayer is a repeat offender, something more stringent will need to be done to handle
mpechoat $n &Cthis.'&D
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Now for some scenarios, type &WSAY SCENARIO&Cto continue.'&D
> speech_prog scenario~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'We will first start out with a scenario where the player
mpechoat $n &Cis cursing on public channels.  *NOTE* Though PR is generally responsible for rule
mpechoat $n &Cenforcements, if they are not on, it falls to whatever STAFF is on.  Let's begin...'&D
mppause 8
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'You are a 6 DRAGONS STAFF member and hear this over ooc
mpechoat $n &Cchannel.  I apologize in advance for the language.'&D
mppause 8
mpechoat $n [OoC]: PlayerA 'fuck this place, you all are bitches.'
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'As a STAFF member, you can respond in the following
mpechoat $n &Cmanners: 
mpechoat $n &C1) ooc playerA watch the cursing please, cursing is only allowed on the swear channel. 
mpechoat $n &C2) Tell playerA watch the cursing please, cursing is only allowed on the swear 
mpechoat $n &Cchannel. 
mpechoat $n &C3) Silence playerA, and don't bother to tell him anything.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Normally, I would prefer to send a tell to a player,
mpechoat $n &Chowever since this affected other players, and you want them to know the correct
mpechoat $n &Cpolicy too, I lean towards ooc it to them.  You definitely don't want to just silence
mpechoat $n &Ca player, and not really explain why, or how they can prevent it in the future.'&D
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Just type &WSAY SCENARIO2&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog scenario2~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'In this scenario, we are looking at a complaining
mpechoat $n &Cplayer.  Complaining players, usually like the game, and can be good players depending
mpechoat $n &Con how we handle it.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Here is the scenario...'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'OoC: PlayerB 'When is sharpen bug going to be fixed?  Do
mpechoat $n &Cyou guys fix anything here?'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'In this case, give the player this message each time
mpechoat $n &Cthey continue whining.  &WTell playerb, 'I'm sorry your not happy with how _____ is
mpechoat $n &Wbeing done.  However, on this game, complaining over public channels is not allowed. 
mpechoat $n &WThere is a procedure though, which is to post your problem on the forums, and, or
mpechoat $n &W through our bug/typo/idea reporting system, and someone will address it, as soon as
mpechoat $n &Wthey are able.  &CNow if you are telling PlayerB this the 3rd time, cause they
mpechoat $n &Ccontinue complaining, it's time to take them to your office.  There explain how their
mpechoat $n &Cbehavior is bringing down game morale, and again it won't be addressed unless they
mpechoat $n &Cpost it in forums, or through the bug/typo/idea system.  If they continue again, they
mpechoat $n &Cwill be silenced.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Now all disciplinary actions on players should be posted
mpechoat $n &Cwith the &WCOMMENT command or staff forums for review.  We should avoid it at all
mpechoat $n &Ccosts if possible.  Type &WSAY SCENARIO3&C now to continue.'&D
> speech_prog scenario3~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'In this scenario, we are looking at a cheating player. 
mpechoat $n &CCheating players usually involve a player using a bug to their advantage.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Here is the scenario...'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'PlayerC has slain a dragon player of the same level. 
mpechoat $n &CNow that should clue you in on something is wrong.  However, it could just be that the
mpechoat $n &Cdragon player had no hp when he was pkilled.  This however, is a good time to
mpechoat $n &Cinvestigate PlayerC.  I don't encourage spying on players, but you may do so, when
mpechoat $n &Cthere is reasonable suspiscion. Such as this or a player leveling too quickly.  Your
mpechoat $n &Cfirst step should be, type &WMSTAT PlayerC&C.  You may notice something strange with
mpechoat $n &Chis/her hitroll or damroll.  If there is nothing unusual.  Try &WSNOOP PlayerC&C.  You
mpechoat $n &Cwill be able to see how playerc fights mobs and players.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Well we find out PlayerC is using an illegal weapon
mpechoat $n &CThor's Hammer.  Somehow asgard.are wasn't set right for the weapon.  We must now ask
mpechoat $n &CPlayerC to give up the weapon since it's not authorized.  Explain it's unfair for them
mpechoat $n &Cto have it, when others don't.  If they give it up feel free to give them a boon for
mpechoat $n &Cwillingly giving it.  Such as a heavens blessing, or a weapon of their level.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'If PlayerC says no, I will not it's mine, my precious! 
