&R[10/27 21:50] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CVilhien@Dead_Souls_vilhien: &chow is everyone tonight
&R[10/27 21:54] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cI'll let you know in a few hours after I find out what upgrading Debian distributions breaks. :)
&R[10/28 05:43] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cwas supergirl any good?
&R[10/28 05:43] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cor is it not out yet
&R[10/28 05:58] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cit had it's moments...will continue to watch.
&R[10/28 05:58] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cmissed Gotham - gotta wait maybe a week for fox to "unlock" it.
&R[10/28 05:58] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cflying with a skirt comes with some risk
&R[10/28 05:58] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cCW50 lets people online watch next day.
&R[10/28 05:59] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cflying, nah.  Messing up the landing, YEAH, MAN!
&R[10/28 05:59] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cyknow, i was thinking about this once
&R[10/28 05:59] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cif i were able to fly, as kryptonians apparently are able
&R[10/28 06:00] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &ci do not think i would fly in the prone position like they do
&R[10/28 06:00] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cyou ever watch tv lying in bed prone, watching straight ahead?
&R[10/28 06:00] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cthat's comfortable for maybe 7 seconds
&R[10/28 06:01] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &ci think my flying posture would be kinda reclining, feet first
&R[10/28 06:01] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &clike i was in a barcalounger
&R[10/28 06:03] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &clotta time supes just stands upright and moves forward.
&R[10/28 06:04] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cdean cain played Mr. Danvers...and one of the regulars from the former "Mentalist" was a bad guy here.
&R[10/28 06:04] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cHelen Slater played mrs danvers.
&R[10/28 06:06] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &ci liek me sum helun slatur
&R[10/28 06:06] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CCratylus@Dead Souls Dev: &cFAIR IS FAIR
&R[10/28 06:08] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cshe didn't wear a skimpy skirt this time.
&R[10/28 06:08] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &cHeh...I kept watching to see where Stan Lee would suddenly appear...then I remembered...
&R[10/28 06:08] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CNinja@Dead Souls Dev: &coh, nebber mind.
&R[10/28 15:37] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CShentino@Ulario: &cYo
&R[10/28 18:01] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CKalinash@Crat's Agony: &chttps://www.facebook.com/interestingengineering/photos/a.451130811623295.1073741826.139188202817559/974617525941285/?type=3&theater
&R[10/28 19:56] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cHeh, ping times.  https://www.facebook.com/GamingMemes22/videos/950318218348445/
&R[10/28 23:12] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cLOL, http://www.pcgamer.com/batman-arkham-knight-is-back-on-steam-but-still-not-fully-fixed/
&R[10/28 23:12] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CKalinash@Crat's Agony: &cpc loser race
&R[10/28 23:15] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cMore like the company couldn't code to a high enough standard to bask in the glory of a true PC, even given 4 extra months to work on it.
&R[10/28 23:15] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CKalinash@Crat's Agony: &chttp://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/28/pumpkins-cause-climate-change-energy-department/
&R[10/28 23:16] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &chttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h1SWihSu-Q
&R[10/28 23:19] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CKalinash@Crat's Agony: &ci wonder if al gore took the pumpkin factor into account
&R[10/28 23:20] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cLinus did.  He tried to warn Charlie Brown, but they all ignored him.
&R[10/29 14:27] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CKalinash@Crat's Agony: &chttps://i.imgur.com/TNSXamQ.png
&R[10/29 19:57] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cLOL, Pillars of Eterity patch notes.
&R[10/29 19:57] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &c"Fixed an issue that was causing certain quests to take experience instead of granting it."
&R[10/29 20:19] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CKalinash@Crat's Agony: &camateurs
&R[10/29 20:20] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CQuixadhal@Bloodlines: &cThat actually was one of my most common mistakes back in math class.... getting the answer right except for the sign.
&R[10/29 20:31] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CKalinash@Crat's Agony: &cthen the api is poorly designed
&R[10/30 00:54] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CHuwenchao@Dead_Souls_huwenchao: &cHi everyone! I got the error message Too many users from your site are currently logged on. How can I modify this max number?
&R[10/30 00:54] &G&R[&Wdchat&R] &CHuwenchao@Dead_Souls_huwenchao: &cI checked the config file, it shows  maximum users param not implemented yet'