h/mud.h:49: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
  Header name matches a POSIX header, but the POSIX library is not selected.
  (Use -warnposixheaders to inhibit warning)
act_info.c:17: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
h/sha256.h:31: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
act_wiz.c:14: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
act_wiz.c:17: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
arena.c:19: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
build.c:13: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
calendar.c:35: Include file <dirent.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
channels.c:13: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
color.c:67: Include file <dirent.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
comm.c:13: Include file <fcntl.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
comm.c:17: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
comm.c:21: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
comm.c:97: Include file <sys/socket.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
comm.c:98: Include file <netinet/in.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
comm.c:103: Include file <netdb.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
copyover.c:13: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
copyover.c:18: Include file <dirent.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
currency.c:8: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
db.c:14: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
db.c:17: Include file <dirent.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
db.c:18: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
events.c:20: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
filer.c:4: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
ftag.c:34: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
genesis.c:4: Include file <fcntl.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
genesis.c:12: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
genesis.c:13: Include file <sys/wait.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
handler.c:13: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
i3.c:53: Include file <fcntl.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
i3.c:54: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
i3.c:55: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
i3.c:56: Include file <sys/socket.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
i3.c:57: Include file <netinet/in.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
i3.c:59: Include file <netdb.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
location.c:9: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
new_auth.c:27: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library,
    but the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
quests.c:5: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
save.c:14: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
save.c:17: Include file <dirent.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
save.c:18: Include file <unistd.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but the
    POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
save.c:1480:32: save.c:1479:2: Unterminated comment
  Preprocessing error. (Use -preproc to inhibit warning)
shops.c:18: Include file <sys/types.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
whois.c:34: Include file <dirent.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
whois.c:36: Include file <sys/stat.h> matches the name of a POSIX library, but
    the POSIX library is not being used.  Consider using +posixlib or
    +posixstrictlib to select the POSIX library, or -warnposix to suppress this
act_comm.c: (in function scramble)
act_comm.c:56:14: Unqualified static storage arg returned as implicitly only:
  Static storage is transferred in an inconsistent way. (Use -statictrans to
  inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:60:20: Incompatible types for + (int, char):
                     -conversion + position - modifier + argument[position]
  To make char and int types equivalent, use +charint.
act_comm.c:61:7: Assignment of int to short int:
                    conversion = number_range(conversion - 5, conversion + 5)
  To ignore type qualifiers in type comparisons use +ignorequals.
act_comm.c:66:23: Incompatible types for + (short int, char): conversion + 'A'
  A character constant is used as an int. Use +charintliteral to allow
  character constants to be used as ints.  (This is safe since the actual type
  of a char constant is int.)
act_comm.c:70:20: Incompatible types for + (int, char):
                     -conversion + position - modifier + argument[position]
act_comm.c:71:7: Assignment of int to short int:
                    conversion = number_range(conversion - 5, conversion + 5)
act_comm.c:76:23: Incompatible types for + (short int, char): conversion + 'a'
act_comm.c:80:20: Incompatible types for + (int, char):
                     -conversion + position - modifier + argument[position]
act_comm.c:81:7: Assignment of int to short int:
                    conversion = number_range(conversion - 2, conversion + 2)
act_comm.c:86:23: Incompatible types for + (short int, char): conversion + '0'
act_comm.c:92:10: Unqualified static storage arg returned as implicitly only:
act_comm.c: (in function get_lang)
act_comm.c:101:18: Function returns with global first_lang referencing released
  A global variable does not satisfy its annotations when control is
  transferred. (Use -globstate to inhibit warning)
   act_comm.c:101:14: Storage first_lang released
act_comm.c:102:10: Null storage returned as non-null: NULL
  Function returns a possibly null pointer, but is not declared using
  /*@null@*/ annotation of result.  If function may return NULL, add /*@null@*/
  annotation to the return value declaration. (Use -nullret to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c: (in function translate)
act_comm.c:114:27: Variable log_buf shadows outer declaration
  An outer declaration is shadowed by the local declaration. (Use -shadow to
  inhibit warning)
   h/mud.h:4202:25: Previous declaration of log_buf: char []
act_comm.c:118:5: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((l...
  Result returned by function call is not used. If this is intended, can cast
  result to (void) to eliminate message. (Use -retvalother to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:119:12: Unqualified static storage log_buf returned as implicitly
                      only: log_buf
act_comm.c:128:7: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((l...
act_comm.c:129:14: Unqualified static storage log_buf returned as implicitly
                      only: log_buf
act_comm.c:132:18: Test expression for for not boolean, type char: *pbuf
  Test expression type is not boolean. (Use -predboolothers to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:138:12: Left operand of && is non-boolean (int):
                      percent && (rand() % 100) < percent
  The operand of a boolean operator is not a boolean. Use +ptrnegate to allow !
  to be used on pointers. (Use -boolops to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:140:32: Function strncpy expects arg 3 to be size_t gets int:
  To allow arbitrary integral types to match any integral type, use
act_comm.c:146:26: Passed storage pbuf2 not completely defined (*pbuf2 is
                      undefined): newmudstrlcpy ((pbuf2), ...)
  Storage derivable from a parameter, return value or global is not defined.
  Use /*@out@*/ to denote passed or returned storage which need not be defined.
