MadeBy        Vladaar~
MadeWhen      10-23-2015 06:16:05AM~
IdeaDesc      look at ways of eliminating decorative characters in code from objects and help files that might mess with screen readers 
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1201

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      10-28-2015 01:07:53PM~
IdeaDesc      Hello!
Maybe it would be usefull in groups to get a message if the journals of your groupmembers got updated.
Sounds like a good idea - Vladaar
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16176

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      10-29-2015 00:28:39PM~
IdeaDesc      Hello!
Maybe it would be nice if you could mount player-dragons or player-centaurs. For example a dragonrider could attack enemys with shortbows or spells, or create magical shields for you and the dragon.
I like the idea of mounting player dragons, centaurs only if grouped.
This will lead to some nasty Role Play so not sure on what parameters if any should
be in place to discourage that.  Vladaar
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16073

MadeBy        Jerok~
MadeWhen      10-30-2015 00:54:55PM~
IdeaDesc      mine titanium
Blacksmiths would be able to Smelt their items back into their bags if they dont like the stats on them
&G I like this idea but not a high priority - Vladaar
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          41075

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      11-14-2015 09:09:10AM~
IdeaDesc      What about bringing in randomly tradeskill quests!
For example you get a letter to your house or you get informed by the guildmaster to bake 2 loafs of strawberries, 5 Loafs of peaches, 10 raspberries muffins and 20 wooden goblets of peaches.
You will receive some extra money and 1000000 exp for a tradeskill quest.
Could be a good idea, but sounds like some builders will have to create some
quests.  Code wise it would mean making a flag on setquest so that the code
knows to reward crafting experience instead of regular experience.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16007

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      11-15-2015 06:04:43AM~
IdeaDesc      Hey hey!
There is an autorecast option. But no autoplay or autosing for bards.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16176

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      11-15-2015 11:08:43AM~
IdeaDesc      Hey hey!
 a help file wich explains what penalty exactly do would be nice!
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16299

MadeBy        Quinlam~
MadeWhen      11-15-2015 01:00:17PM~
IdeaDesc      Vampires should be immune_poison. They are undead. If sanctuary and shield
don't affect them due to the fact that they are undead players, then poison
should most definitely not make them shiver and suffer.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          18633

MadeBy        Locke~
MadeWhen      11-16-2015 00:51:55PM~
IdeaDesc      For priests going through their training maybe give them a bludgeon weapon 
instead of the normal dagger that the other classes get? Priests don't 
have 1h short blades to train. 
Type          1
UsedBy        Vladaar~
UsedWhen      11-22-2015 11:02:56AM~
UseDesc       fixed 

Reward        0
RewardBonus   1
Room          16115

MadeBy        Girnath~
MadeWhen      11-16-2015 03:15:40PM~
IdeaDesc      ok two things.
1. you could allow experience gains while config gag is on.
2. reduce the amount of output when using the hunt command for tanner tradeskill in some way 8 lines of text is a fair bit.
&G final exp output yes, not per hit exp though that would be too spammy for those
who want to use gag.  Hunt output, uhh not sure on that one some players like it.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1200

MadeBy        Vladaar~
MadeWhen      11-17-2015 00:12:52PM~
IdeaDesc      Change full war messages so only 1 announcement hey it's a full all city war.
Updates only announce your city status.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1200

MadeBy        Ludum~
MadeWhen      11-18-2015 00:02:18AM~
IdeaDesc      A command called wrap. you wrap an item into a package or a gift, or whatever.
That way when you give other players an item, it can be a surprise. And they can type
unwrap, to find out what it is.
sounds like a good idea maybe combine that with the idea on parcel service
to give gifts to players.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          34025

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      11-18-2015 10:54:12PM~
IdeaDesc      Hey hey!
What about bringing in some kind of storehouse in every city where automaticly some ingredients skins and other stuff is stored. And if you successfull conquer a city you will get this goods for your city as a aditional reward.
yah might be good to sell some crafted ingriendents in homelands, prob should be expensive though.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          31618