mpechoat $n &CThen you will need to take them to your office, and explain you are not picking on
mpechoat $n &Cthem, but it's not fair to other players.  If they still won't.  Mpforce them to do
mpechoat $n &Cso, and if they log off before you can, report it to Taon or Vladaar, we can remove it
mpechoat $n &Cfrom the pfile.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'To continue, type &WSAY SCENARIO4&C.'&D
> speech_prog scenario4~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'In this scenario, we are looking at a harassing player. 
mpechoat $n &CThis can be a serious situation, as we don't want players or STAFF being harassed
mpechoat $n &Cverbally or sexually by others.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Here is the scenario...'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'PlayerD is found to be making sexual comments to other
mpechoat $n &Cplayers.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Think of how you'd feel if your daughter, or son, was
mpechoat $n &Cplaying this game and a sexual perv was harassing them.  Not all situations are
mpechoat $n &Ccalling for jail time though, or instant death in my case, if someone did that to my
mpechoat $n &Cdaughter.  However, depending on what he/she does, depends upon how harshly we
mpechoat $n &Crespond.  Is it just flirting socials, or is someone creepily asking for too much
mpechoat $n &Cinformation from a young female, or male, player? Is someone making rude gestures?  If
mpechoat $n &Cit's rude gestures, warning them would be appropriate.  If they are flirting socials,
mpechoat $n &Cand it's unwanted, again warning is appropriate.  If it's creepy, and they appear to
mpechoat $n &Cbe trying to manipulate someone, log them, silence them, and let Vlad or Volk know. 
mpechoat $n &CWe may ban them, depending on how it is.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Also see &WHELP COC&C
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'To continue, type &WSAY ARCHITECT&C. Or, &WSAY PALEON&C
mpechoat $n &Cto return to Paleon.'&D
> speech_prog Architect~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Ahh a topic on my favorite subject.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Building at 6 Dragons is not typical smaug building.  I
mpechoat $n &Cwill explain the differences.  First you will want to make sure you have a pen and
mpechoat $n &Cpaper to write this stuff down.  Though you may return to this tutorial anytime you
mpechoat $n &Cwish.  I will cover a lot of information, and it's easier to remember, and find if you
mpechoat $n &Cwrite it down.  The 6dragons building guide is at http://6dragons.org/guide.html'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'First thing you need to do...Is get some paper, and
mpechoat $n &Cbrain storm what kind of area you want to make.  Write down as many ideas as you can,
mpechoat $n &Cit will really help with making your area.  Next, find out how many vnums you are
mpechoat $n &Cgetting assigned.  Vnums are rooms/objects/mobiles that you can make.  Generally, I
mpechoat $n &Conly give 50 for new staff.  So you can map out your area on another piece of paper
mpechoat $n &Cwith the idea you'll have 50 rooms to use.  Now as soon as you are given the 50 vnums,
mpechoat $n &Cand you have it already mapped out....You start with rooms.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY ROOMS&C to begin.'&D
> speech_prog Rooms~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Great, so you got assigned 50 vnums to use on your own
mpechoat $n &Carea.  The first thing you will want to do, is use the &WRGRID&C command to make 48
mpechoat $n &Crooms.  Like makerooms 48 only 48, because code already makes your first and last room
mpechoat $n &Cfor you.  Now you can use the &WGOTO&C command and goto your first room.  
mpechoat $n &WGOTO <vnum>&C.  It will take you to the empty room you can begin editing in.  Let's
mpechoat $n &Ctry naming this room.  The &WREDIT&C command will allow you to do this. 
