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<!--X-Subject: Re: [MUD&#45;Dev] Text Parsing -->
<!--X-From-R13: "Fenivf E. Qnfrl" <rsvaqryNvb.pbz> -->
<!--X-Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 08:52:58 &#45;0700 -->
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<title>MUD-Dev message, Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</title>
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<H1>Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</H1>
<LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev#kanga,nu">mud-dev#kanga,nu</A></LI>
<LI><em>Subject</em>: Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</LI>
<LI><em>From</em>: "Travis S. Casey" &lt;<A HREF="mailto:efindel#io,com">efindel#io,com</A>&gt;</LI>
<LI><em>Date</em>: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:52:02 -0500 (CDT)</LI>
<LI><em>Reply-To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev#kanga,nu">mud-dev#kanga,nu</A></LI>
<LI><em>Sender</em>: <A HREF="mailto:mud-dev-admin#kanga,nu">mud-dev-admin#kanga,nu</A></LI>
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Katrina McClelan wrote:
&gt; On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Cynbe ru Taren wrote:

&gt; &gt; 1 | get the sword from the second bag
&gt; &gt; 2 | get sword 2.bag
&gt; &gt; 3 | ge sw 2.bag
&gt; &gt; useful for flattening the initial learning curve.  To the best of my
&gt; &gt; knowledge.  ("bag.2" or "bag2" "bag 2" would probably be preferred to
&gt; &gt; "2.bag" though, imho.)
&gt; I've seen too many diku derivative muds use the 2.bag notation... it's
&gt; expected by most mud veterans, and thus something they generally try.  Not
&gt; that it would hurt to support all of the above.

I've never seen it supported on LPs or Tiny-derivatives.  It's something
that most *Diku* (and Diku-derivative) veterans might try, but I'm not
sure about "most mud veterans."

(Heck, most mud veterans *I* know try looking at the help to see what sort
of commands are supported first, so they'd be able to deal with any
reasonable command structure.)

I do agree, though, that it would be a good idea for a mud to support that
syntax as well as the LP-style "sword 2" and the English "second sword"
and "2nd sword".

       |\      _,,,---,,_        Travis S. Casey  &lt;efindel#io,com&gt;
 ZZzz  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   No one agrees with me.  Not even me.
      |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
     '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) 

MUD-Dev maillist  -  MUD-Dev#kanga,nu
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<LI><STRONG><A NAME="00389" HREF="msg00389.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</A></STRONG>
<UL><LI><EM>From:</EM> Katrina McClelan &lt;kitkat#marcus,pants.nu&gt;</LI></UL></LI>
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<ul><li>Thread context:
<LI><STRONG>Re: [MUD-Dev] Languages (slightly offtopic, was Text Parsing)</STRONG>, <EM>(continued)</EM>
<ul compact>
<ul compact>
<ul compact>
<ul compact>
<ul compact>
<LI><strong><A NAME="00397" HREF="msg00397.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Languages (slightly offtopic, was Text Parsing)</A></strong>, 
Jp Calderone <a href="mailto:exarkun#flashmail,com">exarkun#flashmail,com</a>, Wed 02 Jun 1999, 23:23 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00412" HREF="msg00412.html">[MUD-Dev] Re[2]: [MUD-Dev] Languages (slightly offtopic, was Text Parsing)</A></strong>, 
Travis Casey <a href="mailto:efindel#io,com">efindel#io,com</a>, Thu 03 Jun 1999, 01:30 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00403" HREF="msg00403.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Languages (slightly offtopic, was Text Parsing)</A></strong>, 
Greg Miller <a href="mailto:gmiller#classic-games,com">gmiller#classic-games,com</a>, Wed 02 Jun 1999, 23:25 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00389" HREF="msg00389.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</A></strong>, 
Katrina McClelan <a href="mailto:kitkat#marcus,pants.nu">kitkat#marcus,pants.nu</a>, Wed 02 Jun 1999, 14:31 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00393" HREF="msg00393.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</A></strong>, 
Travis S. Casey <a href="mailto:efindel#io,com">efindel#io,com</a>, Wed 02 Jun 1999, 15:52 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00404" HREF="msg00404.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</A></strong>, 
Greg Miller <a href="mailto:gmiller#classic-games,com">gmiller#classic-games,com</a>, Wed 02 Jun 1999, 23:25 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00480" HREF="msg00480.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</A></strong>, 
Martin C Sweitzer <a href="mailto:msew+@andrew.cmu.edu">msew+@andrew.cmu.edu</a>, Fri 04 Jun 1999, 15:39 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00506" HREF="msg00506.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</A></strong>, 
Jp Calderone <a href="mailto:exarkun#flashmail,com">exarkun#flashmail,com</a>, Fri 04 Jun 1999, 22:44 GMT
<LI><strong><A NAME="00385" HREF="msg00385.html">Re: [MUD-Dev] Text Parsing</A></strong>, 
Chris Gray <a href="mailto:cg#ami-cg,GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA">cg#ami-cg,GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA</a>, Wed 02 Jun 1999, 13:49 GMT

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