  (Use -compdef to inhibit warning)
   act_comm.c:112:40: Storage *pbuf2 allocated
act_comm.c:146:11: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((p...
act_comm.c:155:30: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !percent
act_comm.c:157:18: Array fetch using non-integer, char:
    lng->alphabet[((*pbuf) >= 'A' && (*pbuf) <= 'Z' ? (*pbuf) + 'a' - 'A' :
    (*pbuf)) - 'a']
  To allow char types to index arrays, use +charindex. (Use +charindex to
  inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:168:33: Test expression for for not boolean, type char: *pbuf
act_comm.c:168:33: Value *pbuf used before definition
  An rvalue is used that may not be initialized to a value on some execution
  path. (Use -usedef to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:173:9: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((p...
act_comm.c:182:10: Unqualified static storage buf returned as implicitly only:
act_comm.c:182:14: Fresh storage lng not released before return
  A memory leak has been detected. Storage allocated locally is not released
  before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreefresh to inhibit
   act_comm.c:125:8: Fresh storage lng created
act_comm.c: (in function drunk_speech)
act_comm.c:194:6: Left operand of || is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
act_comm.c:195:12: Implicitly temp storage argument returned as implicitly
                      only: (char *)argument
  Temp storage (associated with a formal parameter) is transferred to a
  non-temporary reference. The storage may be released or new aliases created.
  (Use -temptrans to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:200:12: Implicitly temp storage argument returned as implicitly
                      only: (char *)argument
act_comm.c:206:12: Observer storage returned without qualification: (char *)""
  Observer storage is transferred to a non-observer reference. (Use
  -observertrans to inhibit warning)
   act_comm.c:206:20: Storage becomes observer
act_comm.c:212:8: Incompatible types for == (char, char): toupper(*arg) == 'T'
act_comm.c:222:13: Incompatible types for == (char, char): toupper(*arg) == 'X'
act_comm.c:231:39: Variable slurn initialized to type int, expects short int:
                      number_range(1, 2)
act_comm.c:245:8: Dangerous comparison involving double types:
                     number_percent() < (2 * drunk / 2.5)
  Two real (float, double, or long double) values are compared directly using a
  C primitive. This may produce unexpected results since floating point
  representations are inexact. Instead, compare the difference to FLT_EPSILON
  or DBL_EPSILON. (Use -realcompare to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:245:8: Operands of < have incompatible types (int, double):
                     number_percent() < (2 * drunk / 2.5)
  To allow all numeric types to match, use +relaxtypes.
act_comm.c:274:42: Variable offset initialized to type int, expects short int:
                      number_range(0, 2)
act_comm.c:287:9: Assignment of int to short int: offset = number_range(2, 4)
act_comm.c:307:10: Unqualified static storage buf returned as implicitly only:
act_comm.c: (in function do_whisper)
act_comm.c:320:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                     ch->speaking & lang_array[lang]
  Test expression type is not boolean or int. (Use -predboolint to inhibit
act_comm.c:329:37: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                      undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:334:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:340:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:346:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:346:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:349:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:349:83: Right operand of && is non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:352:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:352:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:357:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:357:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:360:12: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:363:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:363:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:366:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:366:83: Right operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    ((victim->act).bits[(PLR_AFK) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_AFK) & 31))
act_comm.c:369:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:369:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:372:125: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:372:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((victim->deaf).bits[(CHANNEL_WHISPER) >> 5] & 1 << ((CHANNEL_WHISPER) &
    31)) && (!(get_trust((ch)) >= (108 - 7) && !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC)
    >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) || (get_trust(ch) < get_trust(victim)))
act_comm.c:374:51: Null storage passed as non-null param: act (..., NULL, ...)
  A possibly null pointer is passed as a parameter corresponding to a formal
  parameter with no /*@null@*/ annotation.  If NULL may be used for this
  parameter, add a /*@null@*/ annotation to the function parameter declaration.
  (Use -nullpass to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:375:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:375:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:378:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:378:83: Right operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    ((victim->act).bits[(PLR_SILENCE) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_SILENCE) & 31))
act_comm.c:381:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (DESCRIPTOR_DATA *):
                     victim->desc && victim->desc->connected == CON_EDITING
act_comm.c:384:93: Null storage passed as non-null param: act (..., 0, ...)
act_comm.c:385:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:385:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:396:43: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:400:14: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:400:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:413:26: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:413:98: Right operand of || is non-boolean (int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
act_comm.c:419:46: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
    (not released): translate(speakswell, argument, lang_names[speaking])
act_comm.c:432:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
                     !((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 16)))
act_comm.c:435:3: Assignment of int to short int: victim->position = position
act_comm.c:436:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                     ((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 17)))
act_comm.c:438:52: Test expression for conditional not boolean, type unsigned
    int: ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:438:161: Test expression for conditional not boolean, type unsigned
    int: ((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:438:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 20...
  Result returned by function call is not used. If this is intended, can cast
  result to (void) to eliminate message. (Use -retvalint to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:442:10: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:329:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:442:10: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:337:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c: (in function do_tell)
act_comm.c:461:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                     ch->speaking & lang_array[lang]
act_comm.c:468:87: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:468:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (int):
    ((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 16))) && !(get_trust((ch)) >= (108 - 7)
    && !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))))
act_comm.c:473:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:473:80: Operands of || are non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((ch->act).bits[(PLR_SILENCE) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_SILENCE) & 31)) ||
    ((ch->act).bits[(PLR_NO_TELL) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_NO_TELL) & 31))
act_comm.c:484:37: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                      undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:487:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:502:87: Left operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    victim->in_room != ch->in_room
act_comm.c:505:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:510:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:512:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:512:121: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:512:198: Right operand of && is non-boolean (int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    (get_trust((victim)) >= (108 - 7) && !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC)
    >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) && ((victim->pcdata->flags) & ((1 <<
act_comm.c:512:277: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:512:351: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:523:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:525:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:525:83: Right operand of && is non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:528:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:530:12: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:530:88: Right operand of && is non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:532:12: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:532:108: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
                       !((victim->pcdata->flags) & ((1 << 26)))
act_comm.c:535:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:537:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:537:83: Right operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    ((victim->act).bits[(PLR_NO_TELL) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_NO_TELL) & 31))
act_comm.c:539:48: Null storage passed as non-null param: act (..., NULL, ...)