MadeBy        Vycon~
MadeWhen      11-19-2015 10:11:01PM~
IdeaDesc      The list of hides availalbe to a tanner should be a little more direct
in regards to what tier of cloth is best. I know certain animals
unlock with each level of craft, but for instance.I would like to know
if a bugbear is better than a moose or lion etc. It's easier to tell on
other tradeskills like jewelry, blacksmith, and carpenter.
I should make different hide have different effect or value with final products
Right now choice of hide doesn't matter I belive
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          41295

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      11-19-2015 11:45:56PM~
IdeaDesc      Hey hey!
Would be great to have something like a parcel-service for sending stuff to other players.
Good idea when time is available not urgent though.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16176

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      11-20-2015 11:40:44AM~
IdeaDesc      Maybe it would be good if weapons would have stats like condition and sharpnes so you know if a sword is nearly before breaking or to know how sharp it is allready.
I noticed that there is no message if you sharpened it to full. You allways have to check the inventory to see if it is sharpen or not.
Good idea maybe a sound to indicate that it is fully sharpened too
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          54027

MadeBy        Jennock~
MadeWhen      11-21-2015 02:30:44AM~
IdeaDesc      Hey hey!
"As you attack, a small nick forms in an obsidian dagger, it will need to be sharpened."
This could need a soundtrigger cause sometimes a blind player miss this line.
Sounds good
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          42745

MadeBy        Girnath~
MadeWhen      11-22-2015 09:10:25AM~
IdeaDesc      how about modifying the same ip grouping restrictions so that you can only group attack mobs, never players. Also you could keep things under control by limiting the number of same ip chars that can attack in group. for example right now it's 1. you could limit it to 2 or 3 or whatever, that would keep it from getting too far out of control.
I would have no problem with a player having a few alts on killing mobs.  But not grouping up against another player.
Type          1
UsedBy        Vladaar~
UsedWhen      01-15-2016 11:14:42AM~
UseDesc       done

Reward        0
RewardBonus   1
Room          1200

MadeBy        Girnath~
MadeWhen      12-05-2015 04:34:02PM~
IdeaDesc      I think we shoudl give jewelers craftables left and right wing tips to give them a completely unique item only they can make. It would fit there because of the dragon gaudy treasure theme.
Also add a shoulder piece for tanners to compensate for the armor penalty addition so monk/bard/thief citizens aren't hampered.
I do agree jewelers could use something to spice them up.  But not sure on wing tips.  Why would they make something for a beast that doesn't benefit them?  Something jewel gemstone specific though would be nice.  Tanners having a shoulder piece might be a good idea.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1200

MadeBy        Girnath~
MadeWhen      12-05-2015 04:52:34PM~
IdeaDesc      It would much better if inside the tuorials only the delay timer were set to the last line of text rather than a straight time limit. when you boost textspeed to 10 you end up waiting several times after everything is said and done just because of the timer. conversation follows.
[Sooc] 'right, but right now. i just went to the scholar and listened to everything he said and was still held there for about 20 seconds past him talking. it doesn't happen on every single section but amelia does it too, talk, give potions, tell you to run along ten seconds later you are allowed to leave, not before'
[Sooc] 'is there a way to make it so it will release you only after the last line of their text?'
[Sooc] 'instead of a straight timer?'
[Sooc] Vladaar 'maybe'
[Sooc] Vladaar 'I think we went with a timer because we wanted to let people choose speed of text for all progs in the game'
[Sooc] 'ah'
[Sooc] Vladaar 'but could change it so it turns off after speech on tutorial'

Sounds great, I think I had it that way at one point.
Type          1
UsedBy        Vladaar~
UsedWhen      01-10-2016 09:11:59PM~
UseDesc       done

Reward        0
RewardBonus   1
Room          1200

MadeBy        Girnath~
MadeWhen      12-06-2015 01:06:05PM~
IdeaDesc      so I suggest we add hr/dr to some crafted eq.
Arms, legs, wrist, and ankles.
5hr/5dr each piece. This will only give crafted items a max of 30 not counting weapons. I believe this to be a reasonable compromise since if you go with crafted eq only you get amazing AC but crap for hr/dr and looted eq you can gain pretty damn good hr/dr but crap for AC and if you go half and half you don't really get above average on either.
I think one or two gear types with hitroll damroll possibility would be good for crafted
gear.  Same token some of the gear you find in areas are quest items, and players have to
work really hard to get those hitroll damroll objects in the areas.  Plus crafted gear has
hitpoint bonuses, so you have higher hitpoints that non craftmen have to use their damroll
to reduce.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1200

