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<title>MUD-Dev message, [MUD-Dev] Re: simulation vs. storytelling is a fallacious dist</title>
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<H1>[MUD-Dev] Re: simulation vs. storytelling is a fallacious distinction</H1>
<LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev#kanga,nu">mud-dev#kanga,nu</A>,<A HREF="mailto:ApplePiMan#aol,com">ApplePiMan#aol,com</A></LI>
<LI><em>Subject</em>: [MUD-Dev] Re: simulation vs. storytelling is a fallacious distinction</LI>
<LI><em>From</em>: James Wilson &lt;<A HREF="mailto:jwilson#rochester,rr.com">jwilson#rochester,rr.com</A>&gt;</LI>
<LI><em>Date</em>: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 23:01:34 -0400</LI>
<LI><em>Reply-To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev#kanga,nu">mud-dev#kanga,nu</A></LI>

On Sat, 03 Oct 1998, ApplePiMan#aol,com wrote:
&gt;At 10/3/98 11:55 AM James Wilson (jwilson#rochester,rr.com) altered the 
&gt;fabric of reality by uttering:

really. maybe the earth moved for you, but I've been around the block
and it was nothing special. ;)

&gt;&gt;1. "manipulates-mental-state": to what degree is the player character's 
&gt;&gt;internal state (emotions, memory, identity) manipulated by the game?

&gt;Or how about "nudging" the player into our chosen internal state, as 
&gt;cinema and literature do, by selectively filtering what text and visuals 
&gt;we display to induce the "mood" we want players to have at that point in 
&gt;the narrative? If that qualifies, then the system *I'm* envisioning would 
&gt;rank high on the scale. I'm not *telling* them how they feel, and I'm not 
&gt;controlling their actions; but I *am* trying to *cause* players to feel 
&gt;what I want them to using tried and true artistic techniques.

"mood" is on the line. I think the distinction (and it is an important one)
is between the mental state of the player and the mental state of the character.
If the player is _informed_ that their character is in love, that does not make
the player swoon with delight. If manipulation is accomplished through more
subtle means such as art, music, et al - "mood" is a concise way to put this - 
the character (which is incapable of appreciating such things) is unaffected,
but the player may be.

I am thinking now of the flickering lights in Doom, which were (at the time)
quite effective in making me skittish and tense. At the time I didn't notice
the manipulation at all - it was all subliminal, which made it all the more
effective. As a (stupid) alternative to "mood", the Doom people could have 
marked sectors as "spooky", and informed me somehow that I (i.e. my character)
became especially tense when I entered it. (As if those stoked-up Doom avatars
needed to be any more tense, eh?) Further, they could have programmed the
engine such that, if my character is marked as "tense", he has a chance of
accidentally firing without my hitting the button. (I always thought the
berserk box should make you a psycho.)

&gt;&gt;3. "all-objects-manipulable": to what degree is every logical object in 
&gt;&gt;the game amenable to 'realistic' manipulation, where 'realistic' means 
&gt;&gt;'coherent with the assumed laws of nature'? 

&gt;Again, sorry, no short answer.

nor should there be.

[short answer snipped]

&gt;&gt;	3(a). "real-world-simulation": to what degree does the game 
&gt;&gt; (attempt to)
 model the real world? clearly this is dependent upon #3
&gt;&gt; (but not vice versa).

&gt;If by 'real world' you mean *our* real world, I


&gt;can't answer that (for 
&gt;various reasons, but mostly because it's revealing more about my system 
&gt;than I care to at this point -- I'll answer it later =) ). If you mean 
&gt;the 'real world' as defined for the purposes of the game (i.e., is the 
&gt;world self-consistent?),

this more general meaning was what I was looking for with #3.

&gt; the answer would be to a large degree, but not 
&gt;if it gets in the way of narrative. Note however, that it's generally 
&gt;entirely possible to come up with self-consistent "reasons" to explain 
&gt;away inconsistencies, and do it in a manner that doesn't harm the 

clearly one can simply redefine the target for the sim to be exactly what the
sim does ("I don't want to model the real world, I want to model a diku mud").
This is why I asked about individual objects being manipulable in some
consistent way, i.e. governed by (a coherent set of) laws of nature - it's a
much easier question to answer than "how good is the sim?".

&gt; Just look at all the hoops Piers Anthony jumps through to 
&gt;explain the inconsistencies in Xanth. My point is not that he does it 
&gt;well or elegantly, but rather that his readers don't seem to mind the 
&gt;contrivances, as long as there is *some* 'official' explanation of the 

indeed. I doubt that playability and fun-ness have a direct correlation with
this particular quality. 

I'm ignoring the fact that Piers Anthony is a terrible writer. ;)



<LI><STRONG><A NAME="00060" HREF="msg00060.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: simulation vs. storytelling is a fallacious distinction</A></STRONG>
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<ul><li>Thread context:
<LI><strong><A NAME="00075" HREF="msg00075.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: [DESIGN] To kill or not to kill? (non-violent conflict)</A></strong>, 
Robert Woods <a href="mailto:rwoods#honors,unr.edu">rwoods#honors,unr.edu</a>, Mon 05 Oct 1998, 05:09 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00076" HREF="msg00076.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: [DESIGN] To kill or not to kill? (non-violent conflict)</A></strong>, 
Marc Hernandez <a href="mailto:marc#jb,com">marc#jb,com</a>, Mon 05 Oct 1998, 06:42 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00084" HREF="msg00084.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: [DESIGN] To kill or not to kill? (non-violent conflict)</A></strong>, 
The Wildman <a href="mailto:wildman#microserve,net">wildman#microserve,net</a>, Mon 05 Oct 1998, 18:09 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00060" HREF="msg00060.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: simulation vs. storytelling is a fallacious distinction</A></strong>, 
ApplePiMan <a href="mailto:ApplePiMan#aol,com">ApplePiMan#aol,com</a>, Sun 04 Oct 1998, 01:36 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00064" HREF="msg00064.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: simulation vs. storytelling is a fallacious distinction</A></strong>, 
James Wilson <a href="mailto:jwilson#rochester,rr.com">jwilson#rochester,rr.com</a>, Sun 04 Oct 1998, 03:41 GMT
<li>&lt;Possible follow-up(s)&gt;<br>
<LI><strong><A NAME="00065" HREF="msg00065.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: simulation vs. storytelling is a fallacious distinction</A></strong>, 
ApplePiMan <a href="mailto:ApplePiMan#aol,com">ApplePiMan#aol,com</a>, Sun 04 Oct 1998, 05:08 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00059" HREF="msg00059.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: [Off-Topic] Patents (Was Re: Storytelling vs. Simulationist)</A></strong>, 
ApplePiMan <a href="mailto:ApplePiMan#aol,com">ApplePiMan#aol,com</a>, Sun 04 Oct 1998, 00:14 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00050" HREF="msg00050.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Quest engines</A></strong>, 
Koster, Raph <a href="mailto:rkoster#origin,ea.com">rkoster#origin,ea.com</a>, Sat 03 Oct 1998, 18:06 GMT
<li>&lt;Possible follow-up(s)&gt;<br>
<LI><strong><A NAME="00061" HREF="msg00061.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Quest engines</A></strong>, 
ApplePiMan <a href="mailto:ApplePiMan#aol,com">ApplePiMan#aol,com</a>, Sun 04 Oct 1998, 02:23 GMT

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