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<!--X-Subject: [MUD&#45;Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D esign) -->
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<title>MUD-Dev message, [MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D </title>
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<H1>[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D esign)</H1>
<LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev#kanga,nu">mud-dev#kanga,nu</A></LI>
<LI><em>Subject</em>: [MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D esign) </LI>
<LI><em>From</em>: J C Lawrence &lt;<A HREF="mailto:claw#under,engr.sgi.com">claw#under,engr.sgi.com</A>&gt;</LI>
<LI><em>Date</em>: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 15:00:08 -0700</LI>
<LI><em>Reply-To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev#kanga,nu">mud-dev#kanga,nu</A></LI>
On Wed, 14 Oct 1998 15:38:21 -0500 
Wilburn, E J&lt;WilburnE#kochind,com&gt; wrote:

&gt; The only real problem I can forsee would be the user hacking the
&gt; client to respond to triggers much quicker than they would be able
&gt; to manually.  In most cases this presents no problem but it all
&gt; depends on your implentation and wether or not your game includes
&gt; any time sensitive listening procs.  Most clients build in some
&gt; form of Macros which is esentially the same thing (with or without
&gt; the trigger ability).

Given that I actively support and encourage free user programming on
the server, this is hardly a problem.  Any automation or
intelligence you can implement as a client-side function can be done
as server-side soft-code with the advantage of guaranteed response
time (which is not present for a client) as well as an environment
specifically crafted to support such operations.  

Given that world, automated clients are generally at a potential
disadvantage (for the first time) as verus straight telnet users.

J C Lawrence                               Internet: claw#null,net
(Contractor)                               Internet: coder#ibm,net
---------(*)                     Internet: claw#under,engr.sgi.com
...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...


<LI><STRONG><A NAME="00207" HREF="msg00207.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online WorldD esign)</A></STRONG>
<UL><LI><EM>From:</EM> "Wilburn, E.J." &lt;WilburnE#kochind,com&gt;</LI></UL></LI>
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<ul><li>Thread context:
<LI><strong><A NAME="00210" HREF="msg00210.html">[MUD-Dev] ADMIN: unsubscriptions</A></strong>, 
J C Lawrence <a href="mailto:claw#under,engr.sgi.com">claw#under,engr.sgi.com</a>, Wed 14 Oct 1998, 22:30 GMT
<li>&lt;Possible follow-up(s)&gt;<br>
<LI><strong><A NAME="00358" HREF="msg00358.html">[MUD-Dev] ADMIN: Unsubscriptions</A></strong>, 
J C Lawrence <a href="mailto:claw#under,engr.sgi.com">claw#under,engr.sgi.com</a>, Thu 22 Oct 1998, 18:07 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00673" HREF="msg00673.html">[MUD-Dev] ADMIN: Unsubscriptions</A></strong>, 
J C Lawrence <a href="mailto:claw#kanga,nu">claw#kanga,nu</a>, Sun 01 Nov 1998, 17:34 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00207" HREF="msg00207.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online WorldD esign)</A></strong>, 
Wilburn, E.J. <a href="mailto:WilburnE#kochind,com">WilburnE#kochind,com</a>, Wed 14 Oct 1998, 20:45 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00209" HREF="msg00209.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D esign)</A></strong>, 
J C Lawrence <a href="mailto:claw#under,engr.sgi.com">claw#under,engr.sgi.com</a>, Wed 14 Oct 1998, 22:02 GMT
<li>&lt;Possible follow-up(s)&gt;<br>
<LI><strong><A NAME="00208" HREF="msg00208.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online WorldD esign)</A></strong>, 
Wilburn, E.J. <a href="mailto:WilburnE#kochind,com">WilburnE#kochind,com</a>, Wed 14 Oct 1998, 21:14 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00212" HREF="msg00212.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D esign)</A></strong>, 
Jon Leonard <a href="mailto:jleonard#divcom,slimy.com">jleonard#divcom,slimy.com</a>, Wed 14 Oct 1998, 23:41 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00237" HREF="msg00237.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D esign)</A></strong>, 
Vadim Tkachenko <a href="mailto:vt#freehold,crocodile.org">vt#freehold,crocodile.org</a>, Sat 17 Oct 1998, 04:10 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00250" HREF="msg00250.html">[MUD-Dev] Re: Trusting the Client (Re: Laws of Online World D esign)</A></strong>, 
Steve Sparks <a href="mailto:ssparks#enigma,sss.org">ssparks#enigma,sss.org</a>, Mon 19 Oct 1998, 22:40 GMT

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