MadeBy        Fryk~
MadeWhen      12-06-2015 05:46:22PM~
IdeaDesc      I've noticed that shamans don't really have much in the way of attack
or debuff. At least not below level 30. That's fine and all but if you're
wanting to add a bit of customization, perhaps you could add something shaman
related. Like hexing, or voodo, or some type of attack/debuff skill. Shamans
are renknowned for their connection to the "unformed lands" and spirit realms.
Perhaps something regarding aid from otherworldly spirits, or cosmic connection 
or some such. I think the idea of voodoo could be fun, or a hex you can place
on your opponent to lower stats, or impede movement. Or maybe even some kind of
insect swarm, or snake ally attack where you call forth a snake to strike your victim,
Type          1
UsedBy        Vladaar~
UsedWhen      01-05-2016 10:04:29PM~
UseDesc       done

Reward        0
RewardBonus   1
Room          10800

MadeBy        Silvanus~
MadeWhen      01-13-2016 00:46:05AM~
IdeaDesc      Could you put in a percentage version of the breath meter for screen readers, or just take it out entirely?
I saw that there are messages to tell you how much air you have left, but it does make the breath meter that shows up repeatedly unnecessary.
Thank you for your hard work in making this game accessible for us.
Yah prob should get this done.  Vladaar
Type          1
UsedBy        Volk~
UsedWhen      01-25-2016 05:12:09AM~
UseDesc       Thanks for your idea submission, I have implemented holdbreath and frostbite as a percentage for

screen readers. Please let me know if it is too spammy and I can reduce how often the message

appears. Thanks again!

Reward        0
RewardBonus   1
Room          29108

MadeBy        Silvanus~
MadeWhen      01-13-2016 03:04:11AM~
IdeaDesc      Could you please add a sound for the thank you gifts? it's easy to miss things when in combat or doing a repetative activity.
I think he means heavens blessing.  Add a sound for it.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          42076

MadeBy        Silvanus~
MadeWhen      01-13-2016 07:32:08AM~
IdeaDesc      It would be cool to have achievements, trophies, medals, whatever you want to call them.
These could be for killing a certain amount of mobs, completing a certain amount of quests, finding secrets within areas, collecting a certain amount of gold, getting a given stat to a certain number, etc.
They would be in tiers, such as one for 100 gold, one for 1000, 1 for 1000000, etc.
Or for mobs, killed 100 mobs, killed 1000 mobs, etc.
Each achievement would give some kind of bonus, like money, experience or a bonus experience activation.
Could use some more fleshing out, but that's all I have for now.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          13020

MadeBy        Lyrandel~
MadeWhen      01-14-2016 11:44:19AM~
IdeaDesc      Hi.
I'm currently exploring new areas which is good. One problem however I'm having is finding npcs with quests or knowing i they're around. it'd be nice if there was a command like "Area quest" or similar to tell you if there were any quests you hadn't done in a given area you were in and which npc to talk to to get them, sinse quests are one thing I really enjoy in the game.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          27002

MadeBy        Tulmynir~
MadeWhen      01-15-2016 04:27:17PM~
IdeaDesc      Given that Six Dragons only gives you a limited number of inventory slots, 
it'd be nice if there were a command that let you destroy items in your 
inventory. In a game with such a restrictive inventory, finding items 
which are nodrop/etc becomes a big pitfall unless you yourself have remove 
curse. Since it seems that mob healers don't cast remove curse unless the 
curse is on yourself, it shouldn't cost a death just to rid yourself of 
such items. Such a requirement seems to be counter intuitive towards the 
need to pick up items to examine them for their value in puzzles and 
equipment sets. Destroy would at least allow you to get rid of such items, 
without the benefits granted by remove curse (being able to freely use 
said item). 
yah not a destroy command, but maybe more methods of getting cursed items off.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          11608