act_comm.c:540:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:543:79: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:543:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:547:7: Implicitly only storage ch->retell (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                     released before assignment: ch->retell = NULL
  A memory leak has been detected. Only-qualified storage is not released
  before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreeonly to inhibit
act_comm.c:548:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:548:12: Function returns with null storage derivable from parameter
  A possibly null pointer is reachable from a parameter or global variable that
  is not declared using a /*@null@*/ annotation. (Use -nullstate to inhibit
   act_comm.c:547:20: Storage ch->retell becomes null
act_comm.c:551:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((victim->act).bits[(PLR_SILENCE) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_SILENCE) & 31))
act_comm.c:553:42: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:553:158: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:553:234: Right operand of && is non-boolean (int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    ((victim->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 16)))
act_comm.c:555:39: Null storage passed as non-null param: act (..., 0, ...)
act_comm.c:556:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:558:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (DESCRIPTOR_DATA *):
                     victim->desc && victim->desc->connected == CON_EDITING
act_comm.c:560:93: Null storage passed as non-null param: act (..., 0, ...)
act_comm.c:561:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:564:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((victim->act).bits[(PLR_COMMUNICATION) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_COMMUNICATION) &
act_comm.c:575:43: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:581:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:590:3: Implicitly only storage ch->retell (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                     released before assignment: ch->retell = victim
act_comm.c:595:32: Variable victim used in inconsistent state
   act_comm.c:592:5: Storage victim becomes inconsistent (released on one
act_comm.c:597:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:597:84: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:599:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf2, 8...
act_comm.c:605:26: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:605:98: Right operand of || is non-boolean (int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
act_comm.c:611:26: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
    (not released): translate(speakswell, argument, lang_names[speaking])
act_comm.c:619:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:624:97: Arrow access from possibly null pointer local: local->tm_mon
  A possibly null pointer is dereferenced.  Value is either the result of a
  function which may return null (in which case, code should check it is not
  null), or a global, parameter or structure field declared with the null
  qualifier. (Use -nullderef to inhibit warning)
   act_comm.c:622:37: Storage local may become null
act_comm.c:624:158: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): PERS(ch, victim)
act_comm.c:624:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(logbuf,...
act_comm.c:639:279: Unqualified storage (victim->pcdata->tell_history[i - 1])
    passed as only param: free ((victim->pcdata->tell_history[i - 1]))
  Unqualified storage is transferred in an inconsistent way. (Use
  -unqualifiedtrans to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:639:348: Return value (type int) ignored: str_free((victim...
act_comm.c:642:269: Unqualified storage (victim->pcdata->tell_history[x])
    passed as only param: free ((victim->pcdata->tell_history[x]))
   act_comm.c:640:11: Storage victim->pcdata->tell_history[] created
act_comm.c:642:334: Return value (type int) ignored: str_free((victim...
act_comm.c:655:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:660:97: Arrow access from possibly null pointer local: local->tm_mon
   act_comm.c:658:37: Storage local may become null
act_comm.c:660:158: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): PERS(victim, ch)
act_comm.c:660:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(logbuf,...
act_comm.c:675:271: Unqualified storage (ch->pcdata->tell_history[i - 1])
    passed as only param: free ((ch->pcdata->tell_history[i - 1]))
act_comm.c:675:336: Return value (type int) ignored: str_free((ch->pc...
act_comm.c:678:322: Return value (type int) ignored: str_free((ch->pc...
act_comm.c:684:3: Assignment of int to bool: MOBtrigger = 1
  Types are incompatible. (Use -type to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c:686:3: Implicitly temp storage ch assigned to implicitly only:
                     victim->reply = ch
act_comm.c:687:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                     ((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 17)))
act_comm.c:689:70: Test expression for conditional not boolean, type unsigned
    int: ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:689:179: Test expression for conditional not boolean, type unsigned
    int: ((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:691:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:693:2: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:484:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c: (in function do_reply)
act_comm.c:713:3: Assignment of int to bool: csreply = 1
act_comm.c:714:3: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 81...
act_comm.c: (in function do_emote)
act_comm.c:730:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                     ch->speaking & lang_array[lang]
act_comm.c:736:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:736:79: Right operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    ((ch->act).bits[(PLR_NO_EMOTE) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_NO_EMOTE) & 31))
act_comm.c:749:9: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:751:10: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((rch->act).bits[(PLR_ENHANCED) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_ENHANCED) & 31))
act_comm.c:757:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:760:18: Passed storage buf not completely defined (*buf is
                      undefined): newmudstrlcpy ((buf), ...)
act_comm.c:760:3: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((b...
act_comm.c:762:5: Return value (type size_t) ignored: mudstrlcat(buf, ...
act_comm.c:775:45: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:784:28: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:784:100: Right operand of || is non-boolean (int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
act_comm.c:790:9: Clauses exit with sbuf referencing fresh storage in true
                     branch, stack storage in continuation
  The state of a variable is different depending on which branch is taken. This
  means no annotation can sensibly be applied to the storage. (Use -branchstate
  to inhibit warning)
   act_comm.c:765:40: Storage sbuf becomes stack-allocated storage
   act_comm.c:790:9: Fresh storage sbuf created
act_comm.c:800:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                     ((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 17)))
act_comm.c:802:42: Test expression for conditional not boolean, type unsigned
    int: ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:802:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 81...
