Installation for Smaug


1. In your Makefile, someplace above the main list of C_FLAGS,

   include the following:

#I3 - Comment out to disable I3 support

I3 = 1

   Then directly below the list of H_FILES, add the following:

   [Note: BSD users - put a period in front of the word ifdef, and in front of the word endif]

ifdef I3

   C_FILES := i3.c $(C_FILES)

   O_FILES := i3.o $(O_FILES)



[Chronicles users should substitute -DI3CHRONICLES for -DI3SMAUG]

2. Open mud.h

   Locate the following:


 * Structure for extended bitvectors -- Thoric


struct extended_bitvector


    unsigned int		bits[XBI];


   Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef I3

   #include "i3.h"


   Locate your pc_data struct, which should be in one of your main *.h files.

   Add the following to the end of it:

#ifdef I3

    I3_CHARDATA *i3chardata;


4. Open interp.c and locate the following section:

if ( !check_social( ch, command, argument )

   Add the following condition to whatever series of ifchecks exist there:

#ifdef I3

	&&   !I3_command_hook( ch, command, argument )


5. Open comm.c and locate main():

   A. If your mud uses copyover/hotboot, find this section( it may not look EXACTLY like this, adjust as needed ):

	If your mud does NOT use copyover/hotboot, move to B.

      if( argv[2] && argv[2][0] )


         fCopyOver = TRUE;

         control = atoi( argv[3] );



         fCopyOver = FALSE;

   Change it to read as( while adjusting as needed ):

      if( argv[2] && argv[2][0] )


         fCopyOver = TRUE;

         control = atoi( argv[3] );

#ifdef I3

	   I3_socket = atoi( argv[4] );




         fCopyOver = FALSE;

   This next part is somewhat tricky. If copyover_recover is called in db.c as is the usual case in

   most default installs, you need to place the following BEFORE the boot_db call. If it is listed

   somewhere here in comm.c, the following needs to be placed ABOVE it. Either way, I3_main needs

   to be called BEFORE copyover_recover or your mud WILL crash every time you do a copyover.

#ifdef I3

   /* Initialize and connect to Intermud-3 */

   I3_main( FALSE, port, fCopyOver );


   B. If your mud is NOT using copyover/hotboot:

      Locate the following:

    /* I don't know how well this will work on an unnamed machine as I don't

       have one handy, and the man pages are ever-so-helpful.. -- Alty */

    if (gethostname(hostn, sizeof(hostn)) < 0)


      perror("main: gethostname");

      strcpy(hostn, "unresolved");


    sprintf( log_buf, "%s ready at address %s on port %d.",	sysdata.mud_name, hostn, port );

    log_string( log_buf );

   Add the following lines directly below that:

#ifdef I3

   /* Initialize and connect to Intermud-3 */

   I3_main( FALSE, port, FALSE );



   Then further down in main(), locate the following:

    closesocket( control  );

    closesocket( control2 );

    closesocket( conclient);

    closesocket( conjava  );

   Add the following beneath that:

#ifdef I3

   I3_shutdown( 0 );


   Then in game_loop(), locate the following:


	 * Autonomous game motion.


	update_handler( );

   Directly ABOVE that, add the following:

#ifdef I3



   Then locate function act_string, and find the following code:

      switch ( *str )


      default:  bug( "Act: bad code %c.", *str );

		bug( "Act: Bad code came from %s", ch->name );

		i = " <@@@> ";						break;

   Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef I3

	case '$': 

	    i = "$";



6. Open save.c and locate fread_char:

   In the case 'I': section, and right before the final break; add the follwing:

#ifdef I3

	   if( ( fMatch = i3load_char( ch, fp, word ) ) )



   Then in fwrite_char, locate:

    fprintf( fp, "End\n\n" );

   Directly ABOVE that, add:

#ifdef I3

    i3save_char( ch, fp );


   Then in load_char_obj(), locate the following:

    found = FALSE;

    sprintf( strsave, "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower(name[0]), capitalize( name ) );

   Directly ABOVE that, add the following:

#ifdef I3

    i3init_char( ch );


7. Open db.c

   Locate free_char:

   Below this block of code:

	if ( ch->pcdata->subprompt )

	   STRFREE( ch->pcdata->subprompt );



		int i;

		for(i = 0; i< 26; i++)








#ifdef I3

	free_i3chardata( ch );


8. For users of copyover only - Target code may not be exact:

   In function do_copyover, locate the following code:

    DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, *de_next;

    char buf [100], buf2[100], buf3[100], buf4[100], buf5[100];

   Directly below that, add:

    char buf6[100];

   Then further down, find the following:

    /* exec - descriptors are inherited */

    sprintf( buf,  "%d", port );

    sprintf( buf2, "%d", control );

    sprintf( buf3, "%d", control2 );

    sprintf( buf4, "%d", conclient );

    sprintf( buf5, "%d", conjava );


    execl( EXE_FILE, "smaug", buf, "hotboot",  buf2, buf3, buf4, buf5, (char *)NULL );

   Change that to read as follows:

#ifdef I3

   if( I3_is_connected() )







    /* exec - descriptors are inherited */

    sprintf( buf,  "%d", port );

    sprintf( buf2, "%d", control );

    sprintf( buf3, "%d", control2 );

    sprintf( buf4, "%d", conclient );

    sprintf( buf5, "%d", conjava );

#ifdef I3

    snprintf( buf6, 100, "%d", I3_socket );


    strncpy( buf6, "-1", 100 );


    execl( EXE_FILE, "smaug", buf, "hotboot",  buf2, buf3, buf4, buf5, buf6, (char *)NULL );

8b: For users of SWR derivatives:

In your i3cfg.h file, replace the CH_LEVEL line with the following:

#define CH_I3LEVEL(ch)          ((ch)->top_level)

8c: For users of CalareyMUD 2.0 and 3.0:

In your imccgh.h file, REMOVE the CH_IMCLEVEL macro.

In imc.c, find the imc_adjust_perms function.

Replace it with this one:

void I3_adjust_perms( CHAR_DATA *ch )


   /* Ugly hack to let the permission system adapt freely, but retains the ability to override that adaptation

    * in the event you need to restrict someone to a lower level, or grant someone a higher level. This of

    * course comes at the cost of forgetting you may have done so and caused the override flag to be set, but hey.

    * This isn't a perfect system and never will be. Samson 2-8-04.


   if( !I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_PERMOVERRIDE ) )


      /* This will default to MORT only - you will need to override this with "none" to

       * keep people you don't want using it off.


      if( ch->pcdata->permissions == 0 )

	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_MORT;

      else if( IS_SET( ch->pcdata->permissions, PERMIT_BUILD ) )

	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_IMM;

      else if( IS_SET( ch->pcdata->permissions, PERMIT_ADMIN ) )

	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_ADMIN;

      else if( IS_SET( ch->pcdata->permissions, PERMIT_SECURITY ) )

	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_IMP;




Return to the main I3Install.txt file and continue.