MadeBy        Gortholon~
MadeWhen      01-16-2016 03:05:40AM~
IdeaDesc      Greetings. Currently, is it possible for someone to know how far they are between their current position and the landmark they are heading to?
If not, I think it is good if I can know the distance of a landmark beore deciding to travel there. It will certainly help a lot.
As for now, I only know when a certain landmark is too far away to see.
At least, being able to get a picture of the general idea for the landmark distance is good.
Okay if doesn't require a ton of work seems like an extra thing that might be nice.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          42024

MadeBy        Tulmynir~
MadeWhen      01-16-2016 03:33:43PM~
IdeaDesc      Upon craft item completion, auto identify the item, whether or not the 
player has an identify ability. It seems slightly strange that the maker 
of the piece would have to use magics to divine its properties -- he 
should know the properties of the item he's making. 
yah I agree, maybe a seperate skill so crafters can appraise their work only.
Only crafted items that they crafted themselves.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          42300

MadeBy        Xoren~
MadeWhen      01-20-2016 06:45:47PM~
IdeaDesc      Once we have a crafting template in our inventory (ergo, once we've began 
the initial crafting command such as tan x into y z), can we please be 
able to just type the base command to continue the process? Having to type 
tan x into y z or forge x into y z repeatedly is awkward at best. 
Furthermore, if I use exclamation point to repeat the command and 
something happens, I am then forced to retype the command. This is simple 
enough for me on MUSHClient, as I have command history, but others may not 
have the same luxury. Furthermore, if I chat, and then use the exclamation 
point out of reflex, I end up sending the communication twice. I know I 
could script an alias to do this for me, but I think other crafters would 
benefit from having the interface simplified so that, once they create 
their craft template, they can just type tan, forge, etc to continue. 
Prob a good idea
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16115

MadeBy        Nyrian~
MadeWhen      01-22-2016 02:50:29PM~
IdeaDesc      I think it would be cool if we could wear two sheaths for classes who can
dual wield.

Yah I can see that, but would not think an extra equip slot, with extra affects given
to the player should be allowed.  So maybe same sheath slot?
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          42400

MadeBy        Rowan~
MadeWhen      01-24-2016 01:30:15PM~
IdeaDesc      I don't think vampires should lose any BP while they are burrowed.
They aren't moving, and it's like a type of hibernation. It should allow
them to conserve their blood stores.
yah good idea
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          11210

MadeBy        Xoren~
MadeWhen      01-25-2016 06:19:37PM~
IdeaDesc      A fasting skill for monks that reduces the amount of hunger acquired every 
time the game checks for it. 
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16007

MadeBy        Kyrigan~
MadeWhen      01-26-2016 09:32:20AM~
IdeaDesc      When fireing a forge the coal needs to last longer. Right now I am maybe getting
three or four items before I have to fire the forge again.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16229

MadeBy        Zhaxiaoyen~
MadeWhen      01-28-2016 07:46:55PM~
IdeaDesc      i have an idea with a command either could be called scrap or scrapping. you take a weapon or an armor piece, depending on the level or quality i guess depends what you get from it. now i put a lot of thought into it and i think the only and obvious answer from the start should be ore. so you scrap armor piece or weapon and you get an ore that could be put in your mining bag and bam! you have an extra ore to use for a new crafting piece. now i am sure something could be done for other craft skills but a lot of thought have to be put into that. in my defence i have only seen metal weapons or armor for the most part. i have seen a few leather pieces but not sure how it would work for carpenters and the like. anyways just something to think about.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          11258

MadeBy        Zhaxiaoyen~
MadeWhen      01-28-2016 07:51:01PM~
IdeaDesc      an idea struck me when i went into shops but more importantly a crafting shop. instead of seeing the same weapon or armor sold with same levels and same kind of meterial i was thinking of this. a bronze dagger level 5 quantity 8. so you know shorten the list quite a bit by bunching the same kind of weapon or piece. i know this defeats the purpose of showing what stats each individual piece provides but i am sure something could be worked around that. just a thought to make the list a bit more readable.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          11258