act_comm.c: (in function do_ide)
act_comm.c:808:34: Parameter argument not used
  A function parameter is not used in the body of the function. If the argument
  is needed for type compatibility or future plans, use /*@unused@*/ in the
  argument declaration. (Use -paramuse to inhibit warning)
act_comm.c: (in function do_rent)
act_comm.c:816:35: Parameter argument not used
act_comm.c: (in function load_quotes)
act_comm.c:838:3: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 10...
act_comm.c:842:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 10...
act_comm.c: (in function quotes)
act_comm.c:865:3: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 81...
act_comm.c:869:10: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !feof(fp)
act_comm.c:879:2: Fresh storage fp not released before return
   act_comm.c:866:7: Fresh storage fp created
act_comm.c: (in function do_qui)
act_comm.c:881:34: Parameter argument not used
act_comm.c: (in function do_quit)
act_comm.c:897:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:906:6: Operands of || are non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
                     ch->challenged || ch->challenge
act_comm.c:909:5: Implicitly only storage ch->challenged (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                     released before assignment: ch->challenged = NULL
act_comm.c:910:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 20...
act_comm.c:933:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                     ((ch->pcdata->flags) |= ((1 << 26)))
act_comm.c:938:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((ch->act).bits[(PLR_TUTORIAL) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_TUTORIAL) & 31))
act_comm.c:953:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type long int:
                     ((ch->pcdata->tag_flags) & ((1) | (16)))
act_comm.c:969:10: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((paf->bitvector).bits[(AFF_BOOST) >> 5] & 1 << ((AFF_BOOST) & 31))
act_comm.c:973:10: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((paf->bitvector).bits[(AFF_SANCTUARY) >> 5] & 1 << ((AFF_SANCTUARY) & 31))
act_comm.c:985:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (int):
    ((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 26))) && (new_str_cmp((ch->in_room->area
    ->filename), ("allifort.are"), "/home/6dragons/6D/src/act_comm.c", 985))
act_comm.c:990:81: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1001:8: Operands of && are non-booleans (PC_DATA *, int):
                      (ch)->pcdata && (((ch)->pcdata->flags) & ((1 << 1)))
act_comm.c:1001:70: Dangerous comparison involving double types:
                       ch->wimpy > (double)ch->max_hit / 2.25
act_comm.c:1001:70: Operands of > have incompatible types (short int, double):
                       ch->wimpy > (double)ch->max_hit / 2.25
act_comm.c:1007:9: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !(((((ch))->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1007:97: Arrow access from possibly null pointer ch->pcdata:
act_comm.c:1007:85: Right operand of && is non-boolean (struct clan_data *):
    !(((((ch))->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:1009:22: Arrow access from possibly null pointer ch->pcdata:
act_comm.c:1014:9: Assignment of time_t to int: clan->chieflog = current_time
act_comm.c:1021:9: Assignment of time_t to int: clan->warlog = current_time
act_comm.c:1024:15: Null storage clan->chieftain derivable from parameter
                       save_clan (clan)
act_comm.c:1024:15: Null storage clan->warmaster derivable from parameter
                       save_clan (clan)
act_comm.c:1030:8: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1045:36: Possibly null storage ch->pcdata derivable from parameter
                       act (..., ch, ...)
act_comm.c:1051:6: Operands of && are non-booleans (short int, CHAR_DATA *):
                      sysdata.save_pets && ch->pcdata->pet
act_comm.c:1054:35: Function extract_char expects arg 2 to be bool gets int: 1
act_comm.c:1065:21: Possibly null storage ch->pcdata->clan derivable from
                       parameter get_trust (ch)
act_comm.c:1076:47: Possibly null storage tme passed as non-null param:
                       strftime (..., tme)
   act_comm.c:1075:11: Storage tme may become null
act_comm.c:1076:5: Return value (type size_t) ignored: strftime(day, 50...
act_comm.c:1077:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(logbuf,...
act_comm.c:1080:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(logbuf,...
act_comm.c:1082:7: Operands of && are non-booleans (CHAR_DATA *, PC_DATA *):
                      ch && ch->pcdata
act_comm.c:1082:27: Right operand of && is non-boolean (int):
    ch && ch->pcdata && (((ch)->pcdata->flags) & ((1 << 26)))
act_comm.c:1084:20: Function extract_char expects arg 2 to be bool gets int: 1
act_comm.c:1084:16: Null storage ch passed as non-null param:
                       extract_char (ch, ...)
act_comm.c:1089:10: Function returns with null storage derivable from global
act_comm.c:888:35: Parameter argument not used
act_comm.c: (in function send_rip_screen)
act_comm.c:1100:12: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)
act_comm.c:1100:11: Operands of != have incompatible types (char, int):
                       (BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)) != EOF
act_comm.c:1103:5: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = 0
act_comm.c:1106:2: Fresh storage rpfile not released before return
   act_comm.c:1098:7: Fresh storage rpfile created
act_comm.c: (in function send_rip_title)
act_comm.c:1116:12: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)
act_comm.c:1116:11: Operands of != have incompatible types (char, int):
                       (BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)) != EOF
act_comm.c:1119:5: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = 0
act_comm.c:1122:2: Fresh storage rpfile not released before return
   act_comm.c:1114:7: Fresh storage rpfile created
act_comm.c: (in function send_ansi_title)
act_comm.c:1132:12: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)
act_comm.c:1132:11: Operands of != have incompatible types (char, int):
                       (BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)) != EOF
act_comm.c:1135:5: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = 0
act_comm.c:1138:2: Fresh storage rpfile not released before return
   act_comm.c:1130:7: Fresh storage rpfile created
act_comm.c: (in function send_ascii_title)
act_comm.c:1148:12: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)
act_comm.c:1148:11: Operands of != have incompatible types (char, int):
                       (BUFF[num] = fgetc(rpfile)) != EOF
act_comm.c:1151:5: Assignment of int to char: BUFF[num] = 0
act_comm.c:1154:2: Fresh storage rpfile not released before return
   act_comm.c:1146:7: Fresh storage rpfile created
act_comm.c: (in function do_rip)
act_comm.c:1160:26: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:1160:3: Return value (type char *) ignored: one_argument(arg...