mpechoat $n &WREDIT NAME <Whatever you want to name it>&C.  There are to be no colors used in room
mpechoat $n &Cnames.  When you make a room name every word is capitalized, but words like the, of,
mpechoat $n &Ca, an.  Unless they are the starting word of the room name.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY ROOMDESC to continue.'&D
> speech_prog roomdesc~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Room descriptions, have to be well written.  They may
mpechoat $n &Conly be 3 to 6 lines in length.  Unfortunately, most players won't bother to read more
mpechoat $n &Cthan that.  You may use a single color for the start of the room description.  For
mpechoat $n &Cexample if you're doing a room that is supposed to be part of a river. You can do the
mpechoat $n &Croom in color.  When you describe the room, DO NOT use the word &WYOU&C.  What you do is
mpechoat $n &Cthink if you were looking at this location, what would you actually see, and describe
mpechoat $n &Cit.  Don't tell players what they think, or feel.  I find a thesaurus very handy for
mpechoat $n &Cthis.  I will at times actually research an area for room description ideas prior to
mpechoat $n &Cdoing it.  Like if I am going to build a ship area.  I'll search ships on internet,
mpechoat $n &Cand write down all the info I can on them. Well the command to make a description
mpechoat $n &Cis... &WREDIT DESC&C.  That will put you into an editor where you can add your
mpechoat $n &Clines.  Until you get the hang of it use &W/f &Cto format your line lengths.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'To continue to room exits, type &WSAY ROOMEXIT&C.'&D
> speech_prog roomexit~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Room exits, allow you to connect one or more rooms, in
mpechoat $n &Cany direction.  This is also accomplished with the redit command.  Lets say you have
mpechoat $n &Cvnums 1200 to 1250.  When your in vnum 1200, and want to make an exit to room 1201. 
mpechoat $n &CThe exit you desire is to the east, because that's how you mapped out your area.  You
mpechoat $n &Ctype &WREDIT BEXIT E 1201&C.  That will make an exit to the east going into 1201, and also
mpechoat $n &Can exit to the west from 1201 to 1200.  Bexit makes 2 way entrances, where exit, only
mpechoat $n &Cmakes one way.  Now if you want a door in the exit.  You could type the same thing,
mpechoat $n &Cbut add...&WREDIT BEXIT E 1201 3 DOOR&C.  The 3 tells it there is a type of door, you
mpechoat $n &Ccould write gate, or double door, or something else instead of door if that is your
mpechoat $n &Cdesire.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Very good now, keep in mind you can also set flags for
mpechoat $n &Crooms.  See &WHELP ROOMFLAGS&C.  For example.  &WREDIT FLAGS SAFE&C will make the room safe
mpechoat $n &Cfrom anyone being attacked in it. Now we are ready to move on...'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY MOBS&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog mobs~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Ahh yes, let's do the cool stuff now....  Heh, I know
mpechoat $n &Ceveryone thinks rooms are boring, I do too.  Mobs, and objects work off the same
mpechoat $n &Cvnum's you used for your rooms.  To make your first mob, you would type &WMCREATE  <vnum>
mpechoat $n &C<name of mob>&C.  That will make the mob for you.  You can also edit your mob via the
mpechoat $n &C&WMOB&C command, since 6D uses Oasis OLC now.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY OBJECTS&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog Code~
mppause 2
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Coding for 6 Dragons is a very sensitive position.  You
mpechoat $n &Cneed Vladaar's utmost trust to gain server access and it may take awhile before that
mpechoat $n &Chappens.  As a coder for 6 Dragons, you will be tempted to make changes here and
mpechoat $n &Cthere, and not even mention it to Vladaar.  In fact players and staff will ask you to
mpechoat $n &Cdo so.  Do not fall into this trap.  There is a coding to do list for a reason.  It's
mpechoat $n &Cwhat Vladaar wants coded.'&D
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Now that being said, Vladaar is very reasonable, and
mpechoat $n &Cloves to get ideas from other people.  If you have an idea, feel free to run it by
mpechoat $n &Chim, and or post it on forums.  That doesn't mean Vladaar will agree with every idea,
mpechoat $n &Cbut every idea has a chance.  Vladaar doesn't want this game to be a game that only
mpechoat $n &CVladaar likes, but a game that the majority of people will appreciate.  It is still a
mpechoat $n &Cgame that Vladaar pays for though, and if he just doesn't like something so much that
mpechoat $n &Che wouldn't want to pay for the game anymore, then he won't allow something.'&D
mppause 20
mapt 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'You will find the list of things that need to be coded
mpechoat $n &Cor bug fixed with the idea and bug command.
