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<!--X-Subject: Re: [MUD&#45;Dev] Source Code Release -->
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<!--X-Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 04:42:43 +0000 -->
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<title>MUD-Dev message, Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</title>
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<H1>Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</H1>
<LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev#null,net">mud-dev#null,net</A></LI>
<LI><em>Subject</em>: Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release </LI>
<LI><em>From</em>: Richard Woolcock &lt;<A HREF="mailto:KaVir#dial,pipex.com">KaVir#dial,pipex.com</A>&gt;</LI>
<LI><em>Date</em>: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 01:09:06 -0800</LI>
Greg Munt wrote:
&gt; This isn't a flame. Well, at least, I don't intend it to be one. There is
&gt; a lot of rambling, and probably more bad assumptions. This may or may not
&gt; be related to the ambiguity and 'fuzziness' of the subject matter.
&gt; On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Richard Woolcock wrote:
&gt; &gt; Greg Munt wrote:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; &gt; I am wary of what will happen to my code - what it will be used to create
&gt; &gt; &gt; - once I have made it available to the general public.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; I'm also considering releasing some code, and have similar worries...
&gt; &gt; The real difference is that there is already an (old) copy of my code
&gt; &gt; which was stolen, and is floating around on the net.  Even if I release
&gt; &gt; my code, it was written when I was still learning C and some of it is
&gt; &gt; very badly written.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Could I really bring myself to drop such a mud on the mudding community?
&gt; &gt; No...not normally - but at least it would be far better than the hacked-up
&gt; &gt; mess floating around at the moment (which some people who have copies of
&gt; &gt; are even selling, because I refuse to give out the code).
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; At least if I did, it would be the first (to my knowledge) 'stock' leveless
&gt; &gt; mud (merc2.1 based), which might at least bring a little variety to the
&gt; &gt; stock scene.
&gt; Summary: you think that you should release crap code to the community,
&gt; because its 'less crap' than that which is currently circulating - and
&gt; does provide 'a little variety to the stock scene'.

The code currently in circulation is already being considered a stock base
by many people.  As far as 'adding a little variety'...well, it contains
more code than smaug, and has a completely different feel to any other
type of mud that I've ever played (it is basically 100% GoP).


&gt; If we were pure egotists, we would want to see unmodified versions of our
&gt; code spread throughout the net. Wouldn't we? Perhaps, perhaps not. A

I would want to see the code changed - I am even considering only giving
copies to people who are first able to demonstrate good mud coding skills.

&gt; steady flow of uninspiring stock muds condemns the base to ridicule on
&gt; usenet (who claims that stock DIKU is a good piece of code?) - and
&gt; indirectly, condemns us to it, too.

I admit that some of my code is bad - but the mud is fun to play, and isn't 
that what a 'good mud' is about?


&gt; This thread asks a question which has no real answer. It states what is
&gt; good, and what is bad, about releasing our code to the masses. But it does
&gt; not answer the question, "Am I adding any value, by releasing my code?"

Possibly, possibly not.  Perhaps I should answer with the question "Can
anyone know, until I've released my code?"

The fact of the matter is: A badly hacked up version of my code is already
being used (there are over half a dozen being run already).  Should I just
leave things as they are, or release a better version officially, thus 
stopping people charging money for copies of the code, as well as getting
recognition for the work I have done?



<LI><STRONG><A NAME="00440" HREF="msg00440.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></STRONG>
<UL><LI><EM>From:</EM> Greg Munt &lt;greg#uni-corn,demon.co.uk&gt;</LI></UL></LI>
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<ul><li>Thread context:
<LI><STRONG>Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</STRONG>, <EM>(continued)</EM>
<ul compact>
<ul compact>
<LI><strong><A NAME="00407" HREF="msg00407.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Richard Woolcock <a href="mailto:KaVir#dial,pipex.com">KaVir#dial,pipex.com</a>, Wed 11 Feb 1998, 21:16 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00410" HREF="msg00410.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Ben Greear <a href="mailto:greear#cyberhighway,net">greear#cyberhighway,net</a>, Thu 12 Feb 1998, 00:57 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00440" HREF="msg00440.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Greg Munt <a href="mailto:greg#uni-corn,demon.co.uk">greg#uni-corn,demon.co.uk</a>, Thu 12 Feb 1998, 19:11 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00497" HREF="msg00497.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
coder <a href="mailto:coder#ibm,net">coder#ibm,net</a>, Mon 16 Feb 1998, 22:28 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00518" HREF="msg00518.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Richard Woolcock <a href="mailto:KaVir#dial,pipex.com">KaVir#dial,pipex.com</a>, Wed 18 Feb 1998, 04:42 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00409" HREF="msg00409.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Ben Greear <a href="mailto:greear#cyberhighway,net">greear#cyberhighway,net</a>, Thu 12 Feb 1998, 00:51 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00439" HREF="msg00439.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Greg Munt <a href="mailto:greg#uni-corn,demon.co.uk">greg#uni-corn,demon.co.uk</a>, Thu 12 Feb 1998, 19:10 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00445" HREF="msg00445.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Ben Greear <a href="mailto:greear#cyberhighway,net">greear#cyberhighway,net</a>, Fri 13 Feb 1998, 00:48 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00454" HREF="msg00454.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Source Code Release</A></strong>, 
Greg Munt <a href="mailto:greg#uni-corn,demon.co.uk">greg#uni-corn,demon.co.uk</a>, Sat 14 Feb 1998, 00:10 GMT

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