act_comm.c: (in function do_ansi)
act_comm.c:1185:26: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:1185:3: Return value (type char *) ignored: one_argument(arg...
act_comm.c: (in function do_save)
act_comm.c:1208:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1211:17: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1211:87: Right operand of && is non-boolean (NUISANCE_DATA *):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:1211:173: Operands of > have incompatible types (short int, int):
    ((ch)->wait) > ((2 + ((ch)->pcdata->nuisance->flags - 4) +
act_comm.c:1211:321: Conditional clauses are not of same type:
    ((ch)->wait) (short int), ((2 + ((ch)->pcdata->nuisance->flags - 4) +
    ch->pcdata->nuisance->power)) (int)
act_comm.c:1211:552: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1211:500: Operands of > have incompatible types (short int, int):
    ((ch)->wait) > (((get_trust((ch)) >= (108 - 7) && !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_I
    S_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) ? 0 : (2)))
act_comm.c:1211:689: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1211:637: Conditional clauses are not of same type:
    ((ch)->wait) (short int), (((get_trust((ch)) >= (108 - 7) &&
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) ? 0 :
    (2))) (int)
act_comm.c:1206:35: Parameter argument not used
act_comm.c: (in function circle_follow)
act_comm.c:1230:14: Return value type int does not match declared type bool: 1
act_comm.c: (in function do_dismiss)
act_comm.c:1239:26: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:1239:3: Return value (type char *) ignored: one_argument(arg...
act_comm.c:1251:42: Right operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    (IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM)) && (((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >>
    5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))))
act_comm.c:1265:2: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1246:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c: (in function do_follow)
act_comm.c:1272:26: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:1272:3: Return value (type char *) ignored: one_argument(arg...
act_comm.c:1284:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((ch->act).bits[(PLR_TUTORIAL) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_TUTORIAL) & 31))
act_comm.c:1287:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1278:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1290:36: Right operand of && is non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
                       IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_CHARM) && ch->master
act_comm.c:1293:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1278:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1300:14: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1278:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1303:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1278:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1308:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1278:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1312:16: Possibly null storage ch->master derivable from parameter
                       add_follower (ch, ...)
act_comm.c:1313:10: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1278:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c: (in function add_follower)
act_comm.c:1323:3: Implicitly temp storage master assigned to implicitly only:
                      ch->master = master
act_comm.c:1324:3: Implicitly only storage ch->leader (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                      released before assignment: ch->leader = NULL
act_comm.c:1328:6: Operands of && are non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    ((ch->act).bits[(ACT_PET) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_PET) & 31))
act_comm.c:1328:141: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((master)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1329:5: Implicitly temp storage ch assigned to implicitly only:
                      master->pcdata->pet = ch
act_comm.c:1329:5: Variable ch is kept in true branch, but not kept in
   act_comm.c:1329:5: in true branch:
   act_comm.c:1329:5: Storage ch becomes kept
act_comm.c:1330:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((ch->act).bits[(PLR_BOAT) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_BOAT) & 31))
act_comm.c: (in function stop_follower)
act_comm.c:1346:79: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch->master)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1346:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    !((((ch->master)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1349:5: Implicitly only storage ch->master->pcdata->pet (type
    CHAR_DATA *) not released before assignment: ch->master->pcdata->pet = NULL
act_comm.c:1354:9: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch->master)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1357:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((ch->act).bits[(PLR_BOAT) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_BOAT) & 31))
act_comm.c:1360:13: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch->master)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1360:127: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1360:243: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch->master)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1364:3: Implicitly only storage ch->master (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                      released before assignment: ch->master = NULL
act_comm.c:1365:3: Implicitly only storage ch->leader (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                      released before assignment: ch->leader = NULL
act_comm.c: (in function die_follower)
act_comm.c:1374:3: Implicitly only storage ch->leader (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                      released before assignment: ch->leader = NULL
act_comm.c:1380:7: Implicitly only storage fch->leader (type CHAR_DATA *) not
    released before assignment (fch aliases first_char): fch->leader = fch
act_comm.c:1380:7: Variable first_char is kept in true branch, but not kept in
   act_comm.c:1380:7: in true branch:
   act_comm.c:1380:7: Storage first_char becomes kept
act_comm.c: (in function do_order)
act_comm.c:1395:18: Passed storage argbuf not completely defined (*argbuf is
                       undefined): newmudstrlcpy ((argbuf), ...)
act_comm.c:1395:3: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((a...
act_comm.c:1396:37: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:1397:26: Passed storage arg2 not completely defined (*arg2 is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg2)
act_comm.c:1397:3: Return value (type char *) ignored: one_argument(arg...
act_comm.c:1401:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1396:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1406:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1396:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1411:5: Assignment of int to bool: fAll = 1
act_comm.c:1420:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1396:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1425:14: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1417:9: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1425:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1396:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1430:14: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1417:9: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1430:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1396:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1433:25: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1433:99: Right operand of && is non-boolean (NUISANCE_DATA *):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:1433:193: Operands of > have incompatible types (short int, int):
    ((victim)->wait) > ((14 + ((victim)->pcdata->nuisance->flags - 4) +
act_comm.c:1433:354: Conditional clauses are not of same type:
    ((victim)->wait) (short int), ((14 + ((victim)->pcdata->nuisance->flags -
    4) + victim->pcdata->nuisance->power)) (int)
act_comm.c:1433:606: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1433:546: Operands of > have incompatible types (short int, int):
    ((victim)->wait) > (((get_trust((victim)) >= (108 - 7) &&
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) ?