mpechoat $n &CIf you currently do not have server access, you may code from a stock copy of
mpechoat $n &Csmaugfuss or smaug1.4a, and submit snippets until you gain server access.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Having stable bug free code is very important to
mpechoat $n &CVladaar.  Vladaar has the following programs for that cause.  Valgrind, type help
mpechoat $n &Cvalgrind to find out how to run it.  Valgrind is used to detect memory leaks, and can
mpechoat $n &Chelp with crashes.  Splint is used to find code that isn't used, you can also type
mpechoat $n &Whelp splint&C.'&D
mppause 10
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Unlike the other professions in 6 Dragons, this tutorial
mpechoat $n &Cisn't going to teach someone how to code.  You know how or you don't.  It's much too
mpechoat $n &Ccomplicated to try to teach with this mob.  Thank you for accepting a coding position 
mpechoat $n &Cwith 6 dragons.'&D
mppause 10
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff emmber says, 'If wish to leave the tutorial, and return to Paleon,
mpechoat $n &Cjust type &WSAY PALEON&C.'&D
> speech_prog paleon~
mptrans $n 16007
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog objects~
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Objects are much like mobs in how they are created.  The
mpechoat $n &Conly real difference is now you have to worry about build points.  Each 10-level
mpechoat $n &Cinterval has a bps requirement that cannot be exceeded without permission from the
mpechoat $n &CHead of Area Architects, or Vladaar.  You can find the guidelines for this, among
mpechoat $n &Cother things, here:
mpechoat $n &Whttp://6dragons.tk/guide.html
mpechoat $n &CYou can also use the &WOBJ&C command to modify objects, since we have the Oasis OLC
mpechoat $n &C here, now.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSHOPS&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog shops~
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Shops are a tricky business, particularly if you don't
mpechoat $n &Cknow what you're doing.  I highly recommend reading &WHELP SHOPS&C and all related
mpechoat $n &Chelpfiles before creating a shop of any kind.  This will help to reduce any confusion
mpechoat $n &Cyou may have.  If all else fails, ask someone!'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY PROGS&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog progs~
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Progs for room, objects and mobs have finally been
mpechoat $n &Cstandardized throughout 6D.  It is required to follow the guidelines concerning this,
mpechoat $n &Cas it helps to maintain a professional image to new STAFF just coming aboard.  More
mpechoat $n &Cinformation can be found here:
mpechoat $n &CThe biggest thing that can be stressed upon, is indentation.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'Type &WSAY RESET AREA&C to continue.'&D
> speech_prog reset area~
mppause 3
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'The primary purpose of resetting an area is to refresh
mpechoat $n &Cmobs and objects while testing.  While this is the primary purpose, the command also
mpechoat $n &Chas the ability to make room settings reset at the given resetfrequency interval.  To
mpechoat $n &Cfind out more information, look at &WHELP RESET&C and associated helpfiles for more
mpechoat $n &Cinformation.  Note: after instaroom is used to add the desired settings to the reset
mpechoat $n &Clist, you must savearea/foldarea before the settings will take effect.'&D
mppause 20
mpat 4 look
mppause 20
mpechoat $n &CA retired staff member says, 'This concludes the staff tutorial.  If you would like to
mpechoat $n &Cgo back to Paleon City, type &WSAY PALEON&C.'&D
last mob~
a newly created last mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created last mob here.
Clanname none~
1073741825 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0 0 
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 4 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

first obj~
a newly created first obj~
Some god dropped a newly created first obj here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
S 0 0
last obj~
a newly created last obj~
Some god dropped a newly created last obj here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
S 0 0

Hearing a Higher Calling~
This area is a tutorial for those applying to become new&Y STAFF on 6 
Dragons.&D Room descriptions will only be &Ythree&D to &Ysix&D lines in 
length. You may not use the word You in your room descriptions. Your 
describing what players see, not what they think. Close your eyes and 
imagine your standing there, and describe it. 
1 1073741824 1
0 -1 4501
Hall of Choices~
Room descriptions must be all one color.  You are not allowed to change
colors of &Ycertain&D words.  You are however allowed to change the whole
room color.  For example, if your room is describing a player being in
water, you make the room blue.
1 1073741824 1
0 -1 4500
R M 0 4501 1 4501
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
1 1073741828 1