MadeBy        Vladaar~
MadeWhen      01-31-2016 07:17:17PM~
IdeaDesc      Change objects in area files to save -> affect name for crafted items by bake and mix
stupid sn numbers change all the time so need something more permenant.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1201

MadeBy        Draego~
MadeWhen      02-09-2016 11:00:51PM~
IdeaDesc      I think there should be a sound in the sound pack for flying and landing, for those races that can automatically do that.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          42077

MadeBy        Kermorvan~
MadeWhen      02-18-2016 09:41:33AM~
IdeaDesc      New Dragon ability, Find Treasure. Allows the dragon to get a list of treasure in the area. Kind of like a locate object for treasure.

Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          2762

MadeBy        Bojan~
MadeWhen      03-04-2016 10:38:18AM~
IdeaDesc      At the Cierra river at the mountains, the description shows that you're swimming with difficulty , but it is weird reading that while you're flying. Isn't it better just describing just the intensity of the waters instead of describing how the character feels?
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16749

MadeBy        Yonara~
MadeWhen      04-26-2016 07:31:50AM~
IdeaDesc      Hi,
I have a few ideas for even more sounds for the sound pack. It would be great to have a sound for continuing a quest, for completing a quest, for discovering a new area. These would also help with accessibility, since these messages can easily get lost in scroll. Also, sounds for others saying something or making an emote would be great as well, for the same reasons.
Just a few thoughts, maybe you can add them.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          8373

MadeBy        Riyu~
MadeWhen      06-30-2016 01:29:56PM~
IdeaDesc      Hello. Please can you upload the soundpacks to dropbox, as it would be easier for those of us who are blind to download them. Thank you.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          5199

MadeBy        Ayrick~
MadeWhen      07-30-2016 02:14:59AM~
IdeaDesc      Hello I'm a blind player I was wondering if it was posible to make a tnl comand so we can se how much exp we need to next level?
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16096

MadeBy        Ilanthas~
MadeWhen      07-30-2016 00:01:44PM~
IdeaDesc      I think it would be helpful to have a trash all command. This command would
allow us to trash everything in the room without having to trash each item.

Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          8359

MadeBy        Nebula~
MadeWhen      08-02-2016 05:42:20PM~
IdeaDesc      There should be a global way for players to access the staff boost once ever 5
hours or so, since there never seems to be any staff to do so, or any kind of quest/boost/
staff type thing that is generally done. Just a thought.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          18648

MadeBy        Nebula~
MadeWhen      08-02-2016 10:28:58PM~
IdeaDesc      I really feel, aftr playing several psionics and looking at them very closely,
that their defensive capabilities are extremely lacking. Yes they have the OP
skill "disable" at 92 to stop aggro mobs in an entire area from attacking, yeah.
BUt as far as physical defense goes, they get really nothing besides a barrier, some
added armor class from thicken skin, and density. Just thought you might want to looka t it
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          2792

MadeBy        Nicodemus~
MadeWhen      08-06-2016 05:42:08PM~
IdeaDesc      MAges should have some way to heal themselves. They're mages.. they do magic..
therefore they should be able to magically heal themselves.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          18610

MadeBy        Mendicus~
MadeWhen      08-07-2016 08:33:38PM~
IdeaDesc      l
Bring back some of the Buffs we used to have, Also the shield spells an Summon Elemental for Tanking purposes,
i Miss alot of the spells from before, Basicly ALL the Buff spells, An the AOE spells for Leveling,
Please an thanks, P.S I know i was't around for the talk of the REVAMP of the Mage but alot of it has made it increasely hard to
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1163

MadeBy        Mendicus~
MadeWhen      08-09-2016 10:43:40PM~
IdeaDesc      Druids should beable to cast ALL spells while in Owl form, It seem like the ideal Caster Form.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1163