    0 : (14)))
act_comm.c:1433:756: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1433:696: Conditional clauses are not of same type:
    ((victim)->wait) (short int), (((get_trust((victim)) >= (108 - 7) &&
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) ?
    0 : (14))) (int)
act_comm.c:1440:16: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1417:9: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1440:16: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1396:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1443:3: Clauses exit with victim referencing local storage in true
                      branch, fresh storage in false branch
   act_comm.c:1417:9: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1450:7: Assignment of int to bool: found = 1
act_comm.c:1459:19: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1459:89: Right operand of && is non-boolean (NUISANCE_DATA *):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:1459:175: Operands of > have incompatible types (short int, int):
    ((ch)->wait) > ((12 + ((ch)->pcdata->nuisance->flags - 4) +
act_comm.c:1459:324: Conditional clauses are not of same type:
    ((ch)->wait) (short int), ((12 + ((ch)->pcdata->nuisance->flags - 4) +
    ch->pcdata->nuisance->power)) (int)
act_comm.c:1459:556: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1459:504: Operands of > have incompatible types (short int, int):
    ((ch)->wait) > (((get_trust((ch)) >= (108 - 7) && !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_I
    S_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) ? 0 : (12)))
act_comm.c:1459:694: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1459:642: Conditional clauses are not of same type:
    ((ch)->wait) (short int), (((get_trust((ch)) >= (108 - 7) &&
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))) ? 0 :
    (12))) (int)
act_comm.c:1463:10: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1396:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c: (in function do_group)
act_comm.c:1482:26: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:1482:3: Return value (type char *) ignored: one_argument(arg...
act_comm.c:1491:24: Possibly null storage ch->leader derivable from parameter
                       set_char_color (..., ch)
act_comm.c:1513:65: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): PERS(gch, ch)
act_comm.c:1545:16: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !(((((gch))->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1570:28: Passed storage buf not completely defined (*buf is
                       undefined): newmudstrlcpy ((buf), ...)
act_comm.c:1570:13: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((b...
act_comm.c:1572:28: Passed storage buf not completely defined (*buf is
                       undefined): newmudstrlcpy ((buf), ...)
act_comm.c:1572:13: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((b...
act_comm.c:1574:28: Passed storage buf not completely defined (*buf is
                       undefined): newmudstrlcpy ((buf), ...)
act_comm.c:1574:13: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((b...
act_comm.c:1576:28: Passed storage buf not completely defined (*buf is
                       undefined): newmudstrlcpy ((buf), ...)
act_comm.c:1576:13: Return value (type size_t) ignored: newmudstrlcpy((b...
act_comm.c:1598:49: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): PERS(gch, ch)
act_comm.c:1614:16: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !(((((gch))->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1645:51: Function exp_level expects arg 2 to be short int gets int:
                       gch->level + 1
act_comm.c:1657:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !strcmp(arg, "disband")
act_comm.c:1666:8: Operands of || are non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
                      ch->leader || ch->master
act_comm.c:1686:13: Implicitly only storage gch->leader (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                       released before assignment: gch->leader = NULL
act_comm.c:1694:13: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((gch->act).bits[(ACT_MOUNTABLE) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_MOUNTABLE) & 31))
act_comm.c:1699:15: Implicitly only storage gch->master (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                       released before assignment: gch->master = NULL
act_comm.c:1705:54: Null storage gch->leader derivable from parameter
                       send_to_char (..., gch)
act_comm.c:1721:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !strcmp(arg, "all")
act_comm.c:1732:24: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((rch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1734:9: Implicitly only storage rch->leader (type CHAR_DATA *) not
                      released before assignment: rch->leader = ch
act_comm.c:1734:9: Implicitly temp storage ch assigned to implicitly only:
                      rch->leader = ch
act_comm.c:1736:7: Variable ch is kept in true branch, but not kept in
   act_comm.c:1736:7: in true branch:
   act_comm.c:1734:9: Storage ch becomes kept
act_comm.c:1737:5: Variable ch is kept in for body, but not kept if for loop
                      body does not execute.
   act_comm.c:1737:5: in for body:
   act_comm.c:1736:7: Storage ch becomes kept
act_comm.c:1764:21: Left operand of && is non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
                       ch->leader && ch->leader != ch
act_comm.c:1764:6: Left operand of || is non-boolean (CHAR_DATA *):
                      ch->master || (ch->leader && ch->leader != ch)
act_comm.c:1767:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1755:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1776:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1755:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1784:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1755:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1798:9: Implicitly only storage victim->leader (type CHAR_DATA *)
                      not released before assignment: victim->leader = NULL
act_comm.c:1805:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1755:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1811:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((victim->act).bits[(ACT_MOUNTABLE) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_MOUNTABLE) & 31))
act_comm.c:1818:14: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1755:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:1824:3: Implicitly only storage victim->leader (type CHAR_DATA *)
                      not released before assignment: victim->leader = ch
act_comm.c:1824:3: Implicitly temp storage ch assigned to implicitly only:
                      victim->leader = ch
act_comm.c:1828:10: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:1755:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c: (in function do_split)
act_comm.c:1842:37: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:1848:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
                      !(type = get_currency_type(argument))
act_comm.c:1854:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1842:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1859:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1842:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1864:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1842:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1875:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1842:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1883:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1842:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:1892:3: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 81...
