&R[10/30 02:23] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cWhen preparing to go down the rabbit hole, remember...
&R[10/30 02:24] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cIt's dangerous to go alone.  Take one of these!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBzOvDz-HWU
&R[10/30 02:25] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CFaylen@Mysra: &cok, be back on the new copy.
&R[10/30 02:30] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CFaylen@Asraea: &cok so I didn't get any spam of errors when preloading, but still got those lines about players at the end
&R[10/30 02:30] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CFaylen@Asraea: &cTime will tell if it still reboots every hour or so
&R[10/30 02:31] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &ccreate a player and that should go away
&R[10/30 02:31] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cit's just saying that the player array is empty
&R[10/30 02:33] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CFaylen@Asraea: &cHuh, I figured the admin would count as players too. I'll let it run tonight and see what happens. If we're still up without a reboot in the morning that'll tell me we're good to go. Thanks for the help, both of you.
&R[10/30 02:34] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cRather than using some crufty looping script, you might want to run the driver in gdb or something.
&R[10/30 02:34] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cThat way, if it does reboot, you'll know if it shutdown normally or crashed.
&R[10/30 02:35] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &c(if it exits normally, something in the mudlib is telling it to do a shutdown, and you should just find that and prevent it)
&R[10/30 02:36] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &c(or some smartass is sending a SIGINT to the driver to drive you insane)
&R[10/30 02:37] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cHeh, found my old discworld stuff
&R[10/30 02:38] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cNow I remember... I was building a git repo for it, but all I have is 3 snapshots from various points between 1993 and 2005ish, so herding the file structres into a shape where the changes make some sense is a bit of work.
&R[10/30 02:39] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cdo a commit, delete, commit, delete, commit
&R[10/30 02:39] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cproblem solved
&R[10/30 02:39] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cNope, that makes the problem worse. :)
&R[10/30 02:40] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cThe value in a git repository with history is to be able to see the changes that happened over time... when files get moved around, git isn't able to associate the new version to the old version and think you just deleted the file and made a new one.
&R[10/30 02:41] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cOne of the few cases where cvs did it better... very few cases.
&R[10/30 02:43] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cI had to start using svn again for my unreal engine projects
&R[10/30 02:43] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cit was that or stab my face off perforce
&R[10/30 02:43] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cwhich is a great program if you like clients that crash
&R[10/30 02:44] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cThis is mostly due to the lack of proper large file handling. Github just fixed this but I use gitlab on my personal repos
&R[10/30 02:44] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cand they still don't have a large file solution
&R[10/30 02:45] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cwell, not in the free gitlab, you have to have the enterprise whateverwhatever that integrates git-annex
&R[10/30 02:45] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CWindel@The Lost Fates: &cI'm a huge fan of free private repo's with bitbucket
&R[10/30 02:47] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cmy repos are about 2gb so that doesn't work out well
&R[10/30 02:47] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &csvn works fine it just lacks the nice tools that have come up around git in the last 2 years
&R[10/30 02:47] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cplus i have some extra server disk and memory so i like to host my own stuff
&R[10/30 02:48] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cI just wish they would make github enterprise less of a disaster to host
&R[10/30 02:49] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CWindel@The Lost Fates: &cYeah. We used github when we switched from svn and it kept falling over.
&R[10/30 02:49] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cyou can make it stable but it requires some significant hardware
&R[10/30 02:50] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cgitlab is working well so far
&R[10/30 02:50] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CWindel@The Lost Fates: &cwe host our own stash servers now and have had a wonderful time
&R[10/30 02:51] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CHells@The Savage Soul: &cI haven't hosted stash before, I have used it for work. What kind of backend does it have?
&R[10/30 02:53] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CWindel@The Lost Fates: &cJava
&R[10/30 02:57] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cThey need to stop making new source code control systems.
&R[10/30 02:58] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &ccvs -> svn was a paradigm shift, so that was OK.  svn -> git is the same thing.
&R[10/30 02:59] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cBut all these others are just incompatible variations on the same thing.
&R[10/30 02:59] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CWindel@The Lost Fates: &cNo way
&R[10/30 02:59] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &ccvs -> svn was the shift from file versioning to project versioning.
&R[10/30 02:59] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &csvn -> git was the shift from centralized repository to distributed repositories.
&R[10/30 03:00] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cPut all the effort into fixing what already exists instead of making a new shiny that does the same thing, only different.
&R[10/30 03:07] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cI call it the open source forking sickness.
&R[10/30 03:08] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cStuff got done back in the old days because it was too much effort to re-invent the wheel for the 50,000th time.  Instead they dug in their heels and worked on existing projects to make them better.
&R[10/30 03:08] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cNow, "Oh, I hate blue buttons.  I'll make my OWN fork of the project so I can have red buttons!"
&R[10/30 03:08] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CWindel@The Lost Fates: &cIs your mud called "Get off my lawn"?
&R[10/30 03:09] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &c"Get off my kawaii lawn!"
&R[10/30 03:10] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CWindel@The Lost Fates: &cThat's an improvement
&R[10/30 03:12] &G&R[&Wds&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &chttps://youtu.be/4EnjNYr1CjA?t=42