MadeBy        Mendicus~
MadeWhen      08-10-2016 05:05:22PM~
IdeaDesc      Druids form would benefit well from increase HR/DR in the different forms
Example could be, Wolfs would get Higher HR over Damage because their tactile an fast,
Where as bears are Sheer force of power an dont rely on speed, Also i think a deal kind've like
dragons have a Size bonus that with Druids their HR/DR Overall Increases with LEVEL on a scale
From the first level you get Animal Form, Like Level X= 1/1 Then next level would add 1/1 Again, So forth
this is to compensate for the fact you cant wear as much Gear, An also right now All the forms are WEAKER then
a Regular druid.
Also i believe the Owl form would make a Superb Caster form with its increase mana an Mana regen if they could cast all spells
while in that form.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          31027

MadeBy        Abraxas~
MadeWhen      08-10-2016 06:55:25PM~
IdeaDesc      I really feel as though demons should have some type of healing. Even if it's only
a minor heal. Something like psionics healing thoughts. After all, even vampires have
supernatural healing through cannablize, I was thinking something similar.
But cannabalize takes too much blood for such a low heal.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          2800

MadeBy        Nicodemus~
MadeWhen      08-15-2016 04:59:23PM~
IdeaDesc      Apothecary tradeskill.
Resources - Wormwood, rosehip, black fungi, asphadel, toadstools, and etc.
Skills - reduce, or cook, or bubble, or something.
Produces - Salves and potions for healing and various curse/poison removal
as well as possibly one or two small buffs. Like dragon wit, sanctuary, etc
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16016

MadeBy        Vratis~
MadeWhen      08-16-2016 06:26:46PM~
IdeaDesc      I am using a book as a reference in regard to bard abilities.
In spellsinger, the main character uses a lute, and voice
to conjure magic. One of his abilities is transportation.
He imagines the place, then sings a few lines about it,
and boom. Instant transportation to location.
I was thinking around level 45ish, druids could get
an ability like this. Make it a carbon copy
of psionics astral travel, or mages astral walk
you can call it "Song of Destination, or Traveling Tune"
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          54060

MadeBy        Mendicus~
MadeWhen      08-18-2016 06:53:10PM~
IdeaDesc      Make crafted Weapons sharpenabe.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1163

MadeBy        Nebula~
MadeWhen      08-18-2016 08:42:26PM~
IdeaDesc      I believe the psionics would be able to fly. If they can use telekinesis
and move objects, why not themselves? The skill could be called levitate
or antigravity. But they need a fly skill.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16007

MadeBy        Nebula~
MadeWhen      08-18-2016 09:16:27PM~
IdeaDesc      Withdraw skill, allowing the psionic to retreat to their home.
"Word of recall"
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16007

MadeBy        Nebula~
MadeWhen      08-18-2016 09:46:51PM~
IdeaDesc      I really feel like psionics should have some kind of debuff or
hindering move. They have mind powers. So something like mesmerize, or
mental invasion. Lowering hitroll, damroll, and reducing evasiveness
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          27023

MadeBy        Luxx~
MadeWhen      08-19-2016 11:44:29AM~
IdeaDesc      Would be cool if gold/black dragons had some more type specific skills.
blue and red and silver seem to have some unique skills. Like inferno, hellfire,
blizzard, glacial armor, clavus, impale, sprout spikes, etc. But black and gold
seem to have basic dragon stuffs, and that's it.
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          35515

MadeBy        Skyraker~
MadeWhen      08-20-2016 09:30:07AM~
IdeaDesc      Make containers crafted non-destoryable
Type          3
UsedBy        Vladaar~
UsedWhen      08-20-2016 11:07:50AM~
UseDesc       done

Reward        0
RewardBonus   3
Room          35589

MadeBy        Nicodemus~
MadeWhen      08-22-2016 09:55:11AM~
IdeaDesc      Rogue could combine the skills of thief and bard.
Like juggle, backstab, smuggle, critic, shrieking note, etc. Just a jack of all trades.
Maybe even change the name to Outlaw, or Thug. Idk. Just saying. For those who
do make it to level 100, give a viable option for remorts, that won't require you to change
almost anything in the code, but will give a more versatile play-style to those
who choose to remort
Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          16007

MadeBy        Ilanthas~
MadeWhen      08-22-2016 00:46:28PM~
IdeaDesc      I think it would be nice if the druids forest skill could make a bow.

Type          -1
Reward        0
RewardBonus   0
Room          1164