act_comm.c:1902:10: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:1842:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c: (in function do_gtell)
act_comm.c:1913:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      ch->speaking & lang_array[lang]
act_comm.c:1924:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((ch->act).bits[(PLR_NO_TELL) >> 5] & 1 << ((PLR_NO_TELL) & 31))
act_comm.c:1940:30: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1940:102: Right operand of || is non-boolean (int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
act_comm.c:1946:12: Operands of && are non-booleans (CHAR_DATA *, unsigned
    int): gch && (((gch->act).bits[(PLR_COMMUNICATION) >> 5] & 1 <<
    ((PLR_COMMUNICATION) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1950:21: Possibly null storage gch passed as non-null param:
                       ch_printf (gch, ...)
   act_comm.c:1929:36: Storage gch may become null
act_comm.c:1952:21: Possibly null storage gch passed as non-null param:
                       ch_printf (gch, ...)
   act_comm.c:1929:36: Storage gch may become null
act_comm.c: (in function knows_language)
act_comm.c:1998:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:1998:113: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2000:79: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !ch->speaks
act_comm.c:2000:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:2005:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      ((language) & ((1 << 0)))
act_comm.c:2007:6: Operands of && are non-booleans (unsigned int, int):
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    ((ch->speaks) & (language))
act_comm.c:2013:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2015:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      ((race_table[ch->race]->language) & (language))
act_comm.c:2019:10: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                       ((language) & (lang_array[lang]))
act_comm.c:2023:13: Assignment of int to short int:
                       sn = skill_lookup(lang_names[lang])
act_comm.c:1993:60: Parameter cch not used
act_comm.c: (in function countlangs)
act_comm.c:2054:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      languages & lang_array[looper]
act_comm.c: (in function do_speak)
act_comm.c:2065:37: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:2067:121: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2072:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2065:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2076:10: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                       knows_language(ch, lang_array[langs], ch)
act_comm.c:2078:46: Right operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    lang_array[langs] == (1 << 16) && (((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] &
    1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))))
act_comm.c:2083:16: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2065:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2089:16: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2065:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2094:2: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2065:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c: (in function do_languages)
act_comm.c:2101:37: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:2102:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (char [2048]):
                      arg && arg[0] != '\0'
act_comm.c:2102:61: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2108:39: Passed storage arg2 not completely defined (*arg2 is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg2)
act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument (type char *) not released before
                      assignment: argument = one_argument(argument, arg2)
   act_comm.c:2101:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2109:9: Operand of ! is non-boolean (char [2048]): !arg2
act_comm.c:2112:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2122:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2124:9: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int):
    !(((1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 <<
    6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 12) |
    (1 << 13) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15) | (1 << 16)) & lang_array[lang])
act_comm.c:2127:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2132:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2134:8: Left operand of || is non-boolean (int):
    race_table[ch->race]->language & lang_array[lang] || lang_array[lang] == (1
    << 0)
act_comm.c:2137:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2141:11: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((sch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2141:85: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((sch->act).bits[(ACT_SCHOLAR) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_SCHOLAR) & 31))
act_comm.c:2149:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2155:8: Operands of < have incompatible types (short int, int):
                      ch->practice < prac
act_comm.c:2158:14: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2168:8: Operands of == have incompatible types (short int, int):
                      ch->pcdata->learned[sn] == prct
act_comm.c:2172:13: Operands of < have incompatible types (short int, int):
                       ch->pcdata->learned[sn] < 60 + prct
act_comm.c:2178:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2108:5: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2183:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      knows_language(ch, lang_array[lang], ch)
act_comm.c:2185:119: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !ch->speaking
act_comm.c:2185:46: Left operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
act_comm.c:2185:10: Left operand of || is non-boolean (int):
    ch->speaking & lang_array[lang] || (((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] &
    1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) && !ch->speaking)
act_comm.c:2194:2: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2101:3: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c: (in function do_beep)
act_comm.c:2212:6: Variable victim used before definition
act_comm.c:2215:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2206:44: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2220:6: Left operand of || is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
    is_ignoring(victim, ch)
act_comm.c:2220:109: Right operand of || is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
    is_ignoring(victim, ch) || ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 <<
    ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2223:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2206:44: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2225:6: Left operand of && is non-boolean (PC_DATA *):
                      ch->pcdata && ch->pcdata->release_date != 0
act_comm.c:2228:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2206:44: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2233:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      ((victim->pcdata->flags) & ((1 << 27)))
act_comm.c:2235:15: Null storage ch->pcdata derivable from parameter ch_printf
                       (ch, ...)
act_comm.c:2236:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2206:44: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2239:59: Null storage ch->pcdata derivable from parameter PERS (...,
act_comm.c:2242:10: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2206:44: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c: (in function do_talk_to_char)
act_comm.c:2260:38: Variable last_char shadows outer declaration
   h/mud.h:4172:25: Previous declaration of last_char: CHAR_DATA *
act_comm.c:2278:8: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      ch->speaking & lang_array[lang]
act_comm.c:2289:37: Passed storage arg not completely defined (*arg is
                       undefined): one_argument (..., arg)
act_comm.c:2291:7: Operand of ! is non-boolean (char [2048]): !arg
act_comm.c:2300:52: Left operand of && is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    ((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    victim->in_room != ch->in_room
act_comm.c:2300:167: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2300:276: Right operand of && is non-boolean (int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    get_auth_state(ch) != AUTH_AUTHED && (((ch)->pcdata->flags) & ((1 << 2)))
act_comm.c:2300:321: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2300:438: Right operand of && is non-boolean (int):
    !((((victim)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) &&
    get_auth_state(victim) != AUTH_AUTHED && (((victim)->pcdata->flags) & ((1
    << 2)))
act_comm.c:2300:520: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2305:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2289:13: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2309:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      ((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 16)))
act_comm.c:2314:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2289:13: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2314:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2300:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2323:12: Fresh storage argument not released before return
   act_comm.c:2289:13: Fresh storage argument created
act_comm.c:2323:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2300:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2327:3: Assignment of arbitrary unsigned integral type to int:
                      arglen = strlen(argument) - 1
act_comm.c:2341:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type unsigned int:
    ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2358:43: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2360:14: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2300:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2360:14: Owned storage sbuf not released before return
   act_comm.c:2345:3: Storage sbuf becomes owned
act_comm.c:2373:26: Operand of ! is non-boolean (unsigned int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2373:98: Right operand of || is non-boolean (int):
    !((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31))) ||
act_comm.c:2381:7: Variable argument is dependent in continuation, but
                      independent in true branch.
   act_comm.c:2381:7: in continuation:
   act_comm.c:2345:3: Storage argument becomes dependent
   act_comm.c:2381:7: in true branch:
   act_comm.c:2381:7: Storage argument becomes owned (through alias sbuf)
act_comm.c:2404:40: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2406:40: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2408:40: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2414:47: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2416:47: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2418:48: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2424:42: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2426:42: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2428:43: New fresh storage (type char *) passed as implicitly temp
                       (not released): drunk_speech(argument, ch)
act_comm.c:2434:6: Test expression for if not boolean, type int:
                      ((ch->in_room->room_flags) & ((1 << 17)))
act_comm.c:2437:35: Test expression for conditional not boolean, type unsigned
    int: ((((ch)->act).bits[(ACT_IS_NPC) >> 5] & 1 << ((ACT_IS_NPC) & 31)))
act_comm.c:2437:5: Return value (type int) ignored: snprintf(buf, 81...
act_comm.c:2447:12: Last reference argument to fresh storage sbuf not released
                       before return
   act_comm.c:2393:3: Original reference lost
act_comm.c:2447:12: Fresh storage sbuf not released before return
   act_comm.c:2393:3: Fresh storage sbuf created
act_comm.c:2447:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2300:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2453:12: Last reference argument to fresh storage sbuf not released
                       before return
   act_comm.c:2393:3: Original reference lost
act_comm.c:2453:12: Fresh storage sbuf not released before return
   act_comm.c:2393:3: Fresh storage sbuf created
act_comm.c:2453:12: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2300:7: Fresh storage victim created
act_comm.c:2457:10: Last reference argument to fresh storage sbuf not released
                       before return
   act_comm.c:2393:3: Original reference lost
act_comm.c:2457:10: Fresh storage sbuf not released before return
   act_comm.c:2393:3: Fresh storage sbuf created
act_comm.c:2457:10: Fresh storage victim not released before return
   act_comm.c:2300:7: Fresh storage victim created
h/mud.h:4272:8: Function do_ansi inconsistently redeclared as variable
  A function, variable or constant is redefined with a different type. (Use
  -incondefs to inhibit warning)
   act_comm.c:1204:1: Previous definition of do_ansi as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4420:8: Function do_dismiss inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1265:1: Previous definition of do_dismiss as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4441:8: Function do_emote inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:806:1: Previous definition of do_emote as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4479:8: Function do_follow inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1314:1: Previous definition of do_follow as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4530:8: Function do_group inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1829:1: Previous definition of do_group as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4531:8: Function do_gtell inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1970:1: Previous definition of do_gtell as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4570:8: Function do_ide inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:814:1: Previous definition of do_ide as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4637:8: Function do_languages inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:2194:1: Previous definition of do_languages as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4714:8: Function do_note inconsistently redeclared as variable
   h/mud.h:4714:8: Previous declaration of do_note as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4728:8: Function do_order inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1464:1: Previous definition of do_order as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4769:8: Function do_qui inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:886:1: Previous definition of do_qui as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4770:8: Function do_quit inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1090:1: Previous definition of do_quit as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4789:8: Function do_rent inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:821:1: Previous definition of do_rent as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4794:8: Function do_reply inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:717:1: Previous definition of do_reply as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4808:8: Function do_rip inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1179:1: Previous definition of do_rip as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4813:8: Function do_save inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1217:1: Previous definition of do_save as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4889:8: Function do_speak inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:2094:1: Previous definition of do_speak as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4896:8: Function do_split inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:1903:1: Previous definition of do_split as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4905:8: Function do_beep inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:2243:1: Previous definition of do_beep as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4929:8: Function do_tell inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:693:1: Previous definition of do_tell as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4930:8: Function do_talk_to_char inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:2459:1: Previous definition of do_talk_to_char as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/mud.h:4980:8: Function do_whisper inconsistently redeclared as variable
   act_comm.c:443:1: Previous definition of do_whisper as function:
   [function (CHAR_DATA *, char *) returns void]
h/sha256.h:43:56: Unnamed function parameter 1 declared as manifest array (size
                     constant is meaningless)
  A formal parameter is declared as an array with size.  The size of the array
  is ignored in this context, since the array formal parameter is treated as a
  pointer. (Use -fixedformalarray to inhibit warning)
act_info.c: (in function free_help)
act_info.c:40:269: Return value (type int) ignored: str_free((pHelp-...
act_info.c:40:269: Storage pHelp->text is released in one path, but live in
   act_info.c:40:224: Storage pHelp->text released
act_info.c:42:278: Return value (type int) ignored: str_free((pHelp-...
act_info.c:43:37: Implicitly temp storage pHelp passed as only param:
                     free ((pHelp))
act_info.c:53:44: Variable EXA_prog_trigger initialized to type int, expects
                